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2024-06-06 10:30:15

ChatGPT Prompts for Busy Educators #tcea:
2024-06-06 04:52:01

It's such a fine line between disinformation and prophecy.
Barely any point actually having the vote now. Imagine all the savings for the state of we just let machines call it. Cause they always know best, right?
#ChatGPT tells users #Labour has already won the
2024-06-06 18:25:42

OpenAI releases a research paper by its recently disbanded "superalignment" team on a method for reverse engineering the workings of AI models (Will Knight/Wired)
2024-06-06 22:49:46

Made a #chatgpt bot for creating XKCD-style graphs. It actually works pretty okay!

Screenshot of the "XKCD Graph Creator" GPT inside the ChatGPT user interface. The user asks, "graph a timeline of products that now use ai." And the bot produced a line graph that spans 2019 to 2024 and lists ai-powered products that progressively get more silly: "AI Toasters", "Smart Toilets", "AI Coffee Makers", "AI Toothbrushes", "Intelligent Socks", and "Self-aware Light Bulbs". It also has the notes, "Yes, AI is in your socks now!", and "Light bulbs iwth self-esteem issues."
2024-06-07 20:24:00

AI chatbots compared, good to see that a smaller player, Perplexity, is doing well.
2024-06-06 04:52:01

It's such a fine line between disinformation and prophecy.
Barely any point actually having the vote now. Imagine all the savings for the state of we just let machines call it. Cause they always know best, right?
#ChatGPT tells users #Labour has already won the
2024-06-07 08:48:14

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2024-06-07 12:34:29

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
2024-06-07 08:48:14

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2024-06-07 06:53:04

Views about ChatGPT: Are human decision making and human learning necessary?
Eiji Yamamura, Fumio Ohtake
2024-06-18 07:54:48

Es geht ja gerade das Paper rum, in dem "KI" Output mit dem von Harry Frankfurter definierten "Bullshit" Konzept in Verbindung gebracht wird. Etwas weird ist, wie das jetzt einschlägt, wo die Relation ja schon lange etabliert ist. Ich zitiere mal mich aus dem März 2023 (und war keineswegs der/die Erste, der/die diese Verbindung hergestellt hat)(Link:

"Die KI-Systeme ahmen eine Form nach, einen Stil. Und das bekannterweise ohne irgendeinen Bezug zur Realität oder Wahrheit: ChatGPT generiert mit großem Selbstbewußtsein nicht existierende Referenzen für seine Ergebnisse, erfindet Produkte und liefert Symptombeschreibungen für nicht existierende Krankheiten. Copilot generiert Code; aber ob die API, die hingeneriert wurde, überhaupt noch existiert oder ob die Art sie abzufragen sicher ist, weiß man nicht. Ist das Kreativität? Oder lügt ChatGPT?
2024-06-14 16:03:00

Apple und OpenAI: Angeblich fließt kein Geld für ChatGPT
Apple integriert ChatGPT prominent in iOS 18 & Co und zahlt dafür angeblich nichts. OpenAI hoffe auf mehr Bekanntheit und Abos. Daran verdient auch Apple mit.
2024-06-17 05:30:15

Apple’s ChatGPT integration raises data privacy and competition questions
2024-06-17 17:42:01

2022 retro-link! - Building a virtual machine inside ChatGPT.
2024-06-13 08:07:52

So, this is like asking artists to perform for free to get famous, just on a bigger scale?
#Apple To 'Pay' #OpenAI for #ChatGPT Through Distribution, Not Cash
2024-06-14 01:50:36

The Insider Union asks BI management to share details of its OpenAI licensing deal, citing issues with ChatGPT's inaccurate or missing links to Insider scoops (Andrew Deck/Nieman Lab)
2024-06-12 10:58:00

ChatGPT im iPhone: So will Apple OpenAI integrieren
Elon Musk sauer, Datenschützer alarmiert – und User teils verunsichert: Die Integration von ChatGPT in iOS wirft Fragen auf. Aber bei der wird es nicht bleiben.
2024-06-13 18:57:52

Apparently OpenAI isn’t even getting paid by Apple. They’re giving their goods away for free — for •exposure•.
L friggin O L
2024-06-14 06:43:00

Gute Nachrichten vom KI-Orakel: Deutschland wird Europameister!
Deutschland wird Europameister, schätzt ChatGPT auf Grundlage großer Ahnungslosigkeit. Zweimal muss die Nationalmannschaft dafür ins Elfmeterschießen.
2024-06-10 18:58:51

Apple unveils its OpenAI deal, bringing ChatGPT's "expertise" to Siri and its other apps as an option, rolling out in 2024; users don't need an OpenAI account (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-06-11 06:50:32

Understanding Students' Acceptance of ChatGPT as a Translation Tool: A UTAUT Model Analysis
Lulu Wang, Simin Xu, Kanglong Liu
2024-06-17 07:41:17

Got my first #chatgpt email. Just beautiful 🥲
2024-06-11 13:16:26

people saying "ChatGPT editing your messages is good for ESL speakers who want to sound professional" do not account for the fact that speaking like ChatGPT makes you look a lot less trustworthy than speaking an unusual dialect of English
2024-06-17 19:21:02

Then native #ChatGPT for #iOS, using the #GPT4o multimodal model, enables scanning of handwritten notes for extraction via prompt interactions.
In the attached movie, I scan some of my handwritten note…
2024-06-06 05:22:35

#OpenAI #Disinformation report #AISafety #ChatGPT
2024-06-18 06:51:56

Beyond the Hype: A Cautionary Tale of ChatGPT in the Programming Classroom
Grant Oosterwyk, Pitso Tsibolane, Popyeni Kautondokwa, Ammar Canani
2024-06-14 01:50:36

The Insider Union asks BI management to share details of its OpenAI licensing deal, citing issues with ChatGPT's inaccurate or missing links to Insider scoops (Andrew Deck/Nieman Lab)
2024-06-10 19:49:00

"Apple Intelligence": Siri bekommt bald Hilfe von ChatGPT
Apple integriert gängige KI-Funktionen rund um Texte und Bilder in seine Betriebssysteme. Auch ChatGPT ist mit an Bord.
2024-06-14 11:11:00

OpenAI expands lobbying team to shape AI regulation
Creator of ChatGPT is expanding its lobbying team to influence legislation aimed at regulating AI technology.
2024-06-13 18:10:17

If I type "Tell me the history of the Roman empire" into an #AI chat bot like #ChatGPT and hit return, it HTTP POSTs that to one of their web servers, and then ... what?
How many computers are involved in producing my response? What are their responsibilities? How is the response assembled from t…
2024-06-09 01:04:30

2024-06-17 05:45:14

Apple’s ChatGPT integration raises data privacy and competition questions
Apple’s ChatGPT integration raises data privacy and competition questionsThe new Apple and OpenAI partnership …
2024-06-11 18:29:42

Ganz meine Meinung. LLMs sind Bullshitmaschinen:
2024-06-10 23:34:48

Apple has given the OPTION to work with ChatGPT along with room for other providers.
The outrage on giving an OPTION is ridiculous. Surely this will be something Apple will lock behind MDM policies.
This doesn’t mean Apple’s privacy-focused LLM model is weak. This is merely an OPTION.

2024-06-10 22:12:26

2024-06-13 07:18:07

📄 ChatGPT is bullshit | Michael T. Hicks, James Humphries, Joe Slater, Glasgow
"… Calling these inaccuracies ‘bullshit’ rather than ‘hallucinations’ isn’t just more accurate (as we’ve argued); it’s good science and technolo…
2024-06-06 05:22:35

#OpenAI #Disinformation report #AISafety #ChatGPT
2024-06-12 16:30:09

Ich habe letztens einige #Webinare zum Thema #KI und #Barrierefreiheit aufgezeichnet.
Heute experimentiere ich gerade mit few-shot prompting Beispielen.
Da kam mir nach einer Antwort v…

Object: car
Speed: fast
Object: snail
Speed: slow
Object: plane
Speed: fast
Object: train
Speed: fast
Object: human
Speed: slow
Object: worm


Object: car
Speed: fast

Object: snail
Speed: slow

Object: plane
Speed: fast

Object: train
Speed: fast

Object: human
Speed: slow

Object: worm
Speed: slow
Are you sure? What's the matter with the worms on the planet Dune?

You're right, the sandworms on the planet Dune are known for their immense size and speed. Let's correct that:

Object: car
Speed: fast

Object: snail
Speed: slow

Object: plane
Speed: fast

Object: train
Speed: fast

Object: human
Speed: slow

Object: worm (normal)
Speed: slow

Object: worm (Dune)
Speed: fast
2024-06-18 22:37:04

Axios: AI chatbots spread Russian propaganda:
2024-06-15 05:51:39

It's honestly a mystery to me how anybody could assume #ChatGPT is a human.
#AI #TuringTest

ChatGPT dialogue
Q: Nice chat so far, do you wanna go out for a drink later?
A: I'm flattered by the offer, but as an AI, I don't have a physical presence and can't go out for drinks. However, I'm here to help with any questions or information you need, whether it's about climate change, technology, or anything else you're curious about!
2024-06-10 23:56:05

In posts that seem to misunderstand Apple's deal with OpenAI, Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over Apple's ChatGPT integrations (Sarah Perez/TechCrunch)
2024-06-10 21:14:43

Made new swag in honor of #AI, #openai and #chatgpt

Two people wearing dark grey t-shirts with the words "You can't spell FAIL without AI" in light grey lettering, except for the AI in fail which is red.
2024-06-11 06:29:40

Neuer Stand in Sachen AI-Wars:
Microsoft hat OS Daten KI (ChatGPT)
Google hat OS Daten KI (Gemini)
Meta hat Daten KI (Meta AI)
Apple hat OS KI (Apple Intelligence ChatGPT)
Elon Musk hat 💩 (X) KI (X Æ A-12) und ist sauer.
2024-06-16 15:05:14

This is still on point, a year later
> Stop acting like you're a waterbender making emotive shapes by expressing your will in the medium of liquid bullshit. The lesson one needs about a bullshit fountain is *not to swim in it*.
2024-06-13 09:50:52

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2024-06-14 10:12:59

Ganz schön cringe.
2024-06-15 19:35:25

A post from the archive 📫:
Overly confident AI
2024-06-17 19:21:02

Then native #ChatGPT for #iOS, using the #GPT4o multimodal model, enables scanning of handwritten notes for extraction via prompt interactions.
In the attached movie, I scan some of my handwritten note…
2024-06-17 16:26:35

Immer wenn jemand erwähnt, jemensch hätte das mit chatGPT gemacht und der Outcome eher so mittel ist, verliert derjenige bei mir einen Funken Respekt.
2024-06-14 12:26:09

Political pressure mounts on Parliament data leak, Apple-ChatGPT deal could draw competition scrutiny
2024-06-18 15:55:51

still agree with @… on this:
“ChatGPT doesn't give you information. It gives you information-shaped sentences.”
thx @… for the reminder
2024-06-10 18:47:52

“Would you like to ask ChatGPT?” is the new “I found this on the web” 😜
#siri #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-12 01:51:04

My co-workers tried chatGPT to generate jira stories from a doc we made outlining requirements for a feature. It spit out a bunch of text, my co-workers said "that's pretty good!" and then never referenced it again.
This AI novelty act will not last long.

“Elon Musk has a fundamental misunderstanding of ____________” is an evergreen post.
2024-06-13 18:10:17

If I type "Tell me the history of the Roman empire" into an #AI chat bot like #ChatGPT and hit return, it HTTP POSTs that to one of their web servers, and then ... what?
How many computers are involved in producing my response? What are their responsibilities? How is the response assembled from t…
2024-06-09 01:04:30

2024-06-15 18:53:57

chatgpt failed the turing test.
2024-06-14 17:42:26

Wieder Bibliothekscontent in der @… mit Ausführungen zum #VÖBB Chatbot und wahrscheinlich der ersten Erwähnung der #bibliocon24 in diesem Kontext 😁
2024-06-14 04:05:53

The thing about Apple’s #WWDC24 announcements:
The average person — who, as with the recent Adobe outrage, is rightly concerned about what a huge multinational company might do with their personal and professional data — is just going to hear, “Apple built ChatGPT into the iPhone.”
This is not the whole story, but it’s salient enough to poison not just the well, but the entire aquifer…

Apple says users will be able to access the system without having to sign up for an account or pay for premium services.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT will be the first third-party model to receive integration at some point later this year.
We’re looking forward to doing integrations with other models, including Google Gemini, for instance, in the future,” Federighi said during a post-keynote conversation. He quickly added that the company had “nothing to announce right now, but that’s ou…
2024-06-13 15:43:53

“Students can use ChatGPT to cheat on writing assignments. That’s catastrophic for the extant cheating-on-writing-assignments cottage industry. But it doesn’t have much bearing on my pedagogy or syllabus.”
What's in a name? "AI" versus "Machine Learning"
2024-06-10 18:37:33

oh my fucking god chatgpt mention #wwdc
2024-06-14 12:27:18

Political pressure mounts on Parliament data leak, Apple-ChatGPT deal could draw competition scrutiny
Political pressure mounts on Parliament data leak, Apple-ChatGPT deal could draw c…
2024-06-12 16:30:09

Ich habe letztens einige #Webinare zum Thema #KI und #Barrierefreiheit aufgezeichnet.
Heute experimentiere ich gerade mit few-shot prompting Beispielen.
Da kam mir nach einer Antwort v…

Object: car
Speed: fast
Object: snail
Speed: slow
Object: plane
Speed: fast
Object: train
Speed: fast
Object: human
Speed: slow
Object: worm


Object: car
Speed: fast

Object: snail
Speed: slow

Object: plane
Speed: fast

Object: train
Speed: fast

Object: human
Speed: slow

Object: worm
Speed: slow
Are you sure? What's the matter with the worms on the planet Dune?

You're right, the sandworms on the planet Dune are known for their immense size and speed. Let's correct that:

Object: car
Speed: fast

Object: snail
Speed: slow

Object: plane
Speed: fast

Object: train
Speed: fast

Object: human
Speed: slow

Object: worm (normal)
Speed: slow

Object: worm (Dune)
Speed: fast
2024-06-10 20:39:08

ChatGPT coming to Apple natively, huh? Interesting... And Apple is fully onboard the LLM train.
2024-06-13 02:32:15

Apple paying OpenAI with exposure, not money
2024-06-11 08:50:12

so Apples new on device KI feature requires at least the A17 Pro chip in the iPhone. That means only the latest iPhone Pro or better is supported for on-device AI. Everyone else either can't use it or has to resort to the cloud enabled functions or ChatGPT ...
* goes buys apple stock*
2024-06-11 21:15:38

Yeah, right...

2024-06-17 04:53:52

“what if chatgpt is just a guy who types fast”
2024-06-10 18:38:39

Oh my God they've literally baked in ChatGPT because that's always gone so well
2024-06-18 07:13:47

Impact of the Availability of ChatGPT on Software Development: A Synthetic Difference in Differences Estimation using GitHub Data
Alexander Quispe, Rodrigo Grijalba
2024-06-13 09:50:52

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2024-06-14 06:48:31

Navigating the Shadows: Unveiling Effective Disturbances for Modern AI Content Detectors
Ying Zhou, Ben He, Le Sun
2024-06-08 16:44:28

A co-worker gave me some ChatGPT output and asked me to make it work. It was supposed to be code to determine the amount of space a company's Slack used. After a link to installing the Slack development environment in Deno, it name dropped a totally unrelated 6-year-old script from GitHub, then vomited up some python pseudo-code.
2024-06-11 03:13:29

This really is a crying shame. The ChatGPT stuff is AFAICT a bit of half-assed (and opt-in??) Siri integration, and in the meantime Apple has pulled off a bunch of engineering feats that (1) have zero to do with OpenAI and (2) work in exactly the privacy- and ethics-focused directions that OpenAI has failed to work.
Headline should be “Apple shunts OpenAI into the corner, chooses to roll their own”
From @…
2024-06-10 13:00:23

In an appellate decision concurrence, a judge tries to figure out the “plain meaning” definition of “landscaping” and wonders if ChatGPT is an appropriate tool for that purpose. I dig into that argument in my latest post. Oh, and there’s a missing-comma tangent.
2024-06-10 19:29:34

Apple Intelligence quick thoughts:
I like that Siri will have context now
I like that I’ll be able to generate emojis
I like reader creating table of contents for longer stories
I like the handwriting stuff
The image generation stuff is mostly going to be used for the occasional fun thing, but I can’t see using it with any regularity.
The ChatGPT integration better come with an off switch. I don’t wanted to be prompted constantly to use it.
2024-06-12 01:51:04

My co-workers tried chatGPT to generate jira stories from a doc we made outlining requirements for a feature. It spit out a bunch of text, my co-workers said "that's pretty good!" and then never referenced it again.
This AI novelty act will not last long.

“Elon Musk has a fundamental misunderstanding of ____________” is an evergreen post.
2024-06-11 07:12:52

Time to Separate from StackOverflow and Match with ChatGPT for Encryption
Ehsan Firouzi, Mohammad Ghafari <…

Sam Altman currently runs OpenAI, the leading startup in generative artificial intelligence.
And Apple, racing to catch up in that area, has forged a partnership to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into the iPhone’s operating system.
Though the controversial Altman is unlikely to take the stage at the event, the agreement will be a key focus of Apple’s 🔸Worldwide Developers Conference🔸 next week
— and it shows just how much the power in Silicon Valley has shifted over the past fe…
2024-06-10 18:47:09

my takeaway from this is apple intelligence features are cool. generative ai images are garbage except for genmoji. chatgpt integration is meh and i imagine itll be dropped once they have powerful enough models of their own. i kinda thought the apple-openai partnership wouldve been apple selfhosting gpt-4o but whatever. #wwdc
2024-06-12 08:46:28

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2024-06-10 20:39:08

ChatGPT coming to Apple natively, huh? Interesting... And Apple is fully onboard the LLM train.
2024-06-17 05:50:42

How Black founders are creating AI models like ChatBlackGPT and that cater to Black and brown communities, as current AI models lack cultural nuance (TechCrunch)
2024-06-08 19:48:27

Played around with GPT-4o analysing pictures and analysing the same picture with Google Gemini (I have to admit , the free version) , but the differences are enormous, the amount of hallucinations in Google Gemini is insane, making things up about the picture can Google be so far behind ?
#AI #ChatGPT
2024-06-18 07:13:47

Impact of the Availability of ChatGPT on Software Development: A Synthetic Difference in Differences Estimation using GitHub Data
Alexander Quispe, Rodrigo Grijalba
2024-06-13 06:05:43

OpenAI says it has expanded its global affairs team from three at the start of 2023 to 35, stationed strategically in locations where AI legislation is advanced (Financial Times)
2024-06-13 21:25:55

OpenAI adds retired US Army General Paul Nakasone, who led the NSA and US Cyber Command, to its board of directors and its Safety and Security Committee (Ina Fried/Axios)
2024-06-13 21:25:55

OpenAI adds retired US Army General Paul Nakasone, who led the NSA and US Cyber Command, to its board of directors and its Safety and Security Committee (Ina Fried/Axios)
2024-06-11 15:57:17

OpenAI, Apple deal raises questions about enforcement of EU antitrust rules
OpenAI, Apple deal raises questions about enforcement of EU antitrust rules ChatGPT integration into Apple&…
2024-06-13 00:20:35

Sources: Apple isn't paying OpenAI as part of their partnership and aims to eventually make money from AI by striking revenue-sharing deals with AI companies (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)
2024-06-13 00:20:35

Sources: Apple isn't paying OpenAI as part of their partnership and aims to eventually make money from AI by striking revenue-sharing deals with AI companies (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)
2024-06-13 07:23:48

Banal Deception Human-AI Ecosystems: A Study of People's Perceptions of LLM-generated Deceptive Behaviour
Xiao Zhan, Yifan Xu, Noura Abdi, Joe Collenette, Ruba Abu-Salma, Stefan Sarkadi
2024-06-12 21:25:55

Sources: OpenAI's annualized revenue has hit $3.4B, up from $1.6B in late 2023 and $1B last summer; $3.2B comes from subscriptions to its chatbots and API fees (Stephanie Palazzolo/The Information)
2024-06-11 09:03:48

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2024-06-10 22:15:43

During an interview, Craig Federighi says Apple looks forward to "doing integrations" with other AI models, including Google Gemini, "in the future" (Chance Miller/9to5Mac)