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2025-02-17 15:40:20

2025-02-16 15:49:14

Publi Fluor - Affaires de Lettres Š Bruxelles
Le groupe de recherche Crickx a publié un travail remarquable et minutieusement documenté sur “Publi Fluor”, un magasin emblématique où Chrystel Crickx a exercé son talent pendant plus de quarante ans. Spécialisée dans le lettrage pour les devantures de magasins Š Bruxelles, elle a façonné un style unique...
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La vitrine de publi fluor.
Publi fluor, affaires de lettres à Bruxelles.
2025-01-15 06:24:23

"White guy window dressing" is a little better. I just wish it was one word.
I bet, if they weren't white, the Germans would have a word for this.
2025-01-15 06:22:14

Oooooo yeah okay.
I am definitely not comfortable with this one.
2025-03-11 15:14:20

Project Espresso alpha now available
"We are excited to announce that Project Espresso, our project to port Adélie Linux to the Wii U console, has just released alpha repositories. We will be providing root images for SD cards in the coming days. For more information, including links to the repositories and how to set up your existing install to use these binaries, see the linked blog post. Happy computing!"
2025-01-17 15:03:55

Aller chez Kambly Š Trübschachen était une excellente idée.
Il ne nous reste plus qu'a manger tout ça!
2025-03-14 05:43:38

Make it so that you can decide if ie. only followed users or followers(and amount of time followed rules) can reply in comments to all posts or make it to specific ones.
This in a fight against reply guys!
#ReplyGuys #MastodonFeatureRequest
2025-03-10 15:05:48

I looked into buying a solar charged battery bank. This product category is completely dominated by no-name 3rd party sellers. 🚩
Charge time is key. No listing had even a rough estimate for solar charge time. 🚩
An example unit claims max solar power 1.13 w, with enough battery power to charge an iPhone 14 Pro twice. Working from that, you'd need ~25 hours of full sun to fully charge. I'd roughly estimate that means at least 3 days in summer. Not quite worthless, but close…
2025-03-06 15:24:36

There is a new #Fediverse bot that facilitates web forensic analysis of websites.
You can submit a domain for crawling by messaging @…, and it will respond with the analysis results.

An output result of a phishing webpage on
2025-01-15 06:20:40

I wish I could remember one of the terms for a white guy they hire in Asia (it actually happens enough to merit a term) to pretend to be the boss just because he looks the part.
I'm going to have to look one up so I can throw it out there every time someone uses the term "diversity hire".
2025-01-15 06:09:10

Here's why having accounts on different apps is a good thing:
Instead of responding directly to the person who annoyed me, or even sub posting on the same platform, Ima make snarky comments over here where, likely, they will never see it.
I'm going to start calling straight white guys in positions that *I* don't think they're qualified for "legacy hires".
2025-01-09 06:48:03

Mit der Simulationshypothese Nick Bostroms (zurück) zum #Glauben. Was für verrückte Zeiten. #Kirche #evangelisch
2025-03-15 10:35:07

2025-03-13 09:15:27

This was it all along and I didn't find it...
sometimes search engines need to make themselves easier to find!
But I'm glad...
I'm glad that I finally found it...after losing it like 2-3 weeks ago!
2025-03-06 15:13:06

2025-01-12 15:48:37

Il y a de ces librairies. Lorsque vous regardez la vitrine, vous vous sentez chez vous. Les livres sont lŠ devant vous. Ils sont l’extension de votre esprit, de vos sentiments et même de votre vie...
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André Masson Library -
2025-02-03 15:40:19

Der Bank Blog zu Bargeld: „Schein-Heiligkeit beim Datenschutz?“
„Wie viel Wert legen Menschen auf #Privatsphäre beim Bezahlen?“
#Datenschutz ist für viele Menschen in Deutschland wichtig und oft ein Argument für
2025-03-07 15:31:21

Today is Employee Appreciation Day, announced by mass email to all employees. Get ready for (tokens of) our appreciation next week.
2025-03-13 07:15:58

Still 14 notifications...
2025-03-06 15:39:32

2025-03-13 11:13:47

Sorry, didn't know "Neurodiversity" was a racist word to you.
2025-02-05 09:00:03

Morgen zu Gast um 16:15 im Sitzungszimmer des Mathematischen Instituts für das #RTG2491Kolloquium:
Sachchidanand Prasad von der Jilin University mit
"A tour to the cut locus"

Im Hintergrund das historische Sitzungszimmer des Mathematischen Instituts darüber als Overlay der Text des Toots
2025-01-11 05:15:07

Battery dying. Must upload!
Chilling with a couple hundred other colonizer haters.
My stalkers seem particularly offended by this song. This is for you!
#FuckTheColonizers #FuckShitlibs #DeathToCanada
2025-02-08 15:15:12

Ménilmontant de Thomas Boivin est bien plus qu’un livre de photographie, c’est une immersion dans Paris, une balade sensible Š travers ses rues et ses visages...
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Ménilmontant de Thomas Boivin est bien plus qu’un livre de photographie, c’est une immersion dans Paris, une balade sensible à travers ses rues et ses visages.
2025-03-13 10:47:11

I'd like to join
I see in your profile that you link to it but I did find your fedi address first on your site:
2025-03-13 10:38:02

We need the fediverse because we all hate the
Sign In To View This Video.
#fediverse #SignInToView
2025-03-13 09:56:49

Some comedians...not selected completely at random...
I watched a yt video with bill burr having comments about Elon Musk and his nazi salute.
* Bill Burr
* Jon Stewart
* George Carlin
#BillBurr #JonStewart
2025-03-13 08:57:42

Is my profile hostile enough?
I mean am I saying:
"If you do x, I will mute you"
"If you do y, I will block you"
I guess my most "hostile" thing in my profile is:
"Replyguys/Attackers vs Mastodon/Fediverse: What happened? Did the attack stop!?"
It was more hostile earlier, I said something like:
I won you loser Replyguys, I have a filter shield now!
I try to make it nicer and more neutral...…
2025-02-26 15:20:23

One thing I think about is how flat-earth types could convince themselves, without having to trust anyone, their model of the earth is wrong. I don't think the earth is flat, but it is an interesting problem in #epistemology.
A model needs to explain observations if it is to be believed.
Lately, I've been thinking about day length as seasons change, and how cycle is opposit…
2025-03-13 07:53:38

Mastodon feature request: make it so that search results can be shared...since it takes so much resources from your servers that you'll only let logged in users search using quotation marks
#Mastodon #MastodonFeatureRequest
2025-03-13 07:18:01

Subject: Testing post
Testing again. I like testing
2025-02-26 15:51:05

2025-02-01 16:15:03

En 2010, je lisais Livres en feu, un ensemble fascinant de Lucien X. Polastron, qui recense sans fin les actes de destruction des bibliothèques depuis leur création...
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En 2010, je lisais Livres en feu, un ensemble fascinant de Lucien X. Polastron, qui recense sans fin les actes de destruction des bibliothèques depuis leur création.
2025-03-13 13:43:18

Actually I started counting on March on April 6...I'll clear all my notifications...
2025-01-23 17:05:26

Das zeigt wieder einmal, wie wichtig politische und politikhistorische Bildung ist.
Anscheinend wussten 40% der befragten nicht, dass 6m Juden im #Holocaust gestorben sind.
15% glauben, dass es unter 2m waren, 2%, also jeder 50ste glaubt nichtmal an den Holocaust.
Kein Wunder, dass sich bei dieser schrecklichen
2025-03-13 12:25:40

Oh, it was a multistep process...step 2, put full username in a field at
Ok, just did it!
"Magic word searchable found. From now on, you are indexed."
✅ (all green text btw!) ✅
2025-03-12 11:51:27

Maybe it will be easier for me to understand neodb if I actually use it
2025-02-23 15:58:56

2025-03-12 11:32:33

Is my goal just to jump at every person making a post?
Is my goal to also become a reply guy when we already have a huge replyguy problem?
#Replyguys #Replyguy #DontBecomeReplyGuy
2025-03-12 10:49:48

I really dislike strawpoll...
the site is paranoid and ignores its own options! I'm avoiding them for now
#StrawPoll #StrawPollSucks
2025-01-26 07:38:15

« Shin Zero » — une série en trois tomes publiée par Rue de Sèvres dans la collection Label 619, dont le premier volet est paru en ce janvier 2025 — est une œuvre Š quatre mains. Celles de Mathieu Bablet au scénario et de Guillaume Singelin au dessin.
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— Shin Zero, tome 1. Mathieu Bablet, Guillaume Singelin. Label 619, Rue de Sèvres. 13,90 €.
— Shin Zero, tome 1. Mathieu Bablet, Guillaume Singelin. Label 619, Rue de Sèvres. 13,90 €.
2025-03-12 10:07:13

"Polls on Mastodon should include more options than just 4"
#Poll #MastodonPoll
2025-03-12 09:04:36

Just deleted my post about
They may be the best instance in the world...who am I to judge?
If anyone got evidence of any wrongdoing please provide it
...and also if they were under attack by spammers we can help them by reporting the spam.
Also remember to:
Gather Evidence!
Gather evidence for any instance on the fediverse being under attack or where there are signs of a "Fedi Civil War".
I'm gonna...
2025-03-12 09:01:54

@… thank you for noticing my post.
At the time I did not have any receipts, I just blocked them for personal reasons...
If I get any future receipts I'll save them so I can show them...
Also I'm deleting that post since otherwise it may seem like I'm throwing baseless accusations at instances...
2025-01-03 15:47:28

Rebroussement Š Cully avec le soleil couchant.
2025-03-12 08:52:00

If you can't live your dream, at least you can dream your dream.
Then make your house there. Maybe put some stuff in there, explore the world, get back to your house...oh wait, is this Terraria?
Ok now back to you reality in the studio, the weather is alright or stormy?
#dream #reality
2025-01-26 15:13:02

Metz regorge de belles librairies, et l’une d’elles est la Librairie La Cour des Grands, située rue Taison. On y trouve un petit rayon dédié Š la photographie, où se cachent toujours quelques pépites. En parcourant du regard les livres de photographie mis en avant en tête de gondole, je remarque...
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Le cauchemar climatisé - Une traversée américaine, Julien Allouf, Mediapop. 25 EURO.
2025-02-19 15:13:32

剛好需要滑鼠,剛好在特賣會買到三百塊的羅技 M240,爽。
2025-02-22 15:29:18

Tout le monde n’a pas eu la chance de voir l’exposition Invader Space Station, installée dans le parking et l’ancien siège historique du journal Libération, situé rue Béranger Š Paris...
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Invader in Conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (fr/en), 23 EURO, 13,00 x 19,50 cm, Control P/HENI.

La photo du livre, qui s’ouvre sur Gérard Zlotykamnien, n’est pas le fruit du hasard. Cet artiste mériterait amplement une place dans une critique sillonesque.