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2024-06-17 16:13:23

Long post about my time on Nostr and how it compares to ActivityPub
So, after spending about 2 months on Nostr, I've decided to leave my account dormant there and come back to Fediverse as my "one true platform".
Let's do a postmortem.
What is Nostr?
Nostr is a protocol, much like ActivityPub or ATProto, but tries to solve problems that these platforms haven't.
The major difference is, your account is yours. There are "relays" there that are similar to instances here. However, unlike here, the relays don't always have a website attached and they don't "host" your account exclusively. Each relay you are a part of, has a copy of your profile and if you get "banned" from a relay, you just remove that relay from your connection and keep posting like normal.
There's many different things that Nostr can do, like microblogging, chat, streaming, communities similar to reddit, etc.
One of the other big features is that you can pay creators directly with the use of Bitcoin Lightning which I thought is a pretty neat idea. Though, with the amount of scammers in the crypto space, nobody wants to touch it anymore.
All of these things seemed good to me and I enjoyed engaging with the different systems. My issue, however, isn't with how the protocol is built, it's with the low engagement numbers.
Over my 2 months there, I've gained about 65 followers. Compared to Fediverse, that's REALLY low. Especially considering that there's only about 10% of followers that will engage with any post.
I'd even tried making exclusive Nostr themed content AND giving away Bitcoin Lightning (free money, anyone?) and only got a handful of interactions on each post.
It's good technology if you don't mind having to block stuff you don't want to see consistently. (Which I don't mind) But if the regular user doesn't get much out of the platform, they have no reason to put into the platform and that's pretty much where I'm at.
Fediverse continues to be the best social media platform for engagement. There are censorship issues here. (If you're banned by the biggest instances, you're pretty screwed) However, I don't have those problems.🤷
It was a good experiment nonetheless.
#Fediverse #Nostr #SocialMedia #ATproto #ActivityPub
2024-05-15 12:33:53

#Fediverse-Präsenz bei Wordpress-Anbindung irgendwie sichtbar machen.
Unsere Website hat, wie so viele auch, die Verlinkungen auf diverse Social Media-Profile eingebaut. Unser Blog ist über das ActivityPub-Plugin von Wordpress aber auch ans Fedi angebunden. Bloss ist dort dann halt unsere "Profilseite" so gesehen unsere eigene Seite.
Im Sinne von "das Fediverse bekannter machen" finde ich das unglücklich.
Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man das schöner machen könnte?
2024-04-29 16:49:05

FediTip of the day:
If your profile and posts are set to "public" and you can read this very post, you should have no sense of "privacy" here on Fedi. That means ANYONE can reply.
There's 20,000 instances and new ones every day, there's NO WAY to tell who is accessing your posts or what they're doing with them.
Fediverse is not some kinda "bastion for privacy" nor is there any sort of "consent" required to see your posts if they are public.
The only way you can be 100% sure that your followers are the only ones that directly see your posts is to make your profile and posts private. Even then, screenshots exist.
Remember, you're on the internet. Once you post it, it's probably not going away. This is true everywhere.
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Sharkey #GoToSocial #IceShrimp #FireFish #Lemmy #Kbin #Misskey #Akkoma #Pleroma #Mangane #MastoTips #FediTips