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2024-06-14 02:33:00

Vorheriger Chef der NSA und Ex-General wird Teil des Verwaltungsrats von OpenAI
Paul Nakasone hatte die NSA Anfang Februar 2024 verlassen. Jetzt gehört er zum OpenAI-Verwaltungsrat und soll sich bei der KI-Firma um Cybersecurity kümmern.
2024-06-14 04:02:45

Branches and shadows.

A slender plant plant of the grass family is silhouetted before and shadowed on a white-shingled wall.
2024-06-14 02:16:13

Luma debuts Dream Machine, an AI model to generate high-quality videos from text and images, and plans to release APIs and plugins for popular creative software (Michael Nuñez/VentureBeat)
2024-06-14 04:45:59

OpenAI adds Trump-appointed former NSA director to its board (Washington Post)
2024-06-14 02:28:47

The poke stand at the Kraken games has promised musubi for a year, but never delivered.
The poke stand at T Mobile park delivered. Now I just need to see if they have poutine.
#mariners :mariners: #kraken :seakraken:
2024-06-14 01:16:48

Die ePetition 165575 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Tierschutz mit dem Titel
Übernahme von verletzten, kranken oder hilflosen Wildtieren geschützter Arten in die Obhut des Staates
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 53 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wir…
2024-06-14 02:34:35

Pociąg ze stacji Krzyż do stacji Kostrzyn tak naprawdę jedzie z miejscowości Krzyż Wielkopolski do miejscowości Kostrzyn nad Odrą. Miejscowość Kostrzyn (bez przydomków) leży w Wielkiej Polsce i tamtejsza stacja nosi nazwę Kostrzyn Wielkopolski.
Jeszcze dla formalności powtórzę często powtarzany fakt, że ten pierwszy pociąg jedzie przez Gorzów Wielkopolski (nazwa miejscowości i stacji), który jest jednym z miast wojewódzkich lubuskiego.
2024-06-14 01:16:48

Die ePetition 165575 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Tierschutz mit dem Titel
Übernahme von verletzten, kranken oder hilflosen Wildtieren geschützter Arten in die Obhut des Staates
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 53 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wir…
2024-06-14 00:02:00

NFL's top 10 highest-paid QBs of 2024: Trevor Lawrence new No. 1; comparing records, playoff results
2024-06-14 02:48:13

Forsp: A Forth & Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language
Forsp: A Forth & Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language In the world of lambda calculus programming languages there are many…
2024-06-14 02:00:28

LessWrong || AI catastrophes and rogue deployments
2024-06-14 02:00:04

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2:
- Euro 96 Mixtape
A celebration of the best of the Summer of 96 music, including Three Lions, Blur & more!
Relisten now 👇
2024-06-14 02:51:42

Bears sign special teams stud in preparation for new kickoff rule
2024-06-14 08:38:04

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-14 01:17:14

Die ePetition 166141 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Schwangerschaftsabbruch mit dem Titel
Abschaffung von § 218 des Strafgesetzbuches
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 166 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wird der ganze Petitionsausschuss in öffentlich…
2024-06-14 02:34:32

Source: Fins signing 6-time Pro Bowl DE Campbell
2024-06-14 07:04:03

[2024-06-14 Fri (UTC), 2 new articles found for Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics]
2024-06-14 01:15:41

Die ePetition 166934 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Mietrecht mit dem Titel
Erteilung der Erlaubnis an Mieter für eine eigene Wärme- und Warmwasserversorgung im Falle von Wärmecontracting
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 37 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht wer…
2024-06-14 00:02:01

Trevor Lawrence extension: Jaguars make star QB highest-paid player in NFL history with 5-year, $275M contract…
2024-06-14 01:15:24

Die ePetition 166929 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Verkehrswesen mit dem Titel
Zahlung der Lkw-Maut ebenfalls durch Schausteller für die Nutzung von Autobahnen und Bundesstraßen
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 48 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wird…
2024-06-14 02:59:11

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
Rocket From the Crypt:
🎵 On A Rope
2024-06-14 07:02:04

Quantum phase transition of (1 1)-dimensional O(3) nonlinear sigma model at finite density with tensor renormalization group
Xiao Luo, Yoshinobu Kuramashi
2024-06-14 00:02:00

NFL QBs next in line to get paid: Cowboys' Dak Prescott, Packers' Jordan Love among next in line for new deals…
2024-06-14 07:04:06

On the archetypal `flavours', indices and teleconnections of ENSO revealed by global sea surface temperatures
Didier P. Monselesan, James S. Risbey, Benoit Legresy, Sophie Cravatte, Bastien Pagli, Takeshi Izumo, Christopher C. Chapman, Mandy Freund, Abdelwaheb Hannachi, Damien Irving, P. Jyoteeshkumar Reddy, Doug Richardson, Dougal T. Squire, Carly R. Tozer
2024-06-14 04:02:08

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #EarlyBreakfast
🎵 Too Sweet
#BBCR1 #Hozier
2024-06-14 02:56:06

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
First Aid Kit:
🎵 My Silver Lining (6 Music Session, 15 May 2014)
2024-08-04 15:16:38

The gentle walk around the lake today was breathtaking, and my knee was grumbling but OK, too.
This was our picnic spot, on Low Ling Crag.
#outdoors #walking #LakeDistrict

A panoramic view of a lake from close to the water. Grassy hummocks in the foreground lead to the shore via a gravel spot. Pale grey clouds are mirrored in the choppy lake surface. Beyond are bare green fells.
2024-08-02 16:10:04

How it started How it is going
2024-06-14 02:53:11

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
Hamish Hawk:
🎵 Big Cat Tattoos
2024-06-17 20:02:26
Content warning:

Una consecuencia curiosa de como funciona el #fediverso es que una misma publicación puede modificarse y enviarse de forma distinta según el servidor que la solicite.
Esto, por supuesto, no es lo normal. Pero es posible y da para hacer cosas divertidas como la siguiente:
Mirad esta publicación en (Imagen 1):

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a user walks into a bar. the bartender says The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit
Publicación vista desde

a user walks into a bar. the bartender says Bienvenidos a, el mayor servidor de Mastodon para hispanohablantes de temática general.
Publicación original:

a $INSTANCE$host$ user walks into a bar. the bartender says $INSTANCE$description$
2024-06-16 22:28:02

Defending Kharkiv: Ukrainian Forces Face Off Against Russian Aggressors:
2024-06-16 18:45:24

Men Alone Cannot Build a Durable Peace in the Middle East
2024-06-15 17:02:04

Ab und zu muss man die Welt auch mal hassen dürfen.
2024-06-18 02:49:59

who wants to see some Amaranth 0.5 code? i implemented SPI using streams and a SerDes-like structure to make it pipelined and accommodate arbitrary output-to-input latencies
2024-06-14 02:48:11

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
🎵 Trimm Trabb
2024-06-18 02:02:14

Documents from 100 years ago unearthed in Vancouver Chinatown building | Vancouver Sun
#chinese #canada #immigration
2024-06-15 02:02:53

omg, for 20 years i've been crowing about an awesome set i saw by television (opening for patti smith) at roseland in #nyc in october '04 where they played almost entirely '90s-'00s songs, including a bunch from the unfinished 4th album. i'd never been able to find a setlist, let alone a tape, & **it just appeared on dimeadozen as a well-mixed soundboard**! includes a few with u…

Patti Smith & Her Band / Television / This Sat! / Sat Oct 2
2024-06-15 02:55:44

As much as I dislike system sounds now, the old fanfare sound is still cute.
(Disclaimer: I also think the screaming goat is cute... 🤷‍♀️)
2024-06-18 02:59:14

Sneak preview of the first #NLC show of the year seen from Bochum, Germany, from about 1:10 to 2:15 UTC on 18 June 2024: gallery in - one big field in the NE, a smaller and flat but bright one in the N.

Synchronous fireflies flash in unison — blinking together and then going dark together before blinking together again.
Generations of East Tennesseans have called this extraordinary phenomenon the Light Show.
So many people want to see them that except for the lucky visitors whose names are chosen in a lottery each year,
that area of the park is closed during firefly mating season.
I was not one of the lucky ones.
By the time my family left for vacation in wes…
2024-06-17 17:02:33

Scooter on Germania St. in the Haight – PocketPixels Via
2024-08-04 08:29:27

Yesterday I went for a second walk, just to nip up to the top of Whiteside (700m). I knew I was over-doing it. But it'll be fine, right? I've done this sort of thing many times.
Well, this morning I can confirm that I'm not as young as I used to be. I can barely stand up. Putting a brave face on it so my wife won't ground me. But a gentle walk around the lake today, I think.

Crummock Water and Mellbreak. A view from high up of the lake with fells all around. Patches of sunlight pick out the small green fields, whilst the brown fells loom on the shore. Broken clouds are not yet threatening rain, but there is promise there.
2024-06-17 20:09:59

If a #Labour government did abolish the #TwoChildCap across the UK, what consequences would that have for the #Scottish budget? This document suggests that the whole benefit would be passed on to families…
2024-06-14 02:45:07

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
Vince Staples:
🎵 Shame On The Devil
2024-06-14 22:32:43

You will be unsurprised to hear my sympathy for Enoch Burke’s point of view is undetectable by even the most sensitive of instruments.
But I do think indefinite imprisonment without trial is a difficult position to justify.
2024-06-14 15:46:02

I’m playing a little “refactor golf” with #JetBrainsRider and the keyboard shortcuts in my #dotnet unit testing project.
Can you think of a faster way to do this?

Refactoring system under test to the class level in a unit test using JetBrains Rider shortcuts and features.
2024-06-17 02:04:18

404 Sleep not found
2024-06-16 02:58:20

In for a scary story on a Saturday night? Read this interview on Long COVID.
2024-06-23 22:02:04

From #HannaHumenchuk #Ukraine
Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦

Fantastic Kyiv, Ukraine.
2024-06-14 21:44:04

I like to drop truth bombs on the kittens. Earlier I warned Matcha, "Once you're at the top, there's nowhere to go but down."
My 12yo gave me A Look.
#CatsOfMastodon #FosterKittens

A 4-5 week old tabby kitten climbing a scratching post. A fuzzy ball hangs from the top of the post, and it's covered in sisal and grey carpet. She climbs to the top, looks around, then climbs down.
2024-06-17 08:18:04

Ich weiss, ihr mögt ja alle kalte #Pizza vom Vorabend zum Frühstück. Ist ja auch was vom Leckersten, das es gibt! 😋
Aber wenn wir Zeit haben, machen wir das inzwischen so:
Pizza ohne Gleitmittel (Öl o.ä.) in eine Bratpfanne legen und bei halber Hitze einige Minuten knusprig braten. Dabei immer wieder etwas rumschupfen, damit sie nicht anbrennt.
Resultat: Unten perfekt knusprig, …

Zwei knusprig-antiparallele Pizzastücke in einer beschichteten Bratpfanne
2024-06-15 19:54:04

Setting up YouTube Music app to scrobble to Last.FM was a bit easier than I expected.
I simply clicked Enable, logged in and now things are showing up on my Last.FM feed.
Crazy to think I've had my account on Last.FM since August 30th, 2006!
#LastFM #Music
2024-06-18 02:05:08

i keep getting errors from but doesn't show any issues. although the status page itself no longer shows response times 🤔 why is that?
2024-06-17 02:05:09
2024-06-17 19:21:02

Then native #ChatGPT for #iOS, using the #GPT4o multimodal model, enables scanning of handwritten notes for extraction via prompt interactions.
In the attached movie, I scan some of my handwritten note…
2024-06-17 13:40:04

Deutsche Bahnhöfe: Endstation Elend
Die Engländer sind vom Gelsenkirchener Bahnhof schockiert – aber es geht noch schlimmer.
2024-06-15 02:48:20

Imagine thinking Jeff Bezos has a vested interest in saving the reputation of the Washington Post, dude
2024-06-17 00:38:02

“The tedium is considerable.”
2024-06-16 04:02:17

Riley Greene: Huge day at plate
#MLB #Baseball #Rotowire
2024-06-16 19:03:04

There are two wolves inside me.
One wolf would like to go to Szczecin, to continue the sentimental walk through the footsteps of memories. Except it means being out most of the day, with bread for dinner.
The other wolf would like to get home early and eat some of the bacon from yesterday's dinner.
2024-06-16 13:08:21

#SistersOfMercy Lucretia my reflection
2024-06-15 20:50:17

Just finished watching 'A Man in Full', the adaptation of Tom Wolfe's eponymous book, on Netflix. The review in The Guardian is a fair one, but no mention is made of the music choices. They were excellent.
2024-06-14 02:41:11

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsJukebox
Grace Jones:
🎵 Walking In The Rain
2024-06-16 22:28:02

Defending Kharkiv: Ukrainian Forces Face Off Against Russian Aggressors:
2024-06-15 02:02:53

omg, for 20 years i've been crowing about an awesome set i saw by television (opening for patti smith) at roseland in #nyc in october '04 where they played almost entirely '90s-'00s songs, including a bunch from the unfinished 4th album. i'd never been able to find a setlist, let alone a tape, & **it just appeared on dimeadozen as a well-mixed soundboard**! includes a few with u…

Patti Smith & Her Band / Television / This Sat! / Sat Oct 2
2024-06-17 02:13:14

A Christian writer attacked Dolly Parton for being pro-LGBTQ . It didn't end well for the writer. - LGBTQ Nation

This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s new book comes out,
and it contains a disturbing chapter about Donald Trump’s ignorance, explosive rage, and megalomania during the coronavirus pandemic.
We think this should be covered as a loud, clanging alarm bell about the dangers of a second Trump term.
So we talked to New York Timescolumnist Paul Krugman, who has written a series of recent columns on voter amnesia about Trump’s 2020 performance,
about the horrors unleashed on the…
2024-06-15 19:54:04

Setting up YouTube Music app to scrobble to Last.FM was a bit easier than I expected.
I simply clicked Enable, logged in and now things are showing up on my Last.FM feed.
Crazy to think I've had my account on Last.FM since August 30th, 2006!
#LastFM #Music
2024-06-18 02:05:08

i keep getting errors from but doesn't show any issues. although the status page itself no longer shows response times 🤔 why is that?
2024-06-15 02:11:24

What a "surprise" development.
2024-06-17 19:21:02

Then native #ChatGPT for #iOS, using the #GPT4o multimodal model, enables scanning of handwritten notes for extraction via prompt interactions.
In the attached movie, I scan some of my handwritten note…
2024-06-17 13:40:04

Deutsche Bahnhöfe: Endstation Elend
Die Engländer sind vom Gelsenkirchener Bahnhof schockiert – aber es geht noch schlimmer.
2024-06-14 19:46:04

Biden's condition shocks allies at G7 summit, with one saying it's 'worst he has ever been': report (Josh Christenson/New York Post)
2024-06-19 01:15:25

Die ePetition 165575 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Tierschutz mit dem Titel
Übernahme von verletzten, kranken oder hilflosen Wildtieren geschützter Arten in die Obhut des Staates
kann nur noch heute mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 68 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wird der ganze P…
2024-06-16 19:03:04

There are two wolves inside me.
One wolf would like to go to Szczecin, to continue the sentimental walk through the footsteps of memories. Except it means being out most of the day, with bread for dinner.
The other wolf would like to get home early and eat some of the bacon from yesterday's dinner.
2024-06-19 04:02:13

Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android
Lindroid Promises True Linux on Android Since Android uses Linux, you’d think it would be easier to run Linux apps on your Android phone or tabl…
2024-06-16 16:26:02

UN's Atomic Energy agency under scrutiny for support and training of Iranian researchers in Russia:
2024-06-18 14:53:04

would love a de-mixing switch permanently installed on my music app to mute drums at will. (brought to you by yet another dreamy piece of music suddenly yanked back to earth via thump.)
2024-06-16 16:26:02

UN's Atomic Energy agency under scrutiny for support and training of Iranian researchers in Russia:
2024-06-14 19:19:04

"Tennessee MAGA Congressman Andy Ogles, no stranger himself to being a complete piece of shit, claiming he's going to be introducing a bill to mandate that Joe Biden be tested for drugs to enhance his "cognitivity"
"Cognitivity" is not a word, but go on - National Zero
2024-06-18 14:53:04

would love a de-mixing switch permanently installed on my music app to mute drums at will. (brought to you by yet another dreamy piece of music suddenly yanked back to earth via thump.)
2024-06-16 02:24:00

Russia not interested in all-for-all POW exchange, Ukraine's ombudsman says:
2024-06-15 01:02:39

50 years ago tonight, #JerryGarcia with the great american string band in #berkeley, his penultimate #banjo appearance in the ‘70s (joining the good ol’ boys for a pair of shows in ’75), the last tape with da…

newspaper ad for the Great American String Band at Keystone Berkeley specifying band members
Lossless Legs .
2024-06-15 01:02:39

50 years ago tonight, #JerryGarcia with the great american string band in #berkeley, his penultimate #banjo appearance in the ‘70s (joining the good ol’ boys for a pair of shows in ’75), the last tape with da…

newspaper ad for the Great American String Band at Keystone Berkeley specifying band members
Lossless Legs .
2024-06-14 22:51:02

40 years ago tonight, the #GratefulDead conclude 3 nights at red rocks in #colorado. summer ’84, show #5.

Grateful Dead mail order ticket on sky blue ticket stock with jester art
2024-06-14 22:51:02

40 years ago tonight, the #GratefulDead conclude 3 nights at red rocks in #colorado. summer ’84, show #5.

Grateful Dead mail order ticket on sky blue ticket stock with jester art