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2024-07-20 14:21:48
2024-08-19 14:50:46

I learned from a FOSS4G talk about
#opensource #gis software world …
2024-08-16 10:08:21

Check out the story of The #KrononautMoon Project, now on @….
Just months away, 2025 will see 2 Total #LunarEclipses (TLEs) — on 14 Mar & 07 Sep. Why & how did the TLE …
2024-09-14 06:09:35

#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
TRAVIS: Now, Kasabi, listen to this: was the homing beacon to transmit in a code pattern?
KASABI: Yes. It was pulse, three long, two short, recurring. [Servalan prepares a final dose of the drug. Travis moves to stop her, but Servalan slaps him off and administers it to Kasabi.] B7B1
2024-09-15 08:31:48

It's Time To Oppress Conservatives by A.R. Moxon
Sep 14, 2024
With a generous, diverse, and open world that will care for everyone, even for them.
2024-08-19 08:56:05

Zettu Rocca degli uccelli
Coordinate falesia:
Sono passati parecchi mesi dall'ultima volta che lo avevo scalato.
É una via di roccia morbida e fragile.
Sempre divertente da scalare.
#FreeSolo #finaleligure
2024-09-14 08:04:04

whoa this is fun, getting off github pages with a handful of lines of redo, cmark, and a 10-line go server that embeds my files in the binary. computers are fun sometimes
2024-09-14 11:46:51

👌🏻 Danke @…
2024-09-14 10:12:16

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
SINOFAR: They have been recharged. I will see that your ship gets away.
BLAKE: Another reason why I didn't kill Travis: I would have enjoyed it. B7B1
2024-09-05 14:58:38

#fotografie #photography #italien

Blick in eine enge Gasse mit einem vorbeifahrenden Vélofahrer.
2024-09-14 07:19:40

having fun learning djb redo
2024-09-14 07:59:04

Farage the Fifth Columnist.
2024-09-14 08:10:54

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
BLAKE: I don't give a damn about your power cells. There's a friend of mine out there.
[He turns and runs for the main entrance of the complex. Geela and Novara intercept him near the exit.] NOVARA/GEELA: [Simultaneously] We will help.] B7B1
2024-08-14 09:44:46

Die #noafd verhält sich wie eine kriminelle ausländische Organisation, die Deutschland schaden will. Müssten sie sich nicht selbst einsperren? Zumindest Kollaboration mit solchen Kräften ist in der Partei weit verbreitet und sollte Konsequenzen haben, wenn man etwas FÜR Deutschland tun will (wie deren Politiker ja immer behaupten).
Vielen scheint jedenfalls nicht klar, wie sehr sie sie gegen Deuts…
2024-07-03 12:25:14

Breakfast: Fried eggs (over easy) and bacon

Plate of fried eggs and crispy bacon strips on a blue and white checkered dish.
2024-08-09 14:03:10

The traditions and promises of #TimeTravel are both drop-dead serious and drop-dead hilarious. Those are the #duality.
"On the Night of the Total Lunar Eclipse,
Time Travelers descend in their Timeships."
2024-08-14 11:35:08

It's always annoyed me when people write Rhys' instead of Rhys's, even when I was a child. The final s is not a plural, so don't treat it as one.
2024-09-13 20:08:47

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
VILA: He's failed to make contact with Kasabi.
AVON: Exactly. But Kasabi's signal came from the rendezvous point. Blake has arrived there and failed to make contact. B7B7
2024-09-13 17:48:46

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
AVON: By all means, let us stand around and discuss it.
BLAKE: Avon's right. We're not safe here any longer. Let's move out. [They climb the stairs. Vila reaches the door first and tries to open it.] B7B6
2024-06-30 14:47:10

“We need champions of different causes and ideas in our church who make things happen!”
⁃ by Felicia, Caldwell Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Image created with Ideogram:
Image edited with Skitch for iOS (app no longer…

A diverse group of people smiling and raising their hands inside a church with stained glass windows, promoting being an "Idea Champion" for Caldwell Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC.
2024-09-13 15:28:47

Series D, Episode 08 - Games
VILA: I'd still rather not meet the owner of this too soon.
[Scorpio] B7B5
2024-07-14 12:53:24

Yay! I beat the AI!
2024-09-01 09:03:14

#Littering und #Autoverkehr haben in #Osnabrück einiges gemeinsam. Erhebliche ökologische, ästhetische und ökonomische Schäden sind die Folge.

SUV in der Osnabrücker Innenstadt im Bereich Am Kamp. Unter und neben dem SUV liegt Müll.
Screenshot NOZ :

Maßnahmenprogramm beschlossen

Osnabrücks Innenstadt wird sauberer - Grüne würden Müllverursacher gerne zur Kasse bitten

Bild zeigt einen überfüllten Mülleimer in der Osnabrücker Innenstadt.
2024-09-13 13:08:49

Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
GEELA: There, you see it's dead. [Brushes away the desiccated remains of the organism]
BLAKE: [Examining his healed hand] That is astonishing. B7B4
2024-09-13 10:48:48

Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past
NAGU: The Arbiter General has defected.
BLAKE: What? B7B3
2024-09-13 08:28:35

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
DERAL: Ionic beams only?
SERVALAN: Just to disable, cause minimum damage. [into comm] Clinic, bring the disease pathogens now. [to Deral] I want that pilot alive. Alive and vulnerable. B7B2
2024-09-13 06:08:45

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Now that is an unattractive idea. I really could be quite annoyed if I thought we'd been the bait in a trap you'd laid for them, Avon.
VILA: Where's Tarrant? B7B1
2024-09-12 17:09:47

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
DAYNA: Just be ready to bring me straight back up! All right, down. [Vila operates teleport]
VILA: [To Deral] You'd better be right. B7B5
2024-09-12 08:26:28

Series A, Episode 09 - Project Avalon
BLAKE: Avalon - I'm Blake. We had hoped to get you out sooner, we've had a bit of trouble.
VILA: [Noting the brief tunic Avalon wears] She'll freeze to death dressed like that. B7B2
2024-09-12 21:11:58

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
SERVALAN: Not in there.
GINKA: Why not? Surely you are not that concerned for Captain Deral's offspring. B7B7
2024-09-12 19:10:45

Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch
VILA: [Examining it] I can't; it'll take too long.
TARRANT: You can, and the sooner you get started the sooner we'll both be out of danger. Now, stop flapping, and move yourself. B7B6
2024-09-12 15:07:57

Series B, Episode 11 - Gambit
AVON: Play, Vila.
VILA: What? B7B4
2024-09-12 13:06:49

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
ARLE: Oh, come on, Berg. You're not old enough to have lost your nerve yet. [They start to cross the field. Smoke begins to rise around their feet] Help me. Help me. I can't move.
BERG: I can't. [Small flames lick near their feet] I can't! [His scream is cut off when they are blown up.] B7B4
2024-07-06 10:50:14

I think we need to acknowledge more widely the fantasist-realist axis in politics. We need to be able to put policies, politicians and parties on this axis so that we can make conscious choices about supporting populist movements.
No-one is immune. We are all fantasists to some extent, but some people and ideas are in a danger zone.
2024-09-12 10:46:34

A06 - Seek-Locate-Destroy
BLAKE: What's the message?
AVON: Some flight clearance. Priority spaceway for a ship going in from Space Headquarters. The Supreme Commander requests that all personnel give maximum cooperation to the incoming officer. B7B3
2024-09-12 06:06:28

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 04 - Time Squad
BLAKE: [V.O.] Then you'd better get it right.
AVON: [To Vila and Gan] Shall we get on with it? B7B1
2024-09-11 19:46:27

Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
VILA: That's not what I meant.
AVON: No, he was calling me a machine, but since he undoubtedly defines himself as a human being, I shall choose to accept that as more of a compliment than anything else. B7B6
2024-09-11 17:26:37

Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past
VOICE: [V.O.] Reporting Governor Le Grand and deputies embarked on Atlay shuttle. Docking on schedule at conference centre. B7B5