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2024-03-06 23:23:36

I want to beg a favor of the Fediverse. For an amusing research project, I need to look at 2 articles in the Times of London from 1860. I believe those are there in their digital archive? If not, oh well. If so, neither I nor my local public library has a subscription; does anyone reading this? This might enrich an entertaining blog piece in progress… Thanks in advance. [Update: Got an offer of assistance within 5 minutes!]
2024-05-05 20:51:34

The older woman right behind me on this flight just abruptly reached forward into my space and seat and opened *my* window (as opposed to the one in her row) saying that she gets air sick and I needed to leave the window open for her. Well, I get sunburnt, and as the human who had the foresight to book the window seat a month ago *so I can close it and not get burnt while simultaneously being able to see my laptop screen*, I am absolutely boggled by the entitlement.
2024-05-05 08:16:08

Well, this is not something I ever thought I'd hear.
#Piano covers of #orchestral / vocal /whatever pieces? Fairly common.
Doing the opposite, orchestrating a piece that was originally written for solo piano, is decidely less so. But this is what happens when a film composer gets his hand…
2024-02-06 15:18:36

Well, I’ve long said that I suspected that the “better” climate over at #BlueSky was in huge part to the passive barrier that the invite code system presented.
Well, the gates have opened and now I guess we’ll see how it goes. Sydette Harry is ringing the alarm bell so that’s not a good sign on the anti-Blackness/racism front.
It’ll be interesting to watch if nothing else.
2024-04-05 23:00:34

>God of death: "You have slain my chosen"
>Me: "Well... No, not really... He threw himself off the platform to summon you, so technically wasn't me?"
2024-02-06 14:45:54

Bodybuilder Cats!
Cats are super strong and they work out a lot when they are not napping, eating, or complaining.
Few know all the muscles these Cats are keeping under all that fur!
A shaved Persian has muscles so sharp, and well-defined, that they'll cut you!
#AI #AIart

Orange Bodybuilder Cat!
Grey Bodybuilder Cat!
Built up White bodybuilder Cat!
Bodybuilder Cat cut to the muscle!
2024-05-05 20:51:34

The older woman right behind me on this flight just abruptly reached forward into my space and seat and opened *my* window (as opposed to the one in her row) saying that she gets air sick and I needed to leave the window open for her. Well, I get sunburnt, and as the human who had the foresight to book the window seat a month ago *so I can close it and not get burnt while simultaneously being able to see my laptop screen*, I am absolutely boggled by the entitlement.
2024-03-04 18:40:46

"When you're not doing so well, vote for a better life for yourself.
If you are doing quite nicely, vote for a better life for others."
- Irvine Welsh
2024-02-06 15:17:27

Well this will be fun to troubleshoot. Breaker on the center partition wall in my lab has blown twice in the last week. LED flash code when reset indicates a ground fault (GFCI trip) not an overcurrent shutdown.
What confuses me is that there's only two things plugged into the entire circuit. A power tool with a decent sized motor that hasn't been used the whole time and just has a mechanical switch (so should have zero current draw when idle), and the LED strip I have lighting…
2024-04-04 12:30:14

I laid around and was lazy most of the day yesterday due to not feeling well with a massive headache majority of the day.
It finally went away late yesterday afternoon, then came back a couple of hours later so I went to bed with a headache and once again, woke up with a headache again today.
2024-04-01 21:05:15

It seems McCarthyism is alive and well and targeting folks in the tech world who speak out against Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people.
Let me tell you this: it only makes me want to shout louder.
You will not silence us. We will not sit idly by and watch a genocide unfold before our very eyes. And history will judge you harshly even if our crumbling, hypocritical, two-tier system of so-called international law does not.
2024-04-04 00:41:16

I'm speaking at a MeetUp next week - you can attend online - the first speaker is talking about making a #dotNetMAUI app from scratch, and I'm talking about making the most of the #Fediverse for #developers
2024-02-06 14:45:54

Bodybuilder Cats!
Cats are super strong and they work out a lot when they are not napping, eating, or complaining.
Few know all the muscles these Cats are keeping under all that fur!
A shaved Persian has muscles so sharp, and well-defined, that they'll cut you!
#AI #AIart

Orange Bodybuilder Cat!
Grey Bodybuilder Cat!
Built up White bodybuilder Cat!
Bodybuilder Cat cut to the muscle!
2024-05-03 23:02:21

Was a bit frustrated and tired after work due to some false positives I couldn't figure out. Slept for two hours and then got up again to not loose a bike day in the Swiss #BikeToWork campaign and—more important 😉—to not break my #BikeStreak. It became yet another midnight ride, so in theory it …

A large sign with explanations and a map of the Waldlabor Zürich (Forest Lab Zurich)

Shot in the dark without flash to avoid reflections. There are two reflections from some lights behind the photographer visible nevertheless.
Center of Zurich by night in the distance.

Shot from some ridge above Höngg (an outer quarter of Zurich).
Center of Zurich by night with a large cloud above it, lit from below by the city lights.

Shot from the upper hillslide near the well-known restaurant "Die Waid" above Wipkingen (another quarter of Zurich).
2024-04-04 23:31:02

Free public transit would be amazing. And to the people who would say "iTs SoCiAlIsM": Sure, so what? Come up with *substantive* critiques, not ad-hominem BS.
2024-04-01 22:05:59

Some hard facts for the eco-techno-optimists from the always well researched Low Tech magazine.
"Unfortunately, the planned switch to low-carbon energy sources and the electrification of heating and transport technologies will not decrease our dependency on the steel industry – on the contrary."

The high steel intensity of low carbon power sources confronts us with a so-called “catch-22”, a situation in which there seems to be no escape from a problem no matter what we do. We need much more steel if we replace thermal power plants with renewable ones. Because there is not enough steel scrap available, we can only produce that extra steel from iron ore in blast furnaces burning fossil fuels. To address climate change, we need to build low-carbon sources quickly and in great numbers. How…
The continuous growth of the steel output – the increasing steel intensity of human society – makes sustainable steel production impossible. No technology can change that because it’s not a technological problem. Like forestry can only be sustainable if the wood demand does not exceed the wood supply, steel is sustainable or not depending on the balance between (scrap) supply and (steel) demand. We may not be able to escape the Iron Age, but we have an option to escape the catch-22 that inextri…
2024-03-26 04:42:43

I've been reading "On Green” ( and its following article, “On Attunement” with some interest today. I am uninterested in the ways he is focused on “AGI”, but that might actually be part of what he's saying and missing.
They talk about the philosophy of green in the "magic the gathering" sense, which has five core modes of things, and being a game, designed to balance. It's an attractive system and not without merit as a philosophical labeling system. In short: white, moral; blue, knowledge and rationality; red, passion and desire; black, power and achievement. And green. Green is the subject they can't identify clearly.
I don't think they really understand green. (They come from a very rationalist place, and that's not a good mode to understand Green)
Green is the domain of systems thinking and of ecology. It's one of flexible boundaries and hierarchies that vanish when you look at them for long. They talk about philosophical agents and try to fit a green philosophical stance into that framework, but it misses: the very idea of a self is nebulous in a green philosophy. Yes, it obviously exists, we are all separate from each other. But also we are inseparable from each other. Green is a philosophy of relationality and multiple perspectives and ever shifting viewpoints. It's not just yin, passive, permissive, but holistic. It's not that it lets the Other in, it's that it actively is in relation with the Other. The other is the self, the self is the other.
The essays also label green as conservative, and this is not quite true. It is not about being slow or regressive or traditional, but about being whole. They can't quite see that green's willingness to accept death and pain as things that happen and also its strong preservationist stance are not opposed to each other. It seems incoherent, but it's not: death and pain are things that happen to living parts of an ecosystem. They matter, but so too does the whole matter. Where so many blue rationalists see statistical and demographic counts of deaths and "sentient beings harmed”, green sees a whole ecosystem where some of that is deeply natural. It's unnatural, ecosystem-harming deaths that are disasters in the green philosophy. Wholesale extinctions. Protracted, painful deaths, as much for the wound they cause outside the individual as the individual suffering as well. But we all come to an end, and to change that wholesale would end so many kinds of relationship, so many things.
Green revels in the illegible, the incomplete, and the connected. It's easy to be green-blind, to ignore the subtle systemic effects. So many of us want simple cause and effect, rather than action and plurality of reactions.
Green's ability to embrace the illegible lets it deal with Red chaos; its resilience tempers red passion. It can ally with White philosophies into a pastoral, conservative, moralistic framework. It ends up at odds with the rationalist Blue and the power-hungry Black, because they drive disequilibrium, but more than just transition to new stable ecologies, they drive systems permanently out of stability, destroying relationships in their path. When confronted with this, they will deny it because the objects are still there. Preserved. Catalogued. Legible and accounted for. Perhaps used instrumentally. Perhaps wrecked for some "greater purpose” but only acknowledged as objects. The relationships between things remain illegible.
2024-04-30 13:35:32

Pitch Meeting for Mastodon :mastodon:
:Screenwriter_Guy_Ryan_George: so it's this social network that everyone can use
:Studio_Executive_Guy_Ryan_George: ?‏everyone
:Screenwriter_Guy_Ryan_George: well NOT Nazis
:Studio_Executive_Guy_Ryan_George: -‏I mean... that's usually a given‏
:Screenwriter_Guy_Ryan_George: oh no sir, they're REALLY not welcome here, no no no, like really not okay for them…
2024-05-06 08:38:40

This has been replaced.
2024-04-05 07:20:56

On the Formation of the W-shaped O II Lines in Spectra of Type I Superluminous Supernovae
Sei Saito, Masaomi Tanaka, Paolo A. Mazzali, Stephan Hachinger, Kenta Hotokezaka
2024-05-03 15:40:52

Microsoft announces Zero Trust DNS (ZTDNS). My quick, not-so-well-informed take is that it looks RPZ-like, but seemingly specific to Windows environments with all the bells, whistles, and functions that implies.
2024-02-27 07:27:22

From the vault - 2013
Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
"What it takes to get the job is not just different from, but also the reverse of, what it takes to do the job well."<…
2024-05-02 23:52:29

Ah, well, Micro GPodder works with the gPodder desktop app, but I cannot connect to it with AntennaPod, secret username or not. AntennaPod is great even on my much older smartphone, but updating directly 50 feeds brings this smartphone to its knees. So, for Android:
On an old smartphone: It's a podcast player; Features; Lightweight; Sync = 4/4
YT Podcasts: half-baked; smartphone is a slideshow = 2/4
AntennaPod: somewhat lightweight; no sync = 2.5/4
Pocket Casts: …
2024-04-30 20:30:12

So this was quite the late afternoon/evening, so glad I repeated this tour... Took a slightly different route than last year, going up some super craggy canyon for a while (pushing/carrying the bike), but well worth it, especially once up and dipping in the 3rd lake (legs only) en route, snow patches still all around, but air temp in the mid-20s... Another reason this is one of my faves: the last 11km are just rolling downhill (~470 hm).
Some impressions attached (the last pic is of th…

A group of old sycamores and conifers standing in a bright green alpine spring meadow (actually filled with thousands of tiny flowers, sadly not visible from the distance though). In the background the towering tooth/peak of Geiselstein and partially covered Hochplatte, both still with some amount of snow up there... Overcast grayish sky...
A dark, smaragd green mountain lake with completely still surface. On the other side, a thin band of forest with some snow and steep rising cliffs (200+ meters) with the silhouettes of isolated trees standing at the top. More snow covered mountains (Hochplatte, 2082m) in the background...
Wideangle view of a extremely rocky and steep creek/canyon with a bunch of fallen trees and forest  on the other side. Blue sky, some scattering of small clouds.
View of the Lech falls and downstream canyon entrance just before sunset. A small statue is carved into the rock face on the other side of the canyon. In the background a small observation bridge with some spectators.
2024-03-29 22:56:11

I've been a bit quiet here but have to share that I have just seen All Of Us Strangers and I'm floored. Both because it is such a well told and delicately and beautifully filmed piece of work, and because I can relate so well to the topics (having grown up as a queer in the 80s and experiencing what has and has not changed today, and the wounds of an unexpected and not really well processed loss of a parent, and of course urban loneliness, connection and longing).
2024-05-06 08:28:22

Edit: thanks for the boosts everyone. Unfortunately I think it's not gonna do much good. The person running the account is showing how unknowledgeable they are and how they won't be answering actual questions by responding to a user from Pakistan who inquired about Fediverse by saying that Pakistan is poor, so there's not good enough infrastructure there. Which is obviously not the reason Meta hasn't turned the feature on there yet.😳I feel embarrassed FOR them at this point.
Oh well. It's really badly missed opportunity, as you don't get a 2nd first impression and unfortunately, they might be a Threads users first stop when searching....🤦‍♂️
Thanks anyway, everyone.😔
#Fediverse #Fedi #Threads #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Meta
2024-04-26 14:24:45

Here’s how an experienced reporter can provide added value: recalling a quintessential Trump lie from seven years ago.
I wonder if the jury will learn about it.

Maggie Haberman reporting from inside the courthouse:
Emil Bove, the defense lawyer, is currently arguing that it was fairly well-known, if not widely spoken about, that The Enquirer was trying to help Trump during his 2016 campaign. So it's worth calling back to something Trump said when one of the negative Enquirer stories about Ted Cruz, one of his rivals, came out in 2016:
"I did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it," Trump said at the time. "Likewise, I have nothing to do with …
2024-04-02 19:12:30

When I had to replace my (dead) Athlon 64 X2 with a Ryzen 5, I wasn't exactly satisfied. Sure, it was much more performant. However, Athlon used to need no cooling when (almost) idle. This meant that I could e.g. play movies using VDPAU (passively cooled GPU) with practically no noise whatsoever.
Ryzen had a pretty noisy fan even when idle — even worse, it suffered from some kind of resonance when set to "silent" profile. So far a long time I've settled on having some level of fan noise.
A few days ago, I've decided to try something new and set my own fan curve. Now here's a fun fact: I've managed to set it to disable the fan below 50°C — and it just worked. I mean, it doesn't seem to stop it completely but run on low torque that keeps it silent — and that is entirely sufficient to keep it below 50°C when not doing any heavy lifting.
In fact, unless I enable boost, it manages to be quite silent under load as well.
2024-04-29 17:07:53

believe it or not - I'll have a relax evening today. My muscles are still a bit sore and tomorrow it will be nice as well. So maybe I just have a rest today.
BUT I found a nice clip taken in January that I wanted to share with you. Just a bit of walking a snowy mountain here ;-)
Well equipped with good boots, micro spikes and being very careful, as theres a bit of a drop on the right.
2024-03-30 15:11:50

Series C, Episode 06 - City at the Edge of the World
VILA: I know, I know. You have a reputation for straightforward mayhem that's second to none. I've been an admirer of yours for, um, well, for as long as I can remember. Well maybe not that long, I mean, uh, you're not that old, are you? But, uh, then again, you did start very young, didn't you? I think I feel sick.
KERRIL: So you should, little man. [leaves] 📺 B7B6
2024-03-31 21:48:13

Good write up from Kevin Beaumont: “Inside the failed attempt to backdoor SSH globally — that got caught by chance” | @…

Jenga game
2024-03-31 12:22:03

I've managed to get paid to develop free/open source software for 15 years or so now.. Via research student scholarship, university/institutional research grants, a non-profit-hosted research grant, arts funding, crowd funding, pay-as-you-feel tutorial videos, talks, running workshops on the software, and getting paid to use the software I make (music performances).
It's not always well paid and I've been really lucky at times, but it is possible. I've rarely felt expl…
2024-02-29 23:42:25
Content warning: #CAPol mocking the evil dead

Well, as a gentleman I do not speak ill of the recently departed, so I will just say that Brian Mulroney was no Stephen Harper…
2024-02-27 07:27:22

From the vault - 2013
Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
"What it takes to get the job is not just different from, but also the reverse of, what it takes to do the job well."<…
2024-02-25 20:49:24

Well my request for watch pictures is going well. So many interesting watches!
Still not at the amount of interactions I got that time I gave money to a faceless corporation for no good reason but I guess being silly/stupid is always popular! 🤪
2024-05-02 23:52:29

Ah, well, Micro GPodder works with the gPodder desktop app, but I cannot connect to it with AntennaPod, secret username or not. AntennaPod is great even on my much older smartphone, but updating directly 50 feeds brings this smartphone to its knees. So, for Android:
On an old smartphone: It's a podcast player; Features; Lightweight; Sync = 4/4
YT Podcasts: half-baked; smartphone is a slideshow = 2/4
AntennaPod: somewhat lightweight; no sync = 2.5/4
Pocket Casts: …
2024-03-31 13:02:26
@… I wouldn't be able to not eat meat, but I understand that they are living things too, so they deserve respect before death, it's necessary evil.
vegan food doesn't taste too well, and even if it would, you can't get insane burgers (for example) without meat.
btw I found your post in the cute hashtag so I reply with my tho…
2024-04-28 17:10:51

I'm with Bernie. And with all the other Jewish people who abhor the actions of the Netanyahu regime. Antisemitism is wrong, and so is antipalestinianism (who are, technically, Semitic people as well).
Sanders hits back at Netanyahu: ‘It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable’
2024-03-04 07:10:57

Stable Reduced-Rank VAR Identification
Xinhui Rong, Victor Solo
2024-02-25 23:41:40

To Pay Or Not To Pay: The Josh Jacobs Dilemma Facing The Raiders
2024-03-26 22:40:54

You know what...this is *brilliant*!
2024-03-02 04:58:30

Jumping back to the KU oshpark board for a bit to run some EM models before ordering it.
Here's one of the diffpairs that I hadn't quite tuned right. You can see that the zero crossings in the waveforms on the P/N legs aren't quite aligned.

Sonnet EM solver current density view showing a differential pair. The zero crossings in the legs line up well at the bottom of the track, but not so well at the top.
2024-02-22 18:11:17

PRO TIP: If you are sending cold marketing emails to people who are almost as excited about deleting them as they are about not getting them in the first place, make sure you remember to actually state •what the hell you’re asking for•.
Yes, I can infer what they mean — DO NOT explain in my replies — but the vagueness of this email still cracks me up. Their head is so far up the butt of their employer they’ve forgotten that “having a story live” is in-job jargon, meaningless to their r…

Hello there, 

Hope this email finds you well!

My name is Giulia, and I work as PR manager for [redacted]. I have come across your website and I think it will be a perfect match for my client. I am highly interested in having a few stories live. 

I am emailing as I would like to understand if you'd be interested in having an article live and what your fees are.

Thank you for your attention,

2024-02-21 12:16:32

Well, I've turned 38 today. It feels a little weird getting so close to 40. I'm not really getting the mid-life crisis feeling of getting old (at least not yet), but it does feel weird.
It's probably been more from covid, but getting older has made me think about my mortality a bit more. Making sure I'm spending my time on the things I care about. Getting outside, spending time with my family, trying to stay healthy, building my creative career into the kind of work I w…
2024-02-26 23:39:26

Nice to see my vehicle in the top 20 for #EVs in electric fuel efficiency. It seems accurate so far as well. Even for #Ontario winter, the efficiency value is not far off this list (19.4 kwh/100km), and during the summer, it will be better than this value.
2024-02-23 20:09:57

@… I think that’s a good reminder—but the bar is pretty low there!
Is it not part of the job to be well-informed about the company you represent? The example I’m thinking of has been going on for *awhile* so it isn’t breaking news.
2024-03-28 00:05:35

Two days ago we put out this video of new boy Nash going on a foster away from kennels for a long weekend.
He's not doing so well in the busy kennels and despite never having been in a home before he much prefers it.
Tonight I heard that one of our experienced homers who recently lost their hound to osteosarcoma has reserved Nash for homing after seeing this video!
It really works.
2024-02-25 00:25:23

Thanks to the glut of cabbage we've gotten in our CSA-ish box over recent weeks, we're trying something new - a white #pizza featuring cabbage, mozzarella, and dried tomatoes. Cauliflower works well, so why not cabbage? Wish us luck.

A homemade pizza with toppings described in the post.
2024-02-27 13:35:07

“Largely, the food supply regulatory system is based on an honor system.”.
Which doesn't really work , does it?
Not just food, cf recent recalled eye-drops news, so seems to affect OTC meds as well (and how about prescription med recalls?)
(Even a staunch conservative said "Trust but verify" re Soviets. Surely the evidence shows that applies even more to business?)
Lead-Tainted Applesauce Sailed Through Gaps in Food-Safety System
2024-02-27 13:35:07

“Largely, the food supply regulatory system is based on an honor system.”.
Which doesn't really work , does it?
Not just food, cf recent recalled eye-drops news, so seems to affect OTC meds as well (and how about prescription med recalls?)
(Even a staunch conservative said "Trust but verify" re Soviets. Surely the evidence shows that applies even more to business?)
Lead-Tainted Applesauce Sailed Through Gaps in Food-Safety System
2024-02-24 18:43:48

Status: getting the backyard hydroponics system ready for this year’s plants. Dropping a few varieties that didn’t grow so well, but planting again peas, various peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatillos, kohlrabi, beets, Swiss chard, a long list of spices, strawberries, lots of lettuce, and probably a bunch of other things that I forgot but will remember when I go through my seed packets.
Homegrown system. Not hard. Fun, and veeerry delicious. Documentation at
2024-03-02 04:58:30

Jumping back to the KU oshpark board for a bit to run some EM models before ordering it.
Here's one of the diffpairs that I hadn't quite tuned right. You can see that the zero crossings in the waveforms on the P/N legs aren't quite aligned.

Sonnet EM solver current density view showing a differential pair. The zero crossings in the legs line up well at the bottom of the track, but not so well at the top.

It’s not too late for We, The People to reclaim our government from the forces of #neofascism and great wealth who’ve worked so hard since the Reagan Revolution to seize complete control of it.
It’s going to require a two-step process:
end the ability of the #morbidly
2024-03-28 18:11:45

Well, it's the (long) weekend, I'm not on call (yet) and Mrs has gone out for the night, so I'm going to go play my trombone before relaxing with a beer.
#trombone #longWeekend
2024-03-23 23:15:42

This rotary broach I designed is 1" across the (poorly) knurled section, and the body is only 34mm long. It has the minor downside of not working very well, so I get to re-make the body and nut. The spindle inside is as close to perfect as I can do, so I can keep that for the next iteration. But the next iteration will be larger in diameter which will make it easier to make. And I think no more knurling in the new design.

Failed prototype of a very simple rotary broach tool design
2024-03-26 19:56:02
I suspect the fedi-collective has more negotiating power in this moment than it realizes. We may as well make some asks, see how Meta responds, and they in turn will see how the public…
2024-02-25 11:33:57

Capitalism as a natural followup to religion
Religion teaches you that you need to toil all your life for the elites, and you're going to reap the reward in the afterlife. That is, if such a thing exists. If it doesn't, it's not like you're going to be around to complain.
Capitalism teaches you that you need to toil most of your life for the elites, and you're going to reap the reward of a nice, cozy retirement. That is, if you live long enough to enjoy it. If you don't, it's not like you're going to be around to complain.
Well, technically you may not be healthy enough, or have a pension high enough, to actually enjoy the retirement. But it's not their fault — you haven't been taking good care of yourself, you haven't been working hard enough, or perhaps it's the fault of these lazy youngsters, or immigrants, or… In either case, if you were a good, god-fearing person, you're still up for the other reward, right?
Oh, and in both cases, it's important to reproduce. We must breed, so that future generations can continue toiling for the elites.
2024-03-21 04:02:45

I like to think of myself as a generally well prepared individual. And tonight, as I went to pick up my daughter from after-school activities, I anticipated the battery in my vehicle to be dead. And I was right. And I was prepared for it.
Well, dear reader, I was fully NOT prepared for getting stung TWICE by the disco party of hornets in my engine bay, right where I put my hand to open the hood. I was so shocked I honestly though I was getting electrocuted for a moment.
2024-03-19 20:10:17

(riffing on @…'s excellent thread)
I hate cars enough to miss out on some experiences. But I get different experiences as a result. Instead of driving 2-3 hours out of town to go on a hike, I know the Inner Bay Area hikes that are BARTable/bikeable very well; people with cars are impressed I know so many beautiful spots they'd never heard of that are right her…
2024-03-27 01:38:03

I am sad about Canva buying Affinity. The Canva groups SAID that they would only do "light integration" and keep Affinity products subscription-free.
I don't believe they can. I work for a place that is a Canva customer. They are not ready to handle the growth.
Then again, I bought Affinity Publisher v.1 years ago and it only worked once before being so broken. I was never able to use it.
Oh well.
2024-04-24 15:26:05

Here's their press release from this morning:
Alt text here instead of in images due to length:
NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until April 24, 7:00am PST
Divest From Death USA
Media Contact: Media Liaisons, USC Divest From Death Coalition
USC Divest From Death Coalition to Begin Gaza Solidarity Occupation in University of
Southern California Campus
LOS ANGELES. (April 24, 2023) — USC Divest From Death Coalition today announced theit occupation of USC's Alumni Park, where the increasingly controversial 2024 Commencement is currently set to take place. The students taking part in the Gaza Solidarity Occupation are planning to occupy USC until their demands are met. The coalition joins other students groups across the country in the National Students for Justice in Palestine's "Popular University for Gaza," a coordinated mass movement of students, faculty and staff that disrupts universities, creating climates that push universities to answer community and international calls for full divestment from the Zionist entity, and all of the industries that sustain it.
1. End War Profiteering and Investment in Genocide. USC must fully disclose and divest its finances and endowment from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide, and occupation in Palestine, including the US Military and weapons manufacturing. USC must comumit to accountability through full transparency of their financial investments.
2. Complete Academic Boycott of Israel. USC must end its study abroad programs at Hebrew University's Rothenberg International School and Reichman University and sever all academic ties and research cooperation with Israeli universities.
3. Protect free speech on campus and provide full amnesty to all students, staff, and faculty disciplined, penalized, or fired for their pro-Palestine ackivism. USC must abide by their self- proclaimed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion values and implement material policies protecting the safety of its marginalized students.
4. Stop the Displacement, from South Central to Palestine. No land grabs, whether in South Central, Tongva territory, or Palestine. Cease expansion, provide reparations, and support housing for low-income South Central residents. No development by USC without genuine community control.
5. No Policing on Campus. End the targeted repression and harassment of Black, Brown, and Palestinian students and their allies on and off campus, including through university disciplinary processes. Defund the Department of Public Safety and disclose and sever all ties with the LAPD.
6. End the Silence on the Genocide in Palestine. Release a public statement calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza, denouncing the ongoing genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people, and call on government officials o do so too.
"I'm participating in the Gaza Solidarity Occupation at USC to highlight and amplify the anti- zionist Jewish voice at USC and be in solidarity with the Palestinian fight for liberation," says a student organizer from USC's chapter of Jewish Voices for Palestine (JVP). "JVP USC feels our voice is especially important right now as many people at USC and across the country are equating zionism and Judaism, but we are here to say they are not the same! We stand by our belief of free speech, resistance to oppressive systems and solidarity with our valedictorian Asna and all other college campuses where pro-Palestine voices have been silenced."
The USC Divest From Death Coalition establishes the occupation mo st fundamentally in solidarity with the people of Palestine as they resist genocide and continue in their struggle for liberation. The occupation is also in resistance to attempts by USC and other universities to suppress the student movement for Palestine on its campuses, in resistance to the silencing of students that criticize the state of Israel, in resistance to the university administrators and boards of trustees who profit off the genocide of Palestinians; The students taking part are firm in their commitment to speaking out against the university's complicity in the genocide of the Palestinian people.
"USC's funding of the ongoing genocide perpetuated by the zionist entity is reflective of maintaining imperialist interests abroad, as well as solidifying the shared ideology of amerikan and zionist institutions in preserving racialized oppression," says a student organizer of the Gaza Solidarity Occupation. "To not stand in opposition to the expressly racist violence here and abroad is to ignore the calls for solidarity demanded by the majority of the world. USC acts in accordance with these oppressions, and to call against this is to recognize both the inhumanity of these systems and our own humanity in opposing them."
We have chosen to use the word "occupation” instead of "encampment" to draw attention to USC as an occupying force on unceded Gabrieleno/Tongva land, an occupying force in South Central through its expansion into, gentrification of, and destruction of the existing community, and as a complicit power in Israeli occupation of Palestine.
About USC Divest From Death
In joining the national "Cut Ties with Genocide: Divest from Death" campaign, USC Divest From Death pushes our institutions to divest from companies complicit in the genocide of Palestinians, in all its iterations, alongside thousands of campuses. The coalition's push for the advancement of the key demand points on campus is the first steps towards the liberation of all people by ending the complicity of the University of Southern California in the violence enacted on our communities. Through the intentional act of coalition building, the students of USC realize that we are part of an interconnected fight for freedom taking place on campus, in our communities and homelands. We envision campuses free from militarism, occupation, and war through the implementation of divestment at USC
About Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
The student movement for the liberation of Palestine first began in the 1950s through the formation of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS). From the U.S. to Palestine, GUPS chapters galvanized thousands of students towards a liberated Palestine. The 90s” wave of corrupt politicians and faulty deals changed the liberation movement as we knew it and many institutions, including the student movement, collapsed. In the absence of a Palestinian student movement, organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine emerged across occupied Turtle Island (U.S. and Canada) as a way to educate, advocate, and mobilize in support for Palestinian liberation. Nearly two decades after the formation of the first Students for Justice in Palestine, the movement for Palestine has taken colleges and universities across North America by storm. With over 200 campus Palestine solidarity organizations across the continent, students have been leaders in uplifting demands for freedom, Justice, and equality for the Palestinian people.
2024-04-15 12:55:46

Google Pushes Unpopular Chrome Update
"After an update in June this year, a feature called the WebRequest API will be removed, and the adblockers and tracker blockers that depend on this feature will stop working. Since the business model of Google is to track your online activity and then show you personalised ads, it is not difficult to see why this feature is removed.
(...) they are forcing the same update on all Chromium browsers as well."
2024-04-28 17:10:51

I'm with Bernie. And with all the other Jewish people who abhor the actions of the Netanyahu regime. Antisemitism is wrong, and so is antipalestinianism (who are, technically, Semitic people as well).
Sanders hits back at Netanyahu: ‘It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable’
2024-02-14 14:58:57

Love how developers and customers pay Apple money to make the App Store really well vetted.
2024-03-20 16:02:34

I'd like to draw a distinction here in what I see my principles to be regarding NIMBYism and "local control": NIMBYism is bad in the housing context because housing is a basic necessity, so it is always wrong to deny it to people. However, when you try to shift these principles to other contexts, things become less clear. Thus, people arguing, "Well, you're YIMBY on housing, so why not also be YIMBY on casinos?" aren't going to convince me, because casinos aren't basic needs like housing is. Thus, it makes sense to provide for "local control" options for casinos in a way that it doesn't make sense for housing.
2024-03-22 00:31:48

The options so far:
Seems to have not been updated in half a decade, and Blender has changed a lot this week
Might have 6 servers? I need 200. Maybe I don't understand what they mean by "server". Understandable that nobody wants to just give away GPU time for nothing.
But AWS spot is like three cents an hour last time I looked? Maybe 30 cents? This is madness.
They have a crypto-token, and a whitepaper, and a vision statement, but certainly no "upload .blend" button.
I even own some of the token. It's been doing well but apparently it isn't a thing yet.
Right. Sounds like it's python scripts and bluetac and aws spot markets again then.
2024-04-22 11:14:11

Ode to the urban tree says we must stop cutting them down & then notes in passing that "Here in Nashville, we actually have a tree-protection ordinance, though it doesn’t apply to duplexes or single-family homes."
Did you consider that maybe this ordinance is about keeping apartments out, not keeping trees in? And that the effect of such an ordinance would be to cut more trees down to build 1-family houses in the suburbs?
2024-04-28 14:16:58

So to let me explain, this is a Very Normal Typesetting task for a book. Make two column text, with an embedded figure. Keep the baseline rhythm uniform. That means the two columns next to each other will always have the same baselines.
Make the figure full column width.
Until this became available, I could not find a way to do this. It's a subtle reason that multicolumn layouts for text on the web never really took off. (horizontal scrolling and snapping is perhaps another reason, but the fact that it looked like crap is part of it.)
I've been hand-solving variations using context-specific hacks for my whole career: text under e-commerce product cards. Images on a product page with a caption with text next to them that don't have funky gaps where the text goes underneath. Images with captions inset in text, too. Marketing pages with two bits of copy next to each other.
Lack of little nuances like this is why the whole web lands on "well I guess we'll set it in 16 pixel Helvetica with one line margins between paragraphs”. It stifles making anything but Browser Default Text or variations on it look good.
Remember how fresh Medium looked when it came out? Even its relatively small shake-up of the dominant formula felt good. Of course now, big easy to read serifed type in a single column is the brand of "this is a newsletter”
2024-03-20 17:50:42

So, update on the 45Drives HL15 case: still friggin' awesome. The drives are secure, the backplane works very well, and it looks nice. Not too loud, good airflow, and generally great. Also holds a lot of drives. The upgrade allowed me to take it apart a bit and the wiring is done well, front fans have connectors that makes removing the front easy, and you can route the SAS cables behind the backplane. #homelab

A picture of the internals of the 45Drives HL15 chassis.  The case has a blue/black front, and the side is off below it.  There are 13 hard drives slotted into the case with two empty slots at the top of the case.  The HL15 sits on a wire shelf beside two servers on the right, and in the background is the networking rack sitting on a coffee table.
2024-03-16 13:52:14

Well, having spent two days in a state of depressed panic caused in part because I believed I had a major hardware fault on my big computer, I've gone through things carefully this morning and found that I have not. Linux is running fine, and the video card is running fine under Linux. So the problems I had must have been a plug not fully inserted(?)
In any case, hopefully this is a step towards getting back to sanity.
2024-02-10 19:55:50

Gave up on Proxmox VE. It’s nice and I want to like it but it seems like a project that’s had years and years of forced “improvements” to keep momentum and few of it really is well baked.
Also Debian.
So Cockpit on *EL seems newish so not so fully baked (fucking firewalld) but it’s in some ways more mature out the box and fits in with my OS choices and existing automation.
2024-04-30 08:41:01

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-17 08:43:53

At Joost, 2006-2009, we used Skype the way most of us had used IRC previously and is pretty much the way Slack is used now. As semi structured text conversations.
Who uses Skype for anything now?
I know we used Skype because our founders also founded Skype and there were a few of us (not me) also involved and knew Skype did this as well as pseudo telecoms.
So why is Slack so successful (it annoys the fuck out of me)?
2024-02-10 11:14:02

Normally, when I'm not feeling well, my cats become the best nurses. Not this time, because I'm sneezing so much that I terrify them.
2024-02-17 11:17:14

Happiness is a clean° exhaust tip. Or something.
° ... well, "cleaner" anyway. It was almost black before, now not so much.

A slightly less grubby exhaust
Not just the Bar Keeper's Friend, mine too.
2024-04-27 14:29:35

Cowboys filled needs, made a curious pick, in Draft’s opening rounds
2024-02-18 18:33:17

Okay, but WHAT internet filter company did you use? You're not going to specify??
*computer enhance*
Oh, it's filterbuy.

parison. MERV ratings of the investigated filters were
accepted as advertised by the manufacturers.
According to them, all filters were electrostatically
charged, pleated synthetic media filters. Company 1 is
an internet-only filter store, while Companies 2 and 3
are well-known industrial suppliers. Company 1 had
all tested filter combinations (i.e., MERV rating and
An image from the paper, showing a single filter taped to the back of a 20" (Lasko) box fan. The duct tape around the end of the filter doesn't cover the side of the filter completely, so if you look hard you can see the top half of the green "filterbuy" logo/text.
2024-04-27 13:26:54

Good morning and happy Saturday everyone here in the #Fediverse today.
It's the weekend, so let's talk about what our plans are for the next couple of days.
For me, it's just a weekend to rest and relax and enjoy the days. I'll be playing some Horizon Forbidden West as well as No Rest For The Wicked.
Other than that, not much else planned.

An image that shows a chalk board with the words happy Saturday written on it with white chalk. There is a coffee cup filled with coffee in the top right corner, some sugar cubs, and a spoon.
2024-02-18 11:40:15

Why is it so hard to understand that "ai will make 30% of workers redundant" is *in itself* a catastrophe for everybody else as well?
That is the singularity we're running into, not some bullshit AGI awakening, but I feel like nobody is even considering that.
2024-02-23 03:54:23
Content warning: Depression rant

It's getting pretty hard for me right now as I've to cope with depression and some how doesn't bother my family since I'm living with them for the moment. Hope that medication helps so I don't fall too deep but Internet is really not healthy for your mental wellbeing. I don't know where to escape too other than playing games. Well, at least I recently got myself into classic Greek history and Hellenistic era so maybe that'll make me focus on something else instead…
2024-02-24 18:43:48

Status: getting the backyard hydroponics system ready for this year’s plants. Dropping a few varieties that didn’t grow so well, but planting again peas, various peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatillos, kohlrabi, beets, Swiss chard, a long list of spices, strawberries, lots of lettuce, and probably a bunch of other things that I forgot but will remember when I go through my seed packets.
Homegrown system. Not hard. Fun, and veeerry delicious. Documentation at
2024-04-01 07:16:01

Deriving Neutron Star Equation of State from AdS/QCD
Wei Li, Jing-Yi Wu, Kilar Zhang arxiv.o…
2024-03-24 00:09:13

I went to the art opening for a trans photographer today. The usual thing: portraits of trans folks from all over the country.
Something unusual though: I didn't know any of the subjects nor the photographer. It's the first time. (I’ve probably been to a dozen such events in my life)
There's so many of us now. So many of us who are OUT. So many of us who are out, and just living our lives, not this dense clique of folks willing to be out on the Internet. If you asked me "who's the guy you talk to about being trans? Like who's been around, who's well known that they're The Guy?”, I couldn't tell you anymore.
And that's lovely. That's the way it should be.
2024-03-27 01:38:03

I am sad about Canva buying Affinity. The Canva groups SAID that they would only do "light integration" and keep Affinity products subscription-free.
I don't believe they can. I work for a place that is a Canva customer. They are not ready to handle the growth.
Then again, I bought Affinity Publisher v.1 years ago and it only worked once before being so broken. I was never able to use it.
Oh well.
2024-04-22 22:10:25

Well, seems like nobody is talking about anything except Ghost today. It's like 15 hours into the day so I guess I can get off Fedi now, since I've seen the ONLY discussion of the day for about 8 hours now.
Wonder what tomorrow's topic will be....hopefully not just 1 thing that hasn't even happened yet🤦‍♂️😬
2024-02-16 20:28:48

Imagine being so rich you donate $49,000 to a ballot measure you've never heard of. #NoOnPropE #SFPol

Still other Proposition E supporters know far less: Emmett Shear, the former CEO of Twitch and brief CEO of OpenAI, gave $49,000 in support of the ballot measure but told Mission Local he was not familiar with it. 

Asked why he donated to Proposition E, Shear said he was surprised to learn that he had done this, and would not say whether he even supported the measure. “Quite embarrassing, to be honest, I usually have a very good idea of where my political money goes!” Shear said.
2024-04-14 10:06:35

Opposing genocide isn’t antisemitic.
Saying that opposing genocide is antisemitic is antisemitic.
You know what’s inhumane? Genocide. You know who’s committing genocide? Israel.
You have zero moral standing to assess me. Those who commit and are complicit in genocide never do.
So yes, most definitely, goodbye.
2024-04-02 15:35:40

Recently I've added a cheap hack to the standard #Gentoo invocation for #PyTest to throw errors if unhandled async functions are detected. The goal was to increase our chances of finding packages with missing dependency on dev-python/pytest-asyncio (or another equivalent plugin), or packages disabling plugin autoloading and failing to load such a plugin.
Today, I've gotten a first bug report, regarding dev-python/ipython. I've grepped the sources and confirmed that the package depends on PyTest-AsyncIO, except that it pins to < 0.22. Well, we don't have one that old but let's hope it works anyway. So I've tried adding the dep, `-p asyncio`… and PyTest still apparently couldn't find the plugin. I've scratched my head and tried `PYTEST_PLUGINS` instead — still the same result. What the…?
So I've checked the git repository out, tried with older PyTest-AsyncIO, and indeed the tests worked. Tried with the newest, 0.23.6, and the same issue occurred. I've checked the git history and discovered that the version pin was added because of a buggy 0.22.0 release. However, the issue has been fixed since, the release was yanked and my problem was nothing like that.
So I've investigated more. For some reason, #IPython test suite does not mark tests with `pytest.mark.asyncio` marker directly. Instead, it globally iterates over all test functions, and implicitly adds the marker to all coroutines. This used to work with older versions, but does not work anymore — the test is correctly marked, but for some reason it stops being recognized as a coroutine. So I've made a minimal reproducer and filed a bug.
The key point here is: the (potential) bug went unnoticed for a while now, because of the premature, then obsolete pin in IPython.
2024-02-14 00:56:27

What the every-loving fuddlebuckets is up with all these companies pivoting to AI whose business has not a damned thing to do with AI?!
In 1849, did railroad companies melt trains for scrap so they could “refocus on gold?”
From @…:
2024-03-25 11:59:04

Good morning and happy Monday to all of you here in the #Fediverse
It's a new week, so let's all comment below with what the week has in store for all of us and what we hope to accomplish.
For me, it's usual work stuff with meetings here and there and not much else work wise I don't think.
Tonight will be Fortnite with friends and I'll hopefully get …

An image with a blue background, some white paper on the right side of the image, and a coffee cup that has some yellow liquid in it and that words happy Monday. There is a smiley face drawn inside the cup as well.
2024-03-21 19:04:34

#Reddit went public then.
There were lots of people saying they were being offered pre-IPO shares due to their community involvement. I'm told at about 35 dollars?
I deleted my Reddit account during the recent API debacle. These days the cool kids are all at KBin and Lemmy the distributed unsellable threadiverse. Won't be no IPO of the threadiverse.
But there's a lot of uncool kids still there, and they are easier advertising fodder.
Usually you'll see a new IPO drop 50% before it even decides which way to go. So I'd say sell 'em fast if you got 'em at 35 dollars. Rebuy at 25 of you really wanna hold long term for some reason. My guess would be Reddit does not do well, even if they become a meme stock.
2024-02-23 03:54:23
Content warning: Depression rant

It's getting pretty hard for me right now as I've to cope with depression and some how doesn't bother my family since I'm living with them for the moment. Hope that medication helps so I don't fall too deep but Internet is really not healthy for your mental wellbeing. I don't know where to escape too other than playing games. Well, at least I recently got myself into classic Greek history and Hellenistic era so maybe that'll make me focus on something else instead…
2024-02-19 14:23:19

Something else we're not talking about with LLM training: a huge number of sites are going to go paywalled or private because of it. It's already happening in genre publishing. Sites will no longer publish stories for free, adjusting business models to do this. The blatant copyright violation, the unethical sourcing, the tendency to produce works so similar to what exist are all aspects of this. It’s a well-flanked attack on open publication.
So yeah thanks for that OpenAI and …
2024-02-14 00:56:27

What the every-loving fuddlebuckets is up with all these companies pivoting to AI whose business has not a damned thing to do with AI?!
In 1849, did railroad companies melt trains for scrap so they could “refocus on gold?”
From @…:
2024-02-19 14:23:19

Something else we're not talking about with LLM training: a huge number of sites are going to go paywalled or private because of it. It's already happening in genre publishing. Sites will no longer publish stories for free, adjusting business models to do this. The blatant copyright violation, the unethical sourcing, the tendency to produce works so similar to what exist are all aspects of this. It’s a well-flanked attack on open publication.
So yeah thanks for that OpenAI and …
2024-04-10 05:22:38

Of course, I can't start a day without being awfully angry about some shit.
So #Gentoo suddenly undoes USE=lzma [and USE=zstd] that used to be enabled by default in 23.0 profiles, apparently based on "consensus" on the mailing lists. The "consensus" boils down to one conspiracy theorist developer complaining, and being supported by 3 users whose Gentoo contributions boil down to having to express their opinions on everything on the mailing list.
This isn't only a problem, because Gentoo is letting itself be controlled by a vocal minority. This is a problem, because we've enabled something that can affect program output, told everyone to upgrade and rebuild their systems, then pulled the carpet from under them.
Wait, did that random app start using LZMA compression now that you've enabled it? Well, bad luck, you won't be able to open your files anymore. Surely, there's no better #security than not being able to do anything!
Unfortunately, sys-apps/kmod had explicit IUSE= lzma by default for a while now, so there's still a risk that you'll be able to boot your system. That's not good for security at all!