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2024-06-09 10:00:48

Whow, #Python leads the current Tiobe Index by a wide margin: python-basics-tutorial.readthe

Tobe Index in June 2024
2024-06-08 17:12:02

#Python's many command-line utilities
2024-06-09 17:02:48

Forgot to post about the 0.14.0 ha-mqtt-discoverable python module release
**Full Changelog**:
New Contributors
* @dianlight made their first contribution in <…
2024-06-09 16:09:59

falling in love with #qutebrowser again:
2024-06-08 16:44:28

A co-worker gave me some ChatGPT output and asked me to make it work. It was supposed to be code to determine the amount of space a company's Slack used. After a link to installing the Slack development environment in Deno, it name dropped a totally unrelated 6-year-old script from GitHub, then vomited up some python pseudo-code.
2024-06-09 03:19:38

Does #setuptools maintainer think it is a good idea to use setuptools as a #PEP517 build system?
Yep, he probably does. And to prove it, he installs `docs` straight into `site-packages`.
#Gentoo #Python
2024-06-12 09:00:07

python_dependency: Python Dependency Network
Python's package dependency networks. Nodes in the network are Python's packages registered to PyPI and edges are dependencies among packages.
This network has 58743 nodes and 108399 edges.
Tags: Technological, Software, Unweighted

python_dependency: Python Dependency Network. 58743 nodes, 108399 edges.
2024-06-10 07:31:28

lenscat: a Public and Community-Contributed Catalog of Known Strong Gravitational Lenses
L. Vujeva, R. K. L. Lo, J. M. Ezquiaga, J. C. L. Chan
2024-06-12 11:47:47

Missing: a :python: #Python package to make flowcharts with #pythonRich, i.e. to draw arrows between (auto-arranged) renderables.
2024-06-14 18:00:52

#Python Friday #231: Split a #FastAPI Application Into Manageable Parts
2024-06-10 07:12:28

HTESP (High-throughput electronic structure package): a Package for the high-throughput $ab$ $initio$ calculations
Niraj K. Nepal, Paul C. Canfield, Lin-Lin Wang
2024-06-18 04:37:38

Now in #Python discussion forums: #Apple apparently has some broken auto-review that rejects everything including Python, because of — apparently — `itms-services://` occurring inside Python's standard library (in tests).
2024-06-18 04:37:37

Dziś na forach dyskusyjnych Pythona: wygląda na to, że #Apple ma jakiś zdurniały proces automatycznego przeglądu aplikacji, który odrzuca wszystko zbudowane w oparciu o Pythona, bo — najwyraźniej — w bibliotece standardowej (w testach) występuje ciąg znaków `itms-services://`.
2024-06-14 13:26:00

So, looks like the way the Python `requests` module parses string arrays into parameters was very different than what the NWS API was looking for so I was only getting `Severe` watches and warnings and none of the `Extreme` ones. It's already been a busy #python #weather
2024-06-18 07:14:06

LibProf: A Python Profiler for Improving Cold Start Performance in Serverless Applications
Syed Salauddin Mohammad Tariq, Ali Al Zein, Soumya Sripad Vaidya, Arati Khanolkar, Probir Roy
2024-06-17 15:07:09

El gran problema de #python es el puto indentado. Si llegas a combinar tabulación y espacios todo se vuelve un caos 😫
2024-07-30 19:41:54

Does anyone know a good introduction into #machinelearning where #mlr3 for #R is used? Most lecture- or seminarmaterial I'm finding is using python for demonstration and tasks.
2024-06-16 10:00:01

Video tutorials for modern ideas and open source tools. #python
2024-06-14 06:46:46

Python-based DSL for generating Verilog model of Synchronous Digital Circuits
Mandar Datar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Dhruva S. Hegde (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Vendra Durga Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Manish Prajapati (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Neralla Manikanta (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Devansh Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Janampalli Pavanija (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Pratyus…
2024-06-15 14:56:04

Why should folks doing #Development use test-driven development?
I wrote a #Python utility to help me collect and manage systems from a variety of platforms. Originally it started as a one-off so I wasn't concerned about tests, but the code continued to grow as …
2024-06-15 08:59:00

I've added `dev-python/legacy-cgi` to #Gentoo, as a "forward-port" of the removed #Python `cgi` (and `cgitb`) module to Python 3.13. That said, it's only a stop-gap solution to make semi-dead packages work and not something you should rely on, so it's marked as deprecated immediately after being added.
Also, ideally please avoid keeping it installed in your dev environments. Once installed, all `import cgi` statements will suddenly start working, so you're going to miss Python 3.13 incompatibility issues (and therefore miss the dependency on this package).
2024-06-26 13:33:34

Been making macros for libreoffice calc sheets in python...
2024-06-18 07:14:06

LibProf: A Python Profiler for Improving Cold Start Performance in Serverless Applications
Syed Salauddin Mohammad Tariq, Ali Al Zein, Soumya Sripad Vaidya, Arati Khanolkar, Probir Roy
2024-06-14 08:36:53

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2024-06-11 20:01:21

Ah, things I found interesting...
- Figuring out if there are `NaN` numbers in a Python list: `any(i != i for i in float_list)`.
- Replacing single newlines while ignoring double newlines: `"\n\n".join([i.replace("\n", ' ') for i in cool_string.split("\n\n")])`
2024-06-11 02:15:19

One thing that #python has on #ruby is that - to my eyes - I can write a mess of spaghetti code without running it in python and think "I think this is going to work."
Of course, running it is key...
2024-06-12 06:51:59

McEval: Massively Multilingual Code Evaluation
Linzheng Chai, Shukai Liu, Jian Yang, Yuwei Yin, Ke Jin, Jiaheng Liu, Tao Sun, Ge Zhang, Changyu Ren, Hongcheng Guo, Zekun Wang, Boyang Wang, Xianjie Wu, Bing Wang, Tongliang Li, Liqun Yang, Sufeng Duan, Zhoujun Li
2024-06-13 07:03:58

scores: A Python package for verifying and evaluating models and predictions with xarray and pandas
Tennessee Leeuwenburg, Nicholas Loveday, Elizabeth E. Ebert, Harrison Cook, Mohammadreza Khanarmuei, Robert J. Taggart, Nikeeth Ramanathan, Maree Carroll, Stephanie Chong, Aidan Griffiths, John Sharples…
2024-06-17 15:54:11

Czasem ludzie się mnie pytają, dlaczego stabilizuję paczki Pythona w #Gentoo po dwóch tygodniach, zamiast typowych czterech.
Odpowiedź jest prosta: oczekiwać, że testy w paczkach Pythona nadal będą działać cztery tygodnie po wydaniu to trochę dużo.
2024-06-15 13:14:09

Ich hab so ne Idee im Kopf und würde damit ein PythonProjekt gerne starten bzw. damit anfangen PYthon zu erlernen ;D
Also die Idee wäre, das ich ein Programm mit einer kleinen DB, wo ich SerienNr. Key etc. speichern kann, von gekauften Software bzw. auch Abonierendene Software. Aber erstmal nur SerienNr. ;D
Wie müsste ich da anfangen bzw. welche Richtung sollte ich da gehen. Erst die Gui oder soll ich mir erstmal ein Konzept erstellen ? würde das gerne auch im Team machen wollen ;…
2024-06-12 07:24:21

Foam: A Python package for forward asteroseismic modelling of gravity modes
Mathias Michielsen
2024-06-18 07:26:51

Computing the Frequency Response of Biochemical Networks: A Python module
Herbert M Sauro ar…
2024-06-10 21:26:16

Severe Thunderstorm Watch here in Charleston, SC, which means it's time to breakout the NWS using `webfsd` to serve the generated images. I am skipping a few types of events, but it's nice to have a real-time thread of watches/warnings as they come in. #weather #python

A screenshot of two terminal windows and Visual Studio Code being open on a desktop.  The top-left terminal window shows the processed NWS events to include the event type, area, and the filename of the image generated.  The terminal window on the top-right shows webfsd serving the images generated.  The VSC window shows the update Python code to process the alerts as they come in.
2024-06-16 17:26:17

Ćwiczenie na dziś: ile paczek #Gentoo uda się sportować do Pythona 3.13 w czasie, który potrzeba na zbudowaniu paczek binarnych dla nowych jąder.
Następne w kolejce jest ćwiczenie trudnego `git rebase`.
2024-06-17 15:53:22

Sometimes people ask me why I stabilize #Gentoo #Python packages after 2 weeks, rather than following the usual standard of 4 weeks.
The answer is simple: expecting tests in these packages to still pass whole 4 weeks after the release is a bit much.
2024-06-12 08:50:02

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2024-06-18 06:51:21

PyGWalker: On-the-fly Assistant for Exploratory Visual Data Analysis
Yue Yu, Leixian Shen, Fei Long, Huamin Qu, Hao Chen
2024-06-18 06:51:56

Beyond the Hype: A Cautionary Tale of ChatGPT in the Programming Classroom
Grant Oosterwyk, Pitso Tsibolane, Popyeni Kautondokwa, Ammar Canani
2024-06-11 09:29:11

#Polyglot Programming with #WebAssembly: A Practical Approach<…
2024-06-15 13:14:09

Ich hab so ne Idee im Kopf und würde damit ein PythonProjekt gerne starten bzw. damit anfangen PYthon zu erlernen ;D
Also die Idee wäre, das ich ein Programm mit einer kleinen DB, wo ich SerienNr. Key etc. speichern kann, von gekauften Software bzw. auch Abonierendene Software. Aber erstmal nur SerienNr. ;D
Wie müsste ich da anfangen bzw. welche Richtung sollte ich da gehen. Erst die Gui oder soll ich mir erstmal ein Konzept erstellen ? würde das gerne auch im Team machen wollen ;…
2024-06-13 09:32:55

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2024-06-16 17:26:43

Today's exercise: checking how many #Gentoo packages can be ported to #Python 3.13, while new kernel binary packages are building.
Then I'm going to have a hard exercise in rebasing.
2024-06-18 09:36:55

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2024-06-14 15:57:23

Po kolejnej rundzie portów do Pythona 3.13 w #Gentoo, przychodzi mi do głowy ten mem z wielką, zatłoczoną autostradą, tyle że z komentarz:
Tylko jeszcze jeden microframework! Obiecuję wam, jeszcze jeden microframework i wszystkie problemy zostaną rozwiązane!
2024-06-12 16:33:06

Hrmm, this might be a slight issue...pretty sure the map shouldn't be "generic white box"... #python

A picture of a Discord embed showing a Flash Flood Warning expiration/update.  The map is just a white rectangle which is a slight issue.
2024-06-13 09:51:23

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2024-06-18 06:53:19

Enhancing non-Perl bioinformatic applications with Perl: Building novel, component based applications using Object Orientation, PDL, Alien, FFI, Inline and OpenMP
Christos Argyropoulos
2024-06-16 17:26:43

Today's exercise: checking how many #Gentoo packages can be ported to #Python 3.13, while new kernel binary packages are building.
Then I'm going to have a hard exercise in rebasing.
2024-06-12 20:10:26

Went ahead and posted the code for the NWS weather stuff to GitHub for ya @… however I'm not vouching for its quality. #python #programming
2024-06-14 15:56:27

After another round of #Python 3.13 porting in #Gentoo, I'm imagining that huge crowded highway meme, except it's saying:
Just one more microframework! I promise you, one more microframework and all problems will be solved!
2024-06-13 09:50:21

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2024-06-11 19:16:52

Alright, time to see if all the changes worked. Of course, to test it I'll need nature to provide some severe storms which seems kinda wrong... #python #weather

A picture of the desktop showing two terminal windows, one polling and processing NWS API messages, the other serving generated map images.  Beside those is Visual Studio Code showing part of the map generation code.
2024-06-14 06:46:46

Python-based DSL for generating Verilog model of Synchronous Digital Circuits
Mandar Datar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Dhruva S. Hegde (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Vendra Durga Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Manish Prajapati (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Neralla Manikanta (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Devansh Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Janampalli Pavanija (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Pratyus…
2024-06-14 01:51:36

When someone reports a crash bug and the release fixing it only mentions "improving performance".
Well, I guess unaligned writes may degrade performance. Having #RustLang extension crash #Python ain't important after all.
2024-06-12 12:33:26

Ran the NWS updates script overnight, didn't see any errors and the image directory has a ton of images in it which makes me happy. Still have a bit more cleanup to do, but a really good sign. #weather #python

The log output for the script that pulls NWS alerts from the API and generates maps with cool red polygons on it.
A picture of the images directory where all of the NWS alert images are served from.
2024-06-12 08:46:44

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2024-06-17 07:17:43

HackAnalysis 2: A powerful and hackable recasting tool
Mark D. Goodsell…
2024-06-11 17:50:10

Started cleaning up the code a bit and documenting everything before I post it. There are still a few issues, but the app runs solidly enough to process the NWS API messages at a regular interval. #python #weather

A screenshot of Visual Studio Code showing the `Bounds` class with everything documented using docstrings.
2024-06-13 07:05:18

Python4Physics: A physics outreach program
Ra\'ul Brice\~no, Ted Rogers…
2024-06-18 07:17:30

12 Labours tools for developing Functional Tissue Units
Jagir R. Hussan…
2024-06-14 08:41:55

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2024-06-11 09:02:37

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2024-06-11 07:26:35

MARTINI: Mock Array Radio Telescope Interferometry of the Neutral ISM
Kyle A. Oman (Durham ICC)
2024-06-12 07:06:39

TORAX: A Fast and Differentiable Tokamak Transport Simulator in JAX
Jonathan Citrin, Ian Goodfellow, Akhil Raju, Jeremy Chen, Jonas Degrave, Craig Donner, Federico Felici, Philippe Hamel, Andrea Huber, Dmitry Nikulin, David Pfau, Brendan Tracey, Martin Riedmiller, Pushmeet Kohli
2024-06-14 08:41:55

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2024-06-12 08:46:38

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2024-06-13 07:22:31

What do we know about Hugging Face? A systematic literature review and quantitative validation of qualitative claims
Jason Jones, Wenxin Jiang, Nicholas Synovic, George K. Thiruvathukal, James C. Davis
2024-06-12 07:06:39

TORAX: A Fast and Differentiable Tokamak Transport Simulator in JAX
Jonathan Citrin, Ian Goodfellow, Akhil Raju, Jeremy Chen, Jonas Degrave, Craig Donner, Federico Felici, Philippe Hamel, Andrea Huber, Dmitry Nikulin, David Pfau, Brendan Tracey, Martin Riedmiller, Pushmeet Kohli
2024-06-18 09:39:10

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2024-06-12 08:50:17

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2024-06-11 09:02:29

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2024-06-12 08:50:32

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2024-06-12 06:53:12

$Classi|Q\rangle$ Towards a Translation Framework To Bridge The Classical-Quantum Programming Gap
Matteo Esposito, Maryam Tavassoli Sabzevari, Boshuai Ye, Davide Falessi, Arif Ali Khan, Davide Taibi
2024-06-10 14:45:26

So I'm bumping a package and the test suite fails with suspicious timestamp-related failures. So I do the obvious thing, and set TZ=UTC. It still fails. I do a quick math, and the timestamp difference looks weird — 8 hours.
I clone the repo to try to reproduce the problem. While that, I check how upstream runs tests and notice a comment:
# system should be in "America/Los_Angeles" timezone for all tests to pass
Well, okay. Then I make a bet that kloczek has already filed a bug about tests passing without actually bothering to try to figure it out. Of course he did:
#Python #Gentoo #PLD