Ménilmontant de Thomas Boivin est bien plus qu’un livre de photographie, c’est une immersion dans Paris, une balade sensible Š travers ses rues et ses visages...
🌊 Lire sur le Sillon https://sillon-fictionnel.club/post/menilmontant/
Je n’ai jamais vraiment aimé le tennis. Voir deux ou quatre personnes taper sur une balle m’a toujours semblé ennuyeux et lassant. Quand j’ai vu le titre Les Derniers Jours de Roger Federer, je n’ai pas immédiatement sauté sur ce livre...
🌊 Lire sur le Sillon https://sillon-fictionnel.club/post/au…
Die Einschaltquoten sind relevant für die Folgeverträge. Wir müssen endlich über diese ganzen #Talkshows reden und dass sie extern produziert werden, von profitorientierten Unternehmen. It's the economy, stupid!
For the upcoming year, I hope furries get shit on by the major platforms to the point where they *have* to leave... And please let the people who lead the charge to the next platform choose something that's *not* going to be the exact same old story.
I'm tired of having to split my attention three ways because there's the Discord crowd, then there's the Telegram crowd, and then there's the few people who actually care enough and try alternatives like at least Signal or Delta Chat.
#furry #furrycommunity
My motto for #2025:
"Tomorrow the sun will rise."
Like Malaysia Airlines MH17 and Korean Air Lines 007, seems Azerbaijan Airlines J2-8243 may have been shot down. #russia just can’t stop hurting people.
“FlightRadar24…said…aircraft…faced ‘strong GPS jamming,’ which ‘made…aircraft transmit bad ADS-B data,’ referring to…information…allows flight-tracking websites to follow planes…Russia…blamed in…past for jamming GPS transmissions…”
I recently upgraded my CPU and ordered a new CPU cooler without need, since I thought I had just the stock AMD Wraith cooler, which could have some trouble handling a 5700X3D under load.
I think I'll be going forward with that new cooler after all, just because of how neatly arranged its included mounting accessories are.
From Freeze 34 to Thermaltake's Peerless Assassin 120 SE.