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2024-06-12 07:02:06

I was lucky enough to work in Ed Stone's cosmic ray lab when I was a graduate student. He was one of the greatest leaders I've ever known, while remaining so calm and solid and just plain deep. Principal scientist on Voyager, later head of the JPL, then the TMT and much more. An amazing, inspirational man. So sad to see him go but he had a truly great and influential life. There are few like him.
2024-06-12 10:23:02

🚫 Don't install your own software.
Got it! Hardware it is then...
2024-06-11 17:00:12

That was Berlin Buzzwords 2024!
Have a look at our new blog post for a recap of this year's event.
Once again, many thanks to all of you who attended and contributed to the event.
We look forward to welcoming you again next year on 15-17 June 2025!
2024-06-11 02:56:52

No sympathy for this devil.
Alex Jones cries after agreeing to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families | CNN
2024-06-12 18:28:31

Has anyone found out how to remove an account from the #Fedilab app?
Note that I don't want to remove the account on the server.
/cc @…
Update: I was told to tap on the avatar and use the doner menu in top right corner of the sidebar.
2024-06-11 07:01:02

Ein regelmässiger Hinweis wo ihr meine Ressourcen- und Toolsammlungen findet:
2024-06-12 18:02:22

Manchmal wundert mich, worüber sich mache wundern, weils eben echt kein Wunder ist.
2024-06-11 02:47:15

Selenskyj zu Konferenz in Berlin gelandet
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj ist in Berlin gelandet, wo er an der Wiederaufbaukonferenz für sein Land teilnehmen will. Die Versammlung will er zusammen mit Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz eröffnen, mit dem auch Gespräche geplant seien, wie Selenskyj auf der Plattform X mitteilte. Am Nachmittag will der Staatschef der Ukraine zudem eine Rede im Bun…
2024-06-11 07:07:02

Het laatste gasverbruikende apparaat is losgekoppeld en heeft het huis inmiddels verlaten. #VanGasLos

Stookhok zonder stook
2024-06-12 12:57:02

Die Revolverblätter Tag24 & Blöd schaffen es natürlich mal wieder nicht, sich an Richtlinie 8.2 des Pressekodex zu halten.
2024-06-12 07:51:45

Wie ist Euer Weg, sich bei der Deutschen Bahn über beschwerdefähige Punkte zu beschweren?
Mir reicht das jetzt mit dieser Klitsche.
#DB #Beschwerde #Bahnbeschwerden
2024-06-11 07:51:01

Hassrede auf #X - Hateaid und Avital Grinberg klagen - Vor dem Berliner Landgericht ist zunächst kein großer Erfolg zu erwarten. Selbst wenn die Richter die Klage in Deutschland zulassen, sehen sie für die Sache wenig Chancen: Community-Standards seien eher unverbindliche Regeln, die sich X selbst gegeben habe, so die #Zeit
2024-06-11 02:06:42

In important details you probably missed during #WWDC:
2024-06-11 05:53:02

a pocket protector, but for vape pens
2024-06-13 00:02:19

There is nothing sexier than your dad sitting around in his underwear when the air conditioner is broken.
2024-06-11 02:18:53

Wait…so this means I could arrange for my Australian wife to never be allowed back into her home country? That’s a level of pettiness I can get behind. 😈
“... bar any person who has been convicted of domestic violence anywhere in the world from getting a visa to enter the country."
Shit. So much for that idea. 😢
2024-06-11 20:07:17

Colt Keith: Still absent Tuesday
#MLB #Baseball #Rotowire
2024-06-11 07:03:02

#Elektromobilität im Güterverkehr: Welcher Antrieb wird sich durchsetzen? 🚛🔋💧 #Wasserstoff, Akku oder Hybrid – alle drei Technologien bieten spannende Alternativen zu fossilen Kraftstoffen. Seit Jahren gibt es bereits Testprojekte mit Oberleitung-Hybrid-Lkw auf der Autobahn. Welche…
2024-06-11 02:01:07

U.N. Security Council passes Gaza cease-fire proposal drafted by the U.S. (NBC News)
2024-06-11 19:36:07

Wer glaubt, unbedingt gegen #Israel demonstrieren zu müssen, um ihren*seinen Antisem... äh, Antizionismus ausleben zu können, möge dies vor einer israelischen Botschaft tun und nicht an Unis jüdische Kommiliton*innen attackieren.
Ich schmier doch auch nicht russischen Mitbürgern Parolen ans Haus.
Feiges Pack.
(Edit: Orthographie)
2024-06-12 01:14:13

It looks like today will finally be the last of the days with highs below 15°C. However, it will be 35° come next week.
2024-06-11 18:18:21

not today, satan

thumb drive in the alley
2024-06-11 02:24:35

Если вы давно не погружались в путчину отчаяния, посмотрите какую-нибудь лекцию Григория Юдина. Про гражданское общество, например.
2024-06-11 02:15:34

🫁 Immune Response to Respiratory Viral Infections
2024-06-11 21:45:54

New therapeutic targets, drug development for retinitis pigmentosa
Recap: The Association for Resear…
2024-06-11 07:02:54

Ist vegetarische #Ernährung wirklich besser für das #Klima? 🌍🌱 Die CO2-Emissionen der #Fleischproduktion sind massiv: bis zu 36 kg CO2-Äquivalente pro Kilo
2024-06-11 02:11:09

82gCO2/kWh National Grid CO2 intensity is LOW wrt last 24h so you can run your wash etc now! #green #energy
2024-06-12 07:45:19
Content warning: eupol

Schön auch zu sehen, das Leute, die angeblich linke Parteien gewählt haben, um den #Rechtsruck zu verhindern, jetzt merken, dass sie nur die #Wahl hatten, wer genau diesen Rechtsruck in Anbiederung an #AfD
2024-06-11 22:03:07

New Daily Digest available in a few minutes here:
2024-06-12 07:17:21

Visiting #mainz during the #bigbluebutton community meeting. Join our classroom and hybrid conferencing vision fishbowl workshop this morning at
2024-06-11 06:58:07

I've been saying that Apple is the new Microsoft for a while, and it's a bit obvious now.
2024-06-12 15:40:51

"A Compendium of Access Control on Unix-Like OSes"
2024-06-11 06:02:39

Bonjour #Bonn

Rhein und Baum
2024-06-12 07:02:06

I was lucky enough to work in Ed Stone's cosmic ray lab when I was a graduate student. He was one of the greatest leaders I've ever known, while remaining so calm and solid and just plain deep. Principal scientist on Voyager, later head of the JPL, then the TMT and much more. An amazing, inspirational man. So sad to see him go but he had a truly great and influential life. There are few like him.
2024-06-11 01:11:07

Google lets advertisers serve targeted ads across Google TV's 125 free channels, and reports 20M US monthly active Google TV and Android TV OS devices in 2023 (Umar Shakir/The Verge)
2024-06-11 11:37:07

Apple Intelligence
2024-06-12 20:17:58

The plot thickenssss

Texte sur un fond sombre annonçant l'exclusion de Marion Maréchal, Nicolas Bay et Guillaume Peltier du parti politique Reconquête!, comme l'a déclaré Éric Zemmour.
2024-06-11 23:07:59

Completely surreal afternoon going over guitar parts on FaceTime with Joe Don Rooney from Rascal Flatts 🫣 He and his bandmate Jay DeMarcus are joining Maggie Speaks at our gig on Thursday...
Side note: plugged the Friedman IR-X into the fx return on my Matchless and good lord tell me again how modeling is indistinguishable from tube amps
2024-06-11 19:02:07

Diese _verkakta_ Schraubdeckelfangsicherungen führen irgendwie nur dazu, dass man die Deckel schief und damit undicht wieder auf die Limoflaschen drauf schraubt.
Ganz großes Kino!
2024-06-11 21:40:17

Période : Š partir de 22h30 jusqu’en fin de soirée.
Dates : du lundi 3 juin au vendredi 05 juillet (sauf le 21 juin et les samedis et dimanches), et du lundi 08 au vendredi 12 juillet.
Le trafic est interrompu entre Avenue Henri Martin et Pontoise. 03/06 au 05/07 Dernier train au départ d’Avenue Henri Martin pour Montigny Beauchamp Š 22h56 (23h56 du 08 au 12/07)
Dernier train au départ d’Avenue Henri Martin pour Pontoise Š 21h41 (23h11 du 08 au 12/07)
Dernier train au d…
2024-06-11 22:52:02

It's a bad day for inanimate objects... :ablobcatneon:
2024-06-11 02:39:41

Chemical Makers Sue Over Rule to Rid Water of ‘Forever Chemicals’ - The New York Times
2024-06-11 02:07:58

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #PickOfThePops
Piero Umiliani:
🎵 Mah-Na Mah-Na
Please 🔁 BOOST to share what you like
- your followers don't see if you ⭐ favourite a post
2024-06-11 02:47:10

Studie: Milliardenschäden an ukrainischem Energiesystem
Nach den russischen Luftschlägen gegen die ukrainische Energieinfrastruktur hat die Kiewer Wirtschaftshochschule KSE in einer Studie Gesamtschäden von 56,2 Milliarden US-Dollar (52 Milliarden Euro) ermittelt. Darin enthalten seien auch finanzielle Verluste, die Energieunternehmen durch fehlende Einnahmen entstanden seien, hieß es in einer am Montag von den Experten veröf…
2024-06-13 01:07:20

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Glen Washington:
🎵 Rockers nuh crackers
2024-06-12 07:51:45

Wie ist Euer Weg, sich bei der Deutschen Bahn über beschwerdefähige Punkte zu beschweren?
Mir reicht das jetzt mit dieser Klitsche.
#DB #Beschwerde #Bahnbeschwerden
2024-06-12 07:03:02

_ "experience comes with time" is ridiculous bullshit
You gain experience by doing something.
There are 15 year olds with tons of experience smoking grass.
There are 90 year olds who have zero experience with marijuana.
Time doesn't magically create experience.
2024-06-11 02:13:13

“they're giving the biggest boost ever to Linux on the desktop.”
LMAO OMG this is *SO* naive…
2024-06-11 20:07:17

Colt Keith: Still absent Tuesday
#MLB #Baseball #Rotowire
2024-06-11 07:34:07

We are delighted to welcome you to the final day of Berlin Buzzwords! There are lots of great talks and conversations waiting for you today.
Also, great news - yesterday's sessions are now online!
Re-watch your favourite session or watch the ones you missed yesterday on our YouTube channel.

bbuzz audience
2024-06-11 07:25:02

Deligne's conjecture on the critical values of Hecke $L$-functions
Han-Ung Kufner arxiv.…
2024-06-11 02:01:07

Donald Trump completes mandatory presentencing interview after less than 30 minutes of questioning (Associated Press)
2024-06-11 17:01:05

2024-06-11 08:58:11

(Facebook) Fake emotions: with #AI image descriptions, all greenery is "lush", and all landscapes are "breathtaking"
2024-06-11 06:02:39

Bonjour #Bonn

Rhein und Baum
2024-06-12 15:24:07

🎨 Cars Are Way Less Colorful Today Than They Were 20 Years Ago: Study
2024-06-11 02:56:52

No sympathy for this devil.
Alex Jones cries after agreeing to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families | CNN
2024-06-12 15:34:24

Ça dépasse tout

Tweet du Point avec un portrait d'un homme plus âgé avec des lunettes. Le tweet traite d'une déclaration d'Alain Finkielkraut sur la situation actuelle déchirante pour les Juifs français et mentionne son vote potentiel contraint aux élections législatives pour lutter contre l'antisémitisme.
2024-06-12 07:17:21

Visiting #mainz during the #bigbluebutton community meeting. Join our classroom and hybrid conferencing vision fishbowl workshop this morning at
2024-06-11 02:47:05

Rheinmetall und Ukraine eröffnen Panzer-Reparaturbetrieb
Der deutsche Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall und die Ukraine haben nach Angaben aus Kiew einen ersten gemeinsamen Panzer-Reparaturbetrieb und eine Produktionsstätte eröffnet. Es seien die Schlüssel zur Werkstatt für die Reparatur und Wartung des Schützenpanzers Marder übergeben worden, teilte das ukrainische Ministerium für strategische Industriezweige am Montag in Kiew mit…
2024-06-11 02:12:04

2024-06-11 07:23:17

Trains supprimés :
- Le train LARA au départ de Dourdan La Forêt Š 09h35 et Š l’arrivée en gare d’Invalides Š 10h53.
- Le train DEBO au départ d’Invalides Š 11h08 et Š l’arrivée en gare de Dourdan La Forêt Š 12h21.
Prochains trains Š circuler :
- Le train LARA au départ de Dourdan La Forêt Š 10h05 et Š l’arrivée en gare d’Invalides Š 11h23.
- Le train DEBO au départ d’Invalides Š 11h38 et Š l’arrivée en gare de Dourdan La Forêt Š 12h51.
Risque d'affluence …
2024-06-11 02:07:58

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #PickOfThePops
Piero Umiliani:
🎵 Mah-Na Mah-Na
Please 🔁 BOOST to share what you like
- your followers don't see if you ⭐ favourite a post
2024-06-11 11:00:07

Yesterday we rounded off the day with our Get Together, kindly sponsored by our partner Search Guard! Here are some impressions of last evening. #bbuzz

Attendees at the Get Together
Get Together sponsor Search Guard
Attendees at our Get Together
Attendees at the Get Together
2024-06-11 02:40:08

Baltimore shipping channel fully restored after massive cleanup - The Washington Post
2024-06-11 02:47:00

Der Liveblog von Montag zum Nachlesen
Entwicklungsministerin Schulze fordert für den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine neue Finanzierungswege. 90 Staaten haben bislang ihre Teilnahme an der Schweizer Friedenskonferenz zugesagt. Die Entwicklungen vom Montag zum Nachlesen.
2024-06-13 01:07:20

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Glen Washington:
🎵 Rockers nuh crackers
2024-06-11 02:31:21

Baltimore shipping channel fully restored after massive cleanup - The Washington Post
2024-06-11 21:40:17

Période : Š partir de 21h00 jusqu’en fin de soirée.
Dates : du lundi 3 juin au vendredi 5 juillet (sauf le 21 juin et les samedis et dimanches) et du lundi 8 au vendredi12 juillet.
La circulation des trains est modifiée entre Dourdan et Paris Austerlitz :
Dernier train au départ de Dourdan pour Paris Austerlitz Š 21h07 ( 21h10 du 08 au 12/07) Dernier train au départ de Paris Austerlitz pour Dourdan Š 20h47 (22h47 du 08 au 12/07). Particularité : Dès 21h47, les trains pour Dou…
2024-06-11 11:35:34

Visit the team from our amazing Silver Partner Elastic at their stand! #bbuzz

elastic team
2024-06-13 01:14:07

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
🎵 About Damn Time
2024-06-11 02:58:56

Rudy Giuliani processed in Arizona in fake electors scheme - POLITICO
2024-06-11 02:39:57

Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says | CNN
2024-06-11 10:40:06

Have you visited our Gold Partner Kleinanzeigen & Find their booth in our partner area. #bbuzz booth
Kleinanzeigen booth
2024-06-11 05:34:32

Train supprimé :
- Le train SARA initialement prévu au départ de St Martin d’Etampes Š 08h56 a son départ reporté en gare de Bibliothèque François Mitterrand Š 09h57.
Prochain train Š circuler :
- Le train SARA au départ de St Martin d’Etampes Š 09h26 et Š l’arrivée en gare de St Quentin en Yvelines Š 11h21.
Motif : panne d'un train.
🤖 11/06 07:34
2024-06-11 02:39:41

Chemical Makers Sue Over Rule to Rid Water of ‘Forever Chemicals’ - The New York Times
2024-06-11 10:35:05

Come and say hi to the amazing team from our Platinum Partner OpenSearch Project at their stand for a chat and a t-shirt! #bbuzz

OpenSearch Team
OpenSearch Team
2024-06-12 20:02:26

Charlie Kirk once pushed a 'secular worldview.' Now he's fighting to make America Christian again.
2024-06-11 10:00:16

Visit our Gold Partner Hyperspace at their booth and get a nice Hyperspace bottle! #bbuzz

Team of Hyperspace
2024-06-11 02:40:08

Baltimore shipping channel fully restored after massive cleanup - The Washington Post
2024-06-11 09:50:22

We are very happy to have Rockset as a Silver Partner! #bbuzz

Rockset partner stand
2024-06-11 02:31:21

Baltimore shipping channel fully restored after massive cleanup - The Washington Post
2024-06-11 09:31:14

Listen to Mehdi Ouazza's podcast live from Berlin Buzzwords on our online platform or on LinkedIn #bbuzz
2024-06-11 02:58:56

Rudy Giuliani processed in Arizona in fake electors scheme - POLITICO
2024-06-11 02:39:57

Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says | CNN
2024-06-11 09:20:18

Don't forget to visit the Weaviate stand in our partner area for a chat and some stickers! #bbuzz

Weaviate team
2024-06-11 02:22:52

Archaeologists Discover 400,000-Year-Old Flint Tools That Transformed Prehistoric Hunting
2024-06-11 09:05:20

Our Contributor partner provides a platform for attendees of #bbuzz to interact, discuss sessions and connect. If you're interested, check out !'s platform's platform
2024-06-11 02:14:32

Parents fight back after learning state keep’s their baby’s blood for 23 years without telling them | The Independent
2024-06-11 08:35:25

We are delighted to have Snowflake as our Silver Partner. Come and meet the team at their stand in our partner area! #bbuzz

Snowflake team
2024-06-11 02:13:53

What a lovely lady.
Martha-Ann Alito vows revenge for flag controversy in secret recording
2024-06-11 02:13:21

New Jersey reviewing Donald Trump golf club liquor licenses
2024-06-11 02:13:03

Biden hosts Juneteenth celebration on White House lawn
2024-06-11 02:12:06

Ex-GOP governor 'absolutely' regrets backing Justice Alito’s position on US Supreme Court -
2024-06-11 02:22:52

Archaeologists Discover 400,000-Year-Old Flint Tools That Transformed Prehistoric Hunting
2024-06-11 02:14:32

Parents fight back after learning state keep’s their baby’s blood for 23 years without telling them | The Independent
2024-06-11 02:13:53

What a lovely lady.
Martha-Ann Alito vows revenge for flag controversy in secret recording
2024-06-11 02:13:21

New Jersey reviewing Donald Trump golf club liquor licenses
2024-06-11 02:13:03

Biden hosts Juneteenth celebration on White House lawn
2024-06-11 02:12:06

Ex-GOP governor 'absolutely' regrets backing Justice Alito’s position on US Supreme Court -