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2024-05-11 08:44:53

Soooo....I'm doing a thing...🤭😏
As a lot of you know, Tooters shut down recently and the way it was handled in the end is regrettable.
However, I felt for longest time while it was up, that it was consistently one of the BEST run instances on Fedi with how they protected their users from some of the insanity that happens here.
That being said, with Tooters being gone, it leaves a bit of a hole in my Fedi heart and I know a lot of others as well.
So, I'm creating a new, very limited for now, politically-light (as little politics as possible locally), AI friendly (AI art welcome), Sharkey instance for some folks within my circle that I've grown to consider my friends.
The Social Zone is meant to be a place to escape the very political society we currently all live in and just be social with one another about our hobbies, interests, and day to day lives.
I'm still working out all the details but when I launch it, it's going to be invite only because I'm new to something like this and I want to get it right. Especially because those I will invite are people that are close to me and I don't want to disappoint them.
Depending on how things go for the next few months, including if I can even get this thing started correctly, I MIGHT be open to allowing more members in, down the line.
But, this is just getting started. I registered the domain yesterday and just started researching Sharkey today and how hard it would be to spin something up. Then, of course, there's configuration settings and administration with Sharkey that I have to familiarize myself with.
All in all, I'm very nervous, but excited that I decided to take this next step in my Fedi adventure and hope to eventually "give back" to the entire community, the same positive energy that you've all given me over the past wonderful year of being on this amazing platform.
Please do not ask for invites. I will not be handing them out anytime soon. I've already asked about 5 of you along with some IRL folks and I feel I would like some time to get this right for them first.
Thanks for reading. I hope you understand why I'm choosing to do this and hope you're as excited as me to see where things can go and understand why I feel it's important to have these types of "politically-light" spaces so people can escape such topics from time to time.
Keep on keeping on, Fedi. The future is bright and I'm ready to learn along with you. More info about TheSocial.Zone coming soon!
Your friend,
2024-03-13 18:48:06

FINALLY! I finished the blog post about my #hiking adventure in the #mountains last year. It took me so long to write it because I am more emotionally connected to this tour than to many others.
Well - I hope you enjoy the read!

This image captures the breathtaking beauty of a mountain range, enveloped by lush forests and dotted with vibrant bushes. The scene is set against a dramatic backdrop of the sky, with clouds gracefully floating above. The landscape is a rich tapestry of nature's colors, featuring varying shades of greens from the trees and grasses, contrasted against the rugged, grey tones of the mountain peaks. Some areas of the mountains suggest they could be kissed by snow or bathed in sunlight, adding to t…
The image captures a serene path winding through a dense forest, portraying a captivating landscape dominated by lush greenery. The foreground is rich with vibrant grass, hinting at a well-trodden trail that invites exploration. Surrounding the path, the landscape flourishes with an array of plants and towering trees, suggesting this scene belongs to a natural reserve or a state park, possibly within a temperate coniferous forest or a tropical and subtropical coniferous forest biome. The canopy…
This captivating image showcases a serene trail meandering through a lush, densely wooded area. The dominant presence of towering trees, rich in foliage, envelops the scene, creating an enchanting tunnel-like effect that invites exploration. The undergrowth is dotted with a variety of plants and grass, adding layers of texture and greenery to the landscape. Notably, the presence of rocks and possibly a cave suggests a rugged, natural terrain that enhances the wilderness vibe of the setting. The…
2024-02-15 03:36:23

I would hope so.
#Optic #AIorNot #fail

Screenshot of a blog teaser from "Students are Increasingly Using Intelligence in their Work"
2024-05-12 15:09:03

2/ „Lisa Schipper, at University of Bonn in Germany, said: “My only source of hope is the fact that, as an educator, I can see the next generation being so smart and understanding the politics.”"
#HowDareYou coming to us young people for hope!
2024-05-11 22:54:58

During the great solar storm of 2003, I sat outside in my back garden watching the #aurora. I missed it yesterday but sat out again this evening in the hope of repeating the experience. Sadly no #Nordlys in Copenhagen but I can report the garden has a wonderful scent and is so peaceful at this time of year, which was basically just as good...
2024-04-12 20:09:07

Hope it sends a message because I'm sure there are many more out there with #obscured license plates.
How many vehicles were not seized? How many vehicles belonged to cops and if they were seized. So many questions. Such feel good yet shallow reporting.
2024-05-07 15:32:00

You guys know I'm not at all religious, but I still love this Barsotti cartoon w/ all my heart--it's one of my all-time faves. I hope the universe will let me reunite with my doggos in one way or another. I just hope we all get to be together again someday. #DogsOfMastodon

Screenshot of an old Charles Barsotti cartoon that shows St. Peter at his desk at the Pearly Gates--a man is just arriving, & a little dog (The Pup) with a big grin & a very waggy tail is running out to greet him--St. Peter is saying to the man, "So you're little Bobbie; well, Rex here has been going on & on about you for the last 50 years."
2024-03-09 07:58:51

"Grief is the ultimate interruption of the normalization of mass death and mass murder because in grief, we acknowledge the value of life as we do in no other scenario. We grieve because we love life, because we love those we have lost. We love the living. We know the value of humanity. That is what our grief means to us. And so we retake our humanity, we reclaim public space, and we reclaim this day from a genocidal administration with our grief and with our love, and with our refusal to allow those who are dying to go unacknowledged. We hold this space for them. We say their names. We honor them because they are part of us and we are part of them. And so long as they are dying, there is no justice for any of us. And so there shall be no peace for those who lead us.
I know that many of us are grieving a great deal in these times, and that our grief can at times feel all-consuming. Grief can cause us to shut down, retreat, or turn inward, but I want to remind us that there is power in grief. Because grief refuses the normalization of violence and loss. Our grief is a rejection of dehumanization. By grieving, we are refusing to devalue the lives of those we have lost, and we are refusing to become less human ourselves. We are refusing to sacrifice the parts of ourselves that are soft and permeable enough to facilitate human connection and mutual recognition. In our grief, there is hope for humanity, because in our grief, love and decency persist in the face of atrocity.
I urge you to make space for your grief and to nurture its power. As Rasha Abdulhadi teaches us, “If our hearts break, let them break outward into action."
Kelly Hayes from a speech they held at the 24-hour vigil for Gaza in Chicago, as quoted here:
2024-03-10 15:33:39

I have a feeling that Mac Allister will be an irritant for City today, so I hope he manages his temperament.
2024-04-07 07:39:04

Been following the #MkDocs drama for some time. So sad to see a project with so much potential struggle so much. Hope a new maintainer is found soon
2024-05-08 08:24:11

Busy days, so I couldn’t watch the #AppleEvent, just quickly read some articles. I will try to watch it at the weekend. My first impression is that they haven’t fixed iPadOS, so the existing problem remains: super powerful hardware with an OS that can’t deliver all that power. I hope #Apple fix it soon.
2024-05-11 11:05:20

Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord
DAYNA: Will it be ready to test-run by the time Scorpio gets back?
ZUKAN: I hope so. Has Avon arrived yet? 📺 B7B3
2024-04-04 05:01:14
Content warning: Long post, medical stuff. Update on my health.

Hi all. Hope everyone is having a good night. Haven't done an update on how I'm doing for a while so thought I'd post something. Things have really started to turn around for me, and I'm finally getting the medical care I need. I've had a lot of doctor appointments over the past couple months, and we're getting answers and starting to get things treated. It turns out that the reason my headaches are so bad is that I have 3 types: headaches from high pressure in my sku…
2024-05-04 17:47:45

This post by @… inspired me to hunt down this photo I had saved off Twitter a couple years ago:
I hope TJ is having a great day.…

Screenshot of a post from (I assume Tumblr) showing a pale skinned young woman with long straight light brown hair holding a Rebel Alliance pilot helmet while wearing a full Rebel flight suit while smiling at the camera, in the background is a wooden door
Text: “This is my friend TJ, wearing a costume she made for Halloween, 1977. She was 16 at the time.
Now, keep in mind; there was no internet to search for images. She could not have rented and paused the movie, because it wasn't released on v…
2024-05-08 16:13:57

Aaaaand this year's @… entry is submitted!
I decided to just go ahead instead of going back and forth on all my crappy listening options (crap earbuds crap laptop speakers, crap TV speakers) to "fix" things, because I don't have the skills and I have a cold so my "mastering" only results in making things worse.
Hope you&…
2024-05-07 14:29:28

Not watching the Apple Event because I want adult people to summarize it for me post-factum rather than having my synapses burnt by boring marketing show...
...but I really hope this current lineup makes a little more sense than the previous ones so that I can get beefy last-gen one from someone who's going to jump into the most recent generation.
2024-05-11 18:33:05

Big companies are unable to do software properly so I have zero hope that they can actually make a useful “ai” thing that doesn’t shit itself in two years
2024-04-08 04:47:49

H5N1 is at a bunch of dairy farms, and there’s documented cow-human transmission. But is there very limited or nonexistent human to human transmission? How is this virus not already everywhere?
Maybe it incapacitates cats too quickly to effectively spread via them? RIP cats.
I hope the lesson the CDC learned from Covid-19 doesn’t have a lot of “people will reject our guidance and we’ll get nastygrams from the chamber of commerce so we should be reticent to wade in”
2024-05-11 01:14:53

SO jealous of all of you who are able to see the Aurora Borealis tonight! 😫 Screw all of you! haha.
I hope that I will be able to see such sights even once during my lifetime.
#aurora #northernlights
2024-05-07 14:53:49

Followup on `tokio-tar`. As expected, nothing happened so far.
Apparently there is also a `tokio-tar-up2date` crate which is exactly the same thing as `tokio-tar` right now. Probably it was created as a temporary hack while `tokio-tar` was unresponsive.
Then, there is a `krata-tokio-tar` crate that's more recent. However, this one really seems like fork of a fork that was created for the same of some specific project and still without any hope of long-term maintenance. I've refiled my pull request there as well.
I've also filed a bug for #UV, since using dead dependencies is not a good practice.
#RustLang #Gentoo
2024-03-06 12:48:30

Good morning #Fediverse
How are we all doing on this great Wednesday so far? Let's talk about our plans for the day and what we all hope to accomplish.
For me, it's just the usual work stuff but with no meetings today, so that makes the day better in most cases.
The wife and I will be playing Fortnite with friends tonight and maybe even try and catch up on some…

An image that says happy Wednesday and each letter is a different color. There are some dots around the image as well.
2024-03-31 19:12:40

The other day a friend came to the door (here in NYC) collecting signatures. She told me about how she'd been hit by a car on a street that had very briefly been closed to cars as an open street (fuck you Portofino's, I hope you go out of business for getting that open street shut down.) It fucked her leg all up; after surgery she's been having to do lots of physical therapy. She was still limping.
DOTs consider this a minor injury, barely worth working about.
2024-02-22 18:11:17

PRO TIP: If you are sending cold marketing emails to people who are almost as excited about deleting them as they are about not getting them in the first place, make sure you remember to actually state •what the hell you’re asking for•.
Yes, I can infer what they mean — DO NOT explain in my replies — but the vagueness of this email still cracks me up. Their head is so far up the butt of their employer they’ve forgotten that “having a story live” is in-job jargon, meaningless to their r…

Hello there, 

Hope this email finds you well!

My name is Giulia, and I work as PR manager for [redacted]. I have come across your website and I think it will be a perfect match for my client. I am highly interested in having a few stories live. 

I am emailing as I would like to understand if you'd be interested in having an article live and what your fees are.

Thank you for your attention,

2024-03-10 15:33:39

I have a feeling that Mac Allister will be an irritant for City today, so I hope he manages his temperament.
2024-04-08 00:04:22

so eepy. hope i can stay awake for #monsterdon
2024-03-06 13:38:45

So @… just sent out _one_ email to everyone whose talk were rejected, not even using BCC but plain old To. I hope you are aware that this is a #GDPR nightmare, exposing everyone's email address to all other receivers. 🥲
I'm very sure you did not do this on p…
2024-04-05 18:02:07

Just watched a reportage about violence and crimes in russian army. People with SS tatoos, using SS methods are considered heros by russian propaganda and I guess vast majority of population.
We’re dealing with real evil state right now. It used to be kleptocracy, now it’s full 3rd Reich.
Hope everyone in Europe finally understands it and acts accordingly. It’s never too late but every time I hear about those idiots shouting “no more weapons to Ukraine so peace comes soon” I get…
2024-03-03 17:34:28

"So keep holding on
To hope without assurance
Holding on
To a memory of light
And when the morning comes
All I know
We'll never see the sun
But together we'll fight the long defeat"
2024-05-04 17:05:36
Content warning:

Saw my first pillaged (and even vandalized) e-bike today. In #Zurich! It was so sad to see this. I hope, the owner has an insurance which covers this.
#vandalism #vandalismus

A silver step-through e-bike with mid-engine, but without saddle, wheels and battery, laying on the ground unlocked. Even the battery lock seems ripped out.
2024-04-03 14:26:45

Unter Special Thanks in einem Rollenspiel gelesen:
"Jesus Christ, my God and savior. Thank you for dying for my sake, for forgiving my sins and saving my life. Thank you for making me a better person. I hope this work reflects your creativity and excitement"
Ich weiß nicht recht, was ich davon halten soll. Es stößt mich unwillkürlich ab; Religion ist mir sonst einfach egal. Aber dieses Bekenntnis kommt so unerwartet und ist so persönlich - mir ist's ... zu viel?! Wi…
2024-05-04 17:47:45

This post by @… inspired me to hunt down this photo I had saved off Twitter a couple years ago:
I hope TJ is having a great day.…

Screenshot of a post from (I assume Tumblr) showing a pale skinned young woman with long straight light brown hair holding a Rebel Alliance pilot helmet while wearing a full Rebel flight suit while smiling at the camera, in the background is a wooden door
Text: “This is my friend TJ, wearing a costume she made for Halloween, 1977. She was 16 at the time.
Now, keep in mind; there was no internet to search for images. She could not have rented and paused the movie, because it wasn't released on v…
2024-05-02 02:34:06

Apropos of the CyberTruck crash image, I hope one of the features Apple adds in the next iOS is AI image/text detection. They already detect text and subjects so should be a prime candidate to do on-device.
Would be great to have that in apps and in Safari.
(The CyberTruck crash image is still fucking funny.)
2024-03-28 23:28:30

So far, the only negative side effect I have seen of #threads supporting ActivityPub has been the whining and demands for preemptive censorship (from people who have more in common with the book burners than they realize).
I haven't seen a single objectionable post from Threads.
My hope is that I'll be able to delete my Threads account and follow those I care about from my…
2024-04-07 07:13:09

Man this #ferrari one stopper at one moment looked like will bring leclerc a podium at least.
Great job by the team. The days of strategy circus shows are behind us, I hope.
Also, stroll is single handedly keeping backfield interesting as his struggles gives a point to fight for the rest of the drivers. Stroll is lost this year, more so than before.
2024-02-28 21:07:07

Reuters: Republican representatives unable to fit into hearing room due to Hunter Biden’s enormous schlong taking up so much space
“That thing needs its own rope line, I hope there’s a meet and greet after the hearing so I can give it a shake,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Novosibirsk)
2024-03-08 18:39:49

@… Have you seen this? That's amazing, and I hope someone else has a copy so it's not just on YouTube.
2024-03-28 18:51:24

Yet another unsolicited txt from a recruiter, so I asked "how did you get my number?" - they said Canada Job Bank, only my acct is inactve and does not include my mobile number. So searched on my name, maybe there's some other leek?
Didn't find any, although Google blocks PII hits, but I did find a book I am said to have written! What? Really?
it's ok, it wasn't really a book, although we did hope it might become one.
The Linux Kernel: Blueprints f…
2024-03-20 00:39:57

I hope someone wins the space race so we can focus on saving this place.
2024-03-29 19:33:19
Content warning: Christian homily about singing, suffering and hope

“To sing is to hope. Singing is the beginning of heaven, the beginning of healing and holiness.”
This connects with a lot of things that have been on my mind recently.
The only bit I wouldn’t endorse is the idea that atheists don’t sing; I know many who do. And they too tend to believe there’s meaning and power in music—They just don’t link that with any doctrine about God.
From: @…
2024-02-29 10:06:01

i reaally dig the swiss entry on first listen! switzerland did switzerland but spectacular!!
the video is so good! i hope they'll be able to translate this to the stage!
2024-02-23 20:21:10

An opportunity to maybe make a bit of an impact in some hearts and minds?


Can you please let them know I find that disappointing, and I hope they reconsider their decision.

I carefully planned the trip to avoid CO2-intensive air travel, taking a considerably longer journey time upon me. I furthermore scheduled a visit with friends in Brugg so that it could double as en-route accommodation, at no cost to COST, ensuring that I could put my energy into the meeting, rather than arriving exhausted from a 15-hour uninterrupted journey.

The decision not to re…
2024-05-08 15:13:05

Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
VILA: That's what I meant.
SOOLIN: I hope so. B7B6
2024-03-04 06:22:37

Hey if you are Jewish like me and know it is absolutely abhorrent what Israel is doing to Palestinians now (and for decades, but the scale and speed of slaughter is now unsurpassed, and thus so is the urgency to stop it), i've very recently been reminded of @… and hope you will take the same step of finally reaching out to get involved &a…
2024-04-01 03:47:56

i hope meta will open up bootloader unlocking for the quest 1 like they did for the oculus go, john carmack had to fight the whole company to make it happen and he's not there anymore so it's definitely less likely but hopefully they'll do it again.
either way, i don't see the store not accepting new games as a big deal, barely any new apps supported it already, and you can still use existing apps and use it as a pcvr headset, it got pretty good support for a headset that sold a fract…
2024-04-04 02:48:03

I have #LongCOVID, so my body is fucked. It feels like it is slowly dying on me. But the deepest damage the ongoing pandemic has done to me personally, is that it has made me lose my last shred of hope in humanity. The decrease in solidarity and the increase in ableism that i experienced, either because it was directed towards myself or because i observed it all around, in society at large, has sent me into complete despair.
The social contract has been broken, when the weakest no longer get protected. Which opens up the path for fascism to spread. And neither the radical leftists nor the feminists, who usually write solidarity, antifascism, yadda yadda onto their flags, seem to make the connection.
Never before have i felt so lonely, so utterly desperate. There is not one chance in hell that we can tackle the even bigger issues, like the climate crisis, inequality or migration, when we have failed to mobilize in order to combat the organized abandonment and slow murder that has been unleashed during this pandemic against our chronically ill and disabled siblings.
The radical leftist project has failed.
Capitalism and fascism have won.
But way too few even notice this.
#AntiAbleism #COVID19
2024-03-21 15:54:01

This is an interesting article about play testing. I probabl…
2024-04-25 19:30:59

It's a beautiful sunny day, and I have a list of yard tasks that are at least 3 feet long. But it's only 5°C and I'm a wimp, so staying indoors and watching golf videos is the smart option. I'd also like to share one of my favourite golf stories involving my daughters that I hope you enjoy.
#Golf #WomenHaveThePower #FragileMensEgo
2024-02-21 15:39:42

So, apparently, a thyroid ultrasound can actually traumatize thyroid nodules into overproducing. Ever since I had mine done, I've had all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. I messaged my doc yesterday about the insomnia, frazzled nerves, tremors, etc, I've been dealing with since my ultrasound, bc I didn't know that could happen. She asked me to go have some bloodwork this morning.
Off I go.
(I hope I can get out of our valley--it poured this morning, so we might be flo…
2024-05-02 11:58:27

I sincerely hope the vast majority of “AI enhancements” will go the way of the 3D glasses which the movie theaters unsuccessfully tried to foist onto our noggins as the upsell no one had asked for.
Remember those things? They were kind-of-okay for Avatar, and then nothing else ever again. Today there can be no doubt that the novelty was ultimately not worth its weight in plastic pollution.
Took nearly a decade for corporations to largely give up on that forced fad, so, hang in th…
2024-04-17 23:24:17

Every time I read the comments in Israeli press in Hebrew I hope that what I read there is just a noisy minority. But I doubt so.
2024-03-18 16:53:42

The Stillness the Dance

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dance.
t. s. eliot
2024-02-23 21:50:08

About a year ago, I wrote a tool for generating prerequisites for markdown files, but only today I managed to write make rules that actually work… At least I hope so!‬
2024-02-23 21:50:08

About a year ago, I wrote a tool for generating prerequisites for markdown files, but only today I managed to write make rules that actually work… At least I hope so!

2024-02-23 21:50:08

About a year ago, I wrote a tool for generating prerequisites for markdown files, but only today I managed to write make rules that actually work… At least I hope so!
2024-03-06 12:48:30

Good morning #Fediverse
How are we all doing on this great Wednesday so far? Let's talk about our plans for the day and what we all hope to accomplish.
For me, it's just the usual work stuff but with no meetings today, so that makes the day better in most cases.
The wife and I will be playing Fortnite with friends tonight and maybe even try and catch up on some…

An image that says happy Wednesday and each letter is a different color. There are some dots around the image as well.
2024-04-29 17:57:55

The best effect eMTBs have had on me (as a non-eBiker):
The reactions I get when I ride up steep sections.
Like on Saturday on a section that was so steep that the front wheel almost came up and a family came past on the way down.
Those reactions HAVE changed. (and I don't think it's because I've gotten older - I hope). 😄
2024-03-28 07:31:48

This song breaks my heart with its longing, hope and despair. Beautiful and devastating. A happily ever after that’s just out of reach.
It's not a secret I try to hide
You know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pulling you miles away
And out of a reach from me
But you're hearing my heart
So who can stop me if I decide it's on my destiny?
2024-02-21 23:24:19

Returning to the classroom twice a week after three semesters off, I am finding lecturing so taxing that I can’t really hope or expect to accomplish anything else on those two days, not even email. I just come home and crash.
2024-04-25 12:10:56

Personal, work search
In the end, I've managed to send a single CV yesterday. For a shitty job that's both below my qualifications and that's underpaid. I really do hope they don't reply, because if they wanted me, I'd probably agree just to have *any* job. Then I'd hate it, but I'd keep working until my health goes so bad that I wouldn't be able to work at all. Again.
2024-03-02 04:25:00

Every time I see a picture of this kid I feel so much better about the bowl cut I inexplicably let someone give me for my first wedding.
My only other excuse was that I was 17.

Wedding photo of a couple standing in front of beautiful, sweeping snow, sprinkled mountains, a beautiful, feme, light skinned with blonde hair, wearing a white dress and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, stands staring at her groom a light skinned masc with short curly hair …wearing an #AppleVisionPro for some godforsaken reason.
The brides expression definitely seems to evoke “my God, what have I done” 
But I hope it’s just a momentary accident of the picture for her sake  😂
2024-03-20 14:24:58

Great! Bring it on. I hope it gets scheduled for July, right in the middle of the wildfire season and in the middle of the upcoming drought so he can explain to a bunch of Canadians why he wants to "axe" one of the only effective measures we have implemented so far to keep us from destroying our homes and country with climate change fuelled disasters.
2024-02-23 03:54:23
Content warning: Depression rant

It's getting pretty hard for me right now as I've to cope with depression and some how doesn't bother my family since I'm living with them for the moment. Hope that medication helps so I don't fall too deep but Internet is really not healthy for your mental wellbeing. I don't know where to escape too other than playing games. Well, at least I recently got myself into classic Greek history and Hellenistic era so maybe that'll make me focus on something else instead…
2024-03-31 04:09:37

#LB Eu provavelmente vou pro inferno por isso, mas eu ri demais dessa rs.
2024-04-27 19:26:13

There are so many good Science Fiction and Fantasy series available as part of the Audible Plus catalog right now.
I hope that the authors got a good deal, because an Audible membership includes access to much of the catalogs of Charlie Stross, Peter F. Hamilton, Drew Hayes, Guy Gavriel Kay, Ursula Le Guin, Lois McMaster Bujold, Tamsyn Muir, Diana Gabaldon, Sarah J. Mass, & Robin Hobb. Not to mention Andy Serkis' reading of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit.
2024-02-28 21:07:07

Reuters: Republican representatives unable to fit into hearing room due to Hunter Biden’s enormous schlong taking up so much space
“That thing needs its own rope line, I hope there’s a meet and greet after the hearing so I can give it a shake,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Novosibirsk)
2024-03-08 18:39:49

@… Have you seen this? That's amazing, and I hope someone else has a copy so it's not just on YouTube.
2024-03-22 03:55:50

gun violence, uspol
"911 calls if you've shot somebody"
gosh these guides are so disjoint from what you'd hope in any civilized country
writer: "so, you've used deadly force to murder somebody because you like gun propaganda and are afraid to die like your victim was. here, lemme help you."
(yes, I used guns in scouts lol, no, there's no reason for me to own a gun regardless of crime rate)
2024-04-22 10:52:57

ukpol rwanda
Tonight the MPs will debate and vote upon a law to send refugees to Rwanda. Not people who they claim aren't refugees. Just actual refugees.
They sold it as "for processing there" initially, but in fact it's just send them there never to return.
At a cost of over a million pounds per refugee.
Since the courts found that Rwanda might not be safe, the law they will debate declares that it is in fact safe. Even if a civil war breaks out tomorrow, even if a volcano turns the whole country into a lava-floor, it'll still be legally safe according to our MPs.
They seem to think that the Parliament is some kind of supreme body able to define and enforce the nature of truth, rather than being just one of many institutions of state which are set up to compete with checks and balances in order to prevent tyranny.
I can't think of a more obvious demonstration that the house has lots it's wits entirely and has become crazed with power.
They think they can legislate truth, and should have no legal restraints upon them.
You'd hope an election soon will remove them, but the opposition, Labour, are fine with it, so long as it doesn't include our military collaborators. They have an amendment saying it's fine to send everyone I guess, except not those who collaborated with our military.
What a broken country. We need to disband Westminster, really, it's become corrupt beyond redemption.
#ukpol #rwanda
2024-03-24 14:02:58

this was such a great idea and event, I hope they do it again.
#NWSL #AngelCityFC #LAPublicLibrary
2024-04-20 19:59:56

I had lost hope Firefox would ever recover from the blow Chrome dealt on them. But lately, it's so demonstrably better (Netflix stuttering on Chrome with certain video cards? use Firefox), that it's one of the first things I am downloading on a fresh Windows install. Every personal computer deserves #Firefox.
2024-03-17 16:02:22

I’ve just discovered Nick Cave’s site, The Red Hand Files, and I’m speechless.
2024-03-24 16:09:02

From Kyle Chayka's "Filterworld”: «⁠Given that these capricious [algorithmic] systems control so many facets of our lives, from socializing with our friends to building audiences for our creative projects, is it any wonder that social media users feel paranoid?»
If it's up to tech corps, it'll get worse: I heard a Facebook "AI" researcher hope for a future where “AI assistants" can automatically respond to birthday wishes by generating & sending customized replies…
2024-02-20 14:07:24

Today would have been Pops' 80th birthday!
I miss this man so much and would give the world just to hear his voice and see his smile.
I miss being able to walk outside, give him a big hug and tell him happy birthday! In fact, I just miss him more than anything in this world!
I love you Pops, and I hope you are enjoying your special day and doing so with an ice cold beer!
Happy big EIGHT OH!

A photo I took of my dad, Pops, several years ago while we were standing outside on his front porch. He was holding a can of Miller Lite beer, which is what he drank pretty much all the time.
2024-02-23 21:50:08

About a year ago, I wrote a tool for generating prerequisites for markdown files, but only today I managed to write make rules that actually work… At least I hope so!
2024-02-20 22:00:40

So I got to level 35 in Fallout 76. Just THAT much closer to 50. Maybe I should start thinking about a build for big guns and power armor because I've been using a Gatling energy gun with my PA lately.
It's quite nice to be able to absolutely rip through even the biggest of enemies with ease. I hope it continues🤣
Also got myself an ammo converter and fusion core refiller from the shop.
Though I am a bit confused on how I'm supposed to route my power from outsid…
2024-02-25 07:59:01

#goodmorning friends!
This is the place that I'd like to be now. But well, you can't have it all. But I do have my memories of this day! I'm so looking forward to those spring days now.
Nevertheless, don't forget the most important thing: enjoy your #sunday! I hope you…

This captivating image showcases a serene and picturesque landscape, prominently featuring a cross perched atop a lush hill. The hill itself is adorned with an array of trees, their dense foliage painting a vivid tableau of nature's splendor. In the background, the clear sky stretches wide, its vast expanse only accentuated by the occasional cloud, lending a sense of tranquility and boundlessness to the scene. The vegetation varies from the foreground to the background, with rock formations and…
2024-02-16 09:09:50

Busy week, so I have no idea what’s going on here 🙁! It’s finally Friday, so it’s almost over, and I hope I will manage to get some sleep in the next two days. 🙏
2024-03-02 15:42:35

She was so fcking fabulous. I hope that wherever she's gone, she's enjoying a wonderful new adventure! #IrisApfel

Amazing professional full-body portrait of a beautiful old woman with short grey hair & huge black rimmed round glasses. She's wearing a FABULOUS orange cape with tons of amazing jewelry, & she standing with her hands on a velvet armchair in a room stuffed full of gorgeous things.
2024-03-23 14:58:01

This thread from Twitter prompted this rant (very long... sorry) on a potential solution for media in terms of how they are funded. The pay-per-article model, despite being tested over the past decade, has not taken off. I'll give my view on why that is later in this thread, but new models of journalism and new social media technologies can provide hope.
2024-02-23 03:54:23
Content warning: Depression rant

It's getting pretty hard for me right now as I've to cope with depression and some how doesn't bother my family since I'm living with them for the moment. Hope that medication helps so I don't fall too deep but Internet is really not healthy for your mental wellbeing. I don't know where to escape too other than playing games. Well, at least I recently got myself into classic Greek history and Hellenistic era so maybe that'll make me focus on something else instead…
2024-04-03 11:27:57

Good morning and happy Wednesday to all of you here in the #Fediverse today!
Let's discuss what our day has in store for us and what we hope to accomplish for the day.
Not much of anything for me at least right now as I woke up 3 hours ago with a really bad headache so I'm just going to relax as much as possible. Thankfully no meetings today since it's Wednesday.…

An image that has a black background and the words happy Wednesday with each letter being a different color.
2024-04-27 19:26:13

There are so many good Science Fiction and Fantasy series available as part of the Audible Plus catalog right now.
I hope that the authors got a good deal, because an Audible membership includes access to much of the catalogs of Charlie Stross, Peter F. Hamilton, Drew Hayes, Guy Gavriel Kay, Ursula Le Guin, Lois McMaster Bujold, Tamsyn Muir, Diana Gabaldon, Sarah J. Mass, & Robin Hobb. Not to mention Andy Serkis' reading of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit.
2024-02-20 21:18:17

I hear the spammer is arrested so this wave is presumably over.
Won't be long till the next one though. The only reason we don't get more is that nobody really cares about us in this tiny place.
Some work will need to be done. Hope we can avoid blocking everyone but allow-lists.
2024-04-02 15:35:40

Recently I've added a cheap hack to the standard #Gentoo invocation for #PyTest to throw errors if unhandled async functions are detected. The goal was to increase our chances of finding packages with missing dependency on dev-python/pytest-asyncio (or another equivalent plugin), or packages disabling plugin autoloading and failing to load such a plugin.
Today, I've gotten a first bug report, regarding dev-python/ipython. I've grepped the sources and confirmed that the package depends on PyTest-AsyncIO, except that it pins to < 0.22. Well, we don't have one that old but let's hope it works anyway. So I've tried adding the dep, `-p asyncio`… and PyTest still apparently couldn't find the plugin. I've scratched my head and tried `PYTEST_PLUGINS` instead — still the same result. What the…?
So I've checked the git repository out, tried with older PyTest-AsyncIO, and indeed the tests worked. Tried with the newest, 0.23.6, and the same issue occurred. I've checked the git history and discovered that the version pin was added because of a buggy 0.22.0 release. However, the issue has been fixed since, the release was yanked and my problem was nothing like that.
So I've investigated more. For some reason, #IPython test suite does not mark tests with `pytest.mark.asyncio` marker directly. Instead, it globally iterates over all test functions, and implicitly adds the marker to all coroutines. This used to work with older versions, but does not work anymore — the test is correctly marked, but for some reason it stops being recognized as a coroutine. So I've made a minimal reproducer and filed a bug.
The key point here is: the (potential) bug went unnoticed for a while now, because of the premature, then obsolete pin in IPython.
2024-04-09 04:58:23

For those of you who have been here for a long time, through all the drama and bullshit, just to continue fighting and advocating for this wonderful open platform, THANK YOU.
To those of you who have been through the bullshit, couldn't handle it, and decided to leave, I understand. This place is difficult because we don't have a centralized "Code of Conduct" that isn't run by biased people.
If you've interacted with me before and are no longer a part of Fedi, I know you won't read this, but I MISS YOU, LOVE YOU, AND WISH THE BEST FOR YOU.
I hope someday we can make this place safe for everyone, so nobody feels unsafe or fed up with the absolute madness that this place stirs up sometimes.
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon
2024-03-23 20:08:09

My new #garmin edge 350 #cycling computer looks good so far. It was an excellent deal from Amazon refurbed. The mount for the handle bar also looks cool.
I hope I can do a "drive test" tomorrow!
2024-03-25 11:59:04

Good morning and happy Monday to all of you here in the #Fediverse
It's a new week, so let's all comment below with what the week has in store for all of us and what we hope to accomplish.
For me, it's usual work stuff with meetings here and there and not much else work wise I don't think.
Tonight will be Fortnite with friends and I'll hopefully get …

An image with a blue background, some white paper on the right side of the image, and a coffee cup that has some yellow liquid in it and that words happy Monday. There is a smiley face drawn inside the cup as well.
2024-05-09 23:14:28

Just booked my hotel for my trip to Savannah, Georgia for Monday Night Raw!
4 ⭐Reviews on google so I hope it's alright. I'm super excited for the show. Let's fuckin go!
#WWE #WWERaw #ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling
2024-02-15 14:33:42

Looks like there is a wave of spam bots coming from as I've been hit by about 10 different accounts so far.
I've reported them all and blocked them as well. I hope everyone else will do the same.
#MastoAdmin #Admin
2024-03-17 16:31:16

Hm good question. I *guess* it's all gold leaf (I hope that's the right english term). So it'll be very very thin.
Actually .. given the amount of security there, it can't be a lot of solid gold 😄
2024-02-15 14:33:42

Looks like there is a wave of spam bots coming from as I've been hit by about 10 different accounts so far.
I've reported them all and blocked them as well. I hope everyone else will do the same.
#MastoAdmin #Admin
2024-03-17 11:49:56

Good morning and happy Sunday to the #Fediverse
How's your day going so far? Tell me what you've accomplished or what you hope to accomplish.
For me, I'm starting the day off my usual S'mores flavored iced coffee and just going to rest and relax. Yesterday was a very lazy day and I hope to do more of the same today.

An image that says happy Sunday and each letter is a different color with a different pattern. There is a silly looking smiley face sun, a blue heart and some other characters around the image.
2024-04-26 11:39:45

Good morning and happy Friday #Fediverse
How are we all doing today? Tell me about your day today, or what cool things you did during this past week or what awesome things you hope to do over the upcoming weekend.
Work stuff as usual here and with no meetings at all today, so that's nice.
For the weekend, no plans that I know of currently. Likely just stay home and…

An image with a bunch of little smiley faces and one bigger smiley face to the left. The words happy Friday are in the middle in a black font.
2024-03-27 11:55:42

Good morning and happy Wednesday to everyone here in this awesome #Fediverse
It's Wednesday, which means the week is half over. Let's talk about our plans for the day today and what we all hope to accomplish.
Not much here outside of the usual work stuff. I played a bit of Enshrouded this morning since it got its first content update yesterday. It's so damn good t…

An image that has a yellow and green background, with a sunflower to the right and the words happy Wednesday.
2024-03-17 12:07:37

Happy St. Patrick's Day to those that celebrate!
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.
I personally don't celebrate it, so today is just another day.
#StPatricksDay #Holiday

An image with a green background and a bunch of 4 leaf clovers all around it and the words happy St. Patrick's Day in a thin white font.
2024-02-20 13:58:17

Good morning to all of you here within the #Fediverse
How are we all doing this morning? Tell me about your day, what you've accomplished, what you hope to accomplish.
For me, it's just the usual work stuff as always. I have a meeting at 12pm EST, but again, it's a decent meeting so nothing too boring or anything.
After that, it'll just be a relaxing day…

An image that says good morning and each letter is a different color with a different pattern inside the letter.
2024-04-19 12:31:32

Anyone playing No Rest For The Wicked yet by chance?
It's from the same studio that made both of the Ori games which were absolutely amazing games.
I bought the game yesterday as it came out in Early Access and hope to dive into it later today.
If you're playing it, what are your thoughts so far?

The banner image for the video game No Rest For The Wicked.