«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…
✏️ https://frontendmasters.com/blog/split-effects-with-no-co…
An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: Wait. Wait. Wait, on the turn... Easy now...
[Space Command]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/305/308 B7B1
I asked my daughter what that big machine was and she guessed “a synthesizer?” 😂 #synthesizer https://chaos.social/@leyrer/113452077797444486
Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord
ORAC: Why not ask them?
TARRANT: [Into comm] This is Xenon base, identify yourselves. [static] I repeat, identify yourselves. [more static] You have ten seconds or I'll open fire.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/412/23 B7B3
«Gesetz für EU-weite Produkthaftung – Hersteller von Hard- und Software haften für Fehler:
[,…] Nutzt ein Anbieter Open-Source-Komponenten in einem kommerziell angebotenen Softwareprodukt, kann dieser Anbieter für aufgetretene Schäden haftbar gemacht werden. […]»
Spannend und mMn sehr positiv aber werden auch Staaten in Europa außerhalb der EU dem auch nachgehen oder reden sich die US-Firmen raus?
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
ZEN: Course and speed confirmed.
AVON: With our speed we'll probably outrun them. This time. But they'll keep coming. Pushing us, tracking us. They'll never give up.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/103/588 B7B2
I didn't get Hexcodle #485 :( Score: 55%
Do you know the RGB value by heart for your website customers? Well, I don't either and have to check every time.
🦜 https://hexcodle.com
Mastodon Archive to HTML
Convert a Mastodon account export into a human-friendly webpage
:mastodon: #ArchiveTools