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2024-05-25 13:42:01 - Building a baseline JIT for Lua automatically.
2024-04-27 00:50:31

Viewership for Round 1 of 2024 NFL Draft surpasses 2023
2024-04-25 14:17:30

Der neue "European State of the #Climate 2023" vom #Copernicus Climate Change Service (#C3S) und der World Meteorological Organization (
2024-04-26 02:33:00

Alphabets Gelddrucker hievt Aktie auf Rekordwert
Das erste Quartal 2024 ist für den Google-Konzern so gelaufen wie das vierte Quartal 2023. Sogar noch ein bisschen besser. Das sorgt für neue Kursrekorde.​
2024-05-25 16:04:43

2023 Dallas Cowboys Center, 1st-Round Pick Suddenly Retires Due To ‘Terrifying’ Health Scare
2024-05-26 09:18:17

"Thus, you should never employ ldd on an untrusted executable, since this may result in the execution of arbitrary code." (ldd man page)
(From Stephan Berger on X)
2024-04-25 16:55:45

AA/WARC report: UK ad spend grew 6.1% YoY to £36.6B in 2023, with search advertising up 11.9% to £14.7B and national newsbrands spending down 6.3% to £774M (Dominic Ponsford/Press Gazette)
2024-04-24 07:13:46

CHC-COMP 2023: Competition Report
Emanuele De Angelis (IASI-CNR, Rome, Italy), Hari Govind V K (University of Waterloo, Canada)
2024-05-26 11:00:05

spanish_highschools: Spanish high schools (2023)
Directed networks of friendships obtained through a social survey of spanish high school students.
This network has 378 nodes and 3267 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted, Metadata

spanish_highschools: Spanish high schools (2023). 378 nodes, 3267 edges.
2024-04-24 19:12:55

Katarzyna Kotynska Awarded the 2023 Drahomšn Prize:
2024-05-25 16:42:02 - The road to hell is paved with good intentions and C modules.
2024-04-25 09:51:03

16WW Coronalog - Timeline - A corona diary from EOU HQ, London UK, 2020 to 2023 #coronavirus #lockdown -…
2024-04-26 06:24:09

“When Bangladesh’s Minimum Wage Board met in November 2023 to decide wages for garment workers, trade unions called for a monthly Living Wage of 23,000 taka (approx £172), given that the previous wage of 8,000 taka (£60) was a poverty wage that made fruit a luxury item. Protests erupted when the Board announced a new wage of just 12,500 taka (£90). The state cracked down on the protests—killing four workers and arresting thousands more including trade union organisers.”
2024-05-26 11:39:13

Why Derek Carr believes Saints are 'so far ahead' of 2023 struggles
2024-04-24 19:21:04

„Zum Stichtag 29. September 2023 haben laut Bundesregierung bundesweit insgesamt 776 offene, das heißt noch nicht vollstreckte Haftbefehle gegen 597 Personen vorgelegen, die dem politisch rechten Spektrum zuzurechnen sind.“
@… :
Offene Haftbefehle gegen Personen des rechten Spektrums
2024-04-24 15:00:10

Wer wird Spieler des Jahres 2023 der U16 (w)? In diesem Jahr stehen zur Wahl: Tamila Trunz, Yaroslava Sereda, Lilian Schirmbeck, Paula Czäczine.
Hier geht es zur Vorstellung der Kandidaten und zur Abstimmung in dieser und drei anderen Kategorien:

Spieler:in des Jahres Chessy Maskotchen
Photos der 4 Kanidaten
2024-04-24 16:16:09

Raiders keeping an eye on this 2023 Heisman finalist before NFL Draft
2024-04-26 04:06:44

‼️ Gute Nachrichten:
"Two countries in Europe are powered by 100% renewable energy as wind capacity soars
Seven countries now generate 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable energy - two are in Europe."
2024-04-26 11:50:41

The NHTSA closes a 2021 investigation into Tesla's Autopilot and opens a new one to evaluate whether a December 2023 Autopilot recall fix is effective enough (Sean O'Kane/TechCrunch)
2024-04-24 17:50:22

Supercon 2023: Alex Lynd Explores MCUs in Infosec
Supercon 2023: Alex Lynd Explores MCUs in Infosec The average Hackaday reader hardly needs to be reminded of the incredible potential …
2024-05-25 11:54:50

A pro se #ScheduleA complaint, alleging design patent infringement, with an unsealed Schedule A and an apparently misnamed patent (the patent named in the allegations doesn't match the attached document or how it's described):

On or about September 29, 2023, Plaintiff, through its agents, filed an application for
patenting the said design for the magnetic keyholder, which is listed in Exhibit 1. On or about April
2, 2024, the patent was lawfully issued to the applicant, with U.S. Patent No. D813317S. Plaintiff
is the lawful assignee of all rights, title, and interest in and to the Patented Design
attached patent: D1,020,230
2024-05-26 04:26:09

Hennenkopf (2023) — just waiting for the weather to clear to repeat this amazing hike...
#SilentSunday #LandscapePhotography #Photography

Panoramic view of the Linder valley (densely wooded in this section) and surrounding peaks of the Ammergau Alps as seen from the summit of Hennenkopf with a long ridge line stretching out slightly below. In the hazy far back, the lower parts of Zugspitze (summit not visible).
2024-05-26 09:18:17

"Thus, you should never employ ldd on an untrusted executable, since this may result in the execution of arbitrary code." (ldd man page)
(From Stephan Berger on X)
2024-05-26 13:47:13

Gewinner des sPEZIALiST 2023/2024
Die Preisträger des Publikumspreises von Desimos Spezial Club sind Nikita Miller, Mellow Magic und Florian Wagner. Laudator war Matthias Brodowy und der Moderator war Desimo.
Foto Copyright Desimos Spezialclub

Gewinner des sPEZIALiST 2023/2024
Die Preisträger des Publikumspreises von Desimos Spezial Club sind Nikita Miller, Mellow Magic und Florian Wagner. Laudator war Matthias Brodowy und der Moderator war Desimo.
Foto Copyright Desimos Spezialclub
2024-05-24 17:11:35

Who Is the Tory Counter-Extremism ‘Expert’ Labelling Pro-Palestine Protests ‘Antisemitic’? | Novara Media
2024-05-26 15:54:51

Things that are not anti-semitism:
1) Calling Israel's war in Gaza and the West Bank Genocidal. (both cultural and physical)
2) Calling Israel's decades of treatment of Palestinians Apartheid.
3) Calling Israel's actions violent colonialism.
4) Boycotting, Divesting, and Sanctioning (BDS) Israeli government and companies while the above continue.
If you claim these are anti-semitic actions then you need to check your privilege.

The grey rubble of the ruins of a Mosque in Gaza. It was bombed and destroyed in October 2023 by Israeli forces at the beginning of the war.
2024-05-24 19:42:57

"This is the diary of Ukrainian writer Vakulenko. His body was found in Izym in 2022. This diary was found by Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina. She died after shelling in Kramatorsk in 2023. The Kharkiv factory that printed this book was destroyed by Russian shelling today." #RussiaIsATerroristState
HT @…

Youtube screenshot showing a tweet: This is the diary of Ukrainian writer Vakulenko. His body was found in Izym in 2022. This diary was found by Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina. She died after shelling in Kramatorsk in 2023. The Kharkiv factory that printed this book was destroyed by Russian shelling today
2024-05-26 11:39:13

Why Derek Carr believes Saints are 'so far ahead' of 2023 struggles
2024-04-25 11:26:35

"We estimated that year over year sales of #DnD were down substantially in 2023, due in part to the #OGL issue" - Chris Cocks, CEO Hasbro
2024-04-25 16:55:45

AA/WARC report: UK ad spend grew 6.1% YoY to £36.6B in 2023, with search advertising up 11.9% to £14.7B and national newsbrands spending down 6.3% to £774M (Dominic Ponsford/Press Gazette)
2024-04-26 09:26:31

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #VernonKay
Dolly Parton:
🎵 9 to 5
2024-05-25 16:37:49

anyway who woulda thunk there would be two movies called THE LAST VIDEO STORE released in 2023? one a romcom from australia and the other a horror film from canada
2024-04-25 10:38:56

Unterstützenswert: die #Vodafone-#Sammelklage wegen eventuell rechtswidriger Preiserhöhungen im Jahr 2023.
Geht ganz einfach mit ein paar Klicks online, die @…

Webseite des Bundesamts für Justiz mit Bestätigung der Eintragung ins Verbandsklageregister
2024-04-26 23:23:52
@… @…

Fair question. I don't know.
Languages evolve in a succession of accidents and English is not exactly regular. Maybe there's a good story for it.
2024-04-26 23:23:52
@… @…

Fair question. I don't know.
Languages evolve in a succession of accidents and English is not exactly regular. Maybe there's a good story for it.
2024-04-25 13:41:30

Hesari: “Elokuusta 2023 lähtien se oli suorittanut ainakin yksitoista kuljetusta Pohjois-Korean ja Venäjän satamien välillä, kertoo Rusi, joka on seurannut aluksen liikkeitä avoimen lähdekoodin kautta.”
Voi kiesus. Open sources ei tässä kontekstissa liity lähdekoodiin vaan sitä voi kääntää ihan sananmukaisesti avoimiksi lähteiksi.
(Tästä onkin näköjään muut jo huomautelleet kommenteissa.)
2024-05-27 04:11:32

Spyware has become a commercial success, unfortunately. With that, zero-day security vulnerabilities got a—dangerous—market.
It is important that these are regulated, if not eliminated, because they bear huge risks for our society and economy.
Mailyn Fidler argues for:
1️⃣ Supporting investigative journalism
2️⃣ Control export based on destination/impact, not technology
3️⃣ Sanction bad actors
4️⃣ Cooperation
5️⃣ Transparency
Great steps forward!

Screenshot of the paper header:

Zero Progress on Zero Days: How the Last Ten Years Created the Modern Spyware Market

102 Neb. L. Rev. 713 (2024)

47 Pages Posted: 10 Nov 2023 Last revised: 23 May 2024
Mailyn Fidler

University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law

Date Written: May 23, 2024
2024-05-26 15:31:15

BigOils gonna bigOil
2024-04-25 19:42:23

Surprise , pas de surprise: « les problématiques RH reviennent très régulièrement ». Et si chaque cas est spécifique, les problèmes se situent « le plus souvent au niveau des directions ».…
2024-05-26 15:00:05

"Chile to protect some salt flats, but selection lacks data, scientists say"
#Chile #Environment
2024-04-25 15:17:45

Putin plant Staatsbesuch in China im Mai
Der russische Machthaber will erneut nach China reisen. "Ein Besuch im Mai ist geplant", sagte Putin bei einem Wirtschaftsforum in Moskau. Die Reise wird damit wohl der erste Auslandsbesuch in Putins neuer sechsjähriger Amtszeit nach den Wahlen im März. Zuletzt besuchte er China im Oktober 2023. Weniger als drei Wochen vor dem Einmarsch seiner Truppen in die Ukraine unterzeichnete Puti…
2024-04-26 09:58:03

Hm, der Tab mit der Liste "Bad Oeynhausen und Umgebung" zeigt mir in den letzten 24 Stunden 2 Beiträge an und dann eine Lücke bis zum 03.08.2023 😮
In der Zwischenzeit haben die Menschen auf der Liste definitiv was gepostet. Das ist einfach verschwunden. Cache gelöscht, neu angemeldet. Sieht putzig aus.
CC @…
2024-05-25 16:07:43

"An 'Appeal to Heaven' flag was flown last summer outside Alito’s beach vacation home in New Jersey, according to NYTimes, which obtained several images showing it on different dates in July and September 2023. The Times previously reported that an upside down American flag—a sign of distress—had flown outside Alito's Virginia home less than two weeks after the violent #jan6 attack by…
2024-05-26 10:24:45

Lankum Unveil Live Album, ‘Live In Dublin’
Siamo pronti @…
2024-05-23 17:34:39

Na Světě Knihy jsem byl na přednššce Zelenš revoluce 2030 v Česku a mimojiné tam mluvili o této zajímavé analýze, jinak ještě jednou mohu doporučit příspěvek
2024-04-26 20:45:04

En ljus, lagom humlad ale som jag knappt minns att jag har köpt. God i alla fall. Bäst före november 2023. #öltut

2024-05-23 11:40:00

“Fundamentally speaking, if you do want to save the planet with AI, you have to consider also the environmental footprint [of AI first],” she says. “It doesn’t make sense to burn a forest and then use AI to track deforestation.”
2024-04-26 21:00:51

#Minecraft #AccountDead
Am 3.9.2011 habe ich bei Mojang Minecraft gekauft.
3 Jahre später kauft Microsoft Mojang für 2,5Milliarden$.
Am 24.8.2019 habe ich es das letzte Mal gespielt.
Is wie gestern: Ich bin Ü50 - für mich läuft Zeit anders.
Heute Abend will ich es mal …

Screenshot mit 2 Fenstern: Fenster 1: Der Minecraft Launcher. Click ich auf meinen "Herr Irrtum" Account, passiert nichts. Drunter ein Text. "Trying to login with a Mojang account? You need to migrate to a Microsoft account to log in. " Dann ein Link auf "Get started". Clickt man den Link , gelangt man auf eine Seite die im nächsten Bild zu sehen ist.
Screenshot 2: Die Minecraft "Post Migration Process FAQ".
Hier landet man und hier ist Ende. Denn: 

"As of December 18, 2023, the post-migration process for Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts for access to Minecraft has officially ended. If you successfully completed the post-migration process, you should now have access to both Java and Bedrock editions.

As the migration period has concluded, Minecraft Support will no longer assist with account-related questions. Please visit these pages …
2024-04-26 16:56:08

Apple's latest supplier list shows the challenges the company is facing in diversifying its supply chain, as its Chinese suppliers grew from 48 to 52 in 2023 (Nikkei Asia)
2024-05-26 20:22:34

Der Sommer 2023 war auf der #Nordhalbkugel der heißeste seit 2000 Jahren, besonders in Europa. Studien zeigen, dass die Zahl hitzebedingter #Todesfälle steigt und bis 2050 weltweit bis zu 246 Millionen ältere Menschen gefährlicher Hitze ausgesetzt sein könnten. Auch die Häufigkeit extr…
2024-04-24 09:19:16

Relazione 2023 dell’ACN: Il resoconto di un anno dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale
Relazione 2023 dell’ACN: Il resoconto di un anno dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazion…
2024-05-24 13:42:01 - 37 is the median value for the second prime factor of an integer.
2024-05-23 02:44:29

We have had open source licenses for 30 years. Time now to find mechanisms to ensure that developers receive fair compensation.
2024-05-24 01:05:55

Leave the World Behind was the most-watched title on Netflix globally in H2 2023, with 121M views, while One Piece was the most-watched series, with 71.6M views (Todd Spangler/Variety)
2024-04-25 17:40:47

Amazing, beautiful, deep & varied 4 hour(!) mix by Barcelona's ABSIS (aka DJ MouseDown/MouseUp) from early 2023, featuring the likes of Donato Dozzy (in various guises), Luigi Tozzi, Toki Fuko, Simone Bauer, Aspetuck, Forest on Stasys...
2024-05-24 16:37:31

Who Is the Tory Counter-Extremism ‘Expert’ Labelling Pro-Palestine Protests ‘Antisemitic’? | Novara Media
2024-05-14 15:27:39

Tree Rings Reveal 2023 Was the Hottest Summer in 2,000 Years
2024-05-24 18:04:54

SPLLIT - “Dorks Tried” (2023)
From the sophomore album by this duo from New Orleans and Baton Rouge. 12 new songs that range from pretty straight indie rock and post punk to experimental new wave and psychedelia.
This track is a favorite, but there are several that sound similar. Check it out!
2024-05-16 15:39:00

Glasfaser: Zahl der aktiven Anschlüsse wuchs 2023 um 900.000
Mehr Glasfaseranschlüsse, weniger Festnetz-Sprachminuten, mehr Kommunikation über Messenger- und Videotelefonie-Dienste: Die Bundesnetzagentur blickt auf 2023.
2024-05-26 20:22:34

Der Sommer 2023 war auf der #Nordhalbkugel der heißeste seit 2000 Jahren, besonders in Europa. Studien zeigen, dass die Zahl hitzebedingter #Todesfälle steigt und bis 2050 weltweit bis zu 246 Millionen ältere Menschen gefährlicher Hitze ausgesetzt sein könnten. Auch die Häufigkeit extr…
2024-05-25 01:00:08

fly_larva: Drosophila larva brain (2023)
A complete synaptic map of the brain connectome of the larva of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Nodes are neurons, and edges are synaptic connections, traced individually from brain image sections using three-dimensional electron microscopy–based reconstruction. Node metadata include the neuron hempisphere, hemispherical homologue, cell type, annotations, and inferred cluster. Edge metadata include the type of interaction (`'aa'`,…

fly_larva: Drosophila larva brain (2023). 2956 nodes, 116922 edges.
2024-04-26 22:53:24
@… @…

Precisely. They call it Suomi over here anyway unless they are Swedish speaking.
2024-04-26 22:53:24
@… @…

Precisely. They call it Suomi over here anyway unless they are Swedish speaking.
2024-05-26 15:31:15

BigOils gonna bigOil
2024-05-24 13:42:01 - 37 is the median value for the second prime factor of an integer.
2024-04-25 20:56:05

Roku reports Q1 revenue up 19% YoY to $882M, vs. $848.62M est., a net loss of $50.9M, compared to $193.6M YoY, and 81.6M active accounts, up 1.6M from Q4 2023 (Jennifer Maas/Variety)
2024-04-25 10:18:21

Lukaschenko: Russland hat Atomwaffen in Belarus stationiert
Der belarusische Staatschef Lukaschenko hat nach Angaben der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Tass gesagt, es seien mehrere Dutzend taktische Atomwaffen aus Russland in Belarus stationiert worden. Das sei im Rahmen des Abkommens geschehen, das er und der russische Präsident Putin 2023 angekündigt hätten. Belarus hatte im Juni erklärt, mit der Lieferung der Waffen sei be…
2024-04-24 13:31:50

Cowboys 10 Draft Commandments for 2024 after they screwed them up in 2023
2024-04-25 01:05:28

Proxy filing for TKO Group Holdings: Endeavor's Ari Emanuel received a pay package of nearly $65M in 2023, the year that Endeavor merged UFC and WWE (Alex Weprin/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-05-26 12:14:55

Die Produktion von #Fleischersatzprodukten in Deutschland ist 2023 um fast 17 Prozent gestiegen, während der #Fleischkonsum weiter sank. Dieser Trend unterstützt den #Klimaschutz
2024-04-25 20:56:05

Roku reports Q1 revenue up 19% YoY to $882M, vs. $848.62M est., a net loss of $50.9M, compared to $193.6M YoY, and 81.6M active accounts, up 1.6M from Q4 2023 (Jennifer Maas/Variety)
2024-05-24 15:11:36

Six things that could happen in 2024 NFL season that would've seemed preposterous entering 2023
2024-05-26 12:14:55

Die Produktion von #Fleischersatzprodukten in Deutschland ist 2023 um fast 17 Prozent gestiegen, während der #Fleischkonsum weiter sank. Dieser Trend unterstützt den #Klimaschutz
2024-04-25 22:08:25

Voor Nederland zijn de cijfers vrijwel gelijk.
2024-04-26 06:43:28

Bericht: Ukraine zieht "Abrams"-Panzer von der Front ab
Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AP berichtet, will das ukrainische Militär aus den USA erhaltene "Abrams"-Panzer vorerst nicht mehr direkt an der Front einsetzen. Das liege unter anderem daran, dass der russische Drohnenkrieg es den Kampfpanzern zu schwer mache, sich unentdeckt fortzubewegen, zitierte die Agentur zwei US-Militärvertreter. Die USA hatten im Januar 2023 eingewi…
2024-05-26 02:00:29

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2:
- Live Sets (2023)
Highlights of Radio 2 In The Park in Leicester. Featuring James Blunt and Texas.
Relisten now 👇
2024-05-22 20:38:37

2023 No. 7 pick Tyree Wilson gets 1st full offseason for the Raiders
2024-05-23 07:00:07

spanish_highschools: Spanish high schools (2023)
Directed networks of friendships obtained through a social survey of spanish high school students.
This network has 534 nodes and 12812 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted, Metadata

spanish_highschools: Spanish high schools (2023). 534 nodes, 12812 edges.
2024-04-25 11:30:29

Comcast reports Q1 Peacock revenue rose 54% YoY to $1.1B, a $639M loss, down from $704M in Q1 2023, and paying subscribers up 55% YoY to 34M (Georg Szalai/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-05-23 12:05:56

Linus Tech Tips, accused in August 2023 of theft, ethical lapses, and sexual harassment, says an outside investigation found the claims were "largely unfounded" (Jeremy Gan/Dexerto)
2024-05-26 18:10:41

4 Cowboys that could become award winners in 2024
2024-04-25 11:30:29

Comcast reports Q1 Peacock revenue rose 54% YoY to $1.1B, a $639M loss, down from $704M in Q1 2023, and paying subscribers up 55% YoY to 34M (Georg Szalai/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-05-23 06:56:20

Mehr als 900.000 Schutzsuchende aus der Ukraine in 2023
Im vergangenen Jahr haben wurden in Deutschland etwa 977.000 Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine als Schutzsuchende registriert. Das geht aus den Daten des Statistischen Bundesamtes hervor. Als Schutzsuchende gelten Ausländerinnen und Ausländer, die sich unter Berufung auf völkerrechtliche, humanitäre oder politische Gründe in Deutschland aufhalten.
2024-05-23 12:05:56

Linus Tech Tips, accused in August 2023 of theft, ethical lapses, and sexual harassment, says an outside investigation found the claims were "largely unfounded" (Jeremy Gan/Dexerto)
2024-04-25 20:45:34

Roku reports Q1 revenue up 19% YoY to $882M, vs. $848.62M est., a net loss of $50.9M, compared to $193.6M YoY, and 81.6M active accounts, up 1.6M from Q4 2023 (Jennifer Maas/Variety)
2024-04-25 18:20:50

"Europa wird immer heißer
#Europa ist der Kontinent, der sich weltweit am schnellsten erwärmt. 2023 gab es eine Rekordzahl von Tagen mit extremer #Hitzebelastung. Dabei ist die #Hitze nur…
2024-04-25 20:45:34

Roku reports Q1 revenue up 19% YoY to $882M, vs. $848.62M est., a net loss of $50.9M, compared to $193.6M YoY, and 81.6M active accounts, up 1.6M from Q4 2023 (Jennifer Maas/Variety)
2024-05-20 19:42:02 - Who really invented the alphabet?
2024-05-25 05:15:54

Similarweb: Truth Social's average number of US monthly visits was just over 4M from May 2023 to April 2024, down 39% from the prior 12-month period (Kevin Breuninger/CNBC)
2024-04-24 16:42:03

2023 retro-link! - The DIY scientist, the olympian, and the mutated gene.
2024-04-24 09:35:35

An interview with Apple Arcade's Senior Director Alex Rofman: the service hit record highs on all "critical metrics" in 2023, and will feature Vision Pro games (Keith Stuart/The Guardian)
2024-05-23 11:55:36

Linus Tech Tips, accused in August 2023 of theft, ethical lapses, and sexual harassment, says an outside investigation found the claims were "largely unfounded" (Jeremy Gan/Dexerto)
2024-05-24 12:11:26

Google announces plans to invest nearly $350M in Flipkart, as part of a nearly $1B funding round, about $600M of which came from Walmart in 2023 (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)
2024-05-24 12:11:26

Google announces plans to invest nearly $350M in Flipkart, as part of a nearly $1B funding round, about $600M of which came from Walmart in 2023 (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)
2024-04-24 11:10:36

Berlin-based Parloa, which uses conversational AI to automate call center operations, raised a $66M Series B led by Altimeter, after a $21M Series A in 2023 (Paul Sawers/TechCrunch)
2024-05-24 22:50:45

A look at Sony's entertainment unit, which accounted for ~60% of Sony revenue in FY 2023, up from 30% a decade ago, ahead of a potential Paramount deal (Jacky Wong/Wall Street Journal)
2024-06-11 13:45:56

TechInsights: Nvidia shipped ~3.76M data center GPUs in 2023, up from 2.64M in 2022; the total data center GPU market was 3.85M in 2023, up from ~2.67M in 2022 (Agam Shah/HPCwire)
2024-05-24 22:50:45

A look at Sony's entertainment unit, which accounted for ~60% of Sony revenue in FY 2023, up from 30% a decade ago, ahead of a potential Paramount deal (Jacky Wong/Wall Street Journal)