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2024-05-26 01:17:49
2024-04-25 13:46:30

The need to build housing bumps up against NIMBYism and growth concerns in my community. We're a rural area on the edge of Toronto so there's tremendous pressure to start paving farmland (HWY 413 will cut through the southern portion of Caledon) and increase the population. I worry about sprawl, because that's the majority of approved projects, and not creating walkable, livable towns with GO connections.
#Caledon #HousingCrisis
2024-05-27 01:00:08

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016)
Networks of interactions among users from four online Q&A sites: Stack Overflow, Math Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu. A directed edge (i,j) indicates a user i responded to user j's post. Edges are timestamped. For each Q&A site, four differently defined networks are provided, based on the definition of an edge: (i) a user answered a question, (ii) a user commented on a question, (iii) a user commented on an answer…

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016). 79155 nodes, 327513 edges.
2024-05-26 19:46:52

While frantically preparing for my vacation after just coming back from PyCon (don’t ask), I’ve pushed out that adds support for the new ubuntu-24.04 builders and the n…
2024-05-26 20:30:35

Ask your local candidates if they have a fediverse account so you know which ones to block.
2024-05-26 10:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Marginalia web search engine.
2024-04-27 01:35:58

'Where's Cricket?' Don't Ask. Kristi Noem Defends Killing Her Dog. (Anjali Huynh/New York Times)

"The more AI companies and their corporate fans recklessly push boundaries, smaller more user-focused companies can hone in on what's actually decent and useful."
2024-04-26 22:14:13

Also, “Providence trained staff to aggressively ask for payment from patients who were likely eligible for financial assistance, or simply billed them without determining if they qualified.”
Providence Catholic health care system to pay more than $200 million for unpaid wages
2024-05-26 04:12:48

"How well do the PC fan #CRBoxes work", you ask?
Normally my AQI monitor sits at 1 with windows closed. With windows open, as outdoor AQI has been around 30-40 recently, the indoor monitor has been around 5.
I had a number of windows open earlier today, and had to close most of them when outdoor AQI spiked up to 60 in the past ~4 hours. Now I have one window open, and w…

Screenshot from, showing Air Quality In NYC's live AQI index is currently (as of midnight) at 73.
A PC fan CR box. It has 8 black (arctic P12) PC fans on top, a 20x20 filter on one side, and a 10x20 filter on the other side.

There's also a random cat toy on the floor (a fish).
On the left (above a radiator), a single-hung window open about 5 inches. Along with various "artwork" on the walls (lol, kids), next to the window there's a blue chair and then a metal stool and the AQI monitor on the stool; probably about 4 feet away from the window? The AQI monitor's display reads PM2.5 @ 2.7 , while AQI is 11. The AQI monitor also has a pair of eye stickers on it because, again, lol kids.
2024-05-27 10:01:17

If you're interested in trying #Linux, feel free to ask me any questions about it. I've been on it since the late 90s, so there's a decent chance I can answer your questions.
2024-04-25 10:01:08
Content warning: "blunders" of the state

"doesn't the government know that this will have bad consequence XYZ?"
they might, they might not. it's the wrong question. ask: do they have a reason to care?
the one thing that makes it easiest to disregard the interests of the people around you, is to rule over them. that's the point.
ask whether it helps their claim to power. though means of oppression, demagoguery or maintaining the privilege hierarchy. that usually explains it pretty well.
2024-05-26 12:37:04

I can't tell you how much I feel the missing-ness of @… from this earth. There's a big, gaping void where she should be. It's massive. How has the world not stopped turning to ask where she's gone? How have the trains not stopped and the shops shut?
2024-04-27 09:27:16

A friend of my mom's helped organize a technology expo (meant to inspire the youth and such), and my mom got invited to it, but she couldn't attend. So me and my dad went. We arrive, we follow the first crowd that we see but that lends us at a building for an educational course on safety management. So we try and follow a different crowd to a different building. While we go in that different direction we pass two stewards there and ask them if they knew where it was, they didn't …
2024-05-23 21:20:20

It's on YOU shrimp glutons! 🍤😜
“The casual dining chain, which at its peak operated 700 restaurants across the U.S. and Canada, posted major financial losses in the U.S. in late 2023 — partly due to an all-you-can-eat-shrimp promotion that became a permanent staple of its menu last summer.”
2024-05-26 12:30:21

#today my paper is in 'minor revisions' which I think is because of some misunderstanding in marked-up vs clean versions. So, nearly hurrah!
(Yes the journal did send it to us, and both my supervisors have chipped in on a long-weekend Sunday morning; why do you ask?)
2024-04-24 19:04:52

If I download a free version of your product to look at some proprietary-format doc, and you start flooding me with advertising email, and when I hit "unsubscribe" you ask me for my email address, it’s the report-spam button for you. Every time.
In this case, it’s Lucidchart’s turn in the spambox.
2024-05-25 05:33:55

next time we rent a place i should just ask my headmate to deal with the landlord. she doesn't get panic attacks triggered by "email"
2024-05-23 17:07:31

I was asked to ELI5 the DDG-Microsoft downtime.
"It's like I ask you to set the table, but your older brother does it for you, without telling me. Like a washing machine which sends the clothes to a bigger machine in a basement; and when the pipes get clogged, all our neighbours' clothes go unwashed. Or a calculator where you write 2 2 and it phones someone across the globe to ask the answer; when the phone breaks or they speak different languages, you get no answer from t…
2024-05-24 06:12:24

When you tell Gemini you're going to ask Copilot to do something it won't do, it tries to convince you to stay 😂

Can you draw pictures for me?

I’m still learning to create images so I can’t help you with that yet.
profile picture
OK, then I have to ask copilot.

Hold on, I can still be helpful even if I can't directly draw!  There are ways I can assist you with creating pictures:

    Brainstorming Ideas: Tell me what you want to draw and I can help you brainstorm ideas, find reference images, and break down the subject into simpler shapes.
    Giving Instructions: If you're using Copilot, I can help you…
2024-05-27 06:43:13

Whenever someone bashes Millennials (or any other generation) I want to ask them whether they are talking about age or cohort effects. But I didn't have this helpful wording at hand
"Age effects are changes that happen over someone's life regardless of when they are born, period effects result from events that affect all ages simultaneously, and cohort effects stem from differences that emerge among people who experience a common event at the same time."
2024-05-26 06:32:45

Still illegal @…
You are not allowed to ask for money in order to NOT track and spy and sell our data via ads.
2024-05-25 16:29:43

Ask yourself:
When a 75 year old man jerks off is he looking at naked pics of 75 year old women?
#AgeAppropriate #StopTheHysteria
2024-05-25 03:24:53

An #LLM with all the smoke and mirrors of statistical and analytic processing of the best of them, but based solely on the complete corpus of Shakespeare’s writings.
Ask any question and its reply will be in his words.
2024-04-27 01:35:58

'Where's Cricket?' Don't Ask. Kristi Noem Defends Killing Her Dog. (Anjali Huynh/New York Times)

On Trump's latest schtick
2024-05-25 09:46:25

Webseiten welche in ihren AGB/TOS verbieten, dass man Links auf sie setzt. Ist das ein angelsächsisches Problem oder kennt das jemand auch in der Schweiz (oder im deutschsprachigen Raum)?
2024-05-22 13:48:46

The Low-Paid Humans Behind AI’s Smarts Ask Biden to Free Them From ‘Modern Day Slavery’
African workers who label #AI data and screen social posts for US tech giants are calling on President Biden to raise their plight with Kenya's president, William Ruto, who visits the US this week.
2024-05-26 19:04:18

Recent picture from Cowboys' OTAs practice raises intrigue around crucial battle for starting role
2024-04-25 20:36:53

Look, Google, it's not that hard.
When I hit the "gi" shortcut in my browser, I want to do a Google-Image search, not some kind of reverse image-search where I identify images for you.
I give you text, you give me images! That's the deal!
Now the tables have turned it seems.
Now, when I say "gi", you ask me to identify images for you?
This is too many times. No more.
The apprentice has surpassed the master.
/me edits bookmarks.
"gi" will no longer mean "Google Image Search", it will bizarrely because of historic finger-memory, mean "search duck-duck-go for images"
Because Google just gives you adverts and spam and AI training challenges instead of actual search results now.
Thanks google. Now I have to trade time editing configurations in return for #boosts and #likes.
And I #block you from my default image search.
2024-05-26 07:14:22

#LetGrow heard from an OT using our guidebook to Independence Therapy! Here are the results she shared, "She’s not the only child I’ve worked with on improving independence, but her transformation is one I won’t forget."
Learn more 👉
2024-05-24 17:17:24

It is nice that VS Code allows code windows to be dragged out, but I really need to be able to drag out the results window (the one with terminal, ports,...).
The results window is almost always too small to make sense of build output, and when it is big enough, it is too big and obscures the code window.
Yes, I write C . Why do you ask?
2024-05-24 22:42:44

Just completed an #Amtrack survey about "how I travel".
Funny thing is, they didn't ask what barriers prevent me from taking the train, or how I would like to travel.
Oh well.
#trains #travel
2024-05-24 22:42:44

Just completed an #Amtrack survey about "how I travel".
Funny thing is, they didn't ask what barriers prevent me from taking the train, or how I would like to travel.
Oh well.
#trains #travel
2024-05-24 07:16:34

I feel seen… 😳
2024-06-10 04:00:50

Ask A Builder
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

Ask A Builder
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-26 07:29:21

When does a bent concatenation not belong to the completed Maiorana-McFarland class?
Sadmir Kudin, Enes Pasalic, Alexandr Polujan, Fengrong Zhang
2024-05-14 20:45:32

Reddit launches new tools for its Ask Me Anything Q&A feature, including a dedicated AMA tab, support for up to five guest hosts, and promotional options (Lauren Forristal/TechCrunch)
2024-05-23 15:00:19

All right friends, I've been feeling really inspired this week and wanted to do something creative. I like #sketchnoting to channel my creativity and mix it with something useful.
Since people often ask me how I create #sketchnotes, I thought I might create a free email course.

2024-04-25 20:36:53

Look, Google, it's not that hard.
When I hit the "gi" shortcut in my browser, I want to do a Google-Image search, not some kind of reverse image-search where I identify images for you.
I give you text, you give me images! That's the deal!
Now the tables have turned it seems.
Now, when I say "gi", you ask me to identify images for you?
This is too many times. No more.
The apprentice has surpassed the master.
/me edits bookmarks.
"gi" will no longer mean "Google Image Search", it will bizarrely because of historic finger-memory, mean "search duck-duck-go for images"
Because Google just gives you adverts and spam and AI training challenges instead of actual search results now.
Thanks google. Now I have to trade time editing configurations in return for #boosts and #likes.
And I #block you from my default image search.
2024-05-24 09:58:06

Las IA no sólo roban a Scarlett Johansson, también roban a trabajadores del países africanos
2024-05-23 21:44:42

ℹ️ ASK ME OR @… ABOUT that fr-fr-fresh #11Feed homegrown #11ty self-hosted offline #RSS
2024-05-23 06:26:39

Politico: Zelensky to visit France, Italy, urge NATO to down Russian missiles over Ukraine:
2024-05-24 07:28:35

Richard Murphy on the Post Office enquiry
"... if Paula Vennells is to be believed, she apparently undertook her tasks as chief executive of the Post Office in some sort of bubble, entirely isolated from the organisation ...
"... how did someone so apparently unaware of the demands of a job at senior director level get appointed as CEO of the Post Office? Was it precisely because she did not ask awkward questions?"
Good article.
#PaulaVennells #PostOfficeEnquiry #UK
2024-05-17 19:25:46

Senators Politely Ask Clarence Thomas To Cut The Crap - Above the Law
2024-05-24 03:51:01

Great news in Toronto where some councillors tried to ask the province legislate where protests should be even if nobody could name a single problematic protest that could have been prevented.
Thankfully the mayor and majority voted against this idea.
Lily Cheng of course doesn’t waste any opportunity to vote to give more power to the police.
2024-05-25 03:24:53

An #LLM with all the smoke and mirrors of statistical and analytic processing of the best of them, but based solely on the complete corpus of Shakespeare’s writings.
Ask any question and its reply will be in his words.
2024-04-27 01:18:05

We should learn to ask people:
"Do you admit that it's a #taboo?"
"Do you admit that no #RationalDiscussion of it is permitted?"
"Are you okay with the fact that none of these ideas have any
2024-05-25 05:53:33

$work has started an "AI study group" to "find ways to use AI in what we do", which is about as useful as saying "let's find ways to use this ham sandwich in what we do". (My best guess is that this is so $pe_owner can ask for more when they eventually sell the company.)
2024-07-22 12:00:41

I have many #goals that I want to achieve, but I have not the slightest idea on where to start, or what specific question to even ask. Sometimes I'm told that things just "worked out" for others, but it clearly hasn't for me! How do I start a CS career? How do I prepare for academic research on something that's outside my expertise? How do I network professionally? How do I prepa…
2024-05-22 12:56:14

I know what it means / to work hard on machines / it's a labour of love / so please don't ask me why / you take me up / oh-ho
2024-05-21 10:38:38

I have a question I almost don't dare to ask: is there such a thing as SEO that is not either shady or trivial? Like, you have the basics covered (page is machine-readable HTML, robtos.txt has no syntax errors, metatags, opengraph, etc.), but a SEO agency told you things that you didn't expect, that actually helped in noticeable ways, and that aren't "try to find shady ways to get links from third parties or trick the algorithm"? (DM or mail if you don't want to sha…
2024-06-08 20:54:08

Washington Post CEO Will Lewis: Ask Me Anything Except About That Phone Hack Cover-Up
2024-05-22 13:25:06

700 pages for a statement that seems to amount to I didn't know, I wasn't told, I can't remember; isn't going to convince a jury let alone the Judge conducting this Inquiry.
Especially as she didn't ask.
2024-04-25 19:17:07

My mum asked about an app.
She was diagnosed with Parkinson's at the same time as she was panicking about the pandemic, while also coping with caring for my fairly newly paraplegic father.
She heard of:
#boostsAppreciated #parkinsons
2024-05-24 22:42:44

Just completed an #Amtrack survey about "how I travel".
Funny thing is, they didn't ask what barriers prevent me from taking the train, or how I would like to travel.
Oh well.
#trains #travel
2024-05-20 14:59:49

Hey folx, can I ask a favour? For a while now I've been volunteering, and more recently working, for @… and since 2013 they have done soo much incredible work for and with the #LGBTQ community, including E.D.E.N. Digital, and Transforming Cinema - film festival championing …
2024-05-16 10:22:34

Ahh, bollocks. A yellow warning for heavy rain this afternoon.
And have I gone into the office today? Funny you should ask: yes, yes I have.
And have I brought a coat or umbrella with me? Funny you should ask: no, no I haven't.
And so will I look like a drowned rat on the way home? Answers on a postcard, please.
2024-04-25 12:37:24

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CraigCharles
🎵 Don't Ask
2024-06-18 04:30:59

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
Rita Ora:
🎵 Ask & You Shall Receive
2024-05-24 21:48:32

Republican AGs Ask Supreme Court to Block Climate Change Suits by Several States | Associated Press
2024-05-14 20:45:32

Reddit launches new tools for its Ask Me Anything Q&A feature, including a dedicated AMA tab, support for up to five guest hosts, and promotional options (Lauren Forristal/TechCrunch)
2024-05-21 10:32:01

Today I finally had the time and opportunity to climb the tower of my hometown's town hall for the first time in 20 years. You just have to ask the porter and he opens the door to the stairs for free (no elevator). #Braunschweig #Brunswick

View from a tower onto a square with half-timbered buildings and a bronze sculpture of a lion in the middle. More modern buildings can be seen in the background and the chimney of a power station is far away. The weather is sunny and the sky is very blue.
A neo-Gothic building with a tower that looks a bit like Big Ben, photographed from the square in front of the building. It is sunny and the sky is very blue.
2024-05-09 18:51:16

Ask Hackaday: Do You Calibrate Your Instruments?
Ask Hackaday: Do You Calibrate Your Instruments? Like many of you, I have a bench full of electronic instruments. The newest is my Rigo…
2024-05-23 21:44:42

ℹ️ ASK ME OR @… ABOUT that fr-fr-fresh #11Feed homegrown #11ty self-hosted offline #RSS
2024-05-20 11:17:36

So many years I ask for it and ING in Germany still can't show me an actual balance of my account in their app.
2024-05-07 19:00:27

@… my ask is that you not use ask in this way
2024-05-24 20:54:08

Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic - The New York Times
2024-06-17 15:53:22

Sometimes people ask me why I stabilize #Gentoo #Python packages after 2 weeks, rather than following the usual standard of 4 weeks.
The answer is simple: expecting tests in these packages to still pass whole 4 weeks after the release is a bit much.
2024-05-03 14:11:23

Rams GM Les Snead reveals when he may ask Aaron Donald to come out of retirement
2024-06-15 16:35:27

AI and autonomous everything - some more thoughts on how AI will be used in business
It's gonna be like Ask Jeeves on steroids!

AI generated image using prompt: make me an image that shows ai and autonomous systems
2024-05-16 18:02:46

👋 Hello benevolent @… overlord @…. Is it possible to ask for a template format hook that would make @…

Example of `beforeCompile` that is responsible for turning the result of page.render() into a string if it’s not already.

Lately, Republicans have been getting one simple question:
“Will you accept the results of the 2024 election, regardless of its outcome?”
Their responses keep exposing that election denialism has taken over the party.
The very fact journalists feel it necessary to ask this question
is alarming and would’ve been unheard of less than a decade ago.
A stable democracy relies on free and fair elections
where candidates and their supporters accept and abide b…
2024-05-18 16:31:12

@… To me the most insulting thing about their logic is the assumption that they should even have a say.
I wrote my answer, I’m the author. I didn’t ask for your input on whether deleting it is senseless or not, I don’t care.
2024-06-17 00:22:03

You can now ask @… questions and it will respond based upon a short node script (*that is not using an LLM*). :ablobgrin:
2024-05-12 20:17:02

You can spin the whole "people leave if you ask them to go back to office" thing as "stupid companies" but given how they are currently all trying to juice their stock value with layoffs doing that work for them doesn't sound like them being dumb, it saves on severance and shit.
2024-06-15 15:19:30

Remember that time I made a perfect YouTube and Vimeo web component that is progressively enhanced and accessible and nobody said anything about it proving that it is indeed perfect?
That was cool.
2024-04-24 18:06:01

People are mocking the Green Party London Mayor candidate for having a target of zero murders in a city of eight million people.
But I ask you, if her opponents were undershooting their targets, what would they do?
Would they really murder people just to get up to the target number?
The best number of murders is zero murders and it's weird anyone thinks otherwise.
#london #mayor
2024-06-09 01:00:55

It Can't Hurt To Ask
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

It Can't Hurt To Ask
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-06-17 14:05:49

Dear students: I do appreciate that you build gangs and discuss concepts even if it is literally only 20 minutes before your oral exam. But as I have the door open and witness your discussions, be assured I'll ask you about the other ones ;)
2024-05-17 08:25:25

Maybe it's time for the internet to fork… One for AI, and the rest of the capitalistic crap that the majority of people didn't ask for, and another for actual humans.
2024-05-26 03:17:32

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheMorningAfterMix
Nina Simone:
🎵 That's All I Ask
2024-06-12 16:37:20

Question for #disabled people: if you could ask your General Election candidates one #disability-related question, what would you ask?
2024-06-12 05:01:38

Ask not what your country will do for you. Ask what you will do for a Klondike bar.
#mashupfoodandfamousquotes #HashtagGames
2024-06-16 18:22:26

"Our task today is to stop the Russian offensive in Kharkiv Oblast":
2024-05-15 21:23:57

Pet peeve:
🛫 = plane taking off
🛫 = plane landing
🛬 = plane crashing
no, it’s not easy to live with my brain why do you ask
2024-06-04 17:13:03

Lawyers ask Cannon to let them back Jack Smith at hearing
2024-05-23 00:46:34

She might be 20. She might be 15.
You have no idea.
Ask your father if he thinks she's sexy.
#RespectYoungAdults #StopTheHysteria
2024-06-16 18:22:26

"Our task today is to stop the Russian offensive in Kharkiv Oblast":
2024-05-22 13:03:26

America has never abandoned its bizarre, stupid, and destructive puritan roots. The hysterical overreaction to Janet Jackson's boob is an example. Nobody ever stops to ask "Who was actually hurt?" So there is no reasoned discussion. There is only taboo and insanity.
2024-05-08 17:08:52

Advocates Ask Supreme Court to Back Louisiana's New Mostly Black House District

More than a year after a Travis County jury convicted Daniel Perry of 💥murdering a protester in Austin💥,
👉Gov. Greg Abbott pardoned the former U.S. Army sergeant on Thursday shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended a full pardon.
A Texas state district court judge sentenced Perry in May 2023 to 25 years in prison for shooting and killing U.S. Air Force veteran Garrett Foster during a 2020 demonstration protesting police brutality against people of color. <…

More than a year after a Travis County jury convicted Daniel Perry of 💥murdering a protester in Austin💥,
👉Gov. Greg Abbott pardoned the former U.S. Army sergeant on Thursday shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended a full pardon.
A Texas state district court judge sentenced Perry in May 2023 to 25 years in prison for shooting and killing U.S. Air Force veteran Garrett Foster during a 2020 demonstration protesting police brutality against people of color. <…
2024-06-07 06:44:42

‘Unusual’ cancers emerged after pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame. - The Washington Post