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2024-04-03 08:09:20

Surreal collage art by Bev Acton
#art #collage #surrealism #surreal #SurrealArt

A piece of surreal collage art by Bev Acton with a huge cat looking in the window of a house and a guy with a drink sitting there looking out
A piece of surreal collage art by Bev Acton with a lady waking up in a piece of cake on a table. Someone is cutting up the cake. The cake is like a bed.
A piece of surreal collage art by Bev Acton with a lady riding a dinosaur running through flowers
A piece of surreal collage art by Bev Acton with vintage art of women sitting on the edge of a pool at a hotel but the pool water is a galaxy
2024-05-01 21:38:37

For the past couple days we've been in the surreal situation where the insurance company is assuring everyone they will pay...and it's the doctors that wouldn't book the medicine (because they say insurance won't pay).
Twilight Zone.
2024-04-30 19:19:22

It's surreal how slowly time moves in the world of C compilers.
Today there are still active projects that are hesitant to move past C89, and C99 is still the "new" standard.
The C99 standard has been released before the first public Mac OS X and Windows XP. It's older Itanium and the x86-64 instruction set. It predates iPod, Game Cube, first ever Xbox, and Nokia 3310.
Entire platforms lived and died in the meantime, while C programmers still can't be …
2024-02-29 01:28:46

Glad to celebrate the release of The Freaks Came Out To Write, Tricia Romano’s incredible oral history of the Village Voice. I’m a tiny footnote amongst so many huge voices. And very surreal to read back what I remember about waking up the morning of 9/11.

ANIL DASH: I had been there three months. I'd been up till two or three in the morning, working on something on the website, and crashed. My alarm went off at nine o'clock. And I turn on the TV, which is so funny - 1 would never turn on the TV first thing in the morning - but I did then.
The first plane had hit, not the second. I was just like, "Oh, this is like some accident, some dumbass doesn't know how to fly a plane." I was having breakfast. The second plane hit, and I immediately got a bu…
2024-05-01 02:10:10

tea ✩ swallow surreal space cherry size of eyeball ✩ gulp ✩ grasp side of adjacent portion ✩ anticipatory cake collapse disorder ✩ envisage future self seated at right hand of network attached storage system plunging fork into cracked monitor ✩ delicious cathode ray ✩ First Supper
2024-02-26 17:24:57

#Surreal. Espero que esse daí programe em uma linguagem que tenha um bom garbage collector rs. #PiadaInfame, eu sei rs.

Vaga de emprego de analista de TI, aonde se fala que o funcionário será  responsável pela limpeza da fábrica e  exigindo experiência na área de limpeza.
2024-02-27 06:57:18

Sign sequences of log-atomic numbers
Vincent Bagayoko
2024-02-26 17:23:42

Cry-laugh-cry at this piece on #Ukraine and the comedian auctioning the absurd to raise money.
2024-03-29 00:12:14

My dream workbook is here! Thanks, @… . #YAY

Photo of my new book titled "The Dream Workbook" by Jill Morris, featuring a night sky blue cover with a montage of surreal images like a fish with flames, floating objects, a moon, & a ballet dancer.
2024-02-27 06:57:18

Sign sequences of log-atomic numbers
Vincent Bagayoko
2024-04-25 17:00:06

Industria is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War. On the search for a missing work colleague, you decipher a dark past in a mysterious and surreal steampunk world.
2024-02-12 21:01:19

Any journalist who calls Elon Musk a "free-speech absolutist" without using quotes or prefacing it by "self-proclaimed" (or equivalent) shouldn't be a journalist.
2024-03-28 15:26:32

#LB Esta é da série "a realidade tornando o nosso dia mais surreal".
2024-03-23 16:54:28

One of my favorite movies.
#Film #Movies
2024-03-23 23:22:14

23. März 1971: Die Geschichte, wie ein sowjetischer #Atomwaffentest unbeabsichtigt den Anstoß zur US-amerikanischen #Klimaforschung gab, klingt wie der Plot eines Science-Fiction-Romans aus der Zeit des Kalten Krieges. Doch die Realität übertrifft manchmal selbst die kühnste Fiktion. Der Versuch, mit Atombomben #Geoengineering zu betreiben, also die Umgestaltung geografischer Gegebenheiten mit dem Ziel, Trockengebiete bewässern zu können, offenbart eine fast wahnwitzige Hybris. Die Vorstellung, mit der brachialen Kraft von Atomexplosionen nicht nur die Erdoberfläche, sondern auch das Klima nach menschlichem Willen formen zu wollen, wirkt aus heutiger Sicht surreal und naiv. Es ist ein eindrucksvolles Beispiel dafür, wie der Glaube an die Allmacht technologischer Lösungen die möglichen langfristigen Folgen und Risiken ignorierte.
Noch bemerkenswerter ist die ironische Wendung, dass genau diese Hybris – die Vision, die Naturgewalten beherrschen zu können – indirekt den Weg für die Erforschung der globalen Erwärmung ebnete. In einem Zeitalter, in dem Klimawandel und seine drastischen Auswirkungen auf unser Leben zunehmend in den Fokus der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion rücken, erscheint die Anfangsphase dieser Forschung, motiviert durch die Sorge vor globaler Abkühlung, fast wie eine Fußnote. Doch gerade diese Anfänge verdeutlichen, wie Wissenschaft sich entwickelt – oft unvorhersehbar und auf Wegen, die im Nachhinein als kurios oder gar absurd erscheinen mögen.
Die Tatsache, dass die Forschung, die einst durch die Angst vor einer nuklear verursachten klimatischen Katastrophe angestoßen wurde, heute zu einem besseren Verständnis des anthropogenen Klimawandels beiträgt, zeigt die Komplexität und Vernetztheit unseres Ökosystems. Es ist ein mahnendes Beispiel dafür, dass Eingriffe in die Natur stets unvorhersehbare Konsequenzen haben können und dass die Lösung unserer Umweltprobleme nicht in der Dominanz über die Natur, sondern im Respekt vor und der Anpassung an ihre Gesetze liegen muss.
Diese Geschichte lehrt uns, dass der Weg zur Hölle oft mit guten Absichten gepflastert ist und dass die wahre Herausforderung darin besteht, aus den Fehlern der Vergangenheit zu lernen und einen verantwortungsvolleren Umgang mit unserem Planeten zu finden. Die Ironie, dass eine der ersten umfassenden Klimaforschungen aus einem Projekt hervorging, das ursprünglich den Eingriff in das Klima durch Atomexplosionen untersuchen sollte, sollte uns allen eine Lehre sein: Manchmal führen die unerwartetsten Pfade zu Erkenntnissen, die unsere Sicht auf die Welt und unsere Rolle in ihr grundlegend verändern.
2024-03-16 18:00:33

The co-habitation of Americas Got Talent shooting along side #SCaLE21x sure is surreal.
My talk about immutability starts in 15 minutes in room 212. Come by if interested!

A banner with howie mandel on it that says “security line starts here”
2024-03-19 00:57:44

1/2 an absolutely surreal shitpost of an #ezine that I made with electric #zine maker
(all drawings are my own and no AI was involved, electric zine maker is just for filters and stuff)
2024-02-13 18:23:27

“So, to me, it’s pretty blatant and obvious that [an] Irish-headquartered tech behemoth, operated by the world’s most famous man, has suspended an Irish journalist for making those points in an Irish newspaper,” O’Reilly said.
…I do think it is a pretty hilarious bit of overreach from the guy who is a self-proclaimed #freespeech absolutist.”

Trump, Whose Brain Is Definitely Not Mush, Thinks Democrats Will Change The Name Of Pennsylvania For Some Reason
2024-02-09 20:30:28

there is something absolutely surreal about pressing the "check for updates" button on a 10 year old phone and getting a new 2 week old build of android installed
2024-04-12 22:39:37
Content warning: Marihuana

Es fühlt sich immer noch surreal an, das ich mit ein paar Gramm Gras im Gepäck herumfahren kann und es legal ist.
2024-03-10 05:10:55

nancy & sluggo in "love's savage fury," by mark newgarden, raw #8, 1986. #comix #comics

a missed connection classified ad illustrated as Nancy & Sluggo
missed connection gets surreal
conclusion of missed connection
2024-04-09 01:40:53

The experience of totality is such a surreal experience. It's not just the sun being blocked out by the giant tortilla in the sky. It looked like the sun was setting/rising from every direction around. Starlings started chirping and geese started flying. Definitely worth seeing one in real life. No crappy cell phone picture could ever describe the 4 minute experience of the Great American Eclipse of 2024.
The Great American Traffic Jam of 2024 now follows.

The sun being eclipsed as viewed thru solar eclipse glasses.
The totality viewed with no filters, just clouds.
2024-04-09 00:14:47

What a sad interview
2024-03-06 20:15:16

What I Witnessed in Gaza Is a Holocaust: Palestinian Writer Susan Abulhawa | Democracy Now!
“And, you know, what we’re hearing on the ground is surreal. It’s dystopic. What I witnessed personally in Rafah and in some of the middle areas is incomprehensible. And I will call it a holocaust — and I don’t use that word lightly. But it is absolutely that.”
2024-03-05 21:09:56

Watching a flight safety video where folk are at some island spa. It's more surreal than I expected, particularly if you substitute island for plane.
"This island has six emergency exits..."
"If the island suddenly depressurizes, oxygen masks will.."
"In the case the island makes a water landing..."
Barely anything about volcanoes.
2024-04-05 09:54:26

With 8 days to go before 🇪🇺#AFIR comes into force, today's focus is on payment and pricing for public #EV charging: it's going to be a bit surreal.

QR-code shaped as a pipe

Handwritten text: Ceci n'est pas une méthode de paiement simple, sûre et accessible à tous les Européens.
2024-03-09 00:13:14

Cave of wonders.
2 Free wallpapers for you to use.
Also uploaded to my Ko-fi completely uncompressed for free here: #AIart

A pixel art image depicting a fantastical cave scene. The cavern is vast, with high ceilings dotted with stalactites. Glowing golden lights illuminate the interior, suggesting the presence of a civilization with buildings structured in a classical architectural style. A river flows gently through the cave, reflecting the light from the buildings and the luminescent dots scattered throughout the scene, creating an ethereal atmosphere. There are also cascades of lava adding a warm orange glow to …
A pixel art image showing an imaginative, vertical cave scene. Eminent pillars and ruins with classical architecture adorn the left side, leading up to a temple-like structure atop a cliff. The scene is lit by a cascade of ethereal blue light that seems to be flowing from the upper regions, bathing the cavern in a supernatural glow. There’s a river running through the center, with a bridge crossing over it. The water is bioluminescent, adding a surreal quality to the environment. In the backgro…

Trump, Whose Brain Is Definitely Not Mush, Thinks Democrats Will Change The Name Of Pennsylvania For Some Reason
2024-02-04 01:19:14

Cosmic Blossom: A Pixel Dreamscape
2 Free wallpapers for you to use.
Also uploaded to my Ko-Fi completely uncompressed here: #AIart

A vibrant and captivating piece of pixel art that depicts a dreamlike night sky. At the center is a large, detailed moon in shades of pink and purple, casting a soft glow that illuminates the surrounding clouds. The sky is a rich tapestry of deep blues, transitioning to darker hues towards the edges, sprinkled with stars that add a touch of sparkle to the scene. The clouds are stylized in various shades of pink, from soft lavender to bright magenta, giving the impression of a surreal and magica…
A pixel art depiction of a crescent moon in a night sky filled with stars and clouds. The moon is large and centered towards the upper left side, rendered in shades of pink against a dark blue sky, which gradually darkens as it moves away from the moon. The stars are scattered across the sky in varying sizes, creating a twinkling effect. Below the moon, there are layers of fluffy clouds, artistically styled in a range of pinks from light to dark, adding depth to the image. These clouds cover th…
2024-03-09 16:44:10

Momento surreal do dia foi eu descendo pra pegar a comida e o entregador perguntar se eu era português por conta da forma de falar. Queeeeeeeeee? Meu sotaque carioca é razoavelmente acentuado, essa foi bem louca rs.