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Russia can only afford its war in Ukraine because Britain helped raise the cash
2024-04-15 19:42:03

2022 retro-link! - Dun, Dun Duuun! Where did pop cul…
2024-04-16 08:06:43

General Staff: Russia has lost 455,340 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-14 15:00:08

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022)
A network of migrations between municipalities in Austria, from 2002 to 2022. A weighted directed link from source to target indicates a migration flow from these two municipalities. Edges are annotated with migration volume (number of people), nationality, sex, and year.
This network has 2115 nodes and 2908569 edges.
Tags: Social, Economic, Travel, Weighted, Politlcal, Timestamps, Metadata

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022). 2115 nodes, 2908569 edges.
2024-04-15 01:12:13

People, always: Mozilla, please just make a web browser
Mozilla, 2014: here’s a phone!
Mozilla, 2018: all in on VR!
Mozilla, 2022: let’s do crypto!
Mozilla, 2024: hurrah AI!
2024-04-15 02:43:59

i had to look up the company that did the colourization on the tubi version. their website is confusing but i found this brochure (PDF). the brochure is also a mess but at least it's all in one file: #monsterdon
2024-03-15 08:55:35

Long Covid and me
Apparently it's Long Covid Awareness Day!
I have Long Covid. Not as extreme as some people. I can do normal things again, except I run out of steam way quicker than the energetic me of summer 2022. It's kind of like I got physically 20 years older all of a sudden. I miss being able to cycle for 4 or 5 miles, or immerse myself in writing for a whole day.
Also still sometimes little bits of dysautonomia and irregular heartbeat.
(Edit: oops, 2022.)
2024-04-15 16:42:06

2022 retro-link! - Coherence and crate-level whe…
2024-03-15 08:40:24

American Library Association report says book challenges reached a record high on 4,240 in 2023, up from 2,571 in 2022 (Alexandra Alter/New York Times)
2024-03-16 08:13:57

General Staff: Russia has lost 429,580 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-03-14 12:30:01

Children of a British woman suspected of illegal abortion removed from her care - Tortoise
2024-05-15 00:58:08

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and 
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse.

 hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live

Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT / 1AM GMT / 2AM CET / 12PM AEDT / 2PM  NZST)
Proudly hosting daily games since November 16, 2022
2024-04-12 15:48:02

Visual Studio 17.10 Preview 3 is available! What's new you ask?
- GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio
- Copilot Generated Breakpoint Conditions
- Updates to our Copilot generated PR descriptions
- More SSDT support for Arm64 VS

US support for abortion rights is
up four points -- to 60% --
since fall of Roe v Wade
New polling data from Pew shows a shift in Americans’ opinion since loss of constitutional right to abortion in June 2022…
2024-05-16 05:47:25

General Staff: Russia has lost 488,460 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-04-16 09:08:27

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2024-04-15 08:30:25

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2024-05-10 02:59:18

I know this week’s #MusicWomenWednesday has passed, but I can’t get this Patti Smith song out of my head tonight, so I’ll share it! I love her, & I love this song. #AllThatGlittersIsNot
2024-02-16 08:29:34

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2024-05-08 08:40:43

Sources: SoftBank is in advanced talks to acquire Graphcore, a struggling UK-based chip startup once valued at $2.8B that reported just $2.7M in 2022 revenue (Bloomberg)
2024-03-15 08:46:11

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2024-02-16 12:02:30

From Adams to assets: A closer look at the impact of Davante's trade for the Packers
2024-03-14 08:31:38

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2024-04-08 15:18:29

❝I felt an anger that I hadn’t felt in his past films. Anger that felt directed towards the way humans work, the unfairness of this whole world.❞

A photo of Eiko Ishibashi performing at the London jazz festival in 2022. She is sitting at a table, bathed in red light, with what looks like an electric guitar and effects pedals. Behind her is a grand piano. Photo by Teri Pengilley/The Guardian.
2024-03-14 12:30:01

Children of a British woman suspected of illegal abortion removed from her care - Tortoise
2024-03-14 12:08:21

Eine neue Studie offenbart schockierende Fakten: Die Methangas-Leckagen in der US-Energieindustrie sind dreimal so hoch wie offiziell angegeben. Dies führt zu Klimaschäden, die jährlich mit 9,3 Milliarden US-Dollar zu Buche schlagen. Interessanterweise stammen mehr als die Hälfte dieser Emissionen von einer verschwindend geringen Anzahl von Öl- und Gasstandorten - weniger als 1%. Das bedeutet, das Problem ist nicht nur gravierender als von der Regierung erkannt, sondern auch relativ leicht lösbar.
Weltweit ist ein ähnliches Phänomen zu beobachten: Satelliten haben im Jahr 2023 eine 50%ige Zunahme von großen Methanemissionsereignissen im Vergleich zu 2022 festgestellt, wobei mehr als 5 Millionen Tonnen in großen fossilen Brennstoffleckagen erkannt wurden. Die weltweiten Methanemissionen stiegen leicht auf 120 Millionen Tonnen.
Diese Erkenntnisse unterstreichen die Dringlichkeit, gezielte Anstrengungen auf die am stärksten emittierenden Standorte zu konzentrieren. Indem wir diese kontrollieren, könnten wir einen bedeutenden Schritt zur Halbierung der Emissionen machen. Die Studie zeigt auch, dass die US-Regierung bereits Maßnahmen ergriffen hat, um die Methanemissionen in der Öl- und Gasindustrie zu reduzieren. Es ist an der Zeit, dass wir alle verstehen: Die Lösung dieses Problems ist nicht nur machbar, sondern auch entscheidend für die Bekämpfung der Klimakrise. #Klimakrise #Methanemissionen #Energieindustrie
2024-05-04 18:31:42

Lipstick on a Pig: learning the most important lesson in design
I wrote this a couple of years ago and I highly recommend that designers/developers read it. There’s also a talk I gave over a decade ago embedded in there that…
2024-03-15 08:36:46

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2024-03-08 12:41:03

1922: The year the #modern begin.
“On the 18th of May, 1922, the British translator and novelist Sidney Schiff hosted a dinner party at the Majestic Hotel in Paris. 40 guests were invited in all, but there were four guests in particular that Schiff wanted to bring together to generate dinner party chat. They were Igor
2024-04-11 19:51:04

On Website Technicals (2022-12) - Tech updates: citationID, Mastostorm, server down, mail system move, dataset archive, database cross-check, static Gallery, Xmas slump. -
2024-04-12 09:18:46

On 5th May 2022 I made a complaint to the DPC that the entire An Post/ GeoDirectory advertising database was in breach of GDPR.
On 17th July 2023, the DPC wrote to confirm it had opened a wideranging ‘own volition’ inquiry into the GeoDirectory database.
No further update has issued.
2024-04-08 14:52:37

Dog Dancing World Championship 2022, Anastasiia Beaumont and border collie Yuki
2024-05-14 06:23:40

General Staff: Russia has lost 485,430 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-08 21:41:39

Creepy Twisted Asians ✈️🧹👿
Dramatized horror anthology | The following anthology series contains diabolical characters, goosebump-inducing soundscapes, and chilling performances from Malaysia’s creative community.
Malaysian stories
1 seasons, 8 episodes as of Oct 09, 2022.
2024-04-16 08:57:39

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2024-04-08 11:42:04

The growing reality of climate refugees - a resonating article by Wambui Mbuthia.
Climate change is not a sudden eviction notice for millions of displaced people. It is a slow and relentless erosion, chipping away livelihoods and forcing difficult choices.
In 2022 alone, more than 7.4 million people across #Africa were displaced due to climate shocks, adding to existing conflicts and instabil…
2024-05-12 19:00:08

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022)
A network of migrations between municipalities in Austria, from 2002 to 2022. A weighted directed link from source to target indicates a migration flow from these two municipalities. Edges are annotated with migration volume (number of people), nationality, sex, and year.
This network has 2115 nodes and 2908569 edges.
Tags: Social, Economic, Travel, Weighted, Politlcal, Timestamps, Metadata

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022). 2115 nodes, 2908569 edges.
2024-04-12 10:42:03

2022 retro-link! - How I do (and don’t) prepare a talk for a tech conference.
2024-03-13 07:21:46

Persistent Upflows and Downflows at Active Region boundaries Observed by SUTRI and AIA
Yuchuan Wu, Zhenyong Hou, Wenxian Li, Xianyong Bai, Yongliang Song, Xiao Yang, Ziyao Hu, Yuanyong Deng, Kaifan Ji
2024-05-08 21:05:49

Chrissie Hynde #MusicWomenWednesday #Pretenders
2024-03-13 03:45:43

Sources: e-commerce roll-up firm Kite, which was cofounded by Blackstone in 2022 and closed a $200M equity commitment, shut down earlier in 2024 (Natasha Mascarenhas/The Information)
2024-03-11 17:21:51

Unesco: Wiederaufbau der Wissenschaft in der Ukraine kostet Milliarden
Der Wiederaufbau der vom russischen Angriffskrieg zerstörten wissenschaftlichen Infrastruktur in der Ukraine wird nach Ansicht der UN-Kulturorganisation Unesco eine Milliardensumme kosten. In einer in Paris veröffentlichte Studie schätzt die Organisation die Kosten auf mehr als 1,26 Milliarden US-Dollar. Den Angaben zufolge wurden…
2024-04-25 17:17:00

Überwachung: Strafverfolger griffen 2022 deutlich häufiger zu Staatstrojanern
Die Zahl der Genehmigungen hat sich fast verdoppelt: 2022 erlaubten Gerichte 109 Mal das Hacken von IT-Geräten, während es im Vorjahr 55 Anordnungen gab.
2024-03-08 00:50:51

Uvalde City Council to release investigation of the police response to 2022 school massacre (Acacia Coronado/Associated Press)
2024-05-08 01:25:14

Louisiana lawmakers reject adding exceptions of rape and incest to abortion ban | Courthouse News Service
2024-04-14 08:05:50

General Staff: Russia has lost 453,650 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-03-08 05:43:43

„Firmen brauchen nur ordentliches Gehalt zu bezahlen, dann haben sie auch keinen Fachkräftemangel.“ – Nein, so einfach ist es leider nicht. Es fehlen Menschen, und es werden in Zukunft noch mehr Menschen fehlen.
2024-03-15 08:38:48

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2024-04-01 16:37:05

These goddamn stupid olive shaped eyeballs! 🫒
2024-03-08 10:22:12

Over 3100 houses retrofitted in #Galway last year, up a third on 2022. Comhgairdeas to all involved, we are exceeding targets by 30% - crucial in cutting energy costs.
2024-03-08 10:57:52

A simple copy paste from 2022 to 2023.
Can’t wait to anal ize the 2024 one.
2024-03-08 09:26:20

Milde Verdoppelung der krankheitsbedingten Absenzen im Jahr 2022 in den USA, gemäss McKinsey.
Studie von vor einem Jahr.
2024-04-08 12:51:30

Mystery solved!

#P4x #CyberSecurity #InfoSec @…
2024-05-10 08:50:54

Mit 300 Leuten zweimal von Europa nach Australien und zurück fliegen ist gemeinschaftlicher Mord an einem Menschen.
#AmBodenBleiben #StayGrounded
2024-05-11 12:32:23

#Lees Rachel Carson: De Zee, AP&VG 2022. Rachel Carson kent u wel, maar dan van het boek Silent Spring uit 1962, het ‘eerste’ boek over de gevolgen van ongebreideld pesticidegebruik. Dat was toen schokkend en het heeft nog steeds niet echt geholpen, maar ja. Ze was marien bioloog en schreef dit al in 1950 om te tonen hoe belangrijk de zee voor ons en de planeet is en dat geldt nu, tijdens de kli…
2024-03-08 00:34:18

Allow me to re-stack two of the AP’s graphs. #Uvalde
“… an investigator hired by Uvalde officials found that the city’s officers did not deserve punishment, and in some cases, praised their actions …”
“… prompting shouts of “cowards” from the audience and causing several family members of the victims to angrily walk out of the meeting.”
2024-03-14 08:43:16

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2024-04-10 14:22:01

Some wine discounter delivered six bottles of Spanish red, some kind of a sampler intro pack, to us. Except: we never ordered it. The putative addressee at our house was one Egon Mayer, who seems to have been a famous German Luftwaffe pilot in WWII.
We emailed the distributor, who had the package picked up today. We got to keep a bottle for our diligence.

Bodegas Monte la Reina Pensamiento Roble Toro D.O. 2020
Jahrgang 2020
in 2022
Fast schwarzrot fließt der spanische Roble verheißungsvoll ins Glas. Intensive Noten dunkler, reifer Früchte wie Brombeere und Kirsche steigen zu würzigen Aromen in die Nase und entfalten sich köstlich mit einem Hauch geröstetem Espresso am Gaumen.

11,99 €Artikel-Nr.: 010824
2024-05-08 20:42:48

"Someone could do a study of this and present facts, but nobody has. I certainly won't. There's no reason to bother. The requirement that you demonstrate a factual basis for your claim vanished long ago."
#medialiteracy #michaelcrichton
2024-03-08 19:28:47

This unreleased live track by Antonio Ruscito & Luigi Tozzi is just out of this world! The pads!!! Would love to experience that on a big system, but for now my AKG's will do... 😍🫠
The Memoir - Page 90: Antonio Ruscito & Luigi Tozzi (Live, 2022)…

The world can no longer afford two things:
🔸the costs of economic inequality;
🔸and the rich.
Between 2020 and 2022, the world’s most affluent 1% of people captured nearly twice as much of the new global wealth created as did the other 99% of individuals put together
And in 2019 they emitted as much #carbon #dioxide
2024-05-08 20:43:19

L7 #MusicWomenWednesday #FastAndFrightening
2024-04-08 19:20:31

Internal Kremlin documents from May 2022 to August 2023 show an ongoing campaign to promote American isolationism via fabricated news articles and social media (Washington Post)
2024-03-13 03:45:43

Sources: e-commerce roll-up firm Kite, which was cofounded by Blackstone in 2022 and closed a $200M equity commitment, shut down earlier in 2024 (Natasha Mascarenhas/The Information)
2024-03-08 01:58:00

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Every culture, region and even family has different food cuisines – different spices, styles, customs and methods. This game has lots of possibilites.
Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and 
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse.

 hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live

Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT / 2AM GMT / 3AM CET / 1PM AEDT / 2PM  NZST)
Proudly hosting daily games since November 16, 2022
2024-04-13 08:52:20

General Staff: Russia has lost 452,760 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-03-13 04:46:09

Neil Young is bringing back his music to Spotify, after the removal in January 2022, saying "Apple and Amazon have started serving the same disinformation" (Chris Eggertsen/Billboard)
2024-03-13 13:42:08

Raiders to release one-time Pro Bowl WR
2024-05-07 20:50:08

How I Died 🕵️‍♂️👻🧩
Dramatized horror series | Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But, Jon isn’t without his own secrets…He can talk to the dead, for starters.
3 seasons, 39 episodes as of Oct 11, 2022.…
2024-03-14 08:31:38

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2024-03-08 00:42:42

👍 Judge to issue bench warrant for Michigan lawyer pushing Trump’s voter-fraud scam: report - Raw Story
2024-04-08 19:20:31

Internal Kremlin documents from May 2022 to August 2023 show an ongoing campaign to promote American isolationism via fabricated news articles and social media (Washington Post)
2024-03-08 10:57:52

A simple copy paste from 2022 to 2023.
Can’t wait to anal ize the 2024 one.
2024-04-12 00:39:26

#Upcoming “On Leaving” by #RichardChartier is his most quietly intense composition to date. This five part work created between 2020 and 2022 is dedicated to the late #SteveRoden. Available via
2024-03-13 04:46:09

Neil Young is bringing back his music to Spotify, after the removal in January 2022, saying "Apple and Amazon have started serving the same disinformation" (Chris Eggertsen/Billboard)
2024-03-14 08:43:16

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2024-05-08 20:42:48

"Someone could do a study of this and present facts, but nobody has. I certainly won't. There's no reason to bother. The requirement that you demonstrate a factual basis for your claim vanished long ago."
#medialiteracy #michaelcrichton
2024-05-12 13:42:01

2022 retro-link! - Mergers ruin everything.
2024-03-08 11:00:07

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022)
A network of migrations between municipalities in Austria, from 2002 to 2022. A weighted directed link from source to target indicates a migration flow from these two municipalities. Edges are annotated with migration volume (number of people), nationality, sex, and year.
This network has 2115 nodes and 2908569 edges.
Tags: Social, Economic, Travel, Weighted, Politlcal, Timestamps, Metadata

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022). 2115 nodes, 2908569 edges.
2024-03-11 08:36:25

General Staff: Russia has lost 424,980 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-03-08 01:58:00

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Every culture, region and even family has different food cuisines – different spices, styles, customs and methods. This game has lots of possibilites.
Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and 
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse.

 hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live

Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT / 2AM GMT / 3AM CET / 1PM AEDT / 2PM  NZST)
Proudly hosting daily games since November 16, 2022
2024-05-07 20:50:08

How I Died 🕵️‍♂️👻🧩
Dramatized horror series | Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But, Jon isn’t without his own secrets…He can talk to the dead, for starters.
3 seasons, 39 episodes as of Oct 11, 2022.…
2024-05-08 06:14:15

General Staff: Russia has lost 477,430 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-04-08 08:30:33

Cybertech Global and IVC: in 2023, Israeli cybersecurity exit deals grew by 65% YoY to $7.1B; total tech sector exits were ~$11B, down from $13.5B in 2022 (Steven Scheer/Reuters)
2024-04-06 02:00:57

FTC lawsuit filings: Instagram had ad revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)
2024-05-07 19:00:05

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022)
Animal dominance interaction data published over a century of research. The archive contains 434 agonistic interaction datasets, totaling over 241,000 interactions. A directed edge (i,j) corresponds to an antagonist interaction between i (winner) and j (loser). If a 'weight' edge property map exists, it counts the number of such interactions.
This network has 6 nodes and 24 edges.
Tags: Social, Animal, Weighted

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022). 6 nodes, 24 edges.
2024-04-06 02:00:57

FTC lawsuit filings: Instagram had ad revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)
2024-05-07 20:50:13

Burning Gotham 🗽👷‍♂️🧐
Dramatized historical fiction | It’s ten years since the completion of the Erie Canal. New York City’s population is now over 270,000. The gap between rich and poor rapidly expandsg as more pour onto New York’s dangerously overcrowded streets. Historical lives converge in this series about the fa...
2024-03-10 04:10:50

Sources: Techstars has caused frustrations over missteps in deploying its JPMorgan-backed $80M fund, which aims to help underrepresented founders, since 2022 (Dominic-Madori Davis/TechCrunch)
2024-03-11 15:00:06

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022)
Animal dominance interaction data published over a century of research. The archive contains 434 agonistic interaction datasets, totaling over 241,000 interactions. A directed edge (i,j) corresponds to an antagonist interaction between i (winner) and j (loser). If a 'weight' edge property map exists, it counts the number of such interactions.
This network has 12 nodes and 107 edges.
Tags: Social, Animal, Weighted

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022). 12 nodes, 107 edges.
2024-05-07 20:50:18

The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program - Season 4 finale 🙀😈💖
Role-playing horror comedy | What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? Which unwitting souls will succumb to the maddening call… OF CTHULHU?Unlikely heroes from all walks of life risk their sanity to keep the world spinning as they face down eldritch nightmares, unholy rituals, kindly crea...
2024-03-08 17:36:15

Two teenagers were charged under a 2022 Florida law for allegedly creating deepfake nudes of classmates, in what appears to be the first such criminal case (Caroline Haskins/Wired)
2024-04-09 16:42:03

2022 retro-link! - From culinary dud to stud: …
2024-05-07 20:50:15

American Hostage 📻📞😰
Dramatized thriller | A local radio reporter is thrust into the middle of a life-or-death crisis when hostage-taker, Tony Kiritsis, demands to be interviewed on his popular radio news program. Through the radio show he gradually becomes a media sensation and unexpected anti-hero during a nail bit...
2024-05-05 08:23:15

General Staff: Russia has lost 474,260 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-04-09 13:42:03

2022 retro-link! - Magic-trace: Diagnosing tricky performance issues easily with Intel Processor Trace.
2024-05-09 22:27:26

The Coach 🧔🏽‍♂️💖🤣
Dramatized LGBTQ Comedy | A former life coach navigates a host of zany clients, all while “life-coaching” his own journey.
POC, Queer, Life-Coach
1 seasons, 6 episodes as of Sep 28, 2022.
2024-04-10 04:25:51

Platform Science, which provides connected vehicle tools for enterprise fleets, raised $125M from 8VC, Prologis, and others, taking its total funding to $309M (Grace Sharkey/FreightWaves)
2024-05-09 23:42:07

Modem Prometheus 🌕👻📡
Narrated urban fantasy | A podcast of modern folktales. These are the stories of the kerbside, the transmitter mast, the shadows between buildings
LGBT, POC, Mental health-focused
1 seasons, 12 episodes as of Sep 09, 2022.
2024-04-05 19:25:54

Filings in FTC lawsuit: Instagram had revenues of $22B in 2020, or 26% of Meta's total revenue, $32.4B in 2021, or 27% of Meta's revenue, and $16.5B in H1 2022 (Bloomberg)