Gibt es eigentlich Leute hier, die sich die Abschlussfeier von #Olympia anschauen? Meine Timeline ist recht leise.
Our latest piece for @… has gone through dozens of revisions in the past week. "Total" identifies the most extreme type of #LunarEclipse.
…"Lights out on the #Moon marks …
Hier kann man ein wenig erahnen, wie viel Sand, Erde und Schotter schon auf dem #Radschutzstreifen des #KurtSchumacherDamm in #Osnabrück gespült worden sind.
"Undecided business owners that say:
"I just don't know enough about her"
...what they really mean is:
"I just want deregulation & tax cuts.""
- Stephanie Ruhle, 11th Hour, MSNBC
#MSNBC #stephanieruhle
Wow, sind das die AfD-Mitglieder des jungen und dynamischen ATeams 🤡?
Aus dem aktuellen #AfD Flyer:
Zitat Anfang [.....] Mit frischem Wind, klarem Verstand und einer jungen, dynamischen Mannschaft wollen wir die Politik
in unserer Stadt wieder auf Kurs bringen. [.....] Zitat Ende
If MAGA fascist types have a weird biological fear of contracting diseases, that would kind of make sense in an uneducated, ill-informed logic sort of way.
It doesn't explain why so many got the heebie jeebies around wearing masks during COVID-19 but maybe these weirdos just hate the association they mentally have with masks & disease...?
"Hate body odour? You're more likely to have rightwing views" | Psychology | The Guardian
…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
Community #TimeTravel Research has the latest details on The #KrononautMoon Project and organizing efforts around the Total Lunar Eclipse (#TLEclipse) to experimentally contact