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2024-11-22 09:17:11

Ah, Ruf farmen für den Winterspring Frostsaber. #wow
2025-01-17 12:52:42

When listening to an ebook with TalkBack, if I get a regular notification, the ebook resumes after the notification.
But if I get a charging notification, the reading does not resume. Sometimes when my phone is on the charger, it will announce the charging level at random times, and TalkBack just stops.
Does anyone have any experience with disabling charging notifications or getting the screen reader to resume automatically?
2025-01-14 20:22:04


Injustice Watch first reported on the incident, saying Glennon-Goodman had told a confidant that “the message was intended for a close friend and was instead mistakenly sent to a fellow judge with the same first name.”
2025-01-09 00:16:22

samstag 11. jaenner 2025
16:00 ms vindobona / anlegestelle reichsbruecke und
20:00 theater am werk petersplatz
am boot
interventionen von beauchamp/geissler
susanna gartmayer
mats gustafsson
im theater am …

plakat mit text: 25 jahre
2025-01-12 22:00:00

Ich denke, es ist für vernünftige Menschen (erneut) die Gelegenheit ernsthaft zu überdenken, ob man Produkte des #Meta-Konzerns nutzen und ihn damit unterstützen will. Der #Instagram- #Facebook-
2025-01-15 06:22:14

Oooooo yeah okay.
I am definitely not comfortable with this one.
2025-01-10 18:45:22

Until 5 pm EST today, They Might Be Giants is giving away My Murdered Remains, their 2018 album.
Go grab the MP3s and maybe buy a Dr. Worm Venn diagram shirt.
#TMBG #TheyMightBeGiants
2025-01-02 11:24:22

What is even better than #rsync?
@… \o/
That's how I shovel TBs of data through my tiny copper line.
2025-01-07 17:31:46

Today I learned the English word "access" has been a noun for centuries, but seems to have only become commonly used as a verb in the mid-20th century with the advent of computers.
#Access #Accessibility #English
2025-01-07 03:50:13

Overwhelmed by winter? A traffic camera shows this rest stop on I-70 not only has no snow, but it's spring and the leaves are out 😆
2024-12-31 16:37:22
Content warning: Telegram; Russian politics

#telegram owner #paveldurov...
He just left his "best" comment for the last. /s
I have to update my list of most stupid shit said in the year now.
2025-01-06 00:03:54

One reason why I love using Fedilab for Mastodon: the option to display a translate button on every post. I follow people who write in various languages, and I can get an English translation with a single tap. @… #Android
2024-11-09 20:05:47

Warum genau wird jetzt die wirklich nette Konzert-Aktion zum #mauerfall35 im #rbb versteckt und im Ersten läuft ein Krimi? Der #Mauerfall war nicht nur in
2024-12-01 19:22:28

Die #PV-Statistik seit 2018. November war 4% unter dem bisherigen Schnitt - aber nix im Vergleich zu September (16% unter Schnitt) oder Oktober (33% unter Schnitt) #photovoltaik #energiewende
2025-01-06 08:48:22

edit : déjŠ parti, merci masto.
#jedonne une tente Woburn500 pour 5 personnes, comprend une tente intérieur pour la "chambre" avec une séparation 2/3 amovible.
Très bonne état,
Š Genève ou dans une gare selon mes tours de service (Lausanne, Berne, Zurich, Brig, Annemasse)
2025-01-05 23:53:47


A sign for the restaurant Frisch's Big Boy looms high in a cloudy sky on a pole. The sign features a smiling cartoon boy with a pompadour haircut. Halfway up the pole is a second sign that reads "Drive thru" and "Thank you Lancaster". Behind the sign is an empty parking lot and a deserted one-story brick building. The parking lot has faded yellow lines for parking spots and lots of tar patching cracks in the asphalt. The parking lot is surrounded by grass with a light dusting of snow.
2024-11-09 11:42:51

Können wir uns Demokraten bitte auf eine würdige Diskussionskultur einigen? Das ist doch absoluter Kindergarten auf eine legitime Bewerbung auf ein politisches Amt in derart unsachlicher Art und Weise zu reagieren. Lasst das doch die Wählenden entscheiden und stellt bessere Kandidaten, die für konsensfähige Inhalte werben und überlasst dieses Niveau den Populisten! #Habeck

Robert Habeck vor dem Bundestag
2025-01-03 03:24:39

It's gonna be a sad day if all the handmade, off-model, copyright-defying art on carnival rides ever gets replaced by boring generative AI images.
#Art #AI #Airbrush
2024-12-30 14:22:39

I recently upgraded my CPU and ordered a new CPU cooler without need, since I thought I had just the stock AMD Wraith cooler, which could have some trouble handling a 5700X3D under load.
I think I'll be going forward with that new cooler after all, just because of how neatly arranged its included mounting accessories are.
From Freeze 34 to Thermaltake's Peerless Assassin 120 SE.
2024-11-05 12:22:43

#A11y #Accessibility

Boardroom meme. Five people in business clothes sit at a rectangular table. The boss at the head of the table says angrily, "Must make website accessible." One employee smiles and suggests "Alternate accessible version." A second replies, "Buy an overlay." At the end, a smug looking guy in a polo shirt leans on the table with his head on his hand. He says "Fix our HTML." The boss looks at him angrily, and the guy smiles back smugly. In the final frame, the smug guy has been thrown out the windo…
2024-11-03 17:35:14

Okay, das ist schon wieder lustig: Weil 3 Bahnübergänge defekt sind, muss der hochmoderne ICE jeden Bahnübergang, wie vor 100 Jahren händisch mit Personal des Zuges gesichert, in Schrittgeschwindigkeit queren. So wird aus "pünktlich" ganz easy " 30" 😁 #Bahn #Digitalisierung
2024-11-26 12:22:22

Bei sonnigem Wetter mit dem #TeamDatenschutz in #Hamburg bei der #DFNKonferenz. Freue mich auf einen DeepDive "KI und Datenschutz"

Blick aus dem Hotel Hafen Hamburg auf den Hamburger Hafen.
2024-11-22 18:05:44

AI chatbots are like that one uncle you see at Thanksgiving. Over his life he became a true expert in something, say, ice sculptures, and can speak with authority on it. But he's convinced he should speak with authority on any subject at all — medicine, law, business, how rainy it will be next spring — stating with 100% certainty things he heard or made up.
Many things he says are right, many are wrong, and you can't judge which is which from his words alone.
2024-11-27 00:08:07

Der LfD Niedersachsen hält die Diskussion um den Personenbezug in LLMs für sinnvoll, vertritt aber die Auffassung, dass ein mit pbD trainiertes System Daten mit Personenbezug enthält und ausgibt. Damit schließt er sich der Argumentation seiner Kollegin in SH an. Seine Konsequenz: Es braucht ein ermöglichendes KI-Datenschutz-Gesetz abweichend zur #DSGVO. My 2 Cent: Das greift in den Konsequenzen zu …