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2024-04-08 17:50:37

Why is it always pastors pulling crap like this? #autism
2024-04-08 17:50:37

Why is it always pastors pulling crap like this? #autism
2024-04-07 01:35:29

Grabbed a VeryWell issue on #autism at WinCo, and can confirm the relief of a diagnosis however late in life (at 62 in my case). I was a Stoic by default...!

Said magazine. “Autism: A New Understanding. •The Spectrum and Neurodiversity. •The Many Faces of Autism. •Treatments at Every Age. •Finding Support.” Graphic is seven generic profiles of several colors with various brain cases/modes of thinking comprising numerals, circuit leads, flowers, gears, colorful circles, and networks & graphs, one rather floral.
2024-03-07 06:31:00

Hello, fellow @… !
I am looking for podcasts recommendations on Autism (and managing one's). DMs are open!
I've got my faves in the ADHD space ('Hacking your ADHD', the ADDitide mag one), but I realise I've never, this far, explored....
(Wait for it)
...the audible spectrum.
(I'm legit after reccys…
2024-02-29 22:47:34

"There’s a lot of debate about whether self-diagnosis for autism, ADHD and similar disabilities is valid. Here’s my position: self-diagnosis is the only valid form of diagnosis."
2024-05-08 07:08:36

Neurocomputational Phenotypes in Female and Male Autistic Individuals
Michelle McCleod, Sean Borneman, Evie Malaia
2024-03-03 17:51:17

Raising a child with #autism in Kenya: Facing stigma, finding glimmers of hope : Goats and Soda : NPR @…
2024-05-05 18:13:42

Predictive processing also sheds considerable light on a wide range of typical and atypical forms of human experience. A good starting point is to notice that there are two very broad ways for such processing to go wrong. The first is for the brain to underweight predictions and expectations. This will make it hard to detect faint but predictable patterns in a noisy or ambiguous environment. But the second general way to go wrong is for the brain to overweight expectations. In extreme cases, overweighting results in hallucinations. You seem to see and hear things that aren't there, just because […] they are at some level strongly expected.
Autism spectrum condition was initially thought to reflect a specific imbalance of the first kind — a systematic underweighting of prior expectations. […] Underweighting prior knowledge would make weak or elusive patterns hard to detect, and hard to learn too. Such patterns would include things like facial expressions, intonation, or body language, things that delicately hint, in context, at other people's mental states and attitudes. An imbalance of that kind would also make it very hard to learn these patterns in the first place, and even harder to recognize them in situations that are complicated or ambiguous. Recent evidence casts subtle doubt, however, on this bald initial hypothesis. Rather than weakened predictions, intriguing evidence is emerging that suggests that the core issue involves (not underweighting knowledge-based predictions but) actively overweighting the incoming sensory evidence.
She doesn't just feel "hunger," instead the more fine-grained specifics of the bodily signals dominate. You are feeling a whole lot of something — but what is it? According to the overweighted sensory information theory, autism spectrum condition individuals constantly encounter an excess of highly detailed and apparently very salient sensory information of this kind, coming from both inside their own body and the outside world. This sensory excess impedes the moment-by-moment identification of the broader context or scenario (in this case, hunger). In other words, the emphasis on every aspect of sensory detail effectively makes it impossible to spot the larger forest for the trees.
(Andy Clark, The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality)
2024-04-04 21:15:13

Two of the worst things about caretaking for me are:
1. I suspect I am on the Autism spectrum, and I have hyper-empathy. That means my brain constantly simulates the suffering that the person I’m caring for goes through, and adds it to the stress that I’m already experiencing. The after-effects of hyper-empathy can bounce around in my brain for literal days before I recover.
2. It’s almost impossible for me to plan ahead. Because of unplanned caretaking obligations, it’s impossib…
2024-03-21 02:44:13

Loukas Christodoulou's articles on autism and their struggles in getting medical help from the community are interesting reads. The lack of the understanding in autism (formerly Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD) in a community severely degrades their life experience when trying to understand themselves.
2024-03-16 14:41:22

Scientists Identify Simple Test That Could Diagnose #Autism @…
2024-04-10 03:54:23

In The Big Picture substack Amelia Mavis writes on her experience of life as an autistic person. I highly recommend reading (and sharing) it:
2024-04-22 18:16:55

I recorded a talk for this morning's meeting of the Autism Cross-Party Group at the Scottish Parliament, on autism and the presumption of mainstreaming: how Scotland is failing to deliver truly inclusive education, what that might look like, and why it wouldn't necessarily be enough, even if it was truly as inclusive as it can be.
2024-04-02 17:10:50

Written by Zack Budryk:
"[...] fictional representations of autistic women remain rare. Three recent examples in the mystery genre are helping to make up this gender gap and illustrating the range of the spectrum with very different but equally unforgettable female protagonists. In these stories, crucially, autism isn’t a superpower but a part of the protagonist’s personality that can frustrate her efforts as often as it can help point her to the truth."
2024-03-21 02:44:13

Loukas Christodoulou's articles on autism and their struggles in getting medical help from the community are interesting reads. The lack of the understanding in autism (formerly Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD) in a community severely degrades their life experience when trying to understand themselves.
2024-03-20 20:04:27
Content warning: coping mechanisms for autism

No Boilerplate: "The Autism Constellation"
2024-02-15 13:49:17

Fellow AutSPACEs team member Georgia & I wrote a blog post for the Software Sustainability Institute. We outline how we are approaching user testing for our co-designed #citizenscience platform on sensory processing and #autism.
It's great timing, as we're currently running the second round of tests after having (hopefully) improved the platform!
2024-02-14 18:25:38

I think they're still on HB1028, relative to the definition of mental illness for purposes of the New Hampshire mental health services system, which is also kinda autism-related... they're debating the difference between "having a mental illness" vs. "being intellectually disabled" (or if there even is one), and which (if any) autism should count as
2024-04-22 18:16:55

I recorded a talk for this morning's meeting of the Autism Cross-Party Group at the Scottish Parliament, on autism and the presumption of mainstreaming: how Scotland is failing to deliver truly inclusive education, what that might look like, and why it wouldn't necessarily be enough, even if it was truly as inclusive as it can be.
2024-04-02 17:10:50

Written by Zack Budryk:
"[...] fictional representations of autistic women remain rare. Three recent examples in the mystery genre are helping to make up this gender gap and illustrating the range of the spectrum with very different but equally unforgettable female protagonists. In these stories, crucially, autism isn’t a superpower but a part of the protagonist’s personality that can frustrate her efforts as often as it can help point her to the truth."
2024-03-04 08:46:14

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2024-04-11 06:50:07

Exploring Physiological Responses in Virtual Reality-based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Data-Driven Investigation
Gianpaolo Alvari, Ersilia Vallefuoco, Melanie Cristofolini, Elio Salvadori, Marco Dianti, Alessia Moltani, Davide Dal Castello, Paola Venuti, Cesare Furlanello
2024-04-19 13:06:25

Woke Office Autism, Udio vs. Suno, Gaslighting, Facebook, Bing Cherry! by David Boles
Today, we dig into the "woke" idea of "The Office" TV show being anti-disability. We compare Udio to Suno for AI music creation. We also discuss gaslighting by tech support. We're back on Facebook! We explain why. Plus, a Twin Bing Cherry review!
via YouTube
2024-02-27 07:29:58

Speech Corpus for Korean Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Towards Automatic Assessment Systems
Seonwoo Lee, Jihyun Mun, Sunhee Kim, Minhwa Chung
2024-04-18 22:23:42

Amusing coincidence, darlings: RFK Jr. and I were born the same year; he's an October baby, I'm a few months earlier. I'm *much* better preserved...
#Autism is a spectrum disorder, so if vaccines gave it to you, he'd have autism just like me (I'm #ActuallyAutistic) be…
2024-02-28 21:31:27

Neurodiversity, scotpol
The Scottish Government has spent about two years consulting on how to consult about the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill the SNP said they'd introduce in their 2021 manifesto.
So HOW have they managed to come back with a consultation featuring a 190-page full consultation document, with a 35-page "short guide" - that's 35 pages of A4, mind?
Where the education section alone is roughly a half-hour read?
Where they felt the need to include a request to "Please USE THIS GUIDE - _here_ - on How to complete your online response"... and then forgot to actually link to the guide?
Where the page on completing a written out recorded response instructs people to "please complete the Respondent Information Form and send with your completed questionnaire" but links to neither of those documents?
...anyway, so I'll be live on the SEMA YouTube tomorrow at 12:30 trying to be as constructive and helpful as possible about all this.
2024-04-13 16:15:27

I sure hope that he knows that this is utter bullshit. I mean, his entire government must realize that they are failing at education, environment, seniors, autism support, healthcare, public transit, housing, and pretty much anything they touch. Otherwise, he's delusional and and things will get worse while they spend millions in advertising telling us that we all live in Ontopia...
#DougFordFailedOntario #onpoli
2024-03-11 09:47:55

It’s too hard.
Can’t get the autism diagnosis I need, to get the support I need, to be able to overcome the challenges that make it hard for me to make friends and integrate in a workplace.
Close to giving up.
2024-03-13 07:07:51

Metabolomic profiles in Jamaican children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Akram Yazdani, Maureen Samms-Vaughan, Sepideh Saroukhani, Jan Bressler, Manouchehr Hessabi, Amirali Tahanan, Megan L. Grove, Tanja Gangnus, Vasanta Putluri, Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, Nagireddy Putluri, Katherine A. Loveland, Mohammad H. Rahbar
2024-02-11 13:23:06

i need to move out for just, so many reasons, but its basically impossible to find affordable apartments in this city and i couldnt live in a student home or whatever for autism reasons
starting to wonder if a fundraiser thingy might be a good idea
2024-03-11 07:06:19

Love, Joy, and Autism Robots: A Metareview and Provocatype
Andrew Hundt, Gabrielle Ohlson, Pieter Wolfert, Lux Miranda, Sophia Zhu, Katie Winkle <…
2024-04-27 16:21:25

A very interesting concept which explains a lot for me [and about some more distant family members]. And I [finally!] got the hang of #Monotropism!
Creating Autistic Suffering: The #AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle - A deeper look
2024-03-16 08:52:38

I wrote about my mum's thirty years of thinking, talking and writing about #autism, and living and working with @… people: the beginnings of #monotropism, and where it went from there.
2024-02-14 19:25:37

ok I introduced my HB1440 in RRD and am back in HHS now... this witness is basically being given the autism test by the committee right now: it's basically a test of whether you can handle being interrupted gracefully or not, and this witness is... not passing it.
2024-04-13 23:00:49

That 'repetitive behavior' is frequently an autistic person's attempt to self-calm, not something that needs to be medicated away...not sure I'm ok with this.
Groundbreaking Study Reveals Autism’s Genetic Triggers and Therapeutic Hope @… #ActuallyAutistic
2024-03-13 18:37:04

I have been filling in various gaps in the online archive of my mother, Dinah Murray's work - notably including the first ever publication about #monotropism, her 1992 Durham paper 'Attention Tunnelling and #Autism'.
I think these papers hold up pretty well, all things considered!
2024-02-14 03:10:47

I was going to give up celibacy, but that never works, so I’m not talking about autism & Wikipedia, because that’s all I talk about.
2024-03-27 08:42:06

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2024-03-27 08:42:06

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2024-04-18 02:18:46

I used to tweet reviews of graphic novels as @… but I stopped about 2y ago for some reason. I was reading ~200 books a year at that point.
I just revisited that to share a review and found Twitter has censored some of my reviews, requiring age verification to see them. They're not explicit or sexual at all. Looks like they're trying to appeal to Christian anti-woke ultra-conservatives.
(Yes, I have "better" reviews for them to age-block for wokeness, but their algorithm sucks. Surprise!)
2024-02-26 08:42:28

Stand-up poet Kate Fox on #monotropism and #flow, #autism and #writing.
2024-02-19 07:08:29

Effect of the social environment on olfaction and social skills in WT and mouse model of autism
Caroline GoraPRC, Ana DudasPRC, Lucas CourtPRC, Anil AnnamneediPRC, Ga\"elle LefortPRC, Thiago-Seike Picoreti-NakaharaPRC, Nicolas AzzopardiPRC, Adrien AcquistapacePRC, Anne-Lyse Lain\'ePRC, PRC, Anne-Charlotte TrouilletPRC, Lucile DrobecqPRC, Emmanuel PecnardPRC, Benoit PieguPRC, PRC, Pascale Cr\'epieuxPRC, PRC, Pablo ChameroPRC, Lucie P. PellissierPRC
2024-03-13 06:50:36

Customizable Avatars with Dynamic Facial Action Coded Expressions (CADyFACE) for Improved User Engagement
Megan A. Witherow, Crystal Butler, Winston J. Shields, Furkan Ilgin, Norou Diawara, Janice Keener, John W. Harrington, Khan M. Iftekharuddin
2024-03-27 12:19:52

New video, on the sensory environment in schools: #Monotropism and #Wellbeing: #autism #inclusion
2024-03-27 12:19:52

New video, on the sensory environment in schools: #Monotropism and #Wellbeing: #autism #inclusion
2024-03-14 07:08:36

Learnable Community-Aware Transformer for Brain Connectome Analysis with Token Clustering
Yanting Yang, Beidi Zhao, Zhuohao Ni, Yize Zhao, Xiaoxiao Li
arXiv:2403.08203v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Neuroscientific research has revealed that the complex brain network can be organized into distinct functional communities, each characterized by a cohesive group of regions of interest (ROIs) with strong interconnections. These communities play a crucial role in comprehending the functional organization of the brain and its implications for neurological conditions, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and biological differences, such as in gender. Traditional models have been constrained by the necessity of predefined community clusters, limiting their flexibility and adaptability in deciphering the brain's functional organization. Furthermore, these models were restricted by a fixed number of communities, hindering their ability to accurately represent the brain's dynamic nature. In this study, we present a token clustering brain transformer-based model ($\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$) for joint community clustering and classification. Our approach proposes a novel token clustering (TC) module based on the transformer architecture, which utilizes learnable prompt tokens with orthogonal loss where each ROI embedding is projected onto the prompt embedding space, effectively clustering ROIs into communities and reducing the dimensions of the node representation via merging with communities. Our results demonstrate that our learnable community-aware model $\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$ offers improved accuracy in identifying ASD and classifying genders through rigorous testing on ABIDE and HCP datasets. Additionally, the qualitative analysis on $\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$ has demonstrated the effectiveness of the designed TC module and its relevance to neuroscience interpretations.
2024-04-15 08:46:54

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