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2024-04-11 14:32:37

It’s 4/11 for North Americans, which is excuse enough to share this post:
“The 411 on 4.1.1”
WCAG 2.1/2.2 obsoleting SC 4.1.1 Parsing has made a lot of people frowny, but the more I dig the more …
2024-04-11 08:42:00

Microsoft Powertoys: Version 0.80.1 korrigiert nervige Fehler
Nur rund eine Woche nach dem letzten Release legt Microsoft Powertoys 0.80.1 nach. Sie korrigieren einige ärgerliche Fehler.
2024-05-11 13:06:15

So you come into my replies on my instance and then block me.
This is what you think happens:
“Haha, everyone will see my reply and he can’t respond.”
Here’s what actually happens:
- You piss me off
- I suspend your account and delete your data from my server so it no longer distributes your reply
- I post a screenshot of your reply so everyone can see the mental gymnastics you have to employ to defend Israel
- You learn something new

Screenshot of my post:

Folks, if your strategy is to vote multiple times (at ~€1/pop) to try and influence the Eurovision Song Contest outcome against Israel: please don’t. 

Financially rewarding the EBU will only make them look successful. You don’t buy all the beer at the fascist bar to teach them a lesson.
Screenshot of post by verena elisabeth

@aral and i guess you think you are an anti-fascist. sorry,: excluding and bullying a person because of their affiliation to israel is not anti-fascist, but ... You know what. 
and for 1000 times: no governments participate in the #esc, but independent broadcasters (that's why russia was also suspended, because NOT independent).
2024-05-12 00:37:08

My favorite example of inclusive architecture in the Mission. People sit on these steps since it’s close to BART, and sometimes it got loud. The residents could have installed an iron gate or put up a scary No Trespassing sign. Instead they just set some ground rules: not after 10 so we can sleep, and pack out trash. So reasonable and neighborly! They built a tree bench as well. #sfPol

Apartment steps with a sign: please, no gathering after 10pm, residents sleeping. Leave no trash. Thank you
Same steps, also showing a square wooden bench around a sidewalk tree.
2024-05-11 23:21:22

A lemon-yellow male Baltimore Oriole tried to convince me that he was a very out-of-range Scott's Oriole.
Today in Riley County KS
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds

black-backed and black-headed yellow bird, hanging upside down from a skinny vine
black-backed and black-headed yellow bird, perched upright on a skinny vine
2024-02-12 00:39:26

i'm just trying to figure out this "soup per bowl" thing everyone is talking about tonight

a chart of soup types and standard service sizes.

Appetizer soup: ½ to 1 cup
Main course soup: 1 to 1 ⅕ cups
Creamy soup: ½ to 1 cup
Broth-based soup: 1 to 1 ½ cups
2024-04-10 15:40:32

Google's Cloud Next keynote was by far its most impressive presentation in the AI era, not least because the company realizes its infrastructure advantages (Ben Thompson/Stratechery)
2024-03-10 11:27:20

Datenmüll von Voyager 1: "Ehrlich gesagt, ich mache mir große Sorgen"
Seit Monaten bekommt die NASA Voyager 1 nicht mehr dazu, sinnvolle Daten zu schicken. Die verbleibenden Optionen werden riskanter, ein Ende scheint möglich.
2024-05-11 07:47:09

Happy sneaky and chilling #caturday from Baroness Draka
2024-03-11 09:12:00

Vision Pro: Bald geteilte Umgebungen, billigere Headsets und bequemere Polster
Nach visionOS 1.1 stehen diverse weitere Neuerungen bei der Vision Pro an – nicht nur bei Apple. Ein News-Roundup.
2024-03-11 00:47:33

🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday #newsletter SXSW 2024 Days 1-3
2024-03-12 07:23:20

Failing more than 1/3rd of FAA safety tests is impressively bad even by Boeing standards
2024-04-11 16:19:20

Murder, We Spoke - Season 1 finale 🔥🔪🩸
Dramatized true crime spoof | Total listening time: 6h 24m
Murder, We Spoke is a podcast in a podcast in a podcast. The series dives into people’s obsession with true crime and satirizes the true crime culture. This dark comedy series asks listeners to consider, how far would they go for fame.
2024-04-11 12:00:10

Niche Pursuits Podcast: Find Your Next "Niche" Business Idea!: Meet the Flipboard Master that Gets 1 Million Views a Month
Webseite der Episode:
2024-03-11 19:37:08

#Wordle 996 5/6*
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ <1% of 252,636 (605)
🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ 1% of 70 (12)
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 1 of 1 (1)
⬜🟩⬜⬜🟨 <1% of 9,785 (1)
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 73% of 2,138
Skill 74/99
Luck 41/99
My 4th guess was just to get more clues, it didn't even feel like a real word, but I was happy it was accepted.
And then the answer didn't look like a real word by the time I got to it.
2024-05-11 20:28:44

📢 Holstein Kiel steigt in die Fußball-Bundesliga auf
Zum ersten Mal in der Vereinsgeschichte steigt Holstein Kiel in die Fußball-Bundesliga auf. Der Zweitliga-Tabellenführer erkämpfte ein 1:1 (1:0) gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf und kann dadurch am letzten Spieltag nicht mehr von einem der beiden direkten Aufstiegsplätze verdrängt werden.
2024-04-10 15:23:23

If you use Rust, time to run `rustup update`.
2024-04-10 21:16:00

Ich hab gerde mal ein bisschen zur Vollsperrung des Blauen Wunders vor 2 Jahren recherchiert. Und dazu interessante Artikel gefunden. Während an Tag 1 noch weitgehend unaufgeregt von starken Staus geschrieben wird (
2024-05-11 09:14:15

Over 1,700 civilians evacuated from Kharkiv Oblast over past day:
2024-04-10 14:08:11

Keep America free!
Vote for Democracy!
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-04-10 13:45:55

Packers to face Eagles in Week 1's São Paulo Game
2024-02-12 07:24:00

Mizuno's rank three Nahm sums I: identities of index $(1,1,2)$
Boxue Wang, Liuquan Wang
2024-04-12 09:33:10

#DeutschePost hat am 3.5. Hauptversammlung.
Jetzt Stimmrecht übetragen:

Ecoreporter berichtet unter anderem über folgende Aktienunternehmen: 

Novo Nordisk
Procter & Gamble 
Canadian National Railway
DHL Group
American Water Works
Roche (ADR 1/8 Aktie)
Cisco Systems
Siehe auch

SolarEdge Technologies
Vestas Wind Systems
Sonova 1/5 ADR*
Church & Dwight
Geberit 1/10*
Wenn Sie direkt von der Aktiengesellschaft angeschrieben werden, sind es sogenannte Namensaktien. Dies ist zum Beispiel bei diesen Aktiengesellschaften der Fall:
    Daimler Truck
    Deutsche Bank
    Deutsche Lufthansa
    Deutsche Post (von als nachhaltig eingestuft)
    Deutsche Telekom
    Hannover Rück
    Hugo Boss
    LEG Immobilien
    MTU Aero Engines
    Münchener Rück…
2024-02-12 08:47:20

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-11 16:36:57

"Durch das Remis ist die Borussia nun gerettet. Das gelang jedoch nicht aus eigener Kraft, dafür hätte es einen Sieg gebraucht. Die Schützenhilfe kam vom Rivalen aus Köln, der Union Berlin in letzter Minute noch 3:2 schlug", so die Rheinische Post.
Der EffZeh rettet die Fohlen. Ich fasse es nicht. #Borussia
2024-04-11 20:55:01

Documenting the #ClimateEmergency
2024-04-11 07:17:15

Det här var en riktigt bra artikel
"...they seem to be tapping deep into the brain’s wanting system and shining a light on a silent aspect of what it means to be human: What we want, and why we want it, is often not in our conscious control."
2024-05-09 14:09:28

If the bribe you’re soliciting is $1,000 in a paper bag, the FBI will arrest you. If it’s $1 billion in dark money, does that make it legal?

Trump's response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the
dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden's environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.
Giving $1 billion would be a "deal," …
2024-05-10 17:25:06

As bald-faced as it gets: Trump promises to give Big Oil whatever it wants on Day 1 if they raise $1 bn for his re-election campaign: removing regulations, halting the #energytransition, more drilling, etc.
2024-05-11 03:48:38

2024-03-10 14:04:00

Talon-A: Stratolaunch testet erfolgreich Start des Hyperschallflugzeugs TA-1
Der erste Test, das Hyperschallflugzeug TA-1 auf Basis des Talon-A-Trägers von Stratolaunchs Trägerflugzeug Roc zu starten, verlief erfolgreich.
2024-05-11 23:21:22

A lemon-yellow male Baltimore Oriole tried to convince me that he was a very out-of-range Scott's Oriole.
Today in Riley County KS
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds

black-backed and black-headed yellow bird, hanging upside down from a skinny vine
black-backed and black-headed yellow bird, perched upright on a skinny vine
2024-05-10 21:56:51

Calling all over-80s in Ireland!
(When you enter Ireland a leprechaun greets all under 80s at the border and gives you a lucky charm with immunity to COVID so we only offer the booster to over 80s.)
#covid #ireland
2024-03-11 02:00:05

jdk: Java SE Dev Kit dependencies (
A network of class dependencies within the JDK (Java SE Development Kit) framework. Nodes represent classes and a directed edge indicates a dependency of one class on another.
This network has 6434 nodes and 150985 edges.
Tags: Technological, Software, Unweighted, Multigraph

jdk: Java SE Dev Kit dependencies ( 6434 nodes, 150985 edges.
2024-04-10 14:59:52

#Linux #kernel 6.8.5, 6.6.26, 6.1.85, and 5.15.154 were released.
They among others contain the mitigations for the "native BHI (Branch History Injection)" hardware vulnerability that were mainlined yesterday[1] shortly after the vulnerability was published[2].
2024-05-11 21:40:50

Tuve que hacer una lista (Sí, "tuve que") con mis canciones favoritas de Pet Shop Boys. Así que aquí va el top 10 definitivo (quizšs no tanto):
1. It's a Sin
2. Always on my mind
3. Rent
4. Suburbia
5. West End Girls
6. What have I done to deserve this?
7. Liberation
8. Being Boring
9. Go West
10. Se a Vida é
Bonus track: Domino Dancing
Obvio que le trae playlist en espotifai 👉🏻
2024-04-10 16:35:13

Dynasty Performance Report: Major League Outfielders 1.0
#MLB #FantasyBaseball #PitcherList
2024-04-10 16:40:58

“Comcast Corp. has sold about $1.2 billion in advertising for the upcoming summer #Olympics and #Paralympic games in #Paris, a record for the event.
“The opening and closing ceremonies are sold out.”
2024-03-12 04:45:55

Best available players for Raiders needsd after Day 1 of free agency
2024-03-12 06:49:51

Release notes for versions 4.0 and 4.0.1 of the Tree Style Tab extension:
<> | <
2024-04-10 16:31:20

S1-Ausbau: Bund soll Planung bezahlen
Die Grünen fordern im Landtag Geld für die Planung des Ausbaus der S 1 zwischen München und Freising. Doch die CSU verweist auf die Zuständigkeit des Bundes.
2024-05-12 00:43:54

We love every Body*
…unless you’re homeless and need to rest. #HostileHorticulture

Sign for yuppie gym: “We love every Body.” Zooming out and panning the camera down, we see they’ve lined the sidewalk with bulky metal anti-homeless “planters.”
2024-04-11 21:17:26

Man würde denken, Linke würden förmlich überrannt von besorgten Bürger*innen.
Die sorgen sich wegen steigender Kosten, wegen der Spaltung der Gesellschaft und dem Gefühl, Politiker*innen wären überfordert. Klima auch, und Pflege.

Balkengrafik "Die Ängste der Deutschen 2023 (Plätze 1-10)

1 Steigende Lebenshaltungskosten
2 Wohnen in Deutschland unbezahlbar
3 Steuererhöhungen / Leistungskürzungen
4 Überforderung des Staats durch Geflüchtete
5 schlechtere Wirtschaftslage
6 Überforderung der Politiker und Politikerinnen
7 Kosten für Steuerzahler durch EU-Schuldenkrise
8 Spaltung der Gesellschaft (neu in 2023)
9 Pflegefall im Alter
10 Klimawandel

InfoCenter der R+V Versicherung
2024-03-11 22:33:49

Free Agency Day 1: Cowboys lose 3 players to open market
2024-04-10 17:08:14

Or maybe it’s fine as it is. Plenty of people can fix old computers and just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s bad or broken.
Btw, modern storage media like hard disks and SSD fail all the time and have a much shorter life expectancy than floppy disks.
2024-04-10 10:49:24

bin heute zum ersten mal mit der tram-linie 17 nach neu-isenburg gefahren. einfach einmal durch den frankfurter stadtwald gedüst und dann beim süßesten bahnhofsgebäude jemals rausgekommen? so macht tram fahren spaß!
2024-04-10 11:02:13

X-Men '97 1x06 "Remember It" ★★★★★★★★★★ #XMen97
2024-02-12 00:04:32

Apparently, *if* Copilot is right, 24 US states do not have any major league professional sports team. And, these 13 states don't have even a minor league pro sports team. That's a lot more states than I expected:
1. Alaska
2. Delaware
3. Hawaii
4. Idaho
5. Iowa
6. Maine
7. Montana
8. North Dakota
9. Rhode Island
10. South Dakota
11. Vermont
12. West Virginia
13. Wyoming
2024-04-10 08:25:30

Comcast says it sold a record ~$1.2B in ads for the upcoming Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games in Paris, with $350M of the ad sales coming from new sponsors (Christopher Palmeri/Bloomberg)
2024-04-12 08:29:46

You're interested in the US making its best to fight the process that will make our planet inhabitable for us?
Then please sign here.
Have a wonderful day.
2024-04-10 21:16:00

Ich hab gerde mal ein bisschen zur Vollsperrung des Blauen Wunders vor 2 Jahren recherchiert. Und dazu interessante Artikel gefunden. Während an Tag 1 noch weitgehend unaufgeregt von starken Staus geschrieben wird (
2024-03-11 18:40:44

My weekly photo-essay at the Balloon Juice site.
2024-03-11 21:55:34

Covariant, an AI-powered robot maker, debuts RFM-1, an AI model the company says can process physics, may limit the need for bespoke robotics programming, more (Brian Heater/TechCrunch)
2024-04-10 20:58:27

One of the things I want to have once all nodes are in a "rack" so to say is to have some lights to indicate which node is on. Got a sonof mini wifi for each node so I can turn off the lights when no one is here. For the same reason I have big cooling fans: Our sleep at night. Light pollution is an issue with this many LED's around. So with the sonof mini wifi, and some node-red utilizing control through home assistant, with data from the everything presence 1. It will only tur…
2024-04-10 14:02:35

After 8 years in power, what is Justin Trudeau’s legacy — and how will he cement it?
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-03-11 17:36:51

Close Your Eyes - Season 1 finale ⏮️🏝️🤯
Dramatized mystery thriller | Total listening time: 3h 50m
A man’s search for his missing brother leads him to a mysterious cult. A mind-bending mystery/thriller from Cryptic Radio.
#AudioFiction #FictionPodcast
2024-04-11 20:55:01

Documenting the #ClimateEmergency
2024-04-11 19:47:13

Assholes at Stanford, you say?
Via @…
2024-03-12 08:47:06

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-10 13:49:58

Packers to play Eagles in Brazil game in Week 1
2024-04-11 02:28:04

Whatever your thoughts on Aaron Peskin, it's unfortunate many SFans lack the political literacy to understand that the mayor, not city supervisors, controls departments like police.
He doesn't get a say in what police do in his district, for better or worse.

Hazel Lee, a Chinese American community leader who lives in District 9 and is a member of the Chinese-American Democratic Club, attended the rally opposing Peskin. Lee said she frequents Chinatown to buy traditional Chinese herbs. But she said she doesn’t feel the neighborhood is safe and doesn’t carry a handbag anymore for fear of being robbed.

“Suppose Aaron Peskin was doing well, Chinatown would be very safe,” she said. “But why are there robberies, broken windows, nothing’s changed?”
2024-03-12 02:32:00

Fixing the Cowboys OL with 1 free agent and one draft pick
2024-05-11 21:31:12

Russia claims 1 killed, 29 injured in Ukrainian attack against Belgorod Oblast:
2024-05-10 22:06:45

shitpost// alkohol, nikotin, essen (non-vegan)
2024-04-09 12:15:37

Google releases Gemini 1.5 Pro in public preview on Vertex AI, with support for up to 1M tokens, and says the model will power new features in Code Assist (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-04-11 18:17:42

Arno Penzias, RIP.
2024-05-11 17:03:57

The choice is PP crawls back under his rock or we are all in a hard place.
Vote for Democracy!
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-03-11 18:42:11

Thanking @… for finding an XSS vulnerability in the simple WebSocket example in Kitten.
I was returning a plain JavaScript string (``) from the socket route instead of a kitten.html`` string.
2024-03-11 18:24:45

Out of the Ashes - Season 1 finale 👹👨‍👩‍👧🧙‍♂️
Dramatized dark modern fantasy | Total listening time: 5h 32m
Follow a group of survivors as they navigate the ruins of modern civilization and battle against demons, ghosts, monsters and the looming threat of extinction from an ancient power.
2024-04-11 21:26:47

enjoying watching the most annoying people in SF officialdom freak out about San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport #sfPol

Meme image of crying, grimacing person: NOOOOO you can't just add geographic clarity to your city's airport name. It could confuse travelers so much they may end up flying in closer to SF because of it.

Resolute person: New direct flights to Oakland go bvvvvvvvt
2024-04-10 20:49:00

Been updating the node enclosures to this design and still very happy with it. Will design the stacking build soon and then do a blog post on the whole thing. Stacking is going to be `fun` with the whole big cooling fan in front. Which I'll make optional in the design so people can opt out of it. One major thing I want to do, before blogging about or and putting the design up on Bricklink/ReBrickable is to get some photo's with a camera to support the reasoning for this design.
2024-03-11 07:21:00

Ducci on $\mathbb{Z}_m^n$ and the Maximum Length for $n$ Odd
Mark L. Lewis, Shannon M. Tefft
2024-02-12 03:55:18

2024 NFL Draft order for Round 1; top five needs for all 32 teams entering offseason
2024-03-11 18:22:16

Just released v3.0 of @small-tech/state
(A tiny – 42 lines of code¹ – JavaScript state management class.)
The state class is no longer a proxy itself but instead uses a proxy to guard access/update of states. This means instances/subclass…
2024-04-10 14:07:12

Daily reminder of these three and their threat to Democracy.
Putin, his puppet Trump, and Trump's PP.
Vote for Democracy!
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-05-08 12:04:00

Matter 1.3 mit Verbrauchsmessung und Support für Mikrowellen
Der Smart-Home-Standard Matter erscheint in Version 1.3. Zum Update gehören neue Produktkategorien und die Möglichkeit, den Stromverbrauch zu messen.
2024-04-10 20:25:23

Go home chrome you're drunk, how to you need more than 30GB to show me a photo?
2024-03-10 20:58:04

Biden to Netanyahu: “You cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead.”
Well, it’s good to know his limit is 60,000 dead Palestinians.
2024-04-11 15:25:41

Gennaro Filice 2024 NFL mock draft 2.0: Jets go get Rome Odunze; Pats, Raiders trade back into Round 1
2024-04-10 14:01:08

Justin’s vision of Canada is a country where everyone has a real and fair chance to succeed. His experiences as a teacher, father, leader, and advocate for youth have shaped his dedication to Canadians – and his commitment to make Canada a place where everyone has the opportunities they need to thrive.
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-05-11 02:29:54

"To cut down on fare evasion, we plan to hire three dozen additional transit fare inspectors. We have allocated money in our upcoming two-year budget to pay for these positions."
That's $5M/year less going to new operators who could relieve increasing crowding on buses.
If you have feelings about this, comment section is open
2024-03-10 18:38:30

Kitten update: session IDs now available in the `request.session` objects you get in your routes.
Kitten lets you persist arbitrary data in session objects to make it easy to work with sessions but you cannot store custom objects (instances of custom classes) as Kitten’s default database is not aware of custom classes in your application. Now, keyed to the session id, you can store custom objects in your app’s own database.
2024-04-12 04:40:43

Uber and Lyft delay their plans to leave Minneapolis until July 1, after city officials voted on April 10 to delay the start of driver pay raise to July 1 (Reuters)
2024-03-10 19:58:05

Getting close to a full green #Bunny running fully on @…. There is one #TLS/#SSL test left to resolve before this will become the base for 0.6.x.
2024-05-09 23:57:21

No Return: The Nymphaeum - Season 1 finale 🪄👻🍆
Dramatized comedy fantasy | Two magical researchers are transported to another plane of existence, with only ancient spirits, in the grips of ennui for comfort.
POC representation among the cast
1 seasons, 8 episodes as of Aug 14, 2023.
2024-03-10 07:07:00

Missing Link: Stephen Wolfram über die Rolle der KI in der Forschung (Teil 1)
Stephen Wolfram – Erfinder des Computeralgebrasystems "Mathematica" – gibt einen Einblick in die Grenzen und Potenziale von KI in der Wissenschaft.
2024-04-11 15:25:41

Gennaro Filice 2024 NFL mock draft 2.0: Jets go get Rome Odunze; Pats, Raiders trade back into Round 1
2024-03-11 11:48:51

Just learned that there’s a JavaScript-based screen reader driver for test automation called Guidepup.
Works with VoiceOver & NVDA (no Narrator or Orca/Linux support – but Orca is broken under Wayland so the latter, at least, is not surprising.)
Very cool! I l…
2024-04-10 14:04:40

In her role as Minister of Finance, to which she was appointed in August, 2020, the Deputy Prime Minister has supported the Canadian economy’s strong recovery from the pandemic recession, led the introduction of Canada’s first national system of affordable early learning and child care, and returned Canada’s finances to a sustainable footing after the winding-down of emergency pandemic spending.
:mastodon: :mstdnca:
2024-05-11 02:29:54

"To cut down on fare evasion, we plan to hire three dozen additional transit fare inspectors. We have allocated money in our upcoming two-year budget to pay for these positions."
That's $5M/year less going to new operators who could relieve increasing crowding on buses.
If you have feelings about this, comment section is open
2024-04-09 11:45:39

Enterprise data security startup Cyera raised a $300M Series C led by Coatue at a $1.4B valuation, taking its funding to $460M, after a $100M Series B in 2023 (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-04-11 11:54:59

Größtes deutsches Gasimportterminal soll 2026 gebaut werden
Im Nordwesten Deutschlands soll ein neuer Umschlagplatz für grüne Gase entstehen. Dazu ist ein 1,7 Kilometer langer Anleger in Planung.
2024-02-12 04:46:28

Super Bowl 2024: Chiefs break infamous 'Drake Curse' as rapper pockets over $1 million betting on Kansas City…
2024-05-11 05:58:47

If you walk in San Francisco you've probably noticed more and more hostile "planters" blocking sidewalks. I'm part of a group pushing back on this, Gardens Not Barricades, and now we have a website/newsletter. Join us!
2024-04-10 22:00:04

Here’s footage of Lower Polk CBD installing planters (or “homeless abatement troughs”) on Fern and also standing by while some horrible shit goes down.
2024-05-09 15:04:04

Lots to do yet but the new Kitten¹ settings section (that’s common to all Kitten apps / Small Web places) is coming along nicely. (With the general style/layout borrowed from Domain².)
(It’s currently a single page and I’m breaking it up into multiple ones because it’s time.)
Once I’m done with this I should really record a screencast of Kitten’s new backup and restore feature/data portability.

Screenshot of Kitten’s Settings page running at https://localhost/💕/settings/kitten in a web browser.

Title: 💕 Settings


General (section)
🐱 Kitten (selected)
🧶 App
🌲 Evergreen Web

Security (section)
🆔 Identity
🤫 Secrets

Data (section)

📦 Backup and restore
📂 Uploads
🗄️ App Database (db)
🗄️ Internal Database (_db)

Main section has a welcome message with a Hide button:

‘👋🤓 Hello!
Here you will find technical details about your Small Web place (such as your cryptographic id…
2024-05-09 15:04:04

Lots to do yet but the new Kitten¹ settings section (that’s common to all Kitten apps / Small Web places) is coming along nicely. (With the general style/layout borrowed from Domain².)
(It’s currently a single page and I’m breaking it up into multiple ones because it’s time.)
Once I’m done with this I should really record a screencast of Kitten’s new backup and restore feature/data portability.

Screenshot of Kitten’s Settings page running at https://localhost/💕/settings/kitten in a web browser.

Title: 💕 Settings


General (section)
🐱 Kitten (selected)
🧶 App
🌲 Evergreen Web

Security (section)
🆔 Identity
🤫 Secrets

Data (section)

📦 Backup and restore
📂 Uploads
🗄️ App Database (db)
🗄️ Internal Database (_db)

Main section has a welcome message with a Hide button:

‘👋🤓 Hello!
Here you will find technical details about your Small Web place (such as your cryptographic id…
2024-05-10 19:51:29

2024 NFL rookie minicamp highlights: Top Day 1 moments as Caleb Williams, Michael Penix Jr. take field
2024-03-09 12:53:07

$3,000 Cybertruck tent*

Photo comparison of cybertruck concept rendering showing a metal/glass extension of the cybertruck in the woods by a campfire (‘How it started’) versus the reality of a cybertruck parted in a driveway with a sad-looking cloth tent protruding from its back ('How it’s going’). Badly overlaid on the latter is a cut-out of the sad Oompa-Loompa actress from the failed ai-generated Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow.
2024-03-08 16:19:45

What fresh hell is this?
#ai #fediverse

Screenshot of fediverse profile in Mona app:

Photo of (AI generated?) generic platinum blonde white woman with blue eyes.
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