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2025-03-25 19:04:37

omg no :ocaml: emoji, unacceptable!!! :P
/cc @…
2025-02-25 13:25:58

TIL there are nine algorithms available in R's quantile function.
2025-03-25 19:02:08

Hi! New instance, new pinned post.
Send me cool people to follow (or introduce yourself!)
- leftists
- functional programmers, 'spcly #OCaml folks
- #Queer mfers, #BDSM, or
2025-02-22 15:29:18

Tout le monde n’a pas eu la chance de voir l’exposition Invader Space Station, installée dans le parking et l’ancien siège historique du journal Libération, situé rue Béranger Š Paris...
👾 Lire la suite sur le Sillon

Invader in Conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (fr/en), 23 EURO, 13,00 x 19,50 cm, Control P/HENI.

La photo du livre, qui s’ouvre sur Gérard Zlotykamnien, n’est pas le fruit du hasard. Cet artiste mériterait amplement une place dans une critique sillonesque.
2025-01-17 17:39:59

Maybe if I play this enough, youtube will stop recommending that I watch fascists.
(That's a joke; I'm not logged in).
2025-01-26 19:46:51

Woher kommt der Irrglaube, dass eine Brille alles heilt?
"Entschuldigung, darf ich mich bitte nach vorne setzen, da ich nicht so gut sehen kann?"
"Aber du hast doch eine Brille!"
Diese Situation kommt mir ca alle 2 Monate unter.
Ich kann auch mit Brille nicht gut sehen! Ich bin sehbehindert, wie schwer ist das bitte zu verstehen?
2025-02-19 15:13:32

剛好需要滑鼠,剛好在特賣會買到三百塊的羅技 M240,爽。
2025-03-12 19:58:47

On the same day I signed an initial IEP plan, I find out the US Dept of Education has cut half its staff.
Fuck POTUS47 and anyone that voted for him. And fuck any #ProgressivesForTrump that didn't have the maturity to vote for a better future. There's a million ways we will suffer for your single-minded refusal to see the future. You think people will "try harder&quo…
2025-02-02 18:19:01

… und die Hälfte war schon in den Schulferien ☝️#b0202
2025-01-07 03:50:13

Overwhelmed by winter? A traffic camera shows this rest stop on I-70 not only has no snow, but it's spring and the leaves are out 😆
2025-01-16 23:07:57

Really grateful for community tonight.
We really do keep us safe and healing.
2025-01-19 19:47:50

Jeanne adore le cinéma, Š tel point qu’elle fréquente assidûment une salle obscure de quartier, échangeant régulièrement des mots et des titres de films avec Alix, la préposée.
🌊 Lire la suite sur le Sillon

Au travers du rayon. Aude Bertrand. Éditions 2024. 26 €.
2025-01-01 19:54:27

Yesyesyes, please.
- Insulin
- Feniallerg (Histamin)
- Ibuprofen
(I am getting older. No hallucina…
2025-02-03 15:40:19

Der Bank Blog zu Bargeld: „Schein-Heiligkeit beim Datenschutz?“
„Wie viel Wert legen Menschen auf #Privatsphäre beim Bezahlen?“
#Datenschutz ist für viele Menschen in Deutschland wichtig und oft ein Argument für
2025-02-19 11:49:55

2025-01-16 05:16:16

How it started. How it's going.
2025-02-12 13:01:29

Shout out to Calvo's GPT for R, It really came through yesterday. Handled the tedious tasks of function input checks and roxygen docs and helped me out of mental rut. I was convinced walk2 could add attributes…
2025-01-19 17:44:42

Depuis plusieurs années, j’observe les quelques œuvres de Miss.Tic Š Arles. Elles s’effacent peu Š peu, disparaissant progressivement de nos regards. J’ai toujours aimé la poésie et les pochoirs de l’artiste, sans jamais vraiment prendre le temps d’explorer davantage son travail.
🌊 Continuez la lecture sur le Sillon

Couverture “Miss.Tic : à la vie, à l’amor”, quand l’art urbain s’expose
2025-01-03 03:24:39

It's gonna be a sad day if all the handmade, off-model, copyright-defying art on carnival rides ever gets replaced by boring generative AI images.
#Art #AI #Airbrush
2025-02-19 09:49:16

2025-01-23 19:16:00

Der #aliceweidel und #elonmusk Talk war mmn eine illegale Parteispende.
Solch eine geboostete Aufmerksammkeit würde als werbetreibender auf X 75k im falle einer Werbung, bzw 150k im Falle einer Influencerwerbung (was Musk ja ist) kosten.
2025-01-16 05:08:46

Ohhhh, that's a shame.
(The douche in Kitchener flying the Nazi flag, seems to have had some problems with flames.)
#Nazis #FashWatchCanada
2025-01-16 04:44:28

Mobilize. Outreach. Community.
Meet the MOC.
(Definitely not the "Movement Offence Committee," which we are absolutely not.)
2025-01-06 00:03:54

One reason why I love using Fedilab for Mastodon: the option to display a translate button on every post. I follow people who write in various languages, and I can get an English translation with a single tap. @… #Android
2025-01-14 20:22:04


Injustice Watch first reported on the incident, saying Glennon-Goodman had told a confidant that “the message was intended for a close friend and was instead mistakenly sent to a fellow judge with the same first name.”
2025-01-15 06:24:23

"White guy window dressing" is a little better. I just wish it was one word.
I bet, if they weren't white, the Germans would have a word for this.
2025-01-15 06:22:14

Oooooo yeah okay.
I am definitely not comfortable with this one.
2025-01-15 06:20:40

I wish I could remember one of the terms for a white guy they hire in Asia (it actually happens enough to merit a term) to pretend to be the boss just because he looks the part.
I'm going to have to look one up so I can throw it out there every time someone uses the term "diversity hire".
2025-01-15 06:09:10

Here's why having accounts on different apps is a good thing:
Instead of responding directly to the person who annoyed me, or even sub posting on the same platform, Ima make snarky comments over here where, likely, they will never see it.
I'm going to start calling straight white guys in positions that *I* don't think they're qualified for "legacy hires".
2025-01-14 17:41:44

Happening now.
With Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG) at the Globe and Mail.
2025-01-14 17:38:56

Spice level increasing by the minute.
2025-01-14 16:54:56

🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
Dear Lordt:
Please keep the spice level mild and the police brutality to a bare minimum.
Oh man.
🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
2025-01-13 17:51:49

I have to go to the bathroom, but I also have to finish this damned article.
I suspect that if I get up to go to the bathroom, I'm going to get distracted by 200 other things and not finish writing.
Also, it will disturb the cat.
2025-01-13 17:44:02

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Mikey Shulman, the CEO and founder of the AI music generator company Suno AI, thinks people don’t enjoy making music.
{{ snip }}
Suno was trained on heaps of copyrighted music it fed into its training dataset without consent, a practice Suno is currently being sued for by the recording industry.
2025-01-10 19:53:23

Awkward when you're literally doing more organizing in a whole other city where the knob who thinks he's — actually I don't know what he thinks he's accomplishing — lives, than the actual knob who &c.
2025-01-11 05:15:07

Battery dying. Must upload!
Chilling with a couple hundred other colonizer haters.
My stalkers seem particularly offended by this song. This is for you!
#FuckTheColonizers #FuckShitlibs #DeathToCanada
2025-01-09 23:46:34

There is a long and storied history of whistles for protection. Ancient Egyptian guards used to place a blade of grass between the thumbs to alert other guards of issues that were transpiring. Later, shells were used to the same end. In China, acorns with holes drilled in them were used similarly.
As a dedicated instrument, whistles have been made of wood, bone, metal, and later, plastics. British bobbies have used whistles to communicate over distances since the 1880s. They are a commonly used tool for boatswains, crossing guards, and referees.
I wish I knew more about rape whistles, but they seem similar in functionality to hikers taking whistles with them in case of injury, as the sound carries much further than yelling, and is much less tiring.
As someone regularly stalked by a large creepy harasser, I am grateful for the whistle I was given for self-protection, even if the creeps who it was given to defend against resent the fuck out of it.
2025-01-14 19:35:23

Yesterday in #FuckThePolice

A Portland Police Bureau report released late last month shows that the agency's review board recommended that a sergeant be fired after lying to investigators about placing a right-wing meme in a training presentation — a recommendation that Chief Bob Day and then-Mayor Ted Wheeler declined to follow.
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Known as the "Prayer of the Alt Knight," the meme has been traced back to a member of the far-right Proud Boys group and endorses police brutality against a "dirty hippy," showing an officer in riot gear with fist raised over a person with long hair.
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McDaniel denied the allegation that he'd put the slide in the presentation. Then-Chief Chuck Lovell ultimately concluded that it was "more likely than not" that McDaniel was responsible for the slide, according to the memo, though Lovell backed away from termination of the sergeant's employment and instead suspended him for 100 hours without pay.

#PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #PoliceDontPreventCrime #DefundDisarmDismantle
2025-01-14 18:14:06

And we're clear.
Significant police presence, still tailing the group. Confusing addition of CSST (crime scene techs).
A couple hundred people participated and were most definitely heard.
#FreePalestine #EndTheSiege #GenocideIsNotDefence
#PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #DefundDisarmDismantle #FuckThePolice