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2024-10-08 11:00:20

Only able to muster one word, really... goosebumps!
Antonio Ruscito — Alodrone (2020)
2024-08-07 16:47:07
2024-08-06 16:04:27

How I have used #Claude -- as expressed by Claude:
Methodology: copied text from my 561…

  root((Claude Conversations - 100%))
    Technology and Programming - 40%
      AI and Machine Learning - 20%
        Large Language Models - 8%
        Computer Vision - 3%
        AI Ethics and Safety - 4%
        AI Applications - 5%
      Software Development - 12%
        Python - 5%
        JavaScript - 3%
        DevOps - 2%
        Web Development - 2%
      Cloud Computing - 5%
        AWS - 4%
        Containerization - 1%
      Data Science and Analytics - 3%
    Science and…
2024-10-05 08:33:22

We play Penn State tomorrow. As I said 3 weeks ago... after barely beating Hawaii, I don't see the UCLA Bruins having another win all season.
At least we're gonna make gobs of cash from the BIG 10 conference share of the recent media contract renegotiation... but this is embarrassing.
UCLA Football 2024 schedule
@ Hawaii (W 16-13)
Indiana (L 13-42)
@ LSU (L 17-34)
Oregon (L 13-34)
@ Penn State
@ Rutgers
@ Nebraska
2024-08-27 14:42:57

#Astrophysicist Matt O'Dowd
…"#physics is insanely successful, most unbelievably successful in its predictive power about #nature. But there's a sense, I think a growing sense, that physics is stalled in t…
2024-08-29 07:55:46

#ErnstSieversStraße in #Osnabrück wird #Fahrradstraße

Radfahrer fährt über Kopfsteinpflaster an Ernst-Sievers-Straße in Osnabrück, das für Autos zur "Verkehrsberuhigung" gedacht ist. An den Seiten ist das Kopfsteinpflaster "abgesenkt".
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in den Nebenstraßen der Ernst-Sievers-Straße.
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in Abschnitten, die bei der Vorplanung nicht vorgesehen waren.
2024-08-13 16:10:14

Die #NIST hat drei neue Standards zur #Verschlüsselung vorgestellt:
- FIPS 203: Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard
2024-08-27 13:22:49

…"#NASA announced even more evidence of plumes erupting from the surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa. We're becoming increasingly sure that there's a vast ocean of #water beneath Europa's icy crust. But does that ocean have a life?"…
2024-10-13 08:07:16

Ne soyons pas dupes. La "vérification de majorité en ligne" est en réalité "la vérification d'attributs en ligne".
La majorité n'est que le début ! Même l'Arcom adopte ce mot "d'attribut" au fil de son rapport.
À votre avis, quel sera le prochain attribut ?
Il faut réagir @…
En outre, rien n'a été fait dans ce protocole pour protéger les utilisateurs et utilisatrices. Ce sont les personnes dont on se méfie ; les fraudeurs et les fraudeuses. Et tant pis si ça fait fuiter des données de santé ! Et tant pis si ça permet d'associer des activités sur un site Š une identité réelle !
Parce que sous couvert de "majorité", si le site consulté collabore avec les autorités, on peut facilement associer une activité Š une personne. Or, le prochain objectif de la "vérification d'age en ligne", c'est les réseaux sociaux !! Et voilŠ comment la vielle lubie des politiciens pourra être satisfaite ! Enfin de l'identité réelle sur les réseaux sociaux !
2024-09-17 08:53:38

Trump’s love for Laura Loomer is disqualifying
She's beyond the pale even by MAGA standards.
by Noah Berlatsky
Sep 16, 2024
2024-08-19 12:16:37

Gute Nachrichten für gesellschaftliche Initiativen, die vom rechten Juristenmob und in Sachsen vom Landesrechnungshof wegen politischer Haltung angegangen werden (Gemeinnützigkeit/ Förderung):
> Der…
2024-09-14 10:12:16

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
SINOFAR: They have been recharged. I will see that your ship gets away.
BLAKE: Another reason why I didn't kill Travis: I would have enjoyed it. B7B1
2024-08-27 02:54:35

#LGBTQ People in the #Space Industry
…"Although there have been over 600 people in space, there has never been an openly LGBTQ #astronaut … it's important for us to examine the industry's historical treatme…
2024-09-14 08:04:04

whoa this is fun, getting off github pages with a handful of lines of redo, cmark, and a 10-line go server that embeds my files in the binary. computers are fun sometimes
2024-10-14 16:26:08

Old graphical editor prototype (2019/20) with various ways of managing multiple selections of graphical entities, incl. align/distribute, duplicate, invert, select/deselect region (box/convex hull). editor is generic. items could be files, shapes, mesh vertices, 2d/3d points, graph nodes, whatever...
Been re-animating this prototype and toying with integrating it into my personal note taking & media management tool to organize items into piles for batch-processing and to easier app…

Screenrecording of a graphical editor prototype showing a number of circles being duplicated/manipulated and re-arranged via a sequence of mouse gestures and keyboard commands (the most recently executed command is shown in the top-left corner). The steps are:

- turn on grid
- create/duplicate circles (with grid snapping)
- selecting all
- duplicating selection(s) to form an 8x8 layout
- manually selecting 4 circles and then all circles in the convex hull
- drawing multiple box selectio…
2024-08-25 18:23:42

Die #Bredowstraße in #Osnabrück wurde saniert. Eine kurze Rad Verbindung (ca 350m ges.) in der Osnabrücker Weststadt zwischen #ObereMartinistraße und

Rechts im Bild die Bonnuskirche. Blickrichtung Bredowstraße, die im Hintergrund zu erkennen ist. Davor die Obere Martinistraße.
Bredowstraße unterer Teil neu asphaltiert. Rechts seitlich durch starke Regenfälle und nicht ausreichender Verbund weggespültes Erdesandgemisch. Mittig eine Umlaufsperre.
Kurt Schumacher Damm Blickrichtung hoch zur neu asphaltierten Bredowstraße. Auf dem Radschutzstreifen liegt ein Erdesandgemisch.
Kurt Schumacher Damm Fahrtrichtung stadtauswärts. Auf dem Radschutzstreifen liegt ein Erdesandgemisch. Ein Radfahrer fährt durch das Erdesandgemisch. In Richtung rechts geht es hoch zur Bredowstraße.
2024-08-25 17:56:17

"#infinite #decimal #places"
@… has tooted a very interesting
2024-08-23 12:27:16

Nice to hear Henry Wood's orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition for a change.
2024-08-24 19:09:31

#Mathematicians Prove #Hawking Wrong About the Most Extreme #BlackHoles
2024-10-14 18:23:56

Beautiful & impressive 3D visualizations in this paper by Muyuan Chen:
"Rendering protein structures inside cells at the atomic level with Unreal Engine"
(The video is just …

3D animation of a fly-through of biological macromolecules at the atomic level, rendered in Unreal Engine.
2024-08-25 10:00:55

#VfL Stadion Sanierungsfinanzierung (in der Fantasie ~69Mio €) fast in trocknen Tüchern.
Nach Einsparungen bei der Erweiterung der Radinfrastruktur hat es nun auch die Vorstandsetage der Stadt #Osnabrück getroffen.

Screenshot Stadt Osnabrück, Thema Mobilitätswoche im September 2024

Dank für Fuß und Rad
Frühstück zum Mitnehmen an Osnabrücks neuester Fahrradstraße
Wann: Freitag, 20. September, 7.30 bis 8.30 Uhr
• Wo: an der Ernst-Sievers-Straße/Ecke Elisabethschule
Osnabrück wird um eine Fahrradstraße reicher — und das möchten wir feiern! Alle, die zu Fuß oder mit dem Rad vorbeikommen,
können sich am Freitagmorgen an der Elisabeth-schule in der Weststadt ein kostenloses Frühstück mitnehmen. Hier weih…
Elisabeth Schule in Osnabrück hängt selbst gestaltete Banner an Bäumen auf. 

Text Banner:
Besser Fahrrad als Auto fahren!
Links im Bild die Rückertstraße. Blickrichtung Kurt-Schumacher-Damm
Screenshot noz App

Erste Bildunterschrift:
Schlechtes Ergebnis beim Fahrradklima-Test
Radentscheid: Osnabrück ist beim
Radverkehr besser als sein Ruf.

Zweite Bildunterschrift:
Auf dem Gehweg unterwegs
Achtjähriger Radfahrer in Osnabrück
von Auto angefahren und leicht verletzt
2024-10-08 16:00:35

Boom, toutes les boites "IT" Š la con qui ont utilisé des noms de domaine en .io pour faire les malins.
Le TLD .io pourrait disparaitre Š plus ou moins court terme. Merci bisous.
On répète après moi : les noms de domaine ne sont PAS des outils marketing. Surtout les TLD. Ne laissez pas les noms de domaine dans les mains de vos marketeux.
Pour rappel, le guide DNS de l'ANSSI dont j'ai été l'auteur principal :
2024-08-19 16:08:18

Not sure how universal this is but I simply have no time or energy for "dumb" LLMs like Claude Haiku, or most open source models -- they are firmly in the Annoying Valley of pseudo-intelligence.

The diagram illustrates the concept of the "Annoying Valley" in AI development. It shows a graph with two axes:

1. The horizontal axis represents the breadth and depth of AI capabilities, ranging from narrow AI to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).
2. The vertical axis represents user satisfaction.

The graph depicts a curve that:

1. Starts low on the left (narrow AI capabilities)
2. Rises steadily as capabilities increase
3. Reaches a peak
4. Then dips into a trough labeled "The Annoying…
2024-08-24 12:31:56

Our latest piece for @… has gone through dozens of revisions in the past week. "Total" identifies the most extreme type of #LunarEclipse.
…"Lights out on the #Moon marks …
2024-08-23 04:54:22

• And, lastly, almost, to the #Ufology community, please look back through the thousands of #UFO #UAP sightings in the databases[. See] how many of the incidents were reported on the night of a
2024-10-08 19:24:24

In the following, replace:
- "school/education system" with "open source"
- "Western-style" with "supply chain security"
- "Developing countries" with "indie devs" or "FOSS developers"
- "richer nations" with "corporations/big tech"
...and see where we're at in #OpenSource
2024-08-16 13:03:16

Apparently Thai Post is based in Bulgaria!
2024-08-14 16:12:54

Gollinger Wasserfall #WaterfallWednesday #Salzburg #Austria #Österreich
2024-08-19 08:56:05

Zettu Rocca degli uccelli
Coordinate falesia:
Sono passati parecchi mesi dall'ultima volta che lo avevo scalato.
É una via di roccia morbida e fragile.
Sempre divertente da scalare.
#FreeSolo #finaleligure
2024-08-21 11:49:03

…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
2024-08-18 10:57:28

Kurze Randinfo zur #RheinerLandstraße.
Da wurde noch in ein paar Malerarbeiten investiert. Im oberen Bereich (Krematorium) vor der Bushaltestelle wurde der Radschutzstreifen rot gekennzeichnet/lackiert.

 Im oberen Bereich der Rheiner Landstraße in Osnabrück (Krematorium) vor der Bushaltestelle wurde der Radschutzstreifen rot gekennzeichnet. Radfahrer fahren in Richtung stadteinwärts auf dem frisch lackierten Radschutzstreifen.
2024-08-28 11:59:09

Dramatic evening #clouds reaching across the #sky, above a distant town's lights on the #horizon at the bottom of the frame, mixed in with silhouettes of shadowy #trees. At upper right is the bright #Moon shining through a few clouds. Immersive #MoonPhoto retooted from katrintheresa (@…). Rich, moody dark sky work.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #nightsky #landscape #city #lights #moonlight
2024-08-20 17:45:53

Community #TimeTravel Research has the latest details on The #KrononautMoon Project and organizing efforts around the Total Lunar Eclipse (#TLEclipse) to experimentally contact
2024-08-16 10:08:21

Check out the story of The #KrononautMoon Project, now on @….
Just months away, 2025 will see 2 Total #LunarEclipses (TLEs) — on 14 Mar & 07 Sep. Why & how did the TLE …
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-08-17 22:47:59

10 Things #StephenHawking Taught Us about the #Concept of #TimeTravel
Also, check out @…@…
2024-08-28 17:02:42

#Fediverse #Inconography
retooted from wakest ⁂ ( Expanding collection of #icons & #logos from far-flung corners of the #Fedisphere. Take a brief moment to scroll through all these #images. It's a nice feeling.

🔗 #Graphics #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #federation #branding #blackandwhite #mastodon #pixelfed
2024-08-09 14:03:10

The traditions and promises of #TimeTravel are both drop-dead serious and drop-dead hilarious. Those are the #duality.
"On the Night of the Total Lunar Eclipse,
Time Travelers descend in their Timeships."
2024-08-11 13:54:39

Cresta ONO della Rocca dell’abisso!
#alpinismo #andarepercreste

Torrioni Saragat visti dal lago superiore di Peyrafica
Cresta ONO della Rocca dell’abisso vista dal colle dell’abisso
Croce di vetta della rocca dell’abisso
Il mio faccione prima di salire per ripide rocette
2024-08-24 18:12:14

#Sun & #Moon retooted from our #astrophotography #friend, webcubus (@…). Stunning visuals, webcubus!
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #telephoto #closeup #sunspots #WaningGibbous
2024-08-09 13:10:39

Vagando qua e lŠ per l’UJA di Nasta
#alpinismo #Nasta #montagna

Passaggio appena superato!
Il mio faccione…
2024-08-29 13:18:41

Dark #landscape study in #blackandwhite presents a brilliant hazy #Moon above a black ridge of #trees, reflected below in white shimmers on water. Mostly #black composition. Strong #MoonPhoto retooted from #photog Markus (@…). Striking #image, Markus.
🔗 #Monochrome #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #dark #moody #reflection #atmospheric #nature #photography
2024-08-29 01:45:43

#TEDed: What is #Quantum #Entanglement?
…"The everyday world you know and love behaves according to the laws of #ClassicalMechanics
2024-08-28 13:58:28

A little niche lit: #LGBTQIA Time Travel #Books 🏳️‍🌈 📚
Trans-dimensional & inclusive #speculative #scifi
2024-08-24 17:56:51

Small #Moon in a #blue #sky high over a hilly field of #olive #trees, with a few #buildings in the distance. #MoonPhoto retooted from Ragazza Senza Grazie (@…). Nice #landscape work, Ragazza.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon
2024-08-29 07:59:41

#KaterMurch at #WashU: #Building '#TimeTraveling' #Quantum
2024-08-26 22:19:15

#Consciousness & #WaveFunction
#SabineHossenfelder: "The reason that [Sir Roger] #Penrose thinks that the…
2024-08-27 23:47:49

Taking flight. Lovely #minimalist composition of a #gibbousMoon on a clear #blue #sky with no #clouds. A large #bird, possibly a #heron, winging along nearby. #MoonPhoto retooted from Jim Rion・ライオンジミー (@…). Jim, we are sure we'd call this a "good" and "interesting" picture. Looking forward to boosting & retooting more of your #lunar #photographs.
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #bird #flight
2024-08-25 15:38:07

Sequence of 3 full-frame #MoonPhotos in glowing #orange #gold, emerging from behind silhouetted #trees. Retooted from John Krantz (@…). Very nice #lunar imagery, John.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #photography #astrophotography #moon #lune #luna
2024-08-28 20:57:20

Gorgeous #Moon in a deep #blue #nightsky over the #bronze #hills of #Scicli #town in #Sicily #Italy. Terrific #MoonPhoto from our #foto #friend Salvo Micciché (@…). Excellent capture, Salvo.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #leica_camera #night #sky #photography
2024-08-26 15:55:46

#Trees reaching up to the #waning #crescent #Moon floating in an open #blue #shy. Gentle, cheerful #MoonPhoto retooted from Silvia Sšnchez (@…). Lovely image, Silvia. Looks like a tiny #bird flying near the upper right branches.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #halfmoon #quartermoon #waningcrescent #waningmoon #photography
2024-08-28 19:41:55

Bright #Moon at upper left with #Mars below and #Jupiter at right. #Celestial bodies floating in shimmering, mostly empty dark night sky, over the #cityLights of #Bochum #Germany. #MoonPhoto retooted from #science #writer and #astrophotographer Daniel Fisher (@…). Impressive photograph.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #germany #deutschland #mond #astronomy #nightsky #planets
2024-08-27 16:07:53

Four atmospheric studies in #gray #silver & a #cream colored #Moon nested in the #mountains. #MoonPhotos retooted from #photographer Lehi's Photography (@…). Cool series of #lunar #images.
🔗 #PinkMoon #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #photography #landscape #nature #moon #lune #luna #写真 #月
2024-08-26 18:07:35

Dark #gray #sky composition with a #fullMoon (in second image) just below center frame, between thin fenceposts (or are these masts of #sailboats?) and above a near-black ground that fills up most of the bottom of the picture. Somber and beautiful #MoonPhoto retooted from Kira (@…). Gorgeous #twilight #photos, Kira, and belated Happy Birthday!
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #horizon #quiet #thought #photography #lune #luna #月
2024-08-09 13:48:23

…"Geoff Danek, a #Hampden #Baltimore #MD #US
2024-08-20 14:04:06

Brilliant #SturgeonMoon with #voiceover, shining above #HellsKitchen in #NewYorkCity. Lovely big city #lunar observation from another first-time retootee PerryTrails (@…).
Great movie, Perry. We're looking fwd to retooting and boosting more of your #MoonPhoto work.
🔗 #NYC #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #GayTravel
2024-08-23 06:07:11

#Dark #spooky #cosmic & #fun #photo of the #Moon on a #black #sky, rolling down a #hill. Beautiful #minimalist #MoonPhoto retooted from What's a fun name? (@…).
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon
2024-08-20 14:16:51

#Abstract #Impressionist #Pointillist composition in shades of #purple #plum capturing the #FullMoon floating near dark #trees in a #nightsky with #clouds. "Over corrected" processed #MoonPhoto retooted from (@…).
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #abstraction
2024-08-18 23:05:39

"red #moon tonight"
Enormous, gorgeous, brilliant #rose #gold near-full #MoonPhoto from our #foto #friend Arthurr :debian: ⏚ (@…).
Hey PieR @… thx for the #poke! 🤗
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #FullMoon #Lune #Luna
2024-08-24 17:10:42

#Jax #FL #US #SuperMoon in silvery #clouds & #pink #blossoms. Another colorful #MoonPhoto retooted from our #foto #friend Bryan 🏳️‍🌈 Pixelfed (@…). Really lovely, Bryan!
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #sky #light #color #flowers #trees #PixelFed
2024-08-20 13:50:20

Terrific #timelapse #GIF #animation of the #FullMoon #SuperBlueMoon peeking through racing #dark #clouds. #MoonPhoto from first-time retootee Liam Lynch (@…).
Stunning #astrophoto work, Liam. We'd love to retoot & boost more of your #lunar #imagery.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #SuperMoon #BlueMoon
2024-08-18 00:41:20

"The Moon just pulled out and processed a moment ago... Lovely always..."
3 more fine #closeup #BlackAndWhite #images of the #Moon from our #foto #friend Estrellas Compartidas ☮️ (@…).
🔗 #OuterSpace #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #Astronomy #Astrophotography #Craters #Lune #Lune
2024-08-18 20:14:10

Please take lots of #MoonPhotos to share of the #August #FullMoon — The #Sturgeon #Moon — on Monday 19 Aug 2024 UTC 18:26.
There will be 6 more Full Moons before the #WormMoon on 14 Mar 2025, and the #TotalLunarEclipse marking the next #KrononautMoon — the night for welcoming #TimeTravelers. Check out @…'s article on for the latest Community #TimeTravel Research.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #KrononautMoon #KronoMoon #Celebration