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2024-06-06 10:39:23

Neues Feature: Whatsapp löscht automatisch Sprachnachrichten, die länger als 15 Sekunden sind|
2024-06-07 03:23:04

On Website Technicals (2020-08) - Tech updates: Review rework, CSS contain and large pages, AutoAds and floats, moar moves, reviews fixed, MODBUS et al, Brotli, FAQ droop. -
2024-06-06 10:13:48

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2024-06-10 06:25:25

Several right-wing media outlets that promoted lies about the 2020 election filed for bankruptcy, issued apologies, or settled lawsuits in the past few months (Erik Ortiz/NBC News)
2024-06-14 23:10:58

US prosecutors charge two men with operating Empire Market, a dark web marketplace for illicit goods and services that did $430M in sales between 2018 and 2020 (Jake Bleiberg/Bloomberg)
2024-06-18 10:05:33

Experten: Brauchen mehr Antworten auf neue Hyperschallwaffen
NATO-General Christian Badia hält verstärkte Anstrengungen zur Verteidigung gegen moderne Hyperschallwaffen für nötig. Für eine glaubhafte Abschreckung müsse dabei sowohl auf Verteidigung als auch die Fähigkeit zum Angriff gesetzt werden, sagte Badia in Berlin auf einer Fachkonferenz. Während es im Jahr 2020 noch viel Hoffnung auf eine Rüstungskontrolle der neuen Te…
2024-06-10 23:28:18

Federalist Society right-winger smacked with brutal fact-check for election conspiracies - Raw Story
2024-06-10 20:57:47

May 2024 was warmer globally than any previous May in the data record: 0.65°C above the 1991-2020 average for May and 0.19°C above the previous high set in May 2020.
This is the twelfth month in a row that is the warmest on record for the respective month of the year.
#globalwarming #climate

Map showing anomalies compared to 1991-2020, with hot spots e.g. in Scandinavia and Mexico and cool spots in Patagonia and W-Russia
2024-06-10 08:47:53

Finally, heading to #MobileTartu2024 #MobileTartu! I was supposed to go in 2020, but we all know what happened ;) Keynotes and panel discussions available to all online at

Mobile Tartu 2024 conference and PhD school poster, 11-14 June 2024
2024-06-09 13:12:53

While this news from @… is indeed good news:
Please do not use it for accNames unless you a…
2024-06-10 05:00:11

psi: Plant Photosystem I excitation energy transfer network (2020)
Weighted directed network of the light-harvesting Photosystem Ι (PSI) of the plant Pisum sativum. The nodes represent chromophores with different identities (i.e. chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, β-carotene and derivates, lutein, violaxanthin), while edges represent FRET transfer between chromophores. The link directionality connecting nodes in the PSI network depends on the energy levels of the connected chromophores. The…

psi: Plant Photosystem I excitation energy transfer network (2020). 192 nodes, 29390 edges.

If Republicans had any hope of Trump tempering his hard-line rhetoric in an effort to win back more moderate voters he lost to Joe Biden in 2020
— something more traditionalist Republicans have pushed for
— his post-conviction messaging shows that felon Trump is unwilling to do so.
“The former president is never going to get away from those components of his rhetoric,” said John Watson, a former Georgia Republican Party chair. “He has made a decision that this is how he wan…
2024-06-10 06:25:25

Several right-wing media outlets that promoted lies about the 2020 election filed for bankruptcy, issued apologies, or settled lawsuits in the past few months (Erik Ortiz/NBC News)
2024-06-14 10:35:22
„Was heißt das Ende des Streiks? Hungern bewirkt nichts, auf der Straße festkleben nützt nichts, Kohletagebaue besetzen nützt nichts, Klimastreiken ist sinnlos? Nein. Die Bewegung muss sich eingestehen, dass die Kriege und Krisen der aktuellen Welt dem Klimathema derzeit das Momentum genommen haben. Der Druck, den die Fridays bis 2020 auf die Klimapolitik weltweit ausübten, hat nachgelassen. Aber das wird nicht so bleiben. Die Stunde derjenigen, die die Welt vor der Überhitzung bewahren wollen, wird kommen. Vielleicht mit der nächsten Naturkatastrophe. Das ist dann schon sehr, aber hoffentlich noch nicht zu spät.“
Na, gut. Wenn das so ist. Ich bleib dann hier sitzen und warte, bis es so weit ist. Sagt dann bitte Bescheid. Ich komme wieder fotografieren.
2024-06-16 23:09:38

#KeirStarmer and his people thinking Biden's 2020 strategy of being "not Trump" was brilliant a) explains so much and b) is absolutely ridiculous. They think that vagueness was a masterstroke and are trying to emulate it.
Of course Keir Starmer is the perfect candidate for not being something because he isn't really anything at all.
2024-06-15 14:40:42

How 2024 pollsters are trying to avoid their 2020 mistakes (Ivana Saric/Axios)
2024-06-11 15:04:10

Scrapping the Local Loop, by the Numbers
Scrapping the Local Loop, by the Numbers A few years back I wrote an “Ask Hackaday” article
2024-06-13 07:49:31

Ich finde es immer wieder witzig, wenn die Regierung die "Gesundheitsgefahr" für die Grenzschließung zu Frankreich anführt. Auf der frz Seite wohnen weit über 10 000 Deutsche. Die durften alle ohne Test aber mit deutschem Ausweis nach Deutschland. Dann ist aber das Gesundheitsgefahrargument die reine Heuchelei! Das war Lederhosenpolitik die eine Schneise der Verwüstung hinterlassen hat.

As Trump has continued to #lie that the 2020 election was “#stolen” and “#rigged” ,
the GOP Supreme Leader and his supporters have been making concrete, step-by-step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit.
2024-06-10 08:44:49

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2024-06-14 02:51:42

Bears sign special teams stud in preparation for new kickoff rule
2024-06-11 06:53:10

Early School Leaving in Spain: a longitudinal analysis by gender
Mart\'in Mart\'in-Gonz\'alez, Sara M. Gonz\'alez-Betancor, Carmen P\'erez-Esparrells

Last week, Arizona Senatorial candidate Kari Lake (R) held a campaign event at a Trump merchandise store where the modern 💥Confederate flag 💥was both displayed behind her and for sale.
Like a broken record,
Lake claimed that she won the 2022 gubernatorial race and that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential contest,
despite repeated court decisions that should have buried those lies.
In addition, the Arizona Supreme Court suspended her lawyer today.
Chief Just…
2024-06-11 07:05:17

Analysis of non-equilibrium fluctuations in a number of COVID-19 cases and deaths based on time-convolutionless projection-operator method
Michio Tokuyama

Speaker Mike Johnson is under pressure to pass a bill that would support Trump and allow him to move New York state charges to federal court,
but Johnson can’t get the votes to pass the bill.
It would be career suicide for any of the moderate Republicans in districts that Biden won in 2020 to vote for a bill that would support convicted felon Trump.
There is no good reason for any of these Republicans to throw their careers away when even if the bill passed the House, it w…