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2024-03-13 15:01:40

A reminder the joint #EC #ESA coordinated European Polar Science Week will be held in Copenhagen 3rd-6th September 2024.
You can just make it to submit a session proposal and/or poster abstract... deadline 15th March

Slide showing maps of the Arctic and Antarctic over a photo of sea ice advertising European polar science week
2024-04-13 12:01:24

Happy #AFIR day to those who celebrate 🥳!
It comes with a little celebratory cake from the European Commission, the long-awaited Q&A on how the rules should be interpreted:
2024-03-11 08:22:27

Relevant for anyone doing anything with digital services in the EU, the new EU Digital Identity Wallet Home, including technical details, pilots, github etc.
2024-03-13 06:53:59

ACMI: An index for exposed coal mapping using Landsat imagery
Zhen Yang, Jianyong Zhang, Yanchuang Zhao

Yeah, kind of like they do with that other major platform they own, macOS… Come on, this isn't that hard to figure out.
2024-03-12 19:07:59

Ich persönlich bezahle ja eigentlich alles mit Karte, aber ich finde es bedenklich, wenn Behörden keine Barzahlung mehr akzeptieren.
So wie dieses Kundenzentrum wo Leute zb Ausweise beantragen (müssen).
Wie soll denn zb ein Obdachloser seinen Ausweis bezahlen, wenn zur Bezahlung ein Bankkonto Voraussetzung ist - für dessen Eröffnung man wiederum einen Perso braucht 🥲

„Der Zugang erfolgt über die Haspa-Filiale.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine Bargeldzahlungen entgegennehmen, ausschließlich Kartenzahlung (EC- und Kreditkarten) werden akzeptiert.“
2024-03-12 08:41:44

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2024-03-12 14:03:00

🏦 The Problem With Finance Is the Problem of Capitalism
2024-05-06 05:31:28

Det var länge sen man tog en titt på #Eurostat. Nåväl: hur ser statistiken ut vad gäller kultur i EU?
2024-03-05 09:44:10

(postdoc position, Sorbonne University, Paris) Audio-touch: Simulating social touch at a distance through sounds
2024-04-08 07:00:21

EC 19529-4430: SALT identifies the most carbon- and metal-poor extreme helium star
Simon Jeffery, Laura Scott, Asish Philip Monai, Brent Miszalski, Vincent Woolf
2024-05-10 07:35:01

Intelligent EC Rearview Mirror: Enhancing Driver Safety with Dynamic Glare Mitigation via Cloud Edge Collaboration
Junyi Yang, Zefei Xu, Huayi Lai, Hongjian Chen, Sifan Kong, Yutong Wu, Huan Yang
2024-05-11 20:20:22

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 The Sun
2024-03-07 18:35:28

Sehän on enää alle neljä ja puoli tuntia kuten laskuri kertoo. #dma #digitalMarketsAct
2024-04-03 20:21:29

Spectacular climate news: EU-ETS emissions decreased by 15.5% in 2023, compared to 2022 levels!
Electricity emissions -24% (more renewables, less fossil)
Industry emissions -7% (less output efficiency gains)
Aviation emissions 10%
2024-03-02 22:27:43

Oh, nice. Die EU bietet Statistik für Dummies an:
2024-02-29 12:45:04

If you're working with #IdAustria signed PDFs and want to verify that A-Trust didn't pull an Austrian Solution again, signed PDFs can also be verified at <
2024-03-12 19:07:59

Ich persönlich bezahle ja eigentlich alles mit Karte, aber ich finde es bedenklich, wenn Behörden keine Barzahlung mehr akzeptieren.
So wie dieses Kundenzentrum wo Leute zb Ausweise beantragen (müssen).
Wie soll denn zb ein Obdachloser seinen Ausweis bezahlen, wenn zur Bezahlung ein Bankkonto Voraussetzung ist - für dessen Eröffnung man wiederum einen Perso braucht 🥲

„Der Zugang erfolgt über die Haspa-Filiale.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine Bargeldzahlungen entgegennehmen, ausschließlich Kartenzahlung (EC- und Kreditkarten) werden akzeptiert.“
2024-04-30 12:19:33

Letting CrowdTangle rot on the vine was an exceptionally stupid decision , Mark Zuckerberg. You may have to part with a few of your extra billions if this doesn’t go your way.
2024-03-12 14:03:00

🏦 The Problem With Finance Is the Problem of Capitalism
2024-03-09 19:15:08

I used to name my motorcycles (when I rode them; I stopped the sport 25 years ago). My favorite, a GS 1000 EC Suzuki I had for 17 years and rode in 41 states and nine countries, I named Harry Bailey — after the host in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
2024-05-10 07:35:01

Intelligent EC Rearview Mirror: Enhancing Driver Safety with Dynamic Glare Mitigation via Cloud Edge Collaboration
Junyi Yang, Zefei Xu, Huayi Lai, Hongjian Chen, Sifan Kong, Yutong Wu, Huan Yang
2024-02-21 17:40:30

da hat @… offenbar die EU in die Knie gezwungen.
2024-03-29 10:40:06

Pffffchchch. Ungarn hat sich wohl einmal durch AliExpress geklickt und USB-Netzteile bestellt. Die Anzahl der Dinge, die wegen Sicherheitsmängeln jetzt in der EU ein Verkaufsverbot haben ist irgendwie gestiegen :D
2024-03-04 11:55:16
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Shamelessly stolen from FB.

"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet - Bob Dylan, Drummer, Metallica"

Shown on the photo is Prince.
2024-05-07 06:56:54

Exploring the Improvement of Evolutionary Computation via Large Language Models
Jinyu Cai, Jinglue Xu, Jialong Li, Takuto Ymauchi, Hitoshi Iba, Kenji Tei
2024-02-26 12:06:23

Fascinating map from the 🇪🇺 European Commission's Joint Research Centre of where Europe uses what kind of energy
2024-05-10 02:31:16

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #EasternEchoes
🎵 햇님
2024-03-26 16:31:26

Euclid's sight restored: #Euclid's optics has performed significantly better than hoped; after the very first mirror was warmed by just 34 degrees, Euclid's sight was restored. More technical details:
2024-03-01 18:20:12

The EU reinstates funding to UNRWA starting next week:
The @… will ' allocate an additional EUR 68 million to support the Palestinian population across the region to be implemented through international partners like the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. This comes in addition to the foreseen EUR 82 million of aid to be implemented th…
2024-05-04 17:04:51

The Canadian "notwithstanding clause" (anti)constitutional widget is almost as harmful as our Senate (and its consequences, the EC and SCotUS)
2024-03-25 17:01:42
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Mein "Es-gab-keine-Fritten-Spezial-Gesicht"
#selfie #ec

Selfie vom @assbach. Brille vor der Stirn, Weiße Bömmel an schwarzem Hoodie. Blick in die Kamera nach unten. Im Auto. Pommes gab später zwar doch, aber nicht die leckeren vom Wip-In.
2024-04-04 21:05:52

Fresh from The End:
**The End Issue #83. Total Eclipse of Your Ears with Finished Audio Fiction**
Featuring HUMAN-B-GON & THE…
2024-02-17 11:45:02

Yes to a wealth tax on the rich to fund the climate and social transition! Sign here: #TaxTheRich
2024-04-04 10:01:48

Da der Journalismus nicht genug differenziert, ist nicht bekannt, ob nur Girocard/EC oder/und Kreditkarte betroffen sind.
2024-04-09 08:47:52

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2024-03-06 07:34:53

Training Machine Learning models at the Edge: A Survey
Aymen Rayane Khouas, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Hakim Hacid, Sunil Aryal
2024-02-25 23:00:33

Dire Straits & EC - Mandela Benefit Concert 1988
2024-04-01 07:25:36

It’s cloudy and rainy today, so I will probably just do a random tour of the surroundings. So many possibilities. Ostseebad Binz sounds intriguing. Or the Czech EC and have lunch in the dining car? #choices #Interrail
2024-02-20 09:54:43

Btw. realized a fun fact about the #AIact today:
General purpose AI models are considered to be posing systemic risks if the "cumulative compute" in training is more than 10^25 FLOPS.
So _either_ "cumulative" means "in the creation of this version of the model starting from the prior version" which would allow every company to easily sidestep the regulat…
2024-05-08 07:31:44

Analyticity for classical hard-core gases via recursion
Qidong He…
2024-02-27 10:38:06
Content warning: Catcontent, ec

"Bergbau"~Arbeiten im Kazzeklo, Nala wünscht eine Reinigung

Schwarze, zierliche Katze, mit weißen Pfoten und Chemisette, auf Balkon mit Terracotta-Fliesen, am Zink-Geländer, guckt direkt in Kamera
2024-02-29 08:14:15

Großes Aufatmen beim Thema Fachkräftemangel in der Innovationswüste Deutschland: #Bezahlkarte für geflüchtete Menschen entwickelt sich zum DIY-Fintech-Inkubator!

Abhebungen, Überweisungen und eine Überziehung des Kontos sind unmöglich, zudem lässt sich die Bezahlkarte ausschließlich innerhalb des Postleitzahlgebiets von Greiz verwenden. Dadurch fühlt sich Shamil allerdings eingeschränkt: "In anderen Städten kann ich mit der Karte nicht einkaufen." In den Supermärkten und Discountern in Greiz ist die Bezahlkarte indes längst Alltag, wie die Leiter zweier Filialen berichten. Technisch gebe es keine Hindernisse, sie funktioniere wie eine übliche EC-Karte. …
2024-04-30 07:38:41

An excellent overview by Stan Cox.
Eco-Collapse Hasn’t Happened Yet, But You Can See It Coming -
2024-03-08 10:39:46

"#Jobs knew that the pressure of #competition was what kept #Apple – and all companies – #honest.
With the
2024-02-26 08:12:47

Looking forward to the talk of @… .

Screenshot of the event website
2024-04-19 06:47:14

hello netherlands you mean to tell me I don't need to download a separate app for every local transportation system for every city I visit but can simply use my existing credit, debit, or EC card as both payment and ticket?
My feeble German mind cannot comprehend this
2024-02-21 16:07:03

Ukrainian agricultural sector faces $80 billion in damages amid Russian invasion:
2024-02-29 15:29:48

New European funding opportunities aligned with the targets of the European Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation #AFIR, with a new category: Support to #Megawatt recharging stations for Heavy Duty Vehicles.
2024-02-19 21:14:49

"The European Commission has opened formal proceedings to assess whether #TikTok may have breached the Digital Services Act (DSA) in areas linked to the protection of minors, advertising transparency, data access for researchers, as well as the risk management of addictive design and harmful content."
2024-03-24 15:47:41

Good News!
Mitbestimmung in Europa 🇪🇺 ist einfacher geworden - deine Stimme zählt.
Besuche #HaveYourSay (Link unten) u. beteilige dich an den öffentlichen Konsultationen der Europäischen Kommission.
Egal, ob es um #Umwelt,

Großaufnahme zeigt ein Laptop, offen auf einem Tisch, eine Person tippt auf der Tastatur.
Text oben: Good News - Mitreden in Europa wird einfacher
Logo unten: Demokratie in Bewegung
2024-04-12 07:00:17

Impacto Distributivo Potencial de Reformas na Tributacao Indireta no Brasil: Simulacoes Baseadas na PEC 45/2019
Rozane Bezerra dde Siqueira, Jose Ricardo Bezerra Nogueira, Carlos Feitosa Luna
2024-04-19 12:45:54

Bei der Deutschen Bahn alles wie immer (auch, dass wir jetzt schon bei 35 sind). Aber der vorschlag der SBB, einen zug zu nehmen, der «ausgebucht» ist, ist jetzt auch nicht so hilfreich.

Screenshot SBB-app. Da der ICE von Mannheim Hbf nach Basel SBB verspätet ist, und damit nicht der anschluss erreicht wird, wird als alternative der EC 59 vorgeschlagen, der aber «ausgebucht» ist.
2024-04-24 08:41:08

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2024-03-18 10:01:38

Bahncard nur noch digital: Schließt das manche Fahrgäste aus?
Statt mit der Kredit- oder EC-Karte zahlen viele mittlerweile mit dem Smartphone. Und andere Karten gibt es nur noch ganz in der digitalen Variante. Zum Beispiel Kundenkarten für Rabatte in Supermärkten. Wo man also hinschaut: Die Plastikkarte ist auf dem Rückzug. Jetzt will auch die Bahn ihre Kundenkarte fürs Portemonnaie abschaffen. Ab dem 9. Juni gibt es die Bahncard nur noch digital.
2024-02-19 15:52:36

Diese ganzen "Hier nur EC, keine Kreditkarten!!11" Kartoffelläden werden durch Maestro jetzt immer mehr Kundenverlust haben.
Dann geht mein Geld halt zum nächsten Supermarkt.
Aber hauptsache 20ct Gebühren gespart
2024-02-19 04:19:23

there's probably other DHT-like tables besides the standard XOR metric that torrents use.
like, if you're literally doing web-of-trust stuff, small network stuff applies right?
high clustering coefficient, low path length?
so something that's good at getting you a good-enough path length of the local group is probably fine. Doesn't need to be global.
could probably still have the exponential backoff drop. or maybe faster?
distance tables:
direct friends
friend 1 (store all)
friend 3 (store... half?)
friend 7 (store... a quarter? an eighth?)
friend 15 (there's a lot here, store few)
2024-04-30 07:38:41

An excellent overview by Stan Cox.
Eco-Collapse Hasn’t Happened Yet, But You Can See It Coming -
2024-03-15 12:50:55

At the end of February, Yale Institute of Sacred Music hosted a group of scholars, practitioners, and artists whose work focuses on the ecological impact of Buddhist prayer flags in the Himalayan region.
2024-02-20 15:01:31

Colin McGinn || Elements of Economics
2024-04-27 05:51:29

A fairly bland livery on this #Vectron that pulled my EC from Praha to Kiel a few days ago.
2024-05-01 07:28:45

Energy Cyber Attacks to Smart Healthcare Devices: A Testbed
Zainab Alwaisi, Simone Soderi, Rocco De Nicola
arXiv:2404.19418v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) has garnered significant interest in both research and industry due to its profound impact on human life. The rapid expansion of IoT technology has ushered in smart healthcare, smart devices, smart cities, and smart grids. However, the security of IoT devices, particularly in healthcare, has become a major concern, with recent attacks revealing serious vulnerabilities. In IoT networks, where connected devices are susceptible to resource-constraint attacks, such as energy consumption attacks, security is paramount.
This paper explores the impact of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and Fake Access Points (F-APs) attacks on WiFi-enabled smart healthcare devices. Specifically, it investigates how these attacks can disrupt service on victim devices and Access Points (APs), focusing on device connectivity and energy consumption during attacks. Key findings include identifying the attack rates of DDoS attacks that disrupt services and quantifying the energy consumption impact of Energy Consumption Distributed Denial of Service (EC-DDoS) and F-APs attacks on smart healthcare devices.
The study highlights communication protocols, attack rates, payload sizes, and port states of victim devices as critical factors influencing energy consumption. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of IoT device vulnerabilities in smart healthcare environments and lay the groundwork for future defense strategies.
2024-03-26 15:16:54

"Unser hochmoderner Online-Shop"
Der hochmoderne Online-Shop:

Text "Überweisung/Vorkasse" mit altem ec/Electronic Cash-Logo links daneben. Alles mit deutlichen JPEG-Artefakten.
2024-04-23 07:28:33

European Commission expert group recommends uniform signage for low / zero emission zone (although fumes will reportedly be modified to be less prominent: "smoke to be shown as a contour only")

Traffic sign showing a red circle, with a car with clearly visible tailpipe smoke
2024-03-15 08:47:10

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2024-04-15 06:51:20

Auto-configuring Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff in Evolutionary Computation via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Zeyuan Ma, Jiacheng Chen, Hongshu Guo, Yining Ma, Yue-Jiao Gong
2024-04-23 07:15:51

On the structure of envy-free orientations on graphs
Jinghan A Zeng, Ruta Mehta…
2024-04-23 06:52:05

Socialized Learning: A Survey of the Paradigm Shift for Edge Intelligence in Networked Systems
Xiaofei Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Chao Qiu, Qinghua Hu, Victor C. M. Leung
2024-02-19 08:35:24

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2024-03-15 08:40:44

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2024-02-15 08:32:57

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2024-04-30 17:25:46

Commission launches Whistleblower Tools for Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act.
#eu #dma #dsa #whistleblower
2024-04-09 11:49:20

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Baltra with 박혜진 park hye jin:
🎵 Ahead of Time
2024-03-25 15:08:07

GÉANT & #NRENs play an instrumental role in unlocking the potential of commercial #cloud for European #Research & #Education

From left to right: Veronika Di Luna, GÉANT, Work Package lead for the commercial cloud procurement activities in the EOSC Future project (WP8); David Heyns, GÉANT, Project Manager of the OCRE project and Task Lead within EOSC Future WP8; Jan Meijer, Sikt, Task Lead in the OCRE project and part of EOSC Future WP8; Monique Pellinkhof, GÉANT, leading procurement activities in OCRE and Task Lead within EOSC Future WP8.
2024-02-19 08:35:24

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2024-05-02 08:29:20

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2024-03-15 06:50:14

All-pay Auction Based Profit Maximization in End-to-End Computation Offloading System
Hai Xue, Yun Xia, Di Zhang, Honghua Wei, Xiaolong Xu
2024-02-15 08:31:38

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2024-05-01 14:26:13

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
박혜진 Park Hye Jin:
🎵 I Need You
2024-04-19 02:19:10

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #EasternEchoes
Agust D feat. Ryuichi Sakamoto, 김우성 of The Rose:
🎵 Snooze (feat Ryuichi Sakamoto)
#AgustD #RyuichiSakamoto #김우성ofTheRose
2024-05-05 09:01:31

🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #VarietyMix
Terminal Nation:
🎵 Echoes of the Devil’s Den
#TerminalNation #newRelease 🆕 album
🎶 #Show #playlist 👇
#KEXP #playlist 👇