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2024-05-05 15:23:49

For a few days, I wasn't able to see any images from Mastodon server on my PC, neither from the browser, nor via Tuba. They worked in Tusky, though.
Of course, it was DNS. At first, I thought that something is mistakenly blocking the cache subdomain. But it turned out to be a DNSSEC bug in systemd.
2024-04-06 17:25:58

Oh, I bought the wrong M2 to usb adapter for the wrong form factor. I didn't even know there were form factors.... I'm too much of a novice with modern hardware.
[Cof-Cof-Cof!] In my day, all PC hardware was noisy, slow and incompatible with GNU/Linux!
2024-06-05 19:18:15

Nixxes Software releasing a patch that fixes Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut for AMD RX 7000 series GPUs restored my faith in humanity. Buying the game as soon as I can.
2024-06-05 11:25:24

Recently my pipeline work consists of finding out why that Windows PC loses its network connection during screen sharing or takes minutes after booting up to even establish an Ethernet connection. Linux PCs around it are fine 😩
2024-06-04 19:50:32

I'm planning to expand my #Homelab over the next few months so I finally decided to document its current state. It's pretty barebones but I'll be looking around for inspiration and flesh this page out over time.
2024-04-04 17:11:24

So far in various testing of my PC/OS setup, it seems that perhaps the oddness of my physical setup is wreaking some mild havoc. You see, living in an RV has made for some interesting hurdles.
1)Tower is in the bedroom as that's the only space I had for it.
2) I have many dongles and a hub, trying to ensure wireless access to the tower, as I am NOT in the bedroom as I type this.
3)Driving 3 screens,two 1080p in the bdr, one 1440p out here. This means long cables. 1/?
2024-04-03 21:09:52

My first visit to today.
First picture taken with my first digital camera at 1mpix. A EPSON PHOTO PC 600 and I think I lost the actual original jpg so this is some old crappy edit I found on short notice.
2024-06-03 16:15:40

Technical question.
Can anyone tell me where the Guardian's comments and 'most viewed' sections are hosted?
I can see them on my Android devices but on my PC, where I have a very long list of banned IP in my DNS lookup they wont load any more (they used to appear OK until recently).
2024-06-05 19:18:15

Nixxes Software releasing a patch that fixes Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut for AMD RX 7000 series GPUs restored my faith in humanity. Buying the game as soon as I can.
2024-04-05 00:05:13

Pokémon LeafGreen and In Memoriam
I don't have that much money left in Pokémon LeafGreen, but I do now have 98 pokémon. Still haven't beaten the Elite Four, but I've not actually tried - I've been travelling around trying to level up my Raichu, and wondering where I can get another moonstone from to evolve Clefairy. A game that I've got back into is In Memoriam, on the PC.
2024-04-03 00:00:53

So, TurboTax web is $89 for 1 federal return and TurboTax PC is $50 total for up to 5 federal returns. Wow. The web version is a rip off.
Also, I am going to see if my kids can use the free US government tax filing web site.
#TurboTax #Taxes
2024-06-01 15:06:00

#TodayILearned that my favourite #foss Android mirroring app #scrcpy can work wirelessly. I can now begin displaying my phone's screen on my PC without using its USB cord, as long as both devices are on the same…

Screengrab of the scrcpy app running on a desktop. scrcpy is an open source, cross-platform app that allows users to mirror and control their phone screen on their computer.
2024-03-25 19:55:03

Kids and me built the Pantasy Retro PC in the last days and we are really having fun with it.
Lots of things to explain and now they want to see real old PC insides. Good I kept some old beige Macs in the garage which look…

The pantasy retro pc with a commander keen Screenshot
My daughter trying to touch control the dos prompt
2024-04-30 11:44:10
Content warning:

Bruv. I'm shitting my pants watching this. I can't go anywhere near the fucking ocean lmao
Surfers have no idea a Great White Shark is below them
2024-05-28 15:47:19

I disconnected my phone from my PC and it has been a blessing. What originally started as "oh wow this is great I can text and see my notifications" turned into yet another distraction that I had to fight.
2024-04-02 18:23:06

that kind of feeling when you use something youve built on your pc. first gentoo, now crdroid. it takes only 46 minutes for my pc to build a rom, blazingly fast
2024-05-26 04:12:48

"How well do the PC fan #CRBoxes work", you ask?
Normally my AQI monitor sits at 1 with windows closed. With windows open, as outdoor AQI has been around 30-40 recently, the indoor monitor has been around 5.
I had a number of windows open earlier today, and had to close most of them when outdoor AQI spiked up to 60 in the past ~4 hours. Now I have one window open, and w…

Screenshot from, showing Air Quality In NYC's live AQI index is currently (as of midnight) at 73.
A PC fan CR box. It has 8 black (arctic P12) PC fans on top, a 20x20 filter on one side, and a 10x20 filter on the other side.

There's also a random cat toy on the floor (a fish).
On the left (above a radiator), a single-hung window open about 5 inches. Along with various "artwork" on the walls (lol, kids), next to the window there's a blue chair and then a metal stool and the AQI monitor on the stool; probably about 4 feet away from the window? The AQI monitor's display reads PM2.5 @ 2.7 , while AQI is 11. The AQI monitor also has a pair of eye stickers on it because, again, lol kids.
2024-05-01 09:59:56

Well, shit. My PSU gave up completely it seems. PC won't turn on :neofox_nervous:
2024-05-28 06:48:00

I just realized that all my stationary PC's is almost 10 years old - all of them.
I mean, 2015 was just last year right????
2024-06-04 18:03:37

What would be a great videogame, especially Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, without my review? A great videogame nonetheless. Though here it is (it's in the UK Xbox store):

[5 stars]

4.5/5 – It is what it is

Once you get to the ending, you realise this wonderful game couldn't have been done in any other way. The story of Senua, among other things, is an impressive graphical showcase for other games to come, so I am not overly upset about having to walk around the beautiful landscape, enjoy the impeccable sound design, decipher the story and the strong overall message.

Maybe it would have been an even better game if the combat scenario…
2024-03-21 12:08:39

Just under 3 hours until the release of Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition on PC.
I can't wait for this game to release as this is where my time will be spent for the next few days if not weeks.
Will anyone else be playing this on PC by chance?

Banner image for the video game Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition for PC.
2024-05-29 20:34:45

Four years ago I bought my gaming pc also for "studying." Today, I do CFD simulations and machine learning for my master's degree. So yes, mom, it was all true. Just well in advance.
#gaming #pc #pcgaming
2024-04-23 14:28:04

Oh my. I wonder how many work machines that originally were to upgrade to Win11 will now need to be returned and users will be issued new supported machines.
2024-03-30 16:57:51

What I imagined would happen: I enable #DistCC on my weak laptop, it will pour compilation jobs on my Ryzen PC like crazy, keeping all 12 threads on boost 100% busy and finish webkit-gtk in no time.
What actually happened: the 4 laptop cores are 100% busy preprocessing and can't keep up delivering jobs to the Ryzen, and it is eating through them so fast it's barely busy.
Well, at least preprocessing doesn't take as much memory as the compiler, so things are actually progressing rather than getting stuck on swapping.
2024-04-14 08:22:41

My desktop PC's CPU/APU soon turns 10. Can I reduce my energy use with a new one? Turns out, probably not.
I'm only ever starved for CPU when Thunderbird is busy.
A newer APU has about twice the single-threaded speed for the same TDP of 65 W (downclockable to 45 W), for an upfront cost about 50 % higher than in 2015. It makes sense if I can save an average of 10 W for 10 years. I'd confirm with plug-in power meter over a few days.
Will the shop accept my returns…
2024-05-25 16:22:40

every time my pc comes out of sleep mode dozens of calculators are open. what is happening here?

as described
2024-04-25 08:46:34

So I wanted to give Fallout 2 a go on my media center PC. I was messing around with Wine and 32-bit vs 64-bit weirdness until I discovered [Fallout 2 Community Edition]( which simply works on Linux flawlessly. It even supports Wayland if …
2024-04-13 22:05:40

I haven't gotten prime video to work on my phone. My guess is that the phone app can't handle the geolocation properly. I was getting logged in to my account which can't use prime video. It works fine on my PC. Since I am in the #Philippines, the website requires me to sign in to . #primevideo
2024-04-01 04:20:07

Hello from a today old install of Garuda, as well as a proper dual boot PC (tho atm I have to use the boot menu from BIOS) that has straight Arch on Sata SSD 2. Had to edit my boot priority in BIOS to get this SSD to the front of the line. Been testing stuff and my audio is still not great, sadly. I mean it works, just.. not in ways that make sense to me. I dunno, maybe it's an MSI thing, or Garuda? At any rate, already mostly back up to speed, finish off tomorrow.
2024-04-28 13:50:44

Spent all this day trying to reinstall windows on my brothers pc.
Problem is his motherboard can't enter the setup, like it's missing and the only thing it can do is load a random drive in bios mode. (btw its a gigabyte b450m s2h)
2024-03-29 16:45:00

Family is sleeping, I read the #GhostTownLiving book that arrived yesterday ☺️
Been following Brent’s story almost since the start 4 years ago, when my wife and me sat at home without anything to do but checking on our newborn and reading news about Corona.
It helped me to let my thoughts travel from all the misery of that time.
Still looking forward to each new video he pos…

The book Ghost town living on my lap
2024-04-19 13:33:05

I do not envy people who still have elderly parents operating in the wild. I spent a large slice of my only visit to my Dad’s post-retirement home for his 80th birthday trying to clean his Windows PC of multiple varieties of malware persistently and failing.
2024-03-22 12:15:58

The Space Syntax Lab at the #BartlettSchoolOfArchitecture #UCL is holding a bi-weekly online seminar on zoom to present latest research findings on the relationship between configurations of space and social outcomes, curated by my colleague @…
2024-04-16 10:18:44

Intriguing; Utada Hikaru has a new album out a few days ago... [my 1st time listening right this instant]
Update: Sorry my mistake, this is a Greatest Hits album from Hikki; her 1st ever greatest hits, and 4th compilation album
2024-03-24 20:13:22

About to hop on Fallout 76 for a few just so I can "scrip out" for the day.
There's not much else to do on there until Tuesday unfortunately.🤷‍♂️ I do have aspirations of getting the Union PA eventually, but I'm kinda hoping that the stamp prices go down after the update....😬 that might be hoping too much though lmao.
If you play and are looking for plans and stuff, I have like 200 plans in my shop plus some other goodies. Username on PC:
2024-03-21 12:08:39

Just under 3 hours until the release of Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition on PC.
I can't wait for this game to release as this is where my time will be spent for the next few days if not weeks.
Will anyone else be playing this on PC by chance?

Banner image for the video game Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition for PC.
2024-04-09 20:46:16

Both my wife and I have a #LEGO set with a light kit hooked up to our #gaming #PC's. So that when our PC's are on the light kit in the hooked up set is on. Due to the motherboard dur…
2024-03-22 23:49:36

going thru a nasty breakup so i added HomeKit to my gaming pc, hashtag relatable hashtag fyp
2024-05-17 13:34:42

I recently changed to openSUSE tumbleweed on my gamin PC after using EndeavourOS for a year.
I can say that Tumbleweed works much better than Endeavour, I've had no problems running any games under proton compared to when I used Endeavor.
Good to see my first linux distro still being the best
2024-04-19 15:20:36

Figured I'd keep a running log of this whole badge project: #electronics
2024-04-20 00:44:11

Oh crap. I didn't realize that when using Cloudflare tunnels the apps on my mobile and desktop PC that sync data with my server would not work as they don't request the code sent to my email to connect as the web apps do. What an idiot. 😒
2024-05-10 21:11:43

#NowPlaying - my 15 favorite ZZ Top songs<…

The cover of ZZ Top's album Tres Hombres (a lot of green, desert, etc) and the title of my playlist, ESSENTIAL PLAYLIST: ZZ Top, from YouTube
2024-04-15 14:27:44

When working on a PC, I miss Apple's "palm rejection" on the trackpad. I find myself continually inadvertently brushing my palm against this PC's pad and the cursor jiggles or the focus jumps. #Windows #Mac
2024-05-21 20:35:27

I have 7 (probably 8) devices (computers?) here in my living room running one form of #Linux or another - and every one is a different form factor from the others!
Android tablet
Android phone
Desktop PC
Steam deck
(and the probably 8th, my wifi/router box)
There are at least a similar number of devices elsewhere in the …
2024-04-07 15:48:02

Check out this show by Grateful Dead from Sat, Apr 7, 1984 at Irvine Meadows on Live Music Archive!
#GratefulDead #TIGDH #LiveMusic
2024-05-25 16:22:40

every time my pc comes out of sleep mode dozens of calculators are open. what is happening here?

as described
2024-05-21 16:08:30

This actually kind of seems like the natural end state of these devices.
It seems (Federico has made it seem?) so obvious that it makes me wonder if Apple is habituating us to the idea of a $2000 iPad, because they are going to eventually flip the switch and have the "computer" just be a modular ecosystem with the iPad at its center
From: @…
2024-05-27 19:49:16

I've been doing daily journals in #Logseq for about a month now and I'm realising now that despite being on both my PC OSes, I only ever write on mobile.
Whenever I'm on Windows I'm only there to play games where not much worth writing happens.
On Linux the brokenness of Electron on Wayland makes the app just annoying enough to be unappealing.
The phone is just…
2024-04-18 14:04:17

Playing around with @… on the #raspberrypi using #Java.
This is an addition to my tower PC, which will show the GPU and CPU temperatures with the lamps, the 8x8 matrix shows a…

Video showing lamps, I2C OLED display and 8x8 LED matrix working
2024-05-31 07:06:17

Just for the record, yesterday I tried Senua's Saga: Hellblade II for the Xbox Console. (Basically, if you subscribe to Game Pass for PC, and a game is "play anywhere," you can share your saves AND play it on console, too, without the need to subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate, which is grrreat.)
1. Although it must be pointed out that I've hooked my XSX to a 1080p monitor, the game feels like it runs above 30 FPS
2. On XSX, the game still looks amazing
3. XS…
2024-05-10 16:54:08

I don't know how popular they ever were outside of Milan, Italy but I miss (badly, proper nostalgia) old-school PC shops.
The ones with dusty-on-arrival Lotus 1-2-3 boxes, and 4MB RAM sticks, and occasional fancy CPUs ("We're getting two MMX next week!") and/or VESA video card.
In my case, the shop came with a family friend behind the counter so I miss it even more, but I miss them in general.
2024-04-14 11:41:14

Annoying. My older Win 10 machine does not have a TPM . It is not able to be updated to win 11 per MS. So why did the latest update reenable settings so they could splash full page ads across the screens about updating to windows 11? Had to go back in and turn them off again so I can use the thing in peace.

Ads forced onto my machine while I was trying to slice a 3d print. It says

A new journey with windows.
We want to thank you for yours loyalty as a Windows 10 customer. As end of support for Windows 10 approaches, we're here to support you on your PC journey.

Your PC is not eligible to upgrade to Windows 11, but will continue to receive windows 10 fixes and security updates until support ends on October 14 2025.

Learn more about how you can prepare for the transition to windows 11.

Learn abo…
2024-05-17 13:31:55
#Infernax is an amazing piece of work. Lovely pixel graphics, nice accessibility options, plot that's staying out of my way, etc.

But that boss fight in the barn? If there's another like that, I swear the whole PC is being doused in petrol and thrown off the balcony in flames.

It's a horrible grind with randomised attack patterns. Awful. Trash.

(also it…
2024-04-21 19:41:11

Once you start self-hosting,
HOW do you keep yourself from putting everything there?
Because once i put up my plex,nextcloud,qbittorent etc i get scarred that my pc will get empty.
2024-03-26 11:19:56

Good morning #Fediverse and happy Tuesday to all of you!
It's a new day with new things on the agenda, so let's discuss what the plans are for the day.
It's work stuff here as usual with only one meeting instead of two since my boss is on vacation this week.
After the work stuff, it'll likely just be time playing Horizon Forbidden West on PC.

An image with a coffee shop like background and a coffee cup on the right side sitting on a saucer. All of that is sitting on a wood table and you can see the words happy Tuesday.
2024-05-17 13:34:42

I recently changed to openSUSE tumbleweed on my gamin PC after using EndeavourOS for a year.
I can say that Tumbleweed works much better than Endeavour, I've had no problems running any games under proton compared to when I used Endeavor.
Good to see my first linux distro still being the best
2024-04-18 20:14:40

In chronological order as to how they were released, my top 12 favorite Who songs:

The Who on stage, standing and waving to a crowd. The Who, original line up, performing in Chicago. Left to right: Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Keith Moon, Pete Townshend.
2024-04-09 13:30:32

I fired up my old Windows 10 PC to run an application that won't run under a VM and Windows asked if I wanted to try out Copilot. We really need a "burn this, bury the ashes and never speak of it again" option.
2024-04-11 15:51:28

#Jupyter Notebooks are great.
That said, one PITA is the extra cruft saved in the file. Someone sends an updated Notebook, "I only changed 2 lines, can you look?", but when I do a file comparison, there's 100s of changed lines. To make any sense of it, I'd have to upload both to a Jupyter server, open, clear all cell outputs, save, download to my PC, and then compare.
2024-04-11 01:26:21

TIL: A DP cable can carry enough power from one GPU to another to light up the RGB LED on it, and also spin a case fan that's on molex, somehow. So I finished the build, and went to post it. My dumb ass forgot I replaced my monitor DVI cables with DP>DVI. Hooked up what I thought was the monitor and got nothing. Then I realized I had actually connected this PC's GPU to the "new" build GPU 🤣 😬 . Fixed it, still no display. Powered off/on, post, boot device message. whew. …

Black PC case with the Mobo and cooler tower installed. Cooler tower clears the side panel of the PC case by about 4mm, btw. The GPU hasn't been installed yet. There is also a big fan hole in the middle of the case front cause I don't have an extra fan atm. I'll get to it.
The back of the PC case after all the connections have been run and tidied up. Everything is black. There's a pair of SSD carriages in the middle. The back of the case has a popout built into it so it can clear the drives, if they are installed. I haven't bothered, yet. PSU is at the bottom with all the cables tucked in front of it to the left.
Front of the finished build after all the components have been installed and wired in. Looks pretty clean if I do say so myself.
2024-04-11 01:26:21

TIL: A DP cable can carry enough power from one GPU to another to light up the RGB LED on it, and also spin a case fan that's on molex, somehow. So I finished the build, and went to post it. My dumb ass forgot I replaced my monitor DVI cables with DP>DVI. Hooked up what I thought was the monitor and got nothing. Then I realized I had actually connected this PC's GPU to the "new" build GPU 🤣 😬 . Fixed it, still no display. Powered off/on, post, boot device message. whew. …

Black PC case with the Mobo and cooler tower installed. Cooler tower clears the side panel of the PC case by about 4mm, btw. The GPU hasn't been installed yet. There is also a big fan hole in the middle of the case front cause I don't have an extra fan atm. I'll get to it.
The back of the PC case after all the connections have been run and tidied up. Everything is black. There's a pair of SSD carriages in the middle. The back of the case has a popout built into it so it can clear the drives, if they are installed. I haven't bothered, yet. PSU is at the bottom with all the cables tucked in front of it to the left.
Front of the finished build after all the components have been installed and wired in. Looks pretty clean if I do say so myself.
2024-03-14 20:03:27

For a good amount of years i played NFS:HP 2010, first on my old xbox, later multiple times on my pc, all of these times for free of course:)
Now my brother wanted to try the remaster (with online and such), so i bought him and myself a pair. It feels wrong to buy an nfs game but it's hot pursuit and for 3 dollars.
I think ill refund it after probing but not 100% sure
2024-05-17 06:44:08

A coworker’s Houdini suddenly crashes on a PySide GUI I made. It does so on one show but not on another, but can be replicated on another workstation as well. I start to investigate but it doesn’t happen on my PC. I add some debug logging to collect more data and call it a day. Next morning, coworker’s saying thanks for fixing the bug. It no longer crashes.
2024-04-21 11:32:44

There, dual booting #Fedora #KDE as the default OS on the PC I am doing all my writing and translations, so stop pestering me for being a square because I use Windows!
Lost the left audio channel for a minute there after first boot. Turning it off and on again and getting the latest…

A screenshot of a brand new Fedora KDE install, showing my notifications page on Mastodon.
2024-05-17 13:31:55
#Infernax is an amazing piece of work. Lovely pixel graphics, nice accessibility options, plot that's staying out of my way, etc.

But that boss fight in the barn? If there's another like that, I swear the whole PC is being doused in petrol and thrown off the balcony in flames.

It's a horrible grind with randomised attack patterns. Awful. Trash.

(also it…
2024-05-15 18:01:59

Happy 23rd anniversary to Weezer's green album, released today (May 15) in 2001. Man, did I listen to this album a lot, and I still can. Might be my favorite Weezer record but I hate the last song - luckily it's last and I can just turn it off when it comes on. 😂
I remember following along online as they were making it, they were posting updates. Some great unreleased/b-side stuff from this era, too.

The cover of Weezer's green album. The band is standing centrally on an all lime green background. Band name in white font above them. In order: Mikey (RIP), Rivers, Brian, Pat.
2024-03-14 20:03:27

For a good amount of years i played NFS:HP 2010, first on my old xbox, later multiple times on my pc, all of these times for free of course:)
Now my brother wanted to try the remaster (with online and such), so i bought him and myself a pair. It feels wrong to buy an nfs game but it's hot pursuit and for 3 dollars.
I think ill refund it after probing but not 100% sure
2024-04-21 11:32:44

There, dual booting #Fedora #KDE as the default OS on the PC I am doing all my writing and translations, so stop pestering me for being a square because I use Windows!
Lost the left audio channel for a minute there after first boot. Turning it off and on again and getting the latest…

A screenshot of a brand new Fedora KDE install, showing my notifications page on Mastodon.
2024-04-21 00:38:31

Been a busy couple days. Got the stuff to set up this PC out in the living area. Put in a new vent where the fresh water tank inlet was. Need to get some 5" duct so I can pipe the exhaust fan to the vent. Little odd having only one screen now. Got the second (eventual server) PC set up in the bedroom. It was late, so I just slapped Garuda on it so I could access my Ext HDD quickly for nighttime playlist. Will figure out what OS to use soon. Haven't tripped a breaker yet, woo.
2024-04-25 00:02:51

Fallout 76 time!!! I'll be online in about 20-30 minutes after I update my mods.
I have tons of stuff on sale if anyone wants to drop by! I'm on PC and my username is
I'll also probably be dropping 3 nukes throughout the night so if you're in my game, plenty of goodies to get!
Hope to see some of you online soon! And if you're new and need anything or just want some tips. Let me know, I have a bunch of stuff and don't mind helping out!
#Fallout #Fallout76 #Gaming #Games #VideoGames #PCGaming
2024-05-14 15:27:21

Those OTP/2FA tokens... are they really random or are they made so you can remember them more easily while switching from your phone to your PC?
I often get the impression that it's not 6 different digits. I just had one that was something like 555 606 and it messes with my head 😵‍💫
2024-03-11 22:24:25

I read the other day that Jim Morrison was a big fan of the Beach Boys album Wild Honey, and despite me not being a Doors fan, I gotta agree with him.
The Beach Boys were the first band I was really into as a kid- the Beatles right around the same time, but afterwards. When I was really young, my parents would play both bands pretty often.
Everyone of course knows the Beach Boys' big beach related hits, but Wild Honey is an overlooked masterpiece from 1967. It doesn't hav…

The cover to the 1967 masterpiece 'Wild Honey' by the Beach Boys. It's flowers and bees that look like stained glass almost, really cool art. Wild Honey is at the top in white almost block/bubble letters, 'The Beach Boys' underneath that in red-orange.
2024-04-20 07:32:22

It's funny because prior to this, I briefly installed an old Nvidia card on an old PC and logged into my old GeForce Experience profile, at which point they immediately sent me the said welcoming email. I thought it was a "welcome back" thing, but never gave it a try and completely forgot about it.
Personally, I think GeForce NOW is okay (play tested the entire Shadow Warrior 3 on it a year or two back), but not worth the price anyway.
Questions, Nvidia? Contact me …

A screenshot of the follow up email by Nvidia to me a few days after the fact:

"As part of regular maintenance, you mistakenly received an email welcoming you to your GeForce NOW membership.

There are no changes to your GeForce NOW membership.

Questions? Contact NVIDIA customer care for additional information.

We apologize for any confusion. Thank you for streaming with NVIDIA GeForce NOW."
2024-03-21 19:28:57

I believe I have found one of the more convoluted ways to "work around" a Linux sound arch issue, assuming it works. Trying to play Helldivers 2 with a headset and controller. Well they both use dongles. All my input devices do, actually, PC is in another "room" in this RV. Turns out the headset and controller are on the same freq, or real close, as they interfere with each other. To compound things, Bluetooth sound is harder on Linux than I realized. 1/?
2024-04-11 17:06:30

My favorite Fallout 76 mods are updated! It's a gaming day! ESO and FO 76 for me.
PS. If you have a gaming PC, are watching the Fallout series on Prime, and thinking about trying out Fallout 76, it's FREE with Prime right now!
#Fallout #Fallout76 #ElderScrollsOnline #Gaming #Games #VideoGames #GameDeals #FreeGames