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2024-06-17 08:17:00

OpenAI: Von non-profit zum Profit-orientierten Unternehmen
Sam Altman soll Aktionären gesagt haben, OpenAI solle ein Profit-orientiertes Unternehmen werden – ohne die Kontrolle des Non-Profit Boards.
2024-04-17 21:09:12

War for Profit: Corrupt Russia Officials Hide From Jail At the Front Lines:
2024-06-17 11:06:06

Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure.
Very interesting to see @… making this change and as a #ProtonPartner I'm super excited to see where this takes us going forward!
2024-06-17 11:50:35

Swiss privacy-focused app developer Proton establishes the Proton Foundation to transition to a nonprofit foundation model, similar to Signal and Mozilla (Paul Sawers/TechCrunch)
2024-04-18 06:18:45

I just don’t understand why Google is behaving like this… they seemed like such good people when they were just tracking your every move on the Internet and off to create detailed and constantly updated profiles of you to exploit for profit. What went wrong at this trillion-dollar surveillance capitalist?
#google #israel
2024-06-17 12:02:01

#proton #nonprofit
2024-06-17 20:02:26
Content warning:

Una consecuencia curiosa de como funciona el #fediverso es que una misma publicación puede modificarse y enviarse de forma distinta según el servidor que la solicite.
Esto, por supuesto, no es lo normal. Pero es posible y da para hacer cosas divertidas como la siguiente:
Mirad esta publicación en (Imagen 1):

Publicación vista desde

a user walks into a bar. the bartender says The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit
Publicación vista desde

a user walks into a bar. the bartender says Bienvenidos a, el mayor servidor de Mastodon para hispanohablantes de temática general.
Publicación original:

a $INSTANCE$host$ user walks into a bar. the bartender says $INSTANCE$description$
2024-06-17 08:41:43

Sam Altman wants to turn #OpenAI into a full for-profit. TBH that would at least be honest: Nothing about what OpenAI does is "open" in any way, shape or form.
2024-04-16 20:10:57

tech “meritocracy” doesn’t reward fast, good, or cheap—it rewards profit
2024-05-18 10:40:23

Corporation chasing overhyped tech in the quest for more profit instead of keeping environmental promises. News at 11.
2024-06-17 13:14:44

Don't miss today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you should know, including
--Ringleader of Scattered Spider allegedly arrested in Spain
--Empire Market operators charged,--Identities of MuddyWater and Darkbit leaders allegedly exposed,
--Hacker claims Snowflake accounts were accessed through third-party,
--LA county public health attack exposed personal data for more than 200K,
--Thousands of UK train riders were subject to Amazon facial recognition,
--Amazon planned to circumvent GitHub's scraping policies,
--Meta's AI models on a privacy hold in Europe,
--Proton moving to non-profit model,
--much more
2024-05-17 01:24:28

Child care now costs more than housing in all 50 states | Fortune
2024-04-18 06:15:41

TSMC reports Q1 revenue up 16.5% YoY to NT$592.64B ($18.87B) vs. NT$582.94B est., profit up 8.9% YoY to NT$225.49B vs. NT$213.59B est., on strong AI chip demand (Sheila Chiang/CNBC)
2024-05-17 07:57:59

@… Ist das #Datenschutz technisch in Ordnung, dass eine Webseite sein Belegungsplan so offen lässt:
2024-06-17 12:18:26

I think part of the issue (besides racism & sexism; those are the biggest problems here) is that people have *different* models of what posting is like. My model has always been "yelling in a public square, which has very different norms than "chatting in a pub." I saw this as the main distinction between Twitter & Facebook back in 2007 or so. However, as social media has morphed from a fringe curiosity to something omnipresent, it probably makes more sense to follow the pub norms by default.
Also, regardless of norms, white men specifically need to learn to respond better to mild social pushback (myself included). Structures of hierarchy including kyrarchy & white supremacism teach that we can demand attention, answers, respect, and deference, even when we give none of those things, plus they intentionally baggage us with a parcel of myths that has us unconsciously enforcing hierarchies beyond the conscious shit we pull.
"Admins are almost exclusively white geeks" is a problem that contributes here, and it's one almost any open-source federated thing will have, but just because it's a better problem than "admins are at the whim of one billionaire and actively encourage thr worst in us for profit," doesn't mean it's not a problem that deserves both technical & social attention.
2024-04-16 14:44:55

I would say their cancelled removable phones project was exciting tech.
*Project Ara*
Imagine able to swap out any part in a phone as seen fit. It’s like a @… phone
From: @…
2024-06-16 08:01:30

«Publicly-traded tech giants “are beholden to the share price, not to doing what’s right for the customer all the time. That’s just a reality of capitalism. You’re never going to change that in a public company because at the end of the day, they want the shareholder value to go up.”»
How can these bad incentives be compensated or eliminated? (Without a 180° turn of the entire society)
2024-06-15 00:43:58

The media and journalism worlds have been beaten up for so many years that it's hard to have hope. But the indie, worker-owned or non-profit digital media outlets that we see rising today remind me of how alt-weeklies used to inspire us in the last century. Maybe the New Alt Media is one vital way forward.
2024-04-16 21:24:17

1) This is great news; it's the first office building in #LdnOnt to be converted to residential.
2) I can only imagine the glee on so many people's faces that it's being done in the literal back yard of the city's most notorious owner of vacant buildings.
2024-05-15 19:00:03

"Human hair: A surprisingly effective way to soak up oil spills"
#Oil #Environment
2024-05-15 16:35:18

Unheilige Allianz - Wie Elon Musk die Ultrarechten für Profit umgarnt #News #Nachrichten
2024-04-14 14:19:37

What a sad and pathetic grift this is. You almost have to feel sorry for the Trump cultists who are going to lose everything.
The entire company has less revenue than a single Starbucks coffee shop. It will never, ever make a profit. It’s not even trying to; instead it’s shoveling investors’ cash as fast as it can into the pockets of Trump’s cronies.
Fine reporting by @…
2024-06-12 16:37:48

In-n-Out raises menu prices — YES
Due to minimum wage increases — NO
In-n-Out is debt-free and privately owned by a billionaire. Last year they made $4.8B in revenue, or $378k per employee. Their profit margin is about 20%, so they made about $76k profit per employee. Assuming all employees are at minimum wage (they are not), a $1/hr increase and 2000 hours per year would still net them $74k per employee. The actual effect is probably far less.
This is not about minimum w…
2024-04-17 09:30:36

Activision cuts entry fees for teams in its professional Call of Duty League, and will return collected fees, as the esports industry faces financial challenges (Cecilia D'Anastasio/Bloomberg)
2024-03-18 07:24:20

Odd Wilson surfaces
Olga Chekeres, Vladimir Salnikov
2024-05-16 07:00:38

The F Word
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

The F Word
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-17 08:29:41

This has been replaced.
2024-05-15 22:56:32

✈️ Boeing locks out private firefighters after contract talks break down
2024-05-09 11:20:41

WBD reports a $86M profit in Q1 for its DTC unit, which includes streaming, up from $50M in Q1 2023, and 99.6M streaming subscribers, up from 97.7M in Q4 2023 (Georg Szalai/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-06-02 19:42:02

2023 retro-link! - Prolly trees: Merklizing the key/value store for fun and profit.

Forgiving medical debt after it is sent to collections has fewer benefits – study
“If you’re intervening only after the debt has been sent to collections or after the hospital has been collecting on it for a year, there’s very little benefit,” said Kluender.
The findings are likely to disappoint legislative leaders. At least 15 states and local jurisdictions have worked with "RIP Medical Debt" to relieve debts for their constituents.
Many, such as Arizona and Con…
2024-05-08 15:50:38

Last week the California’s Attorney General announced it had reached a $4.5m dollar settlement with for-profit diploma mill #UniversityofPhoenix for predatorily scamming military veterans on the #GIBill. It was a #whistleblower
2024-04-27 17:11:19

lol both Mastodon and Bluesky now have Twitter cofounders on their boards and both have blockchain people as well
(Update: here’s the link to announcement of new US-based nonprofit:

lolsob emoji
2024-06-14 09:30:15

#Microsoft Refused to Fix Flaw Years Before #SolarWinds Hack
2024-06-15 02:11:24

What a "surprise" development.
2024-04-10 13:44:03

Some concerns about the potential influence of private profit motives on the quality and accessibility of education
2024-04-11 16:26:01

Hope Is a Practice and a Discipline: Building a Path to a Counterculture of Care - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2024-04-16 14:44:55

I would say their cancelled removable phones project was exciting tech.
*Project Ara*
Imagine able to swap out any part in a phone as seen fit. It’s like a @… phone
From: @…
2024-04-27 17:56:16

Worrying: #MastodonGGmbH had its non-profit status revoked in Germany.
2024-06-07 22:45:45

Court packer Leo shifted $6 million from his non-profit to his pocket - National Zero
2024-04-29 15:05:34

Reading @… message about Mastodon US, really wondering why german government removed the non-profit status.
2024-06-13 18:13:56

“As of 2022, there are 1,225 hate groups in the US, according to the non-profit legal group Southern Poverty Law Center. While specific views vary between these & other groups, they are generally all galvanized by curtailing government power or hatred toward individuals of certain races, religions, ethnicities, or sexual orientations. These groups are active in all 50 states, but in some parts of the country, they are far more common than in others.”
2024-04-12 13:39:27

By the way, my top post this time is this one, from @… -
2024-06-13 21:24:37

The company that just unleashed a screenlogger without privacy controls says that security is their top priority. Having trouble with some cognitive dissonance here. 🤔
I'm not one of those who hold a grudge for old "Linux is cancer" comments, nor one of those who believed the "Microsoft loves Linux" marketing campaign. I also don't expect a company to act as if it were a single organism with a unified consciousness — when you see that, run screaming in terror. But I do think that "pret…
2024-04-27 17:24:03

Wonderful. Ex-Twitter person and a crypto-hyper are on the board of the newly-founded Mastodon US non-profit:
2024-06-10 13:20:52

Sources: Shein recorded $32.2B in sales in 2023, up 40% YoY, compared with 37% YoY growth in 2022, and doubled its net profit to $1.6B, for a 5% profit margin (Jing Yang/The Information)
2024-06-13 23:18:44

#Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says
“Former employee says software giant dismissed his warnings about a critical flaw because it feared losing government business. Russian hackers later used the weakness to breach the National Nuclear Security Administration, among others.”
2024-04-28 16:23:37

Oh man, Biz Stone.
Praise be for the Fedi projects that aren't Mastodon, I guess.
2024-05-14 18:15:45

A pretty crazy week last week. $500 profit.

Screenshot from Amber Electric app, showing a tariff of 485.3¢/kWh
2024-04-30 08:35:19

"Love what you do, do what brings" profit. But what is #profit? Quoting #Marx: 'Without knowledge of surplus value, no theory of profit is possible.' Karl Marx, Theories about Surplus Value II, MEW 26.2, 376. Find more here (in German)
2024-03-18 07:24:20

Odd Wilson surfaces
Olga Chekeres, Vladimir Salnikov
2024-05-13 20:38:50

„Die aktuelle Kontroverse zwischen Signal und Telegram wirft einige interessante Fragen zu #Transparenz, #Datenschutz und Sicherheit von Chat-Apps auf:“
From: @…
2024-06-10 20:00:47

Can a non-profit Society in Canada without charitable status own land?
Answered, yes, under the BC Societies act:
2024-04-27 17:26:37

Wie kommt es zur US Hegemonie in der IT?
Durch das deutsche Finanzamt!! Die Leute sind einfach kaputt im Hirn! #cumex
2024-04-27 16:38:11

#Mastodon hat in Deutschland den Gemeinnützigkeitsstatus vom Finanzamt aberkannt bekommen und hat dann einfach prompt ne 501(c)(3) in den USA gegründet. Das #Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Deutschland lässt soviel zu wünschen übrig, dass es nicht mal in den wenigen Fällen funktioniert, in…
2024-06-15 00:29:37

Source: Sam Altman recently told some investors that OpenAI is considering changing to a for-profit benefit corporation that its nonprofit board doesn't control (The Information)
2024-04-27 17:11:19

lol both Mastodon and Bluesky now have Twitter cofounders on their boards and both have blockchain people as well
(Update: here’s the link to announcement of new US-based nonprofit:

lolsob emoji
2024-04-27 14:50:54

Co-founder of Twitter joins new Mastodon board of directors. Right, so federating with Threads wasn’t a mistake. This is just the direction Mastodon is going. Oh, well. Another Mozilla emerges.

The "creator economy" is a shiny veneer hiding an ugly truth:
it has nothing to do with empowering creators.
It's exploiting them for maximum profit.
Tech has sold us a fairy tale that dedicating yourself to your creative passion can be a viable career path in the modern world.
But they conveniently leave out the part where they ruthlessly exploit those creators to line their pockets.
Take Spotify, for example. They love to tout how they "sup…
2024-05-07 11:40:28

Disney reports Disney Core, which excludes Disney Hotstar in India and other Southeast Asian countries, subscribers up 6% QoQ to 117.6M in Q2, above forecasts (Todd Spangler/Variety)
2024-04-10 09:25:52

Sources: ByteDance's EBITDA rose 60% YoY in 2023 to $40B and its sales rose from $80B to $120B, the first time ByteDance surpassed Tencent in revenue and profit (Bloomberg)
2024-04-27 23:34:54

Interesting choice of board members for the new Mastodon US not-for-profit. Inasmuch directors influence the direction of the project towards their areas of interest, it tells us something where they are planning to go.
2024-05-13 10:00:05

"I am mad that vital human institutions and practices are being threatened, contorted, disrupted, killed off, that hundreds or thousands of people doing this kind of work are unemployed, are fighting for their right to earn a living, because a handful of tech companies have seen fit to profit at their expense, no matter the human cost."
(Original title: For artists, writers, humans, big tech's mission has been clarified: "Crush!")
2024-05-14 18:15:45

A pretty crazy week last week. $500 profit.

Screenshot from Amber Electric app, showing a tariff of 485.3¢/kWh
2024-04-16 03:53:06

It is essential that journalism uncovers blatant lies or unethical, posdibly illegal market activities.
But it doesn't lend credibility if the news outlet (or their owners) directly or indirectly benefit from stock market effects they expect to cause.
Complicated legal constructions always leave a bad taste. Having to create three companies to separate investigation from profit does not help here.
h/t @…
2024-05-14 08:30:28

Foxconn reports Q1 revenue down 9% YoY to ~$40.9B, net profit up 72% YoY to ~$679M, and consumer electronics was 48% of its revenue while cloud was 28% (CNBC)
2024-05-27 15:30:49

📈 A Phoenix Rising From the Ashes: How Nikon Found Its Way Back to Profit
2024-06-07 07:20:23

Online Learning in Betting Markets: Profit versus Prediction
Haiqing Zhu, Alexander Soen, Yun Kuen Cheung, Lexing Xie
2024-05-14 08:20:26

Sony Pictures reports Q4 revenue up 1.1% YoY to ~$2.74B, profit up 75% YoY to $208M, and FY 2023 revenue up 1.7% YoY to ~$10.31B, weighed down by the strikes (Jesse Whittock/Deadline)
2024-06-13 07:17:56

Out of curiosity, I've been checking out #TikTok, and their algorithm almost exclusively serves me cute animal videos.
Honestly... better than anything meta, or twitter ever served up.
And yes, it's spying on me, just like any other for-profit social media platform.
2024-04-26 13:34:09

Russia's Sberbank reports $4.32 billion profit, dividends to boost Kremlin war chest:
2024-04-01 17:53:42

Class action says jails stopped live visits to turn profit on streaming services

Hundreds of starving and stranded brown pelicans have turned up along the Californiacoast in recent weeks
in what wildlife advocates have described as a “crisis”.
In Newport Beach in southern California, lifeguards came upon two dozen sick pelicans on a pier last week.
The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach,
the non-profit caring for the animals,
said they had treated more than 100 other birds who were anemic, dehydrated and extremely underwe…
2024-04-16 03:53:06

It is essential that journalism uncovers blatant lies or unethical, posdibly illegal market activities.
But it doesn't lend credibility if the news outlet (or their owners) directly or indirectly benefit from stock market effects they expect to cause.
Complicated legal constructions always leave a bad taste. Having to create three companies to separate investigation from profit does not help here.
h/t @…
2024-03-26 00:15:59

📉 Gucci owner Kering issues profit warning after China sales slump

Hundreds of starving and stranded brown pelicans have turned up along the Californiacoast in recent weeks
in what wildlife advocates have described as a “crisis”.
In Newport Beach in southern California, lifeguards came upon two dozen sick pelicans on a pier last week.
The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach,
the non-profit caring for the animals,
said they had treated more than 100 other birds who were anemic, dehydrated and extremely underwe…
2024-05-02 22:20:43

Block plans to invest 10% of its gross profit from bitcoin products each month into bitcoin purchases; its $220M BTC investment grew by ~160% to $573M as of Q1 (Paige Smith/Bloomberg)
2024-05-13 11:20:29

Tencent Music reports Q1 revenue down 3.4% YoY to $937M, profit up 27.5% YoY to $212M, music subscription revenue up 39.2% YoY to $501M, and 113.5M paying users (Priyanka.G/Reuters)
2024-05-15 05:11:02

Sea reports Q1 revenue up 23% YoY to a record $3.73B and a $23M net loss, Shopee's revenue grew 31% YoY to a record $2.95B, and expects 2024 to be profitable (Tsubasa Suruga/Nikkei Asia)
2024-05-13 11:20:29

Tencent Music reports Q1 revenue down 3.4% YoY to $937M, profit up 27.5% YoY to $212M, music subscription revenue up 39.2% YoY to $501M, and 113.5M paying users (Priyanka.G/Reuters)

Billionaire Leonard Leo rejects Senate subpoena over gifts to justices
Multiple reports, led by the non-profit newsroom ProPublica, have described undisclosed gifts including luxury travel and resort stays given to Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, long-serving hardline court rightwingers.
Thomas and Alito deny all wrongdoing. The chief justice, John Roberts, has refused to testify in Congress. The court issued a new ethics code but it is enforceable only by the justices themselv…
2024-04-30 10:50:39

Huawei reports Q1 revenue up 37% YoY to ~$24.7B and net profit up 564% YoY to ~$2.7B, rising for the fourth consecutive quarter, buoyed by smartphone sales (Bloomberg)

I’m Abbey Clements, Co-Founder of ⭐️Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence. ⭐️
We’re the *only* teacher-led non-profit actively working to #end #gun #violence by amplifying the firsthand voices *of* educators.
I’ll be honest:
2024-05-07 08:15:38

Nintendo reports net profit up 13% YoY to ~$3.2B in the past fiscal year and expects profit to drop 39% YoY and revenue to drop 19% YoY in this fiscal year (Kosaku Narioka/Wall Street Journal)
2024-05-13 01:50:21

The publisher of Hunterbrook Media failed to disclose it owns a stake in a rival to a company that was recently the subject of a critical Hunterbrook article (Max Tani/Semafor)
2024-05-02 21:05:37

Coinbase reports Q1 net revenue up 116% YoY to $1.59B, vs. $1.32B est., net income of $1.18B, consumer transaction revenue of $935M, up 99% QoQ (Olga Kharif/Bloomberg)
2024-05-13 01:50:21

The publisher of Hunterbrook Media failed to disclose it owns a stake in a rival to a company that was recently the subject of a critical Hunterbrook article (Max Tani/Semafor)
2024-05-14 09:05:42

Tencent reports Q1 revenue up 6% YoY to ~$22B, above ~$21.95B est., and net profit up 62% YoY to ~$5.8B, above ~$4.8B est., boosted by new WeChat monetization (Zheping Huang/Bloomberg)
2024-05-14 08:15:34

Sony reports Q4 revenue up 14% YoY to ~$22.4B, above ~$18.5B est., operating profit up 57% YoY to ~$1.5B, and sold 20.8M PS5 units in FY 2023, below guidance (Ryan Browne/CNBC)
2024-04-27 18:10:50

Mastodon forms a new US non-profit, to receive tax-deductible US donations and in-kind support, with Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and others on its board (Eugen Rochko/Mastodon Blog)
2024-06-13 20:01:22

US authorities arrest and charge the founder and the head doctor of telehealth company Done Global for an alleged scheme to profit from Adderall prescriptions (Rolfe Winkler/Wall Street Journal)
2024-04-30 11:50:40

PayPal reports Q1 revenue up 9% YoY to $7.7B, payment volume up 14% YoY to $404B, transaction margin dollars up 4% YoY to $3.5B, and expects 2024 profit to drop (Paige Smith/Bloomberg)
2024-04-30 09:30:45

Lithuanian second hand marketplace Vinted reports 2023 revenue up 61% YoY to €596.3M and a €17.8M net profit, up from a €20.4M loss in 2022 (Zosia Wanat/Sifted)
2024-06-13 11:45:40

Former Microsoft employee Andrew Harris says the company dismissed his warnings about a critical flaw that led to the 2021 SolarWinds hack; Harris left in 2020 (ProPublica)
2024-05-02 20:35:48

Block Q1: revenue up 19% YoY to $5.96B, vs. $5.82B est., gross profit up 22% to $2.09B, Square profit up 19%, Cash App profit up 25%; SQ jumps 7% after hours (MacKenzie Sigalos/CNBC)
2024-03-25 02:35:32

Sources: Chinese social media startup Xiaohongshu reported its first profit with $500M in net profit on $3.7B revenue in 2023, and reached 312M MAUs, up 20% YoY (Financial Times)
2024-04-05 06:05:56

Samsung estimates Q1 operating profit of $4.9B, up 931% YoY, and sales of $52.68B, up 11.4% YoY, as memory chip prices surge, hinting end of the chip downturn (Song Jung-a/Financial Times)
2024-06-03 09:35:34

Monzo reports £880M in FY 2023-24 revenue, up from £355.6M in 2022, a £15.4M pretax profit, up from a £116.3M loss in 2022, 9.7M users, and £11.2B in deposits (Aisha S Gani/Bloomberg)