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2024-03-31 10:09:20

#Obsidian Sync, lots of message notifications, almost every 5 seconds, how can I fix it?
2024-05-03 07:13:51

People using #Obsidian (and similar) don't even understand when I'm writing about #lockin situations.
If those services could be easily replaced by any Markdown edtor and a decent sync mechanism, why are they using those services in the first place? 🤷
I'm going to blog about that to…
2024-05-02 13:32:31

Hahaha, while getting somewhat deeper into #Obsidian I came to this:
"Note that when you insert callout within callout, the line separating the callouts should only use single angle bracket (“>”)"
And it made me miss the times when I was learning how to code in C [all those Cat class/"Cat cat"/Type Cat command examples...]. <3 /s
2024-04-03 15:05:14

Quick note while I am thinking about it. I was unhappy with Publii for a while because I couldn't get it to sync with github.
That has been fixed and I redid the authorization in my Github account and it works beautifully.
I prefer Publii because it is local markdown files and I can copy them over to Obsidian.
I have converted my old WP site to markdown and will publish it through Publii as well.
2024-02-29 10:47:52

And now the Book Gallery snippet has become an #Obsidian plugin. :D

Gif of the Book Gallery Obsidian Plugin. It shows how a list of cover files can be rendered as a list of books.
2024-03-21 06:23:51

Obsidian Sync now starts at $4 and I 100% endorse it:
Everyone who tortured themselves with some external sync and then tried theirs immediately regretted it that they didn’t switch earlier.
The plan gives you 1 Vault with 1 GB of t…
2024-04-27 10:52:57

J'ai payé un "café" Š l'auteur de
2024-03-24 14:52:18

"How to integrate #Zotero with #Obsidian":
2024-05-01 09:46:02

I really do like the uttermost and complete neurospicyness of @… on YouTube explaining #Obsidian for beginners. <3
Thanks for [implicitly] hinting me towards restart pondering and thinking about my

2024-03-27 16:38:54

Anyone else feel much better after pouring the contents of their morning brain 🧠 into #Obsidian ??
I've started to use Obsidian Sync so I can access it on all my devices and it's... wonderful.
2024-02-29 17:05:25

Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
TARRANT: [V.O.] Yes, what?
AVON: The Federation commandos got Orac and Cally. [Obsidian surface] 📺 B7B9
2024-05-01 17:28:55

Ok, ich hab heute angefangen, mein mehrere Jahre altes Planungs-Googledoc zur #nonApologia nach #Obsidian zu übertragen - und liebe das jetzt schon. <3 Der Mann hat [nochmals] gesagt, dass ich ja auch evtl. lieber planen möchte, wie genau diese Buchidee denn umzusetzen wäre, als sie wirklich zu schrei…
2024-05-01 07:42:29

Good news and bad news for users if #logseq:
They're working on a DB version in parallel that will provide better scalability, performance and realtime #collaboration (#RTC). They'll charge for RTC.…
2024-04-03 07:34:49

The glassy structure of reactive supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) and recycled glass: Contribution of XRD and Raman spectroscopy to their characterization
Th\'eodore Serbource (LSI), Mireille Courtial (LSI, UA), Marie-No\"elle de Noirfontaine (LSI), Sandrine Tusseau-Nenez (LPMC), Christophe Sandt (SSOLEIL), Laurent Izoret
2024-04-28 13:09:49

@… @… @… Since Obsidian is using MarkDown, it’ll be easy enough to export material to publish on …
2024-04-30 16:06:51

This year I have a goal of developing my storytelling. Not so much for games, but it certainly helps. I've looked at classes and books and learned Obsidian.
May 3, I finally do something concrete: I am in a storytelling contest. The theme is Hot Mess and the story must be comedic.
This is the first time in 30 years I've attempted to be funny on stage.
Yeah, a bit nervous.
2024-04-16 12:29:32

@… bei mir ist's der Kodama Obsidian 3D Drucker. Die haben $ 1,6 Millionen eingenommen und außer ein paar Exemplaren an Influencer nichts geliefert
2024-04-17 09:53:45

Q for fellow #Obsidian users that do daily journaling. How do you handle trips?
Like if you go on a week long trip and you want to bundle all your notes together.
Do you:
A) Write your daily notes as usual and then create a 'trip' note where you embed each day's notes on it
B) Write everything about the trip on one note and then embed each day's heading into eac…
2024-02-29 10:14:29

What I needed to do: write a post.
What I did: write an Obsidian plugin to improve my writing workflow by 5%.
2024-03-26 10:53:46

#notion war gestern mal wieder down und ich konnte dadurch nicht mehr richtig für die Uni lernen. Benutzt hier jemand #obsidian und kann mir einfach seine/ihre Meinung dazu geigen? :)
2024-03-13 17:59:12

Obsidian users: do you have a tool/plug-in/workflow for sharing an article draft in Obsidian and collecting feedback from others? #Obsidian
2024-02-23 13:55:53

Also have learned that Evernote HTML files imported into Obsidian have strange non-breakable characters that look like spaces but mess up the formatting, after trying everything else to identify what weird characters these may be and how to get rid of them, a short consultation with ChatGPT gave me the possible culprit and a JS script I could use in a Mac Shortcut to get rid of them
2024-02-06 13:23:49

💔 Obsidian’s Avowed Will Defy One Major RPG Trend
2024-04-16 11:36:52

Die #Pixels Würfel fühlen sich mit jedem Update mehr wie mein #Kodama #Obsidian an :Fehlschlag:
2024-02-24 20:59:57

Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
VILA: Just the same, sooner them than me. Does anyone know why this planet...what's it called?
CALLY: Obsidian. B7BE
2024-02-07 17:48:00

Can't believe I didn't notice, but if you take notes in #obsidian, it's handy to have your bold and italicized text to be noticeable. I was using a theme that kept all the text in white (dark mode ftw) but you couldn't distinguish bold from regular text.
The trick is to find a theme (not a font) that puts bold and italicized text in a different color. Just makes sense…
2024-03-26 10:53:46

#notion war gestern mal wieder down und ich konnte dadurch nicht mehr richtig für die Uni lernen. Benutzt hier jemand #obsidian und kann mir einfach seine/ihre Meinung dazu geigen? :)
2024-04-07 01:45:04

@… You can have several small Obsidian vaults inside one big Obsidian vault and then just open a small one for focused work and the big one for an overview. You can even have both open at the same time.
2024-03-08 19:36:18

Beach finds. Think I might become a rock nerd. Could the black rock be obsidian? 🤔

A strand of black dried out seaweed, and four small rocks. Three are grey/brown with white stripes and the forth is back with pock marks.
Close-up of the black rock with lots of pock marks.
2024-04-04 16:00:04

The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition is the ultimate way to play the award-winning RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Including the base game and all DLC, this remastered masterpiece is the absolute best version of The Outer Worlds.
2024-04-16 18:48:45

@… Nachvollziehbar. Zeit, sich vom Original zu lösen und das eine Satzmonstrum in viele kleine zu zerhacken - deutsch ist vor allem einfach nochmal lääänger :-) Mein Setup sieht bei Übersetzungen so ähnlich aus, aber ich benutze kein Obsidian.
(Warum wechselst du später auf der Seite eigentlich von „du" auf "sie“ ?)
2024-02-15 10:00:00

Wrote my first Templater-QuickAdd Combo in Obsidian, this will come handy, but I am not just doing workflow stuff, I am actually connecting stuff together so that it can't go missing since it's tied together, aka how my brain works anyway, but with the years and all the topics I am covering I need external help for fast context switching
2024-03-04 08:16:44

Went to fight the (#Minecraft) dragon using ‘ianxofour’s bridge method. Forgot to take enough blocks. Tried to improvise using obsidian from the pillars. Discovered the dragon can fly through pillars and get you. Had to do it the Olden Way - with a bow and arrow (didn’t have beds and the bridge prevented normal perching). Almost destroyed my fancy expensive bow.
Next time it’s /kill @e[type=minecraft:dragon], for damn sure.
2024-02-06 10:36:10

I just stumbled on a long, articulated, apparently well-informed, old Reddit comment saying that Dynalist devs were shooting themself in the foot for focusing on Obsidian because Obsidian will never be as successful as Dynalist.
This confirms my rule: never trust any strong opinion, especially on the internet.
2024-02-12 15:59:54

Found an easy workflow to export an Obsidian vault into a website I can upload onto my web hosting with functionality like Canvases and Dataview plugin intact, which unfortunately can't be said for the official Publish license which doesn't work for a lot of things, have to pay for my webspace anyway and even if I don't have total control since I can't juggle having my own server at the moment, I can change service provider with a minimum amount of hassle at any time without …
2024-04-04 16:00:04

The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition is the ultimate way to play the award-winning RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Including the base game and all DLC, this remastered masterpiece is the absolute best version of The Outer Worlds.