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2024-03-16 14:09:43

I’ve just pushed a quick v2.0.2 release of my build-and-inspect-python-package GitHub Action that adds support for core metadata 2.3 by upgrading its dependencies:
2024-05-15 13:28:22

📰 New Post From EchoFeed 📰
Review: NuPhy Air 96 v2
2024-05-15 10:45:39

A leaked Dell XPS roadmap details Qualcomm's "Oryon V2" series, possibly named Snapdragon X Gen2 and launching in H2 2025, and "QC Oryon V3", set for late 2027 (
2024-03-15 09:08:00

#Pydantic for Experts: Discriminated Unions in Pydantic V2
2024-03-15 23:05:48

2024 NFL Mock Draft V2
2024-04-17 14:00:06

Embeddings transform text into numerical vectors that capture semantic relationships. Join Isabelle Mohr and Bo Wang for their talk at this year's #bbuzz, where they will discuss data preparation, training processes, evaluation and a demo of Jina Embeddings V2 in a hybrid search pipeline, showing its practical applications.

Talk - Jina Embeddings V2: From Raw Data to Bilingual Hybrid Search
Photograph of Bo Wang
Photograph of Isabelle Mohr
9th-11th June 2024/Kulturbrauerei & Online/
2024-05-15 20:15:33

I’m happy with the setup I described here a while ago
2024-05-16 14:44:11

why is it that WiFi never works for me on planes, neither on my iPhone nor my iPad? I must have set network something or other on them … i get redirected from, e.g., to this page.
works for lynn’s iPhone… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s DNS, innit?

404 Not Found

2024-05-09 14:24:00

ChatGPT-4-Konkurrent aus China: DeepSeek V2 ist Open Source
ChatGPT bekommt Konkurrenz aus China. DeepSeek schaltet seinen KI-Chat frei. Der chinesische Anbieter wirbt mit Open Source, stellt SDKs und APIs bereit.
2024-04-12 16:25:25

Spectre v2 colpisce Linux: il nuovo exploit che mette in crisi i processori Intel
Spectre v2 colpisce Linux: il nuovo exploit che mette in crisi i processori Intel Gli specialisti del …
2024-03-09 09:46:26

The music industry has some thinking to do about how to use AI and at the same time protect copyrights, promote "original" work.
2024-04-12 19:29:52

"Der Lungenfacharzt Cihan Çelik aus #Darmstadt hat das Bundesverdienstkreuz bekommen. Er wurde für seine "unermüdliche" Aufklärungsarbeit während der Corona-Pandemie ausgezeichnet."
2024-04-15 06:15:28

The vOICe for Android v2.71 released, with improved self-voicing support for devices running Android 11 or later, and added support for Vuzix Shield smart glasses

Vuzix Shield smart glasses with titanium bridge
2024-05-13 15:59:34

Before I start churning out my pre-PyCon releases, how about a build-and-inspect-python-package that adds GitHub-style build provenance attestations by just adding one setting (and one permission)!? #python
2024-03-15 06:54:01

VM-UNET-V2 Rethinking Vision Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
Mingya Zhang, Yue Yu, Limei Gu, Tingsheng Lin, Xianping Tao
2024-04-14 19:28:36

#Tukio 2.0 for #PHP has been released! The premiere stand-alone #PSR14 event dispatcher now features near-instant listener lookups, a simplified API (with full backward compatibility), more automation, more robust orderin…
2024-05-06 17:14:21

AL East Farm System Report For Dynasty Baseball v2.0
#MLB #FantasyBaseball #PitcherList
2024-04-10 16:29:13

Frankfurt: Drei U-Bahnlinien und zwei Trams wegen Bauarbeiten blockiert
Gerade noch laufen die Bauarbeiten auf den Strecken der U4 und U5 in Frankfurt. Sobald diese beendet sind, beginnen schon die nächsten Sperrungen. Diesmal sind drei U-Bahn- und zwei Straßenbahn-Linien betroffen.
2024-04-13 13:40:45

Kinda mind-blown. When @… 's masto.js migrated to JS Proxy API (, I was like "cool, …

Screenshot of work-in-progress code:

function fetchTrends(masto) {
  if (supports('@pixelfed/trending')) {
      range: 'daily',
  return masto.v1.trends.statuses.list({
    limit: LIMIT,
2024-04-14 23:50:16

Hackaday Links: April 14, 2024
Hackaday Links: April 14, 2024 The Great American Eclipse v2.0 has come and gone, sadly without our traveling to the path of totality as planned; family …
2024-05-13 15:34:24

Vielleicht sollte doch Charlotte Merz für das Amt der Bundeskanzlerin kandidieren. Friedrich hat weder den Mut noch die Souveränität mit der Heute Show zu sprechen. Seine Frau hingegen packt das, wenn auch nicht ganz souverän.
2024-03-08 12:18:15

How Microsoft’s Bing Helps Maintain Beijing’s Great Firewall
2024-05-09 08:30:22

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2024-04-15 06:48:03

Manifest V3 Unveiled: Navigating the New Era of Browser Extensions
Nikolaos Pantelaios, Alexandros Kapravelos
2024-05-11 14:05:21

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Faith No More:
🎵 Epic
#NowPlaying #FaithNoMore
2024-03-23 10:16:41

1) Just sayin... — this applies to 50 repos (incl. with a total of ~300k lines of code
2) Context:
2024-05-06 11:04:18

“In theory, anyway. I’ve tried variants of this idea before, and it’s never lasted. Turns out leadership teams like accountability more when it’s other people who have to be accountable.”
James Shore: A Useful Productivity Measure?
2024-04-10 14:59:52

#Linux #kernel 6.8.5, 6.6.26, 6.1.85, and 5.15.154 were released.
They among others contain the mitigations for the "native BHI (Branch History Injection)" hardware vulnerability that were mainlined yesterday[1] shortly after the vulnerability was published[2].
2024-03-01 07:06:46

The All-Seeing Project V2: Towards General Relation Comprehension of the Open World
Weiyun Wang, Yiming Ren, Haowen Luo, Tiantong Li, Chenxiang Yan, Zhe Chen, Wenhai Wang, Qingyun Li, Lewei Lu, Xizhou Zhu, Yu Qiao, Jifeng Dai
2024-02-21 01:44:29

#Jellyfin on #Roku v2.0.5 is scheduled for release on the Roku channel store Wednesday, February 21, 2024 10:00 AM Pacific Time
5 more bugs squished!
Release Notes:
2024-04-11 09:20:13

Let Your Finger Do the Soldering With Solder Sustainer v2
Let Your Finger Do the Soldering With Solder Sustainer v2 Soldering is easy, as long as you have one hand to hold the iron, on…
2024-03-31 08:58:04

I’m happy to announce build-and-inspect-python-package v2.2.0 that uses build’s new --installer argument for EVEN FASTER builds:
2024-04-05 13:51:37

Octopus v2: On-device language model for super agent
Stanford researchers just introduced #Octopus v2, a new framework for on-device #AI #agents that outperforms
2024-05-13 03:59:59

@… Aaarrrggghhh! I hate myself for not seeing this post sooner. I loved V1 of THA, and now I’ll have to wait one more week before I can calmly sit down and read V2. Looking forward to it!
2024-04-05 00:40:59

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #DriveTime
David Bowie:
🎵 V‐2 Schneider
2024-03-01 07:23:01

StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation
Anton Lozhkov, Raymond Li, Loubna Ben Allal, Federico Cassano, Joel Lamy-Poirier, Nouamane Tazi, Ao Tang, Dmytro Pykhtar, Jiawei Liu, Yuxiang Wei, Tianyang Liu, Max Tian, Denis Kocetkov, Arthur Zucker, Younes Belkada, Zijian Wang, Qian Liu, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Indraneil Paul, Zhuang Li, Wen-Ding Li, Megan Risdal, Jia Li, Jian Zhu, Terry Yue Zhuo, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Nii Osae Osae Dade, Wenhao Yu, Lucas Krau{\ss}, Naman Jain, Yixuan S…
2024-04-08 07:28:34

Spike-driven Transformer V2: Meta Spiking Neural Network Architecture Inspiring the Design of Next-generation Neuromorphic Chips
Man Yao, Jiakui Hu, Tianxiang Hu, Yifan Xu, Zhaokun Zhou, Yonghong Tian, Bo Xu, Guoqi Li
2024-03-21 09:52:53

@… die API hat nen Endpoint dafür: aus den Daten könnte man eine blacklist für zB nginx generieren
2024-03-11 08:47:05

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2024-05-02 15:13:24

Wieviele Wissenschaftler*innen sind nötig, damit Politiker*innen ihre Meinung ändern?

Tweet von Carmela Troncoso am 2. Mai und 12:30:

Statement, signed by 250+ researchers, warning that the modifications of the Regulation to detect CSAM proposed by the EU presidency dont solve the issues pointed out by experts. It still introduces societal risks without solving the CSA problem.
Dear Members of the European Parliament,
Dear Member States of the Council of the European Union,
Joint statement of scientists and researchers on EU’s new proposal for the Child
Sexual Abuse Regulation: 2nd May 2024
We are writing in response to the new proposal for the regulation introduced by the
Presidency on 13 March 20241. The two main changes with respect to the previous proposal
aim to generate more targeted detection orders, and to protect cybersecurity and encrypted
data. We note with…
2024-03-20 17:54:35

I thought this photo must be created by some AI with implausible colour settings, inspired by "La Liberté guidant le peuple":
2024-03-11 20:48:48

About 22 years I read 1571 user guide and saw the chapter about Burst Command Instruction Set. Intriguing! Obviously parts about MFM parameters were meant primarily for CP/M.
Then I thought - what if I would rewrite GEOS 1571 disk driver to use these commands? Would it be faster or better than BSW speedloader?
I wrote some code, ran into problems and left it abandoned in the repository:


The Burst Command Instruction Set (BCIS) is a series of powerful, versatile, and complex commands that enables the user to format, read, and write in numerous formats. Burst commands are sent via kernal calls, but the handshaking of data is done by the user for maximum performance. There is no parameter checking, so exercise care When using the BCIS. For instance, if a burst read with an illegal track address is sent to a 1571, the drive will noisily keep trying to fi…
2024-02-25 12:49:35

Ich habe für mich versucht die europäische und deutsche Gesetzgebung zur digitalen #barrierefreiheit visuell in Verbindung zu bringen. Keine Gewähr inwieweit das so stimmt; gerne Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Flussdiagramm zur europäischen und deutschen Gesetzgebung zur digitalen Barrierefreiheit. Ein Strang betrifft öffentlichen Stellen und geht von der Web Accessibility Directive (2016) über die Norm EN 301549, und BITV 2.0 zur WCAG 2.1. Ein zweiter Strang betrifft Produkte und Dienstleistungen und geht vom European Accessiblity Act (2021) zum Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetzt. Auch dieser Strang führt zur WCAG.
2024-03-11 08:43:12

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2024-05-02 10:42:17

Statement, signed by 250 researchers, warning that the modifications of the Regulation to detect CSAM proposed by the EU presidency
2024-04-02 10:35:52

Pannen mit Wasserstoffzügen: RMV spendiert Freifahrten und zahlt Kunden Geld zurück
Monatelang gab es Pannen bei den neuen Wasserstoffzügen im Taunusnetz. Von heute an gibt es eine Entschädigungsaktion mit Freifahrten und Erstattungen.
2024-05-05 08:35:44

With #OCIO v2 it feels like I need to learn OCIO all over again. So many new features for color config files. At the same time we're seeing more and more shows that are using #ACES ap0 as a color space for deliveries but are not using the rest of the ACES workflow (display transforms). Instead they use …
2024-03-28 08:56:07

Karel Zak released util-linux v2.40:
For a list of new features, see also his blog post from two months ago:
2024-04-28 21:59:20

[test] Foto bewerkt met Glaze

Amsterdam Apollolaan - protected intensity LOW V2 by Glaze
2024-04-01 02:08:03

[Blog] Maintenir paraît ennuyeux…
2024-03-04 06:50:17

Open Assistant Toolkit -- version 2
Sophie Fischer, Federico Rossetto, Carlos Gemmell, Andrew Ramsay, Iain Mackie, Philip Zubel, Niklas Tecklenburg, Jeffrey Dalton
2024-04-25 22:17:10

Microsoft releases MS-DOS as Open Source:
“This repo contains the original source-code and compiled binaries for MS-DOS v1.25 and MS-DOS v2.0, plus the source-code for MS-DOS v4.00 jointly developed by IBM and Microsoft. (…) All files within this repo are released under the MIT License as per the LICENSE file stored in the root of this repo.”
2024-04-25 21:56:46

Hmhm. Vom Vom 16. Juli bis zum 16. August (aka: 1 Monate) wird die #SFS #Köln #Frankfurt gesperrt. Die Halte in
2024-04-23 07:08:04

Für mich persönlich ist dieses Ergebnis keine Überraschung. Auch bevor mir klar war, dass die Polizei #KeinFreundUndHelfer ist, fühlte ich mich an Orten mit hoher Polizeipräsenz unwohl. Einfach weil ich im Hinterkopf hatte, dass die nicht grundlos da sein werden.
2024-04-08 07:28:34

Spike-driven Transformer V2: Meta Spiking Neural Network Architecture Inspiring the Design of Next-generation Neuromorphic Chips
Man Yao, Jiakui Hu, Tianxiang Hu, Yifan Xu, Zhaokun Zhou, Yonghong Tian, Bo Xu, Guoqi Li
2024-03-27 11:11:35

I’m very happy to announce build-and-inspect-python-package 2.1.0!
The two highlights are: 1. it’s faster courtesy of uv and 2. it allows you define your strategy matrix based on your trove classifiers!
2024-05-02 07:37:08

An open letter on the position of scientists and researchers on the
recently proposed changes to the EU’s proposed Child Sexual Abuse Regulation. As of the 1st May 2024, the letter has been signed by 254 scientists and researchers from 33 countries. (among them @… )
2024-04-01 06:56:37

I spent the weekend doing maintenance work on angular-datatables library.
1. Upgrade to DataTables v2 (released last month).
2. Replace rollup and other gunk with ng-packagr for prod builds.
These are leftovers from original angularjs migration and they were a mess to deal with.
It was fun but exhausting at the end. Happy it all worked out though ❤️
PR will be raised once I’m confident.
2024-04-08 08:29:14

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2024-03-28 11:47:07

@… just use v1, v2, v3, etc. at the end of the file. Any other way is a ticket for chaos.
2024-03-18 06:50:05

eKichabi v2: Designing and Scaling a Dual-Platform Agricultural Technology in Rural Tanzania
Ananditha Raghunath, Alexander Metzger, Hans Easton, XunMei Liu, Fanchong Wang, Yunqi Wang, Yunwei Zhao, Hosea Mpogole, Richard Anderson
2024-02-26 17:30:05

Main-Neckar-Bahn: Strecke zwischen Frankfurt und Heidelberg wieder frei
Drei Wochen lang war die Main-Neckar-Bahn zwischen Frankfurt und Heidelberg gesperrt. Südlich von Darmstadt fiel der Bahnverkehr auf der Strecke völlig aus. Seit Montag ist sie nun wieder freigegeben.
2024-02-25 16:15:31

Honor announces global availability of Magic 6 Pro with a 6.8" 120Hz OLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and 5,600mAh battery, set to retail for €1,299 in Europe (Jon Porter/The Verge)
2024-03-22 10:24:53

OK, LosslesCut. That is kind of funny.

A graphical user interface displaying a file conversion in progress, with the message "Converting to supported format..." and a progress indicator at 3.8 percent. There's an option to abort the process and a logo with "V2" visible. A rainbow is pouring from a fire hydrant.
2024-03-21 01:45:48

pretty cool, v1.0 unit tests succeed with a v2.0 3/5 threshold configuration, and the best! very few changes/fixes were necessary:
2024-05-05 08:35:44

With #OCIO v2 it feels like I need to learn OCIO all over again. So many new features for color config files. At the same time we're seeing more and more shows that are using #ACES ap0 as a color space for deliveries but are not using the rest of the ACES workflow (display transforms). Instead they use …
2024-04-08 08:45:59

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2024-02-26 14:38:02

Really glad that @… refuses[1] to pick up changes for stable/longterm #Linux series (say 5.4.y), if they have not yet been applied to all newer series (e.g. 5.10.y, 5.15.y, …). This is crucial, as people otherwise would run into
2024-04-24 18:09:14

The vOICe for Android v2.72 now released on Google Play: stability improvements and minor bug fixes, fix for EXIF data not saved in snapshots in Android 11 , tweaks for TCL RayNeo X2 and Vuzix Shield smart glasses
2024-02-25 16:15:31

Honor announces global availability of Magic 6 Pro with a 6.8" 120Hz OLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and 5,600mAh battery, set to retail for €1,299 in Europe (Jon Porter/The Verge)
2024-03-23 09:12:01

Five Koans of #SoftwareArchitecture
2024-03-04 07:29:36

Assessing light pollution in vast areas: zenith sky brightness maps of Catalonia
Hector Linares, Eduard Masana Salvador J Ribas, Manuel Garc\'ia-Gil, Martin Aub\'e, Alejandro S\'anchez de Miguel, Alexandre Simoneau
2024-04-29 07:29:52

The CARFAC v2 Cochlear Model in Matlab, NumPy, and JAX
Richard F. Lyon, Rob Schonberger, Malcolm Slaney, Mihajlo Velimirovi\'c, Honglin Yu
2024-05-07 06:53:50

Technical report on target classification in SAR track
Haonan Xu, Han Yinan, Haotian Si, Yang Yang
2024-04-18 07:17:38

Continuous Control Reinforcement Learning: Distributed Distributional DrQ Algorithms
Zehao Zhou

2024-03-28 11:47:07

@… just use v1, v2, v3, etc. at the end of the file. Any other way is a ticket for chaos.
2024-04-30 03:25:10

#Git v2.45.0 is out.
GitHub blog post with some highlights:
2024-04-04 08:34:58

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2024-03-21 01:45:48

pretty cool, v1.0 unit tests succeed with a v2.0 3/5 threshold configuration, and the best! very few changes/fixes were necessary:
2024-02-27 05:20:22

NIST CSF V2 is out!
2024-04-01 07:15:39

The impact of void-finding algorithms on galaxy classification
Fatima Zaidouni, Dahlia Veyrat, Kelly A. Douglass, Segev BenZvi
2024-05-04 17:55:40

4/ Hier eine Rede von ihm.
#Lindner vor fünf Jahren mal jemandem in anderem Kontext gegeben.)
Also: Es ist so: Typologisch gesehen ist das Deutsche eine V2-Sprache. Das bedeutet, dass vor dem finiten Verb eine Wortgruppe stehen kann, die von irgendwo aus dem restlichen Satz kommt. Ansonsten ist das Deutsche eine SOV-Sprache. Also nix SPO.
Das Ganze ist nicht so einfach, aber man kann es gut verstehen, wenn man das Deutsche mit dem Englischen vergleicht oder mit dem Dänischen. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, gern mal hier reingucken:
#Grammatik #Linnemann #Deutsch #FediLZ
2024-02-27 17:18:25

"#Quorum erfüllt
Eltviller Bürger stimmen für #Windkraft
Mehrere Anläufe, #Windräder im #Rheingau
2024-04-26 06:54:16

Getting closer and closer to the point where I'll start a git tree[1] with fixes and reverts for #Linux #kernel regressions in the latest stable series, as from here it seems quite a few of the known problems could quickly be solved by a revert or applying fixes already queued[2]/still under review[3].…
2024-02-27 08:35:34

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2024-02-29 08:42:08

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2024-03-28 08:32:44

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2024-03-23 00:29:24

If you use #Tukio in your #PHP application for #PSR14 #EventDispatcher support, version 2 is nearly ready! It should be…
2024-03-26 08:50:41

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2024-04-23 08:45:18

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