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2024-04-25 16:33:19

**Referencing external Docker containers in .NET Aspire using the new custom resources API**
2024-04-25 09:15:03

#Docker Images - Finally Understandable
2024-05-25 15:42:36

Do I see correctly that #Docker #BuildKit immediately discards the filesystem of all failed image builds, making it completely impossible to debug them? And in order to get anything useful you have to explicitly disable BuildKit, and that's going to be "removed in a future release", effectively making this crap impossible to debug?
2024-05-25 15:42:36

Czy ja dobrze rozumiem, że #Docker #BuildKit natychmiast odrzuca system plików po nieudanym budowaniu obrazu, tym samym czyniąc niemożliwym debugowanie tego? I żeby dostać cokolwiek debugowalnego trzeba wyłączyć BuildKita, co "zostanie usunięte w przyszłej wersji", i tym samym tego gówna nie będzie …
2024-04-24 11:59:15

TIL: You can copy files into containers. Thanks @…
system76@pop-os:~$ git clone #Docker #Containers
2024-05-26 02:20:19

It's 4am and I've spent the last 3 hours banging my head against the wall because all the services up with Docker had internet connection, I could connect via ssh with no problems, but the server itself couldn't connect and ping showed 100% packets lost against WTF?
In desperation, I rebooted the router because no change in the network config worked. Problem solved! WTF?
I always forget to apply Ockham's Razor to my problems.
Well, It's about…
2024-04-24 18:51:39

Great, really should have a look at #chainguard based #Docker images: JavaScript Actions in Alpine containers are only supported on x64 Linux runners. Detected Linux Arm64
2024-04-26 19:45:29

@… @… @… forgive me for being the pain in the neck, but how is this different from, e.g. the docker hub? I mean, it's different, but that one i…
2024-04-25 19:24:36

Did you miss our talk with Maxwell Flitton last week on talking about the Future of Rust with using nanoservices and creating a private Docker registry?
Check it out here!
2024-04-24 18:39:40

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that will gladly take a single node k8s setup over messing around with docker and compose.
2024-05-22 09:29:47

Just migrated my #n8n from a server docker to #Synology docker. Quick and simple!
2024-05-16 16:42:01

2021 retro-link! - I couldn’t debug the code because of my name: unicode pathname bugs in JetBrains IDEs.
2024-04-24 18:39:40

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that will gladly take a single node k8s setup over messing around with docker and compose.
2024-05-31 13:12:16

I should have known that @… would have a great #docker post on getting #dotnet tools inside containers. This guy is too smart!
2024-05-02 20:09:43

You can get a #wolfi-based #Valkey container now from Chainguard.
2024-05-22 01:50:39

#Docker desktop is now available on Arm64 Windows
#BUILD session recording is available now!
2024-06-10 08:52:21

A Guide To Running Your First Docker Container
A Guide To Running Your First Docker Container While most of us have likely spun up a virtual machine (VM) for one reason or another, ven…
2024-06-15 15:37:43

Every weekend a new container for my Docker server "without which I don't know how I have been able to survive until now". And so on until my home server bursts.
I started with this Docker thing for a couple or three services that were easier to get up and running using this tool. Well, I've got 15 up and running so far. This is getting out of hand.
2024-04-24 06:53:00

LLMs in Web-Development: Evaluating LLM-Generated PHP code unveiling vulnerabilities and limitations
Rebeka T\'oth, Tamas Bisztray, L\'aszl\'o Erdodi
2024-05-22 01:50:39

#Docker desktop is now available on Arm64 Windows
#BUILD session recording is available now!
2024-05-30 16:36:42


A screenshot of a 403 error page on a website. The website is The error message reads: 403 Forbidden. Since Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out
2024-05-07 12:00:03

I just published "Debugging a Docker Container" over on @….
2024-06-10 17:36:14

I'm playing around with #airbyte and it seems, it is not easily possible to include it in my own docker-compose.yaml so I just use
- airbyte/docker-compose.yaml
Can anyone tell me how to connect my mysql to it?
image: mysql:8.0
I thought adding a connection to "mysql" should do it, but it doesn't.
Then I …
2024-06-10 08:52:21

A Guide To Running Your First Docker Container
A Guide To Running Your First Docker Container While most of us have likely spun up a virtual machine (VM) for one reason or another, ven…
2024-05-31 20:00:38

Developer platform Docker Hub suspends services in Russia
2024-05-13 11:12:10

I should have read Tailscale's 1.66.0 changelog more carefully, because the state filtering change is exactly what broke connectivity between containers on a Tailscale node and other nodes.
tailscale set --stateful-filtering=false
2024-06-13 15:01:49

A colleague just asked me about a good, free OCR software for a historical book they are scanning. I was checking out #OCR4all to see if I could recommend it. First thing on the "Getting started" page: A Linux terminal command to start docker … 😵‍💫 I’m not criticizing the project, which I think does important work, but it’s a rather peculiar definition of "all" …
2024-04-29 11:08:54

I'm a Docker (or containers in general) non-believer. I simply don't believe in the promises it makes.
Docker is supposed to be easy to set up, easy to update, easy to migrate and always works. However, I've head plenty of stories where a container setup doesn't want to work, doesn't want to update or doesn't work after migrating. It's the same shit.
I'll stick to plain old system packages and there is absolutely nothing that will stop me.
2024-06-12 10:09:19

Previous Linux kernel batch was released on 2024-05-30. After bumping them, I've discovered that Docker is broken on bogsucker, our PPC64LE builder. In the meantime, bogsucker died completely.
Today, we've gotten it back online. I've debugged the Docker issue and solved it (admittedly, I should have tried upgrading it to the very newest ~arch version before debugging). Just as I was finishing building new images for reproducible kernel builds, new kernels were released upstream.
That was close.
2024-06-08 15:09:21

And yet again, using Docker (via Lando) plus XDebug PHPStorm = things just don't bloody work, despite all the settings being correct.
I really wish this were not such a regular occurrence. I don't even know which tool to blame.

Have you ever tried to run Docker Desktop on a Windows cloud VM to test a developer workflow? There's a bunch of GCP documentation saying this works, on GCP, but it doesn't anymore, now that Docker Desktop relies on HyperV. It works on Azure, but only if you choose the right combination of images, settings, and machine sizes. The acceptable values for each of the different settings are not documented in a single place.
2024-06-06 17:50:47

I just remembered that I have forgotten to install OpenLens - said and done.
What a nice and convenient tool to have if you are using k8s.
Now, I just have to bring my docker-library online,,
2024-05-15 19:11:01

@… fediplan waar ik laatst aan refereerde
via @…
2024-05-02 10:11:15

Attenti a Docker Hub! Dove il malware trova casa
Attenti a Docker Hub! Dove il malware trova casa Negli ultimi anni Docker Hub, una piattaforma per l’hosting di repository software, è …
2024-04-30 15:54:22

Nearly 20% of Docker Hub Repositories were used to spread malware & phishing scams
2024-05-07 12:00:03

I just published "Debugging a Docker Container" over on @….
2024-06-10 17:36:14

I'm playing around with #airbyte and it seems, it is not easily possible to include it in my own docker-compose.yaml so I just use
- airbyte/docker-compose.yaml
Can anyone tell me how to connect my mysql to it?
image: mysql:8.0
I thought adding a connection to "mysql" should do it, but it doesn't.
Then I …
2024-06-06 16:32:23

Super tiny project release - do you have a Tor site? Do you want to make sure it's online? Do you also have any service that includes "Cron monitoring" or "scheduled task monitoring" (ex. OhDear)?
If the answer to all three is yes, here's a super simple 30MB Docker image to make sure your Tor site is online!
2024-05-29 10:09:53

Right, just set up my first Ghost blog site (via Docker Compose) - took a little magical incantation or two, but now we're up and running! Booyah! Looks pretty slick. And uses Markdown as a content format... And is apparently Fediverse (ActivityPub) enabled... just checking on that...
2024-05-02 14:13:05

Don't miss today's packed Metacurity for the top infosec developments you should know, including
--UnitedHealth CEO admits paying $22 million ransom, says a third of Americans affected by breach
--REvil associate sentenced to 13-plus years,
--Lawmakers in New South Wales fear exposure in clubs' IT vendor breach,
--Hackers breach Dropbox Sign,
--Indonesia working with four Israeli spyware vendors,
--Docker Hub used to deliver malware and phishing scams,
--Iran hackers impersonate journalists and activists,
--FCC seeks to bar Chinese labs in telecom gear testing,
--much more
2024-05-03 09:06:26

I remember when @… was new and a just a half-baked replacement for #docker . Still I was using it on my laptop because its rootless mode was a clear improvement. I just had to switch back for some experiment and damn, podman is so much better than the "original…
2024-06-06 11:03:42

“The “container orchestration wars” are over, my general, and Kubernetes won. In any of its incarnations: K3s, OpenShift, Rancher, NetApp, you name it. They all won. Applications became small Docker containers, lightweight virtual machines that can start and stop in a heartbeat.”
Happy 10th anniversary, Kubernetes!
2024-05-09 08:33:57

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-06 18:28:41

Another reason to run things such as #RabbitMQ as a cluster: If the #Docker image is missing the #arm64 arch one pod will stay pending while the continues working
2024-05-31 19:57:03

Nitter is not dead. The alternative twitter/x front-end,is still working. Yes, now there are just a few public instances ( is one of them), but with just a basic linux and docker knowledge you can self-host your own private instance.
2024-04-28 16:51:26

I recently read a post on "6 Ways To Pass Parameters to #Spring #REST API". Though the title is a bit misleading, as it’s unrelated to REST, it does an excellent job listing all ways to send parameters to a Spring application. I want to do the same for
2024-05-11 11:56:52

Wer seine Container von Grund auf selbst zimmert und auf erweitertes Docker/Podman Gedöhns keinen Wert legt, der:m sei ein Blick auf systemd-nspawn empfohlen.
Extrem flexible und einfach handbare Sache mit absoluten Whoa-Ideen:
Man kann z.B. seinen Rechner IN einen solchen systemd-nspawn-Container rein booten!!
Etwaige Antworten mit allgemeine…
2024-05-06 18:28:41

Another reason to run things such as #RabbitMQ as a cluster: If the #Docker image is missing the #arm64 arch one pod will stay pending while the continues working
2024-05-07 20:57:07

Percona posted a getting started guide for #Valkey today
2024-06-04 16:37:11

Hash: SHA512

Сегодня утром вернул сервер в Россию, т. к. вчера Docker Hub передумал уходить.


iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEm6T w11inktlcm4Os6aN56hluFwFAmZfQgcACgkQs6aN56hl
uFwxbBAAtnDoRwraMyHZsXgKc8 kwGuJrvRyykPtTWRzffiU97csOWJO3ZvCCnkG
cWg48A22ryM3Qoo4kHAD2uEk rIt8jWoQce54qW96KdqrO6rtCOfZaSYThrmOss
KOyUvtcYq5EE1B3Mk1BG3/N kaXk WovKT…
2024-06-06 16:32:23

Super tiny project release - do you have a Tor site? Do you want to make sure it's online? Do you also have any service that includes "Cron monitoring" or "scheduled task monitoring" (ex. OhDear)?
If the answer to all three is yes, here's a super simple 30MB Docker image to make sure your Tor site is online!
2024-05-30 18:39:39

Docker may be the death of me.
2024-05-29 10:09:53

Right, just set up my first Ghost blog site (via Docker Compose) - took a little magical incantation or two, but now we're up and running! Booyah! Looks pretty slick. And uses Markdown as a content format... And is apparently Fediverse (ActivityPub) enabled... just checking on that...
2024-05-13 17:06:31

Just stumbled on this now that I have a server with an actual GPU. Host a jupyter server with GPU access.
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -p 10000:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work
#Docker #AI #Python #NVIDIA
2024-06-01 03:55:12

unpopular opinion: all ci/cd servers suck. they are all badly designed and bloated. instead of writing simple portable scripts, we write yaml files for hours, need dozens of docker containers, struggle with integration from start to end and are unable to use artifacts accros repositories without studying dozen of hours of terrible documentation. and if this isn't enough we try to fix this by more and more ci/cd software which fixes one problem and creates a ton of new ones.
2024-04-27 21:00:06

I tried @… last year and it felt like early days but I liked it. I have a goal of figuring out how to install it to #AWS using #docker once I have some free time. It deserves another look.
2024-05-14 11:05:34

@… Cool, that looks like a sweet improvement, but how does it compare to Docker on Linux as a baseline? Genuinely interested to know how close they are to closing the gap
2024-05-30 18:39:39

Docker may be the death of me.
2024-05-27 20:44:27

Hace algunos días descubrí n8n, una plataforma para automatizar tareas y procesos similar a IFTTT, pero mšs versštil. Tiene la gracia que se puedo auto-alojar, así que ya tengo una instancia funcionando (¡gracias, san Docker!) en mi servidor casero.
Pronto mšs informaciones. Manténganse atentos a todos nuestros canales. :AngeryCat:
2024-06-10 12:26:30

I have been working on a #node script that looks for new posts by @… and automatically boosts them as @…. I think that I finally got it working. Once I get that moved into docker, I'm going to do the same thing with @….
2024-04-27 11:28:37

As my old NUC was showing its age, and didn't suffice for my #homelab needs anymore, I decided to build a new one. And because I prefer running all my #selfhosted in containers, but abhor fucking around with #docker
2024-05-30 10:16:16

Hash: SHA512

Простите за сломавшиеся сегодня и Это все из-за ухода Docker Hub из России. Сейчас все работает, но сервер пришлось временно перенести в Нидерланды. :D


iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEm6T w11inktlcm4Os6aN56hluFwFAmZYUdoACgkQs6aN56hl
2024-05-03 21:17:13

If I am going to be moving @… from #Pipedream to a Python script in a docker container, I should probably do the same thing with @…, while I am at it. The original used #ChatGPT and the homelab server has #Ollama running on it. I could replace two pricey APIs at the same time.
2024-04-27 11:28:37

As my old NUC was showing its age, and didn't suffice for my #homelab needs anymore, I decided to build a new one. And because I prefer running all my #selfhosted in containers, but abhor fucking around with #docker
2024-06-02 18:01:36

I've tried a half a dozen different ways to post from a node or python script to @…. The end goal is to have two or three accounts on the instance that are fully driven by scripts run in docker containers. I'm a little stumped.
I think that it is time to go do outside things.
2024-05-12 20:49:19

Hey @…, I'm about to setup a new instance and plan to use backblaze object storage. However, I don't see the options in the default.yml config file. Do I just add these options at the bottom?
baseUrl: '' # Base URL of your S3 bucket
bucket: 'your-bucket-name' # Name of your S3 bucket
prefix: '' # Optional prefix for files
endpoint: '' # S3 endpoint URL, leave blank for AWS
region: 'us-east-1' # Storage region, required for some providers
accessKey: 'your-access-key' # Access Key ID
secretKey: 'your-secret-key' # Secret Key
useSsl: true # Use SSL/TLS
s3ForcePathStyle: false # Set to true if your provider requires path-style addressing
Get back to me whenever possible, thanks a ton. Using docker, but that doesn't have anything to do with it, of course.
2024-05-03 12:24:28

I’m rewriting @… to use a new API (because the old one doesn't work right anymore), rewriting it to be in #Python instead of #Node, and moving it from #Pipedream to a local #Docker container on my homelab machine.
You can probably expect a few articles on @… about this.