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2024-04-12 16:19:28

I used to love these book as. Actually, just got the Fighting Fantasy books on iPad to play again.
My Top 10 Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
2024-04-10 05:44:40

novel-writer 2.0.0をリリースしました。
2024-03-12 11:28:27
@… I hope it'll be optional, return to linux, anyone?
2024-04-13 20:29:53

„Бабо Мравке, где така?“ – Александър Божинов – Megolina – страничка за детска поезия
2024-04-12 05:09:37

Time for another Future Urban Farmer! Get Ready for a Sustainable Agricultural Journey: Repurposing Wooden Palettes for Raised Beds! #futureurbanfarmer #garden #gardening
2024-03-12 11:25:25
@… I don't know how to build that, it errors out.
2024-03-11 17:20:05

The programme is all-new tonight at 8pm EDT over at

Silhouette of two earbuds dangle from the top of the image, a blurred horizon takes the bottom middle third of the image, the sun just peeking over the horizon.

Orange text overlaid promoting a radio show, details in the main post.
2024-05-11 19:04:36

Cicadas are loud guys. #Nashville #cicadas
2024-04-13 12:11:54

Ich habe durch Zufall russische erotische Märchen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert ausgegraben. (Falls ihr auch interessiert seid: Auf Wikisource, auf Russisch und ich habe noch nicht reingelesen, also anklicken und lesen auf eigene Gefahr:
2024-04-13 20:29:53

„Бабо Мравке, где така?“ – Александър Божинов – Megolina – страничка за детска поезия
2024-04-12 10:11:59

#TGIQF: Das Quiz rund um Juri Gagarin und das Space Shuttle
Am 12. April 1961 startete Juri Gagarin als erster Mensch ins All, zwei Dekaden später war der Erstflug des Space Shuttles. Wir würdigen das mit einem Quiz.
2024-03-12 11:07:54
@… @… I don't
2024-04-14 01:51:55

The world of Falural is in peril, but the emergence of four champions brings a glimmer of hope. Through their journey, they will discover unexpected allies and unlock their true potential. Will they be able to save Falural before it's too late?
Champions of Falural, a fantasy adventure novel by Linda Teppler
2024-03-12 01:00:05

2024-04-13 16:58:28

Wow. Germany, are you ok, hon?
2024-05-13 14:43:45

It's so frustrating that so many people in tech just take seriously all of these things that come from tech giants and think they're "ideas" that should be "tested for their merits".
My child, these tech giants only want one thing, and it's disgusting: shareholder value.
They don't care about you. They don't care about the Internet. They don't care about the community. They don't even care about technology.
2024-04-13 19:13:30

Senat könnte Wohnungen bauen, will aber nicht.
»Sie wollen also gar nicht bauen, bauen, bauen. Sondern diskursiv arbeiten. Sonst wird ja so getan, als ob es andersherum wäre.« (Katalin Gennburg)
"»Ich glaube, in der Lage sind wir nicht, dass wir jetzt eine staatliche Wohnungsbaueinheit brauchen«, bekräftigte am Montag Bausenator Christian Gaebler (SPD) im Stadtentwicklungsausschuss des Abgeordnetenhauses die Haltung."
2024-03-13 02:31:27

Russia strikes Sumy Oblast, injuring 5 children, 1 adult:
2024-05-13 19:57:32

GPT-4o's text and image capabilities are rolling out to ChatGPT Plus and Team users; GPT-4o's voice version is coming soon; mysterious gpt2-chatbot was GPT-4o (Ina Fried/Axios)
2024-05-13 10:00:05

"I am mad that vital human institutions and practices are being threatened, contorted, disrupted, killed off, that hundreds or thousands of people doing this kind of work are unemployed, are fighting for their right to earn a living, because a handful of tech companies have seen fit to profit at their expense, no matter the human cost."
(Original title: For artists, writers, humans, big tech's mission has been clarified: "Crush!")
2024-03-12 16:30:47

@… @… do you mean like a links section? I think @… does this amazingly:
2024-03-13 21:59:08

Hallo Freunde des Internets!
Ich weise darauf hin das auch Mastodon kein rechtsfreier Raum ist.
Wenn ihr Beleidigungen, Morddrohungen, offensichtlich / direkt Aufrufe zu Gewalt, ggf. auch Hassrede (von Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit, sowie jeder Form der Diskriminierung) seht und es euch zu extrem wird, dann wendet euch an:
2024-03-13 15:13:42

Presentation from Torben Christensen on new work just published in @… #ClimateChange on the effects of the Russian invasion of #Ukraine on what we know about the
2024-04-12 19:47:43

Das war eine sehr schöne Veranstaltung über KI in Studium und Lehre, vom Institut für Schulpädagogik und Didaktik des @…. Organisiert von @…. Deren Dokumentation wird demnächst hier zu finden sein:
2024-03-13 21:58:40

Dutch greenhouse gas #emissions down by 6% last year, to 34% below their 1990 level!
Emissions from electricity generation down 22% year-on-year thanks to more renewable, less fossil electricity.
Transport emissions up by 9% due to growth in aviation.

Pie chart on emissions 2023: 
Manufacturing 32%
Mobility 20%
Agriculture 17%
Electricity 16%
Buildings 12%
Land use 3%
2024-05-12 16:58:17

Ich schaue mir jedes Jahre total gerne das Dok.fest Filmfestival in München an.
"WHERE WE USED TO SLEEP" hat es mir dieses Jahr besonders angetan. Das langsame Portrait einer alten Frau, ihrem Hund und einer Kuh in der unangenehmen Lage, von einer Kupfermine verdrängt zu werden. In der genauen Beobachtung der traurigen Konsequenz von Heimatverlust leider großartig und niederschmetternd ehrlich.
2024-05-12 07:57:26

Ich dachte die Scheibe auf der Nemo tanzt wird elektronisch gesteuert, tatsächlich greifen aber zwei Personen mehrmals ein, die zumindest ich in der Übertragung nicht gesehen habe:
Falls jemand mehr Hintergründe hat, gerne schicken.

Screenshot eines TikTok Videos. Nemo sitzt auf einer metallischen Scheibe mit etwa zwei Meter Durchmesser. Die Scheibe ist auf einem Gelenk befestigt, die Seite auf der Nemo sitzt ist abgesenkt. Auf der anderen Seite sind zwei schwarz gekleidete Personen zu sehen, die gerade die Scheibe hochgelaufen sind und ihr Gewicht nun auf die Seite drücken, die oben ist.
2024-03-13 02:12:29

Montana Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges as Part of Yearslong Effort to Create Giant Hybrid Sheep for Captive Hunting
#MTNews #Montana
2024-03-12 10:08:30
@… there are no docs for that.
2024-04-12 16:28:39

Another epic series. #chooseyourownadventure #retrogaming
Lone Wolf Game Books: The Epic Saga
2024-05-12 08:24:26

Today, 16 years ago, Debian published a security advisory announcing CVE-2008-0166, a severe bug in their OpenSSL package that effectively broke the random number generator and limited the key space to a few ten thousand keys. The vulnerability affected Debian Ubuntu between 2006 and 2008. In 2007, an email signature system called DKIM was introduced. Is it possible that people configured DKIM in 2007, never changed their key, and are still vulnerable to CVE-2008-0166?
2024-03-13 11:46:40

Another reason why you should share the things you learn on your personal site: you can always look it up later yourself! 😎
From the archives:
Generating Accessibility Test Results for a Whole Website With Pa11y CI
#accessibility #a11y
2024-05-13 03:33:28

Daughter @… dropped me off and then went to check out the Last of Us set in downtown Nanaimo.
Slightly awesome. 😆
#Lastofus #set

A tree lies on a sidewalk in front of a truck. A post apocalyptic set in a side street.
2024-05-12 18:14:05

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press announces
2024 Freedom of the Press Award honorees
#PressFreedom #1A #Journalism
2024-03-12 09:19:09

Im Tagesschau-Podcast „11KM“ geht es darum, wie BR Recherche über hundert Neonazis, Identitäre oder sogenannte „Neue Rechte“ als Mitarbeitende im Bundestag identifiziert hat.
Für mich immer noch unglaublich: dass auf der Suche nach allen AfD-Mitarbeitenden durchs Reichstagsgebäude gelaufen wurde und mühsam Namen von den Türschildern abgelesen werden mussten. Gibt es bei der Bundestagsverwaltung wirklich keine Liste, wer dort aus welchem Budget bezahlt wird?
2024-04-12 18:10:15

Wienerin (82) betrogen - Witwe übergab falschen Polizisten 1,5 Mio. Euro #News #Nachrichten
2024-03-13 16:10:30

Biri double-take: Arpeggios beautiful chord progressions irregular rhythms = instant uplift!
Biri — Through The Fields (2019)
Beatless remix of the same track (2020):
2024-03-13 18:18:30

The #DeviceMapper #VDO target, which provides block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning, has been merged for #Linux 6.9:
2024-04-13 02:25:55

This smacks of desperation. The take rate on the FSD free trials must be abysmal.
“Tesla slashes Full Self-Driving monthly subscription to $99”
#tesla #cars #ev
2024-05-13 00:39:45
Content warning:

#WordWeavers 12 May: Who is the best friend in your story?
In the current #WIP I #amEditing, the goddess Demeter seeks the advice and company of her friend Aphrodite. Since this is
2024-05-12 23:00:53

#NowPlaying - pure '90s #indie comfort food. micro-algorithmically: a little bit of twang, some of camper van beethoven's lightness, the less-outside parts of elephant 6, or maybe just the beatles-y parts of ween. also dutch, but singing in english.

Bingo Trappers Sierra Nevada
2024-03-13 00:09:11

#AkkuDoktor #AndreasSchmitz und @… erklären Strompreise und woher Netzentgelte kommen:

Stromgedacht app - zeigt auch an, wenn besonders viel Grüner Strom verfügbar ist
video minute 3:42 erwähnt die Umwelt Bundesamt Studie: Der Norden hat 526 GW Leistungspotential für Windkraft. Der Süden liegt nicht wesentlich drunter mit 375 GW, aber interessanterweise vor Hessen/NRW/RLP/Sachsen/Thüringen mit 287 GW
2024-04-12 07:44:49

Very cool to read this review by @…
Also on HN:
2024-05-12 12:56:26

"Only" 82 reps today, and I'm not going to do a second or third set. Here are the last four from this set. Last week, I had 95. But I injured my right shoulder last week – tore some muscle fiber in the upper tricep area — and it needs to heal
#SeniorFitness #calisthenics
2024-05-13 08:51:45

My hunt for a missing TV episode – and what it shows about being Black in Britain | Jason Okundaye | The Guardian
On making sure the stories of all communities can be told in the future:
'callouts for people to submit their possessions to valuable public archives is one solution; and a greater effort from museums, libraries and universities to build trust and reach people is essential'
2024-04-13 20:50:48

Tjongejonge, wat had #EvenTotHier toch weer een fan-tas-ti-sche aflevering vanavond. Gemist? Terugkijken is een must!
Hieronder een fragment uit de aflevering: een gezamenlijk ''statement/protest' van de NPO, en tegelijkertijd een hilarische vooruitblik van hoe het straks zou gaan als programma's gedwongen moeten fuseren ...
2024-03-12 15:00:06

"NSW lags on rollout of renewables, putting Australia’s 2030 clean energy target at risk"
#Australia #NSW #NewSouthWales
2024-05-12 09:37:50

Today I've discovered that someone made a #SoundFont for the very first #Casio #keyboard I ever had when I was a kid, the Casio SA 10, that stopped being produced in 1988:

Picture of the Casio SA 10 keyboard.
2024-04-12 10:56:32

I don't believe Iran will launch an assault from it's territory on Israel. It will use it's proxies. So unless Israel strikes back in Iran itself, a large escalation after an assault can maybe be avoided.
#iran geopolitics @…
2024-03-13 12:53:54

Ich finde es unabdingbar, dass demokratischen Parteien und deren Vertreter*innen geltendes Recht und gesprochene Gerichtsurteile akzeptieren und umsetzen.
Dass sowohl die Bundesregierung aus SPD, Grünen und FDP das #Klimaschutzgesetz mit Vorsatz missachtet und dass die Bayerische Landesregierung von CSU und freien Wählern die Umsetzung von Gerichtsurteilen für
2024-03-12 09:55:09

I returned to linux, ubuntu asahi, but I need keybase client, anyone something?
2024-03-12 17:10:56
@… I can't see it's script.
2024-05-12 11:28:36

Fuck Eurovision. Fuck Israel. Fuck Zionism. Fuck settler colonialism. Fuck apartheid. Fuck ethnic cleansing. Fuck genocide.
(And if you’re more concerned by my language than with the injustices it decries then fuck you too.)
#Eurovision #Eurovision2024
2024-05-12 20:13:02

Dunja Hayali beendet ein Interview im #heutejournal mit der Aussage: Einen Waffenstillstand könnte es sehr schnell geben, wenn die Hamas die Geiseln frei ließe.m
Glaube, das ist strittig.
Und gibt ihrem Gast, paläst. Friedensaktivist Sami Awad, keine Gelegenheit, etwas zu erwidern.
2024-05-13 19:35:47

Google's rollout of AI generated summaries in search will threaten web publishers; Gartner predicts traffic to the web from search engines will fall 25% by 2026 (Washington Post)
2024-04-12 08:26:35

Had not seen this one:
"AI’s Ostensible Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage"
with the whole "#AIs will magically become more competent with more data because emergence" thing coming up now that the capabilities of AI systems are mediocre for most real world cases this is good to have as a link.
2024-03-13 21:59:08

Hallo Freunde des Internets!
Ich weise darauf hin das auch Mastodon kein rechtsfreier Raum ist.
Wenn ihr Beleidigungen, Morddrohungen, offensichtlich / direkt Aufrufe zu Gewalt, ggf. auch Hassrede (von Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit, sowie jeder Form der Diskriminierung) seht und es euch zu extrem wird, dann wendet euch an:
2024-03-13 00:17:14

How to make video soundbites: Like Trump’s scheme to cut Social Security.
2024-03-12 20:00:23

“The future hinges on our ability to both reform the current system and create a new one that genuinely serves the best interests of humanity. To achieve this, we must break down data silos to encourage collaboration, create market conditions in which a diversity of options thrive to fuel creativity, and shift away from polarising content to an environment shaped by a diversity of voices and perspectives that nurture empathy and understanding.”
—Tim Berners-Lee
2024-04-13 00:47:55

Our ten minute appointment took about 90 seconds! 😂 Muy fšcil y amable, pero estšbamos muy nerviosos. 😬 🤣
The journey is done! The hoops are jumped!
After 2.5yrs -- I sent the first email about getting my and their citizenship in October 2021 -- they will have their Spanish/EU passports in 5-6 weeks! 🇪🇸 🎉 @…

The kids stand on each side of a sign that says Consulate General of Spain. It is in the style of fancy hotel as that is where it was. The young man is holding my red Spanish passport
in between them.
2024-03-13 16:10:30

Biri double-take: Arpeggios beautiful chord progressions irregular rhythms = instant uplift!
Biri — Through The Fields (2019)
Beatless remix of the same track (2020):
2024-03-13 07:09:06

🥳 My text on verifying #LinuxKernel bugs and bisecting regressions made it to the mainline #kernel for #Linux 6.9:
2024-03-12 06:53:14

This is an incredibly good video on the phenomenon popularly known as “the hum”—a constant low-frequency noise that about 2% of people hear.
#dataScience #acoustics #psychoacoustics
2024-03-12 08:22:00
Content warning:

It's the Day of Ares / Mars' Day / #Tuesday! 🗡️
"Brass-beating Kouretes, ministers of Ares, who wear his arms the instruments of wars."
Orphic Hymn 38 to the Kouretes
🏛️ Roman intaglio depicting #Mars, red jasper, National Museum

Red jasper, bevelled. Mars standing, wearing a crested helmet; the folds of a cloak over one arm, which cradles a long spear; in the left hand, a sheathed sword with dependent belt.
2024-05-12 23:00:53

#NowPlaying - pure '90s #indie comfort food. micro-algorithmically: a little bit of twang, some of camper van beethoven's lightness, the less-outside parts of elephant 6, or maybe just the beatles-y parts of ween. also dutch, but singing in english.

Bingo Trappers Sierra Nevada
2024-05-13 08:51:45

My hunt for a missing TV episode – and what it shows about being Black in Britain | Jason Okundaye | The Guardian
On making sure the stories of all communities can be told in the future:
'callouts for people to submit their possessions to valuable public archives is one solution; and a greater effort from museums, libraries and universities to build trust and reach people is essential'
2024-03-13 09:38:00

Sappen zijn al uitgezonderd als deze slechts 0,02 procent melkvet bevatten. 'Je bent dus echt gek als je niet een klein beetje zuivel toevoegt als sapfabrikant.'
Ongelofelijk wat een dommigheid van de wetgever. En als vegan ben je in de aap gelogeerd als dit een grote vlucht gaat nemen.
2024-04-11 18:04:18

More truckin fun today, this time it's Euro Truck Simulator 2! Also, we hit 299 followers, can we hit 300 today? #linux,
2024-05-12 11:50:01

That feeling when you open the silly little collaborative drawing app you made and you find that some folks made this.

PS. If you want to learn how the app was made, here’s a video tutorial using Kitten¹:

Screenshot of black and white pixel drawing at At the top is a small checkerboard pattern, at the bottom a larger one (reminiscent of a keffiyeh) and in between is written FREE GAZA!
2024-05-13 17:25:03

„Die Geheimpolizei soll vor allem Journalisten und Oppositionelle im Gazastreifen bespitzelt haben. Auch Menschen, die öffentlich die Hamas kritisierten oder Liebesaffären außerhalb ihrer Ehe unterhielten, wurden demnach überwacht.“
Aber klar, die Palästinenser*innen sind alle selber schuld. Schließlich haben sie sich ja nicht gewehrt.
Wer unter diktatorischen Verhältnissen leidet und wer nicht, bestimmen immer noch wir.
2024-04-13 18:45:42

Airchat, Naval Ravikant's social media app built around audio recordings, which the app transcribes, relaunches on iOS and Android; it is currently invite-only (Anthony Ha/TechCrunch)
2024-04-11 03:33:46

It's time for this week's Bad Batch, the latest installment in the Star Wars franchise. Get ready for some thrilling action and adventure!
2024-05-13 07:47:20

Made it to the hotel safe and sound, and the Uber was a RAV4 hybrid so still kept to the low-CO2 goals. Gnight!
#travel #lowCO2 #conferences

Tired Good Night GIF by Disney
2024-03-13 20:41:19

Magnificence! The cirque, the scale and the horns above Oeschinensee...
#WildWednesday #LandscapePhotography #NaturePhotography

View of the grandiose cirque and snowcapped peaks surrounding Oeschinensee, as seen from the NE corner approx. 400m above the lake. The rock faces rise completely vertical for the first few hundred meters from the lake, dozens of waterfalls, steep grassy slopes, then snow fields and the last glacier fragments surrounding Blümlisalphorn (3663m) even higher up...
2024-02-14 02:47:18

That’s right, world governments! Mobilize those tax dollars just sitting around in your coffers and invest in your own #AI models, which are conveniently powered by buying chips from Nvidia!
“Nvidia CEO calls for “Sovereign AI” as his firm overtakes Amazon in market value”
2024-05-12 21:33:51

50 mothers’ days ago this afternoon, the #GratefulDead begin their spring touring in #reno. the 1st outdoor gig for the wall of sound, battling the washoe zephyr winds, now on “from the mars hotel 50.” phil lesh debuts his new beard. soundboard:

The Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno present
Grateful Dead
photos of band members heads in profile
MacKay Stadium
Sunday May 12, 2pm
Gates open at 10 a.m.
2024-03-13 08:40:00

Revealed: the secret algorithm that controls the lives of Serco’s immigration detainees, The Guardian
'Imagine there’s a secret rating that dictates where you sleep and whether you are forced to wear handcuffs to a doctor’s appointment. And imagine that rating is based on incorrect information or unfair assumptions about the type of person you are.'
2024-03-13 16:55:06

Kijk, bij TBC mag dit *wel* gewoon gezegd worden. Maar dat de Sars-Cov-2 virussen (die toch vele malen kleiner zijn dan de tbc bacterien) ook op die aerosolen zouden kunnen meeliften is dan weer onwaarschijnlijk, die hebben die grote 'droplets' nodig??
"De ziekte verspreidt zich voornamelijk via hoesten, maar ook simpelweg via de ademhaling."
2024-03-12 10:25:36

Google, Apple, Mozilla, and Microsoft release Speedometer 3.0, a benchmark to "create a shared understanding of web performance", after Speedometer 2.0 in 2018 (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-04-12 04:52:52

I realized today that when the leader of the Official Opposition and currently most likely next PM of Canada visited my town last week on his "Axe the [Carbon] Tax" tour, he did so by holding a rally at the local aviation business.
That corporation's primary purpse is fighting wildfires made worse by climate change.
Most intentionally tone deaf rally in the history of rallies or a conspiracy of global proportions?
🤦‍♂️ 🔥
2024-03-13 20:41:19

Magnificence! The cirque, the scale and the horns above Oeschinensee...
#WildWednesday #LandscapePhotography #NaturePhotography

View of the grandiose cirque and snowcapped peaks surrounding Oeschinensee, as seen from the NE corner approx. 400m above the lake. The rock faces rise completely vertical for the first few hundred meters from the lake, dozens of waterfalls, steep grassy slopes, then snow fields and the last glacier fragments surrounding Blümlisalphorn (3663m) even higher up...
2024-05-12 21:33:51

50 mothers’ days ago this afternoon, the #GratefulDead begin their spring touring in #reno. the 1st outdoor gig for the wall of sound, battling the washoe zephyr winds, now on “from the mars hotel 50.” phil lesh debuts his new beard. soundboard:

The Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno present
Grateful Dead
photos of band members heads in profile
MacKay Stadium
Sunday May 12, 2pm
Gates open at 10 a.m.
2024-03-12 10:25:36

Google, Apple, Mozilla, and Microsoft release Speedometer 3.0, a benchmark to "create a shared understanding of web performance", after Speedometer 2.0 in 2018 (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-04-12 13:24:11

Headed to #Vancouver to complete the final step in getting the children Spanish passports. Raised the 🇪🇸 flag at home, of course.
#DualCitizenship #España

A picture from the webcam shows the view of the city from the top of a house. There is a Spanish flag flying to the bottom right.
2024-04-12 19:50:54

Palo Alto Networks alerts customers that hackers are exploiting a zero-day in its popular GlobalProtect VPN product and promises a patch by April 14 (Jonathan Greig/The Record)
2024-04-10 18:04:09

More truckin fun today, this time it's American Truck Simulator! #linux, #gaming
2024-04-12 19:50:54

Palo Alto Networks alerts customers that hackers are exploiting a zero-day in its popular GlobalProtect VPN product and promises a patch by April 14 (Jonathan Greig/The Record)
2024-03-13 20:54:22

Remember how I got rear-ended at a stop light a month ago and the offender took off?
Well, I just found out that a witness at the intersection not only reported it but FOLLOWED THEM AND TOOK A PICTURE OF THEIR LICENSE PLATE.
To you, fine citizen, I say Thank You!!
ICBC and the RCMP are following up. We should have a resolution soon.

Game Show Thank You GIF by Kinda Funny
2024-04-13 01:35:44

After Sam Altman and others called for AI regulation, some executives including Box CEO Aaron Levie say the US should not rush like the EU did (Steven Levy/Wired)
2024-04-13 01:35:44

After Sam Altman and others called for AI regulation, some executives including Box CEO Aaron Levie say the US should not rush like the EU did (Steven Levy/Wired)
2024-04-10 01:08:40

For anyone interested in playing around with Internet based private CB radio outside of ETS and ATS, check out Zello, either use your existing phone or an old spare phone you have lying around. You can even turn on extra sound effects for that extra authentic sound.
Zello | The Most Reliable Push-to-Talk Walkie Talkie App…
2024-03-13 13:01:14

An analysis of 3M Discord and Telegram chats in 50 groups finds a global network of thousands of violent predators, who target, groom, and extort kids online (Ali Winston/Wired)
2024-04-09 18:12:54

Join us this morning for some driving trucky sim stuff! #linux #gamingcommunity
2024-03-12 16:56:05

The EU Council confirms lifting sanctions on Yandex co-founder Arkady Volozh and two others; Volozh was sanctioned in June 2023 and then stepped down as CEO (Morgan Meaker/Wired)
2024-03-12 16:56:05

The EU Council confirms lifting sanctions on Yandex co-founder Arkady Volozh and two others; Volozh was sanctioned in June 2023 and then stepped down as CEO (Morgan Meaker/Wired)
2024-02-14 00:30:45

Cohere's nonprofit research lab releases its open-source multilingual LLM Aya, which it says can follow instructions in more than 100 languages (Alison Snyder/Axios)
2024-02-14 00:30:45

Cohere's nonprofit research lab releases its open-source multilingual LLM Aya, which it says can follow instructions in more than 100 languages (Alison Snyder/Axios)