The ruble has lost 1/3rd of its value vs. the yuan, but if you factor in OTHER extra costs...
China strongly limits Russian access to tech in mech. engineering, aviation, and microelectronics.
"...they openly tell us: if you want to get some technologies, buy the product as a whole. We say: no, at best we need components that we'll replace soon. They tell us: we understand this, but aren't going to do it at normal prices. Here is double the price - please.&…
Finally finished building this prototyping station, for designing synthesizer circuits from scratch. Super excited to start using it! #diysynth #electronics
Sounds like Russia's tech industry - including internet, software, etc. - is seeing sharp declines in revenue, with widespread, major layoffs.
"The economy is in s***. It seems like everyone really needed IT specialists, there was a shortage of personnel, and all that. But the market has no money for development, the marketing tools have collapsed. Although both marketers and IT specialists are needed, there is no money. But everyone is hiding this."
Viranomaiset varoittavat: Suomen turkistarhaus aiheuttaa edelleen pandemiariskin
Animalia kumosi jälleen …
JS Benchmark
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"create-svelte" et "svelte-add" sont remplacées par "sv" : "The Svelte CLI"