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2024-06-08 13:42:02 - A proposed fix for C/C relaxed atomics in practice.
2024-06-09 07:00:08

Bonjour chers Français ! Je ne connais rien Š la politique. Pourtant, j'ai déjŠ rencontré Manon Aubry (La France Insoumise). Elle était très gentille.
Lorsque je l’ai rencontrée Š Bruxelles en 2023, elle était la seule parlementaire Š soutenir en personne le « Supply Chain Act » / CSDDD.
Au Parlement européen, LFI travaille en collaboration avec mon parti politique (DIE LINKE) Š travers la fraction parlementaire « THE LEFT ». Manon Aubry est la c…
2024-06-08 19:42:44

Didn't Martha Stewart do time for something similar?
Elon Musk accused of improperly selling $7.5 billion in Tesla stock before weak sales report - ABC7 Los Angeles
2024-06-08 18:35:32

Why am I not surprised?
2024-06-08 14:44:19

Cowboys' Mazi Smith dubbed 'biggest draft miss' of 2023 rookie class

😱"Pedestrians are viewed as speed bumps"
From: @…

2024-06-08 08:19:03

How many people you know took a plane to their holidays this year?
2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…
2024-06-08 08:41:20

Ukraine kauft französisches Flugabwehrsystem
Der französische Rüstungskonzern Thales verkauft ein zweites Luftabwehrsystem an die Ukraine. Nach der Lieferung eines ersten Luftabwehrsystems an die Ukraine im Jahr 2023 erwerbe das ukrainische Verteidigungsministerium ein zweites System, teilte das Unternehmen mit, ohne einen Kaufpreis zu nennen.
Die Unterzeichnung des Vertrags wurde am Rande eines Besuchs des ukrainischen Präs…
2024-06-08 01:19:58

Former astronaut William #Anders, who took iconic #Earthrise photo, has died in Washington plane crash: #Apollo8.)
2024-06-08 03:23:05

On Website Technicals (2023-03) - Tech updates: reducing storage writes from logging, slow random. -
2024-06-08 19:42:44

Didn't Martha Stewart do time for something similar?
Elon Musk accused of improperly selling $7.5 billion in Tesla stock before weak sales report - ABC7 Los Angeles
2024-06-08 11:00:39

Heart Power Podcast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

Heart Power Podcast
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-06-10 06:53:49

Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt
2024-06-08 10:42:01

2023 retro-link! - ITU News Magazine: The future of Coordinated Universal Time.
2024-06-10 08:40:07

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2024-06-10 08:46:30

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2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…
2024-06-08 02:54:24

Back in the 70s and 80s people used to say "Kids are growing up so much faster these days"
I have no idea if it was true back then.
but people just keep saying it, despite the fact that in 2023 it's plain as day that the opposite is true.
2024-06-08 11:02:11

Maxx Crosby seemingly takes a dig at LeBron James for taking the ‘easy road traveled’ as he admits being a ‘Raider for life’
2024-06-10 08:59:24

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2024-06-10 08:51:40

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2024-06-11 13:45:56

TechInsights: Nvidia shipped ~3.76M data center GPUs in 2023, up from 2.64M in 2022; the total data center GPU market was 3.85M in 2023, up from ~2.67M in 2022 (Agam Shah/HPCwire)
2024-06-17 14:46:54

La diffusione dei quotidiani ad aprile 2024 [analisi del «» su dati Ads]
2024-06-10 16:59:37

Hey folks, this is an important #security update for #JetBrains users. Please update as soon as possible if you use #GitHub and the integration in the
2024-06-18 14:08:17

Hypocrisie heeft *nog* een naam.
Deze mevrouw komt nu namens #NSC in de Tweede Kamer.
Gezellig samen met o.a. #CasparVeldkamp fijn ‘t eigen land verwonden, haatdragende en discriminerende standpunten wit wassen, de wankele positie van Europa ondergraven.

AnnemarieHeite op TwiX (20 nov. 2023)
'"Wie flirt met de PVV moet beseffen dat zij niet alleen 't eigen land verwondt door haatdragende en discriminerende standpunten wit te wassen. Dit gevaarlijke spel ondergraaft de wankele positie van Europa in het mondiale krachtenveld" Stem daarom woensdag lijst 19 @NwSocContract
2024-06-15 22:15:06

Seit 10 Monaten sinkt die Anzahl der monatlich aktiven #Mastodon-Nutzer. Ich war hoffnungsfroh, dass wir es schaffen, das erste unkommerzielle Social Network zu etablieren. Stattdessen scheint es nun wieder in der Bedeutungslosigkeit zu versinken.

Ein Diagramm zeigt die monatlich aktiven Nutzer auf Mastodon. Das Diagramm beginnt im Juli 2022 mit weniger als 500.000 Nutzern. Es folgt ein rapider Anstieg auf über 2,5 Millionen im Dezember 2022. Danach sanken die Zahlen wieder auf etwa 1,2 Millionen im Frühling 2023. Dann gab es einen erneuten Anstieg auf über 2 Millionen im August 2023. Seitdem sinken die Zahlen kontinuierlich und sind aktuell bei unter 1 Million. Die Zahlen stammen von…
2024-06-18 18:31:23

Bijstand en AOW worden losgekoppeld van minimumloon, de naoorlogse welvaartsstaat definitief afgebroken | de #Volkskrant

Als de nieuwe regering de armoede en ongelijkheid in Nederland wil bestrijden, zou de koppeling moeten blijven. Ook het minimumloon moet omhoog. Bij de invoering van het minimumloon in 1969 bedroeg dat 70 procent van de mediaan – het middelste van de lonen die betaald werden. In 2023 was dat gedaald tot ruim 40 procent van die mediaan. Reden is dat er bij de bepaling van het minimumloon geen rekening is gehouden met de periodieken, bonussen en andere opslagen die mensen met een cao-loon wel kri…
Er is een Europese richtlijn, waarvoor Agnes Jongerius een lans heeft gebroken, die bepaalt dat het minimumloon 60 procent van die mediaan moeten zijn. Dat betekent dat het wettelijk minimumloon fors zou moeten worden verhoogd: niet met 1,2 procent maar misschien wel 12 procent. Maar als de koppeling in stand zou moeten blijven, moet het rijk miljarden extra uittrekken voor de AOW en de bijstand.

De BBB, NSC en VVD willen daarom van de koppeling af. De mensen die daardoor onder de armoedegrens…
2024-06-13 13:28:32

In about 30 minutes, at 10:00am US Eastern, I'll join with some colleagues on rapidly refreshing the web page for the US Supreme Court:
They issue decisions on Thursdays, and they currently have 27 pending ca…
2024-06-10 15:03:35

The GÉANT Annual Report 2023 is published today, at the start of #TNC24 week.
GÉANT CEO Erik Huizer @… : “These are just some of the highlights from our busy year and you will find a lot more information in this Annual Report.”

GÉANT Annual Report 2023
2024-06-18 15:47:22

"Apple is discontinuing its buy now, pay later service known as Apple Pay Later barely a year after its initial launch in the U.S., and will rely on companies who already dominate the industry like Affirm and Klarna.
"It’s an acknowledgement from a company known for producing hit products that building a financial services business from scratch as Apple has been doing for several years is difficult and highly competitive."
2024-06-16 22:31:25

Yet more journallistic malpractice in NYT coverage of Biden.
Quotes Jodie Evans, a demonstrator against Biden, describing her simply as a "political activist and documentary producer." No mention of the Times's own reporting last August that her husband "works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide" & Evans herself "stridently supports China" and works closely with her husband.
2024-06-10 13:57:18

Dasha Rush offering a beatless summoning/meditation of both the melancholia and the hope for a betterment of humankind... Somehow fitting after yesterday's abysmal & irresponsible election result and the massive show of small time thinking, selfishness, chauvinism & general lack of empathy with fellow members of society...
Dasha Rush — Trumpets of Andromeda (2023)
2024-06-16 00:08:04

Birch's on the Lake - Hazy IPA 1st place 2023 #Minnesota Brewer's Cup

A glass of beer
2024-06-18 16:56:29

On this episode of Book Club for Masochists: A Readers' Advisory Podcast we’re giving our book pitches for our Battle of the Books 2023! Each of us has picked one title that we think we should all read and discuss and you get to vote for which one it is!
2024-06-11 08:10:18

Der Übergang von El Niño zu La Niña könnte 2024 zu noch extremerem Wetter führen. Nach dem heißesten Sommer der letzten 2.000 Jahre im Jahr 2023, mit verheerenden Waldbränden und tödlichen #Hitzewellen, warnen Wissenschaftler vor weiteren Katastrophen. Während El Niño warmes Oberflächenwasser im Pazifik aufheizt, kühlt La Niña das Wasser ab, was jedoch zu heißeren Sommern zwischen den Phasen…
2024-06-14 19:32:50

En Laphroaig-fatslagrad Innis & Gunn.
Min fru säger att jag redan har provat den här och sedan rusade jag iväg för att köpa fler. (Det förklarar varför jag har så många i förrådet.)
Klokt beslut i alla fall, den är god och smakar precis som man kan föreställa sig. Bäst före november 2023. #öltut

This online map provides information about bathing water locations and their quality for both the latest 2023 season and previous seasons.
The map symbols are colored to reflect the quality status achieved in the most recent season.
The data is presented at two levels:
country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).
In addition to the 27 EU Member States, the bathing water viewer includes also the data for Albania and Switzerland
2024-06-18 06:51:38

Challenging the Machine: Contestability in Government AI Systems
Susan Landau, James X. Dempsey, Ece Kamar, Steven M. Bellovin, Robert Pool
2024-06-13 03:16:08

Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
2024-06-17 16:08:53

I can confidently say that this June sucks and last year was better; first graph is June 2023 and the second is thus June 😒
2024-06-11 20:44:50

Burrow questions 'mortality' as wrist recovers
2024-06-18 08:42:02 - You don't need JavaScript for that.
2024-06-13 20:13:27

Reminder dat deze #CasparVeldkamp nu zelfs minister wordt in een kabinet met de racistische complotdenkers van de PVV.
En hoe hij daarover *voor* de verkiezingen gelogen heeft. Ze zouden niet eens aan tafel gaan!!
Laten we deze tweet (die nog steeds op TwiX staat, hij heeft nooit gereageerd op vragen hierover) nog maar heel vaak delen.
Al net zo onbetrouwbaar dus als

Joshua Livestro 6 nov 2023 op TwiX:
Een stem op Omtzigt leidt dus tot een plek aan tafel voor de racistische complotdenkers van de PVV. Veel succes daarmee.

Caspar Veldkamp, reply:
Pardon? Omtzigt sloot de PVV juist uit.
2024-06-16 22:31:25

Yet more journallistic malpractice in NYT coverage of Biden.
Quotes Jodie Evans, a demonstrator against Biden, describing her simply as a "political activist and documentary producer." No mention of the Times's own reporting last August that her husband "works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide" & Evans herself "stridently supports China" and works closely with her husband.

This online map provides information about bathing water locations and their quality for both the latest 2023 season and previous seasons.
The map symbols are colored to reflect the quality status achieved in the most recent season.
The data is presented at two levels:
country (less detailed scales) and bathing water (more detailed scales).
In addition to the 27 EU Member States, the bathing water viewer includes also the data for Albania and Switzerland
2024-06-17 07:28:23

Bifurcations of periodic orbits in the 3D secular planetary 3-Body problem: an approach through an integrable Hamiltonian system
Rita Mastroianni, Antonella Marchesiello, Christos Efthymiopoulos, Giuseppe Pucacco
2024-06-14 08:39:43

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2024-06-13 03:16:08

Sources: Indian rapid grocery delivery startup Zepto plans to raise ~$650M co-led by Nexus and StepStone at a valuation of $3.5B, up from $1.4B in August 2023 (Moneycontrol)
2024-06-14 07:05:53

Heute vor 1 Jahren: Am 14. Juni 2023 erklärte der belarussische Präsident Aleksander Lukaschenko in einem Fernsehinterview mit dem russischen Staatssender Russia-1, dass #Belarus, wie am 25.03.23 durch Putin angekündigt, #Kernwaffen von Russland erhalten habe.

Treffen des von Russland geführten Militärbündnisses Organisation des Vertrags über kollektive Sicherheit (OVKS) am 16. Mai 2022 in Moskau
Lizenz: CC BY 4.0
2024-06-16 08:55:04

Hey friends! totally out of my weekly activity context: I just remembered our walk to #BeinnDubh above #LochLomond , #Scotland last year during our vacation in the

A serene scene captured in this photograph showcases a vast field with a sturdy wooden fence running through it. The field is filled with lush green grass and the backdrop reveals towering mountains under a cloudy sky. The dominant colors in the image are grey and brown, creating a harmonious natural color palette. The image exudes a sense of tranquility, with the rugged mountains contrasting the softness of the grassy field. This picturesque landscape is reminiscent of a peaceful rural area, i…
2024-06-18 06:51:51

History-enhanced ICT For Sustainability education: Learning together with Business Computing students
Ian Brooks, Laura Harrison, Mark Reeves, Martin Simpson, Rose Wallis
2024-06-14 08:41:52

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2024-06-16 12:55:21

Jake Ferguson’s breakout season makes him division’s top tight end ⋆
2024-06-17 08:42:02

2023 retro-link! - nsss: a secure NSS-like implementation for static linking.
2024-06-11 11:30:45

Nintendo drops X support from the Switch via a new firmware update, following Sony and Microsoft doing the same in 2023 after X began charging for API usage (Wesley Yin-Poole/IGN)
2024-06-12 08:57:58

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2024-06-11 09:15:59

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2024-06-13 02:56:52

Davante Adams Sets Record Straight On Expectations For Raiders’ Offense
2024-06-17 08:57:34

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2024-06-17 08:52:32

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2024-06-11 19:19:42

Cowboys Sign Second-Round DE Marshawn Kneeland, Wrap Up Draft Class
2024-06-14 08:37:46

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2024-06-14 08:55:20

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2024-06-11 16:04:54

Cowboys are looking into fixing roster problem with an uncommon yet successful strategy
2024-06-12 08:57:43

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2024-06-12 08:46:26

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