2024-06-09 23:00:33
https://lukegeeson.com/blog/2023-10-17-A-Proposal-For-Relaxed-Atomics/ - A proposed fix for C/C relaxed atomics in practice.
Bonjour chers Français ! Je ne connais rien Š la politique. Pourtant, j'ai déjŠ rencontré Manon Aubry (La France Insoumise). Elle était très gentille.
Lorsque je l’ai rencontrée Š Bruxelles en 2023, elle était la seule parlementaire Š soutenir en personne le « Supply Chain Act » / CSDDD.
Au Parlement européen, LFI travaille en collaboration avec mon parti politique (DIE LINKE) Š travers la fraction parlementaire « THE LEFT ». Manon Aubry est la c…
If you are eligible to vote and haven't already, remember to vote in the #EuropeanParliamentElection for a party committed to #ClimateAction
A lot is at stake. Much of what you care about - be it access to he…
If you are eligible to vote and haven't already, remember to vote in the #EuropeanParliamentElection for a party committed to #ClimateAction
A lot is at stake. Much of what you care about - be it access to he…
😱"Pedestrians are viewed as speed bumps"
From: @…
@…: Wieso zeigt https://wahlen.zdf.de/ zuoberst Ergebnisse von Landtagswahlen im Oktober 2023? 🤨
If anyone needs a cozy and warm article for today: "Spirited Away to Miyazaki Land"
by Sam Anderson https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/magazine/hayao-miyazaki-ghibli-park.html
I thought what adjectives to use to describe the ar…
Didn't Martha Stewart do time for something similar?
Elon Musk accused of improperly selling $7.5 billion in Tesla stock before weak sales report - ABC7 Los Angeles
Why am I not surprised?
Asklé B&B Corner
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods
Uncovering a Critical Vulnerability in Authentik's PKCE Implementation (CVE-2023-48228) | Offensity https://www.offensity.com/en/blog/uncovering-a-critical-vulnerability-in-authentiks-pkce-implementation-cve-2023-48228/
Cowboys' Mazi Smith dubbed 'biggest draft miss' of 2023 rookie class https://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/cowboys_mazi_smith_dubbed_biggest_draft_miss_of_2023_rookie_class/s1_17313_40457216…
Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down
Perfect Dark reboot looks interesting. I only just remembered that the original took place in the futuristic setting of 2023.
Pro Bowler David Njoku teases Browns' new offense under Ken Dorsey: 'It is juicy'
Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt
https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04899 https://…
GR-Athena : magnetohydrodynamical evolution with dynamical space-time
Boris Daszuta, William Cook
https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.05126 https://
Former astronaut William #Anders, who took iconic #Earthrise photo, has died in Washington plane crash: #Apollo8.)
How many people you know took a plane to their holidays this year?
Maxx Crosby seemingly takes a dig at LeBron James for taking the ‘easy road traveled’ as he admits being a ‘Raider for life’ https://www.yardbarker.com/general_sports/
Ukraine kauft französisches Flugabwehrsystem
Der französische Rüstungskonzern Thales verkauft ein zweites Luftabwehrsystem an die Ukraine. Nach der Lieferung eines ersten Luftabwehrsystems an die Ukraine im Jahr 2023 erwerbe das ukrainische Verteidigungsministerium ein zweites System, teilte das Unternehmen mit, ohne einen Kaufpreis zu nennen.
Die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags wurde am Rande eines Besuchs des ukrainischen Präs…
On Website Technicals (2023-03) - Tech updates: reducing storage writes from logging, slow random. - https://www.earth.org.uk/note-on-site-technicals-70.html
Didn't Martha Stewart do time for something similar?
Elon Musk accused of improperly selling $7.5 billion in Tesla stock before weak sales report - ABC7 Los Angeles
This https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.13554 has been replaced.
initial toot: https://mastoxiv.page/@arXiv_csHC_…
2023 retro-link! https://www.itu.int/hub/publication/s-gen-news-2023-2/ - ITU News Magazine: The future of Coordinated Universal Time.
Asklé B&B Corner
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods
This https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.11610 has been replaced.
initial toot: https://mastoxiv.page/@arXiv_mat…
Effect of Rotation on Wave Mixing in Intermediate Mass Stars
A. Varghese, R. P. Ratnasingam, R. Vanon, P. V. F. Edelmann, S. Mathis, T. M. Rogers
https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04403 …
Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down
Quantitative convergence guarantees for the mean-field dispersion process
Fei Cao, Jincheng Yang
https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.05043 https://
Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt
https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04899 https://…
This https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.13017 has been replaced.
initial toot: https://mastoxiv.page/@arXiv_sta…
This https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.18177 has been replaced.
initial toot: https://mastoxiv.page/@…
Dallas Cowboys Tyler Guyton Showing Off Elite Work Ethic Ahead Of 2024 Season https://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/dallas_cowboys_tyler_guyton_showing_off_elite_work_ethic_ahead_of_2024_season/s1_…
Back in the 70s and 80s people used to say "Kids are growing up so much faster these days"
I have no idea if it was true back then.
but people just keep saying it, despite the fact that in 2023 it's plain as day that the opposite is true.
The two Cowboys Micah Parsons expects to take All-Pro jumps in the 2024 NFL season https://www.yardbarker.com/nfl/articles/the_two_cowboys_micah_parsons_expects_to_take_all_pro_jumps_in_the_2024…
Heart Power Podcast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods
Putin claims Russia has almost 700,000 soldiers fighting in Ukraine: https://benborges.xyz/2024/06/14/putin-claims-russia.html
TechInsights: Nvidia shipped ~3.76M data center GPUs in 2023, up from 2.64M in 2022; the total data center GPU market was 3.85M in 2023, up from ~2.67M in 2022 (Agam Shah/HPCwire)
Geen "tsunami" dus.... "Het aantal migranten in 2023 is dus gedaald. Het aantal mensen dat voor asiel naar Nederland kwam was volgens het rapport relatief klein" https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/06/14/17-procent-minder-migranten-in-202…
The Institute for Nonprofit News survey of 346 member outlets for 2023: 71% of outlets are digital-first, about 33% reported declines in web traffic, and more (Sophie Culpepper/Nieman Lab)
My weekly photo-essay contribution to the blog Balloon Juice.
Why Boredom Benefits Kids and How to Cultivate It This Summer - The New York Times
La diffusione dei quotidiani ad aprile 2024 [analisi del «Post.it» su dati Ads]
White House report dishes deets on all 11 major government breaches from 2023
More than 4 GW of solar PV capacity was added to the Dutch electricity grid in 2023, taking the total solar capacity to 24 GW. Last year, solar PV was good for 1/6 of all electricity generated in the Netherlands; this year it will certainly be more than that.
42% of total capacity is on residential roofs. The other 58% is on roofs of larger buildings and in 'solar parks' on the ground.
Es geht ja gerade das Paper rum, in dem "KI" Output mit dem von Harry Frankfurter definierten "Bullshit" Konzept in Verbindung gebracht wird. Etwas weird ist, wie das jetzt einschlägt, wo die Relation ja schon lange etabliert ist. Ich zitiere mal mich aus dem März 2023 (und war keineswegs der/die Erste, der/die diese Verbindung hergestellt hat)(Link:
I am very excited by this article on Local Govt funding models because I have been working on the wonkiest Gist ever about this topic for weeks and now I know the public is just thirsting to know more.
Hey folks, this is an important #security update for #JetBrains users. Please update as soon as possible if you use #GitHub and the integration in the
“Listening sessions” have become the scourge of Minnesota politics.
Re this from @…: https://c.im/@NewNordicNormal/112633294249579821…
Seit 10 Monaten sinkt die Anzahl der monatlich aktiven #Mastodon-Nutzer. Ich war hoffnungsfroh, dass wir es schaffen, das erste unkommerzielle Social Network zu etablieren. Stattdessen scheint es nun wieder in der Bedeutungslosigkeit zu versinken.
TIL. Florida's SB 264 bars Chinese nationals living in the US but are NOT permanent residents of the US from purchasing real estate.
Apparently this law has been in effect since July 1, 2023. 😲
SPNV-Strategie 2040 in Niedersachsen: Das Verkehrsministerium in Hannover hat gemeinsam mit der Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niederachsen (LNVG), der Region Hannover und dem Regionalverband Großraum Braunschweig ein Konzept für den Ausbau des Schienenpersonennahverkehrs (SPNV) bis 2040 vorgestellt. Laut Minister Lies sollen die Fahrgastzahlen dadurch verdoppelt werden. Die Zugfrequenz so bis 2030 gegenüber 2023 um 25 Prozent gesteigert werdem; bis 2040 um 50 Prozent...
Hypocrisie heeft *nog* een naam.
Deze mevrouw komt nu namens #NSC in de Tweede Kamer.
Gezellig samen met o.a. #CasparVeldkamp fijn ‘t eigen land verwonden, haatdragende en discriminerende standpunten wit wassen, de wankele positie van Europa ondergraven.
#Kronkorken sammeln für #Bäume in #Berliner Parks
Teaching the Difficult Past of Statistics to Improve the Future
"..it is a crucial time for students to understand not just statistical
methods, but their role in society."
Bijstand en AOW worden losgekoppeld van minimumloon, de naoorlogse welvaartsstaat definitief afgebroken | de #Volkskrant
Quelques passages du mot du Conseil de l’UNIL:
« L’année 2023 a vu naître un nouveau dispositif de lutte contre les conflits, le harcèlement et les discriminations, dont le Conseil de l’UNIL attend avec intérêt les premiers résultats. »
Når en har uberŸrt av menneskehender, automatiserte artikler som bare baserer seg på regnskap, så blir resultatet fŸlgende https://www.mn24.no/regnskapsnytt/i/pPpeBw/resultathopp-for-den-gode-naboen-as-i-2023
> Den Gode Nabo ble…
Quelques passages du mot du Conseil de l’UNIL:
« L’année 2023 a vu naître un nouveau dispositif de lutte contre les conflits, le harcèlement et les discriminations, dont le Conseil de l’UNIL attend avec intérêt les premiers résultats. »
Nvidia passes Microsoft during intraday trading to become the most valuable public company, with a ~$3.33T market cap; NVDA is up over 9x since January 2023 (Kif Leswing/CNBC)
Zsolt Szabo, beoogd staatssecretaris Koninkrijksrelaties en Digitalisering, in ieder geval iemand met affiniteit en ervaring mbt digitalisering !
Filings: X is still working on Venmo-like payments features, with a 2024 US launch target; X had $1.48B in revenue in first six months of 2023, down ~40% YoY (Bloomberg)
Current and former staff at Boston public media outlet GBH criticize top salaries after 31 people were laid off; nine execs earned $300K in base pay in 2023 (Aidan Ryan/The Boston Globe)
This online map provides information about bathing water locations and their quality for both the latest 2023 season and previous seasons.
The map symbols are colored to reflect the quality status achieved in the most recent season.
The data is presented at two levels:
country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).
In addition to the 27 EU Member States, the bathing water viewer includes also the data for Albania and Switzerland
NASA’s #Voyager 1 spacecraft is conducting normal science operations for the first time following a technical issue that arose in November 2023: https://blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024/06/13/voyager-1-returning-science-data-from-all-four-instruments/ - its four instruments study plasma waves, magnetic fields, and particles; Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the only spacecraft to directly sample interstellar space, which is the region outside the heliosphere — the protective bubble of magnetic fields and solar wind created by the Sun.
L’#UNIL vient de publier son rapport annuel 2023.
The Netherlands has an obligation for companies to take energy saving measures with a payback time of less than 7 years. Large energy users had to report on their measures by 1 December 2023, but 4.5 months later, less than half had done so.
My comments in
L’#UNIL vient de publier son rapport annuel 2023.
https://www.htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2023/2/ - You don't need JavaScript for that.
OpenAI says it has expanded its global affairs team from three at the start of 2023 to 35, stationed strategically in locations where AI legislation is advanced (Financial Times)
This online map provides information about bathing water locations and their quality for both the latest 2023 season and previous seasons.
The map symbols are colored to reflect the quality status achieved in the most recent season.
The data is presented at two levels:
country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).
In addition to the 27 EU Member States, the bathing water viewer includes also the data for Albania and Switzerland
In which the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams of the IAU dampens expectations for #comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS): http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/iau/cbet/005400/CBET005404.txt - the peak is now predicted to be 2.2 mag. at best, perhaps with some forward-scatter enhancement but OTOH when the elongation is small. Even another NEOWISE-style show later in October looks pretty doubtful now ... but then again comets are nearly always good for surprises, and positive ones, too. Like NEOWISE delivered in 2020, so stay tuned.
'Scandalous': G7 Nations Spend 62 Times More on Military Than Humanitarian Aid | Common Dreams
Q&A with Tubi CEO Anjali Sud, who joined from Vimeo in September 2023, on the streaming industry, working within Fox, subscription fatigue, copyright, and more (Nilay Patel/The Verge)
Around two dozen sources detail Google's decision to form the Google DeepMind "super-unit" in April 2023, shifting the AI lab from research to products (Bloomberg)
2023 retro-link! https://www.statnews.com/2023/03/07/how-one-medical-school-became-remarkably-diverse-without-considering-race/ - How UC Davis medical school became remarkably diverse.
Democrats held their own in the last three cycles in navigating tough Senate races.
They will be defending a slim Senate majority in 2024.
Here's a look at the states where both parties are fighting for control of the chamber.
Sources: OpenAI's annualized revenue has hit $3.4B, up from $1.6B in late 2023 and $1B last summer; $3.2B comes from subscriptions to its chatbots and API fees (Stephanie Palazzolo/The Information)
Democrats held their own in the last three cycles in navigating tough Senate races.
They will be defending a slim Senate majority in 2024.
Here's a look at the states where both parties are fighting for control of the chamber.
2023 retro-link! https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2023/01/01/competitive-programming-in-haskell-better-binary-search/ - Better binary search in Haskell.
Sources: Shein recorded $32.2B in sales in 2023, up 40% YoY, compared with 37% YoY growth in 2022, and doubled its net profit to $1.6B, for a 5% profit margin (Jing Yang/The Information)
Ant Group spent a record ~$2.9B on research in 2023, as the Alibaba affiliate develops its BaiLing LLM; Ant and affiliate MYbank served 87M businesses by 2023 (Xinyi Luo/Bloomberg)
Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
Q&A with Tubi CEO Anjali Sud, who joined from Vimeo in September 2023, on the streaming industry, working within Fox, subscription fatigue, copyright, and more (Nilay Patel/The Verge)
Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
Runway unveils Gen-3 Alpha, a model to generate high-quality, detailed, highly realistic video clips of 10 seconds in length, after releasing Gen-2 in June 2023 (Carl Franzen/VentureBeat)
A look at tech companies' investments in AI startups: Nvidia and NVentures completed a total of 32 deals in 2023, while Microsoft and M12 made 21 investments (Chris Metinko/Crunchbase News)
A profile of French secondhand tech marketplace Back Market, which has raised €930M , generated €320M in 2023 sales, up 45% YoY, and had 4.5M new users in 2023 (Sarah Butler/The Guardian)
Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
Dutch agencies: 20K FortiGate systems were hacked in a Chinese cyber-espionage campaign in 2022 and 2023, at least two months before FortiGate noted the flaw (Sergiu Gatlan/BleepingComputer)
Nintendo drops X support from the Switch via a new firmware update, following Sony and Microsoft doing the same in 2023 after X began charging for API usage (Wesley Yin-Poole/IGN)
Regulators in Canada and the UK launch a joint probe to assess what customer info was exposed in 23andMe's 2023 breach and if proper safeguards were in place (Sergiu Gatlan/BleepingComputer)
Google lets advertisers serve targeted ads across Google TV's 125 free channels, and reports 20M US monthly active Google TV and Android TV OS devices in 2023 (Umar Shakir/The Verge)