2024-10-31 03:09:40
Spende so, dass der #BDS was dagegen hat. #ConneIsland #NoBDS ✌️
Can I ask you something? At home, when you go from your kitchen to your bathroom, where do you park?
That's crazy. I don't drive in the house. It's all --
Shut up. You don't understand stuff.
Chinafake tip: if you visit https://chinafake.wiki frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!
[ April 28, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null https://philevents.org/event/show/127622
Allekirjoita vetoomus koirien puolesta! #eläinoikeudet #koirat #Yulin
Still up? Go check out the moon. 🌕 The bright object nearby is Jupiter, a gas giant planet 385,650,657 miles away from Earth (as of 10 minutes ago). #lookUp
Got a watt meter and measured my amd a4 that I use as a server and 35w when I am doing almost nothing.
Looking at options and the dell wyse 5070 has more performance with less power usage. The amd a4 trully sucks
Lovely account of a fun foray with ancient web tech that's pretty much begging to be reverse engineered, and made into something beautiful at #JumboHack
Winning a hackathon, losing my sanity — Jerome Paulos
Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown
JENNA: It all happened so quickly. One minute he was crying with pain, then he went beserk.
VILA: I'm glad he's a friend. Could get very painful if he really didn't like you.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/110/10 B7B3
Vaadi loppua kunniaan liittyvälle väkivallalle: allekirjoita vetoomus! #ihmisoikeudet https://ihmisoikeusliitto.fi/loppu-kunniaan-liittyvalle-vakivallalle/…
Uhhhh why’s @… not accepting my follow request in this account?
Yes please! Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002291
J'ai découvert l'expression « pro bono ».
Le pro bono est une ancienne locution latine, provenant de « pro bono publico » signifiant « pour le bien public », qui désigne le travail réalisé Š titre gracieux par un profess…
Hi, I am an economist working at #ZBW, the world's largest library for economics and management. I am mostly on Bluesky, but I am also here now @…
The Blue Genie Art Bazaar opened yesterday November 15 and runs through December 24 at 6100 Airport Blvd 10am-10pm every day (10-6 December 24) bluegenieartbazaar.com #nakatsubyjna #handmade #vinylbags nakatsubyj…
Google 'Retrofits' Spatial Memory Safety Onto C
Google researchers showed they were able to "retrofit" spatial #safety onto their C #code'bases, and to do it with a surprisingly low impact on #performance
Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
BLAKE: We'll pull out. Give it another hour.
[Inside the Security station]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/205/168 B7B2
Watching the 2018 sequel to #Halloween last night wasn’t too terrifying.
However. It did set me up for having a small heart attack when I spotted this over my shoulder hanging in the bathroom.
Adieu, mon ami. Dans nos jeunes années, nous étions camarades de classe, et plus tard dans nos vies, nous avons partagé la place de la Palud lors de nos campagnes politiques. Je garderai en mémoire ton écoute et ta présence. Chaque soir, en traversant la ville, lorsque je vois un feu tricolore clignoter en orange, je penserai Š toi. Ce souvenir restera pour moi un moyen de te garder proche. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté.
Follow me on bluesky here: https://bsky.app/profile/mszll.datasci.social.ap.brid.gy
(My posts from Mastodon will be bridged to there)
I see that HomeAsaistent is way more powerful than HomeBridge. Can it also add its HA devices and stuff to the HomeKit Home app like HomeBridge can tho?
[ April 10, 2025 - April 11, 2025] Conference or similar: AI and the Ends of Humanity: Thinking Theologically after ChatGPT https://philevents.org/event/show/125022
"Hey, gran'kids, did you know there was a time when the AI was just *a part of* the game engine - not the *other* way around? ..." 👴 #DecartEtched #Minecraft #gameinAI
«Nextcloud Talk – Open-Source-Tool will Microsoft Teams ablösen:
Mit dem Paris-Update erhält Nextcloud Talk einen Desktop-Client. Generative KI soll digitale Meetings effizienter gestalten.»
Wenn @… von der Masse der Industrie wie ua zB auch @…
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
BLAKE: Well, I doubt whether we'd understand the manuals, so go ahead and try one. Go on.
JENNA: Well, don't blame me if it's self-destruct.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/103/50 B7B2
Mastodon Archive to HTML
Convert a Mastodon account export into a human-friendly webpage
:mastodon: #ArchiveTools
Thank you, @… . It's been decades since I thought about DOS Shell.
Our first PC came with MS-DOS 5 and also Windows 3.1. So even then DOS Shell seemed quaint and antiquated. But in a fun way.
Isn't the #fediverse actually a confederacy; a #confediverse?
Autonomous nodes with no central government.
Some recycled vinyl banner totes I made for Blue Genie Art in their booth, at the Blue Genie Art Bazaar using banners from their past events, so limited edition. 6100 Airport Blvd 10-10 everyday, and 10-6 Dec 24. @Nakatsubyjna #bagmaker #vinylbags #sewing #bluegenieartbazaar #nakatsubyjna #handmade #austintexas #austintx #atx
Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
TARRANT: What use will that be? The main drive chamber can't be pressurized. How do you carry out a delicate repair operation wearing a spacesuit and gauntlets?
VILA: I don't.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/404/48 B7B5
Series C, Episode 01 - Aftermath
MELLANBY: Come and sit down.
AVON: Thank you.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/301/185 B7B4
Rethinking Thanksgiving webinar starting in 10 minutes
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
TARRANT: Here, try her with this. Should snap her out of it.
VILA: That stuff would snap an asteroid out of orbit.
#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 02 - Space Fall
BLAKE: Yes! We're all right. But we're still checking.
LEYLAN: Stay in contact, Blake.
Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
MORI: [V.O.] If you come in that approach, you will find no detectors to pick you up, and no opposition.
SERVALAN: Excellent. We will regroup immediately and approach on that bearing.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/303/565 B7B3
CFP: Making Boundaries 2025 #acrel #Religidons #AARSBL https://
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
ZEN: Course and speed confirmed.
AVON: With our speed we'll probably outrun them. This time. But they'll keep coming. Pushing us, tracking us. They'll never give up.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/103/588 B7B2
Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon
TRAVIS: And the slave pits?
SERVALAN: When you're of no further use to me, Travis.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/203/68 B7B2
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 10 - Ultraworld
CALLY: [V.O. still faint] Help me, please. I don't know where I am.
AVON: Cally, where are you? We need your location.
[ February 21, 2025] Conference or similar: On Morality and Revelation: A book symposium on Amir Saemi's Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond (OUP, 2024) https://philevents.org/event/show/129842
«Schon wieder Ausfälle bei #Microsoft 365:
Erneut gibt es Probleme mit den #Office #Web-Anwendungen. Auch das #Admin…
Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud