2024-11-30 14:37:52
McLaren toxic environment strikes back #QatarGP
McLaren toxic environment strikes back #QatarGP
Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing
(2022, tilaajille) Lihansyöntiä perustellaan usein tunteella eikä järjellä #eläinoikeudet #liha https://www.hs.fi…
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
AVON: They couldn't. Which means that that one has been fitted with a new form of main drive unit.
ORAC: Which also means that the photonic space drive has been finally perfected by Dr. Plaxton.
So uh.. this year #DoctorWho Christmas special was really good?
The Blue Genie Art Bazaar opened yesterday November 15 and runs through December 24 at 6100 Airport Blvd 10am-10pm every day (10-6 December 24) bluegenieartbazaar.com #nakatsubyjna #handmade #vinylbags nakatsubyj…
(2021) Eläintalous on ilmastokriisin tikittävä aikapommi, mutta siihen on yksinkertainen ratkaisu: kasvisruoka ja keinoliha – Ruoan vallankumous näyttää jo alkaneen #eläinoikeudet #eläintuotanto
Nice, @…'s blog post about #Bundler's new checksums is worth a read:
Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
BLAKE: We'll pull out. Give it another hour.
[Inside the Security station]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/205/168 B7B2
Falleció #BeatrizSarlo. Podría recordarla por un millón de ensayos, logros y entrevistas. Pero elijo hacerlo con estas anécdotas porque cuando sea grande apunto a ser igual de hincha pelotas y lúcido.
Gracias por tanto
Allekirjoita vetoomus koirien puolesta! #eläinoikeudet #koirat #Yulin
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 08 - Games
TARRANT: Well not exactly. These things chuck the lot at you. Flying the real thing's nothing after one of these.
GAMBIT: Countdown eight minutes, still running.
Älä osta mitään -päivä!
Luontoliiton "Älä osta mitään -päivää vietetään joka vuosi kiitospäivän jälkeisenä perjantaina, samana päivänä kuin mustaa perjantaita eli Black Fridayta.
Teemapäivän tarkoituksena on haastaa pohtimaan kulutuspäätöksiä ja niiden vaikutusta ympäristöön.
Vuoden 2024 Älä osta mitään -päivää vietetään perjantaina 29.11.
Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: [To Dayna] Stay with him.
[Somewhere else on the Liberator]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/305/276 B7B3
Viranomaiset varoittavat: Suomen turkistarhaus aiheuttaa edelleen pandemiariskin https://animaliamedia.fi/viranomaiset-varoittavat-suomen-turkistarhaus-aiheuttaa-edelleen-pandemiariskin/
Animalia kumosi jälleen …
Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all been good!
Metsäkatoasetus: jäsenvaltiot hylkäsivät Euroopan parlamentin kaoottiset muutokset #luonto #ympäristö #metsä
Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Another calculated risk?
DAYNA: Try and get the sums right this time.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/413/180 B7B5
Dank des #pixelfed-hypes spült es auch wieder meinen Account ins Vorderhirn, der genauso brach liegt wie die 2 TB an unbearbeiteten raw-Fotos auf dem NAS. 🙈
Vaadi loppua kunniaan liittyvälle väkivallalle: allekirjoita vetoomus! #ihmisoikeudet https://ihmisoikeusliitto.fi/loppu-kunniaan-liittyvalle-vakivallalle/…
Series C, Episode 04 - Dawn of the Gods
DAYNA: It had a sort of claw.
AVON: Designed to tear things apart. Space craft, for example.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/304/219 B7B4
Vantaalaisesta joutomaasta viherkeitaaksi #Vantaa #luonto #ympäristö
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus
VILA: What's Cally supposed to have?
TARRANT: No time for a discussion, Vila. You stay here.
I think that I might have a neat idea for something at a #Ruby / #Rails #conference that people might talk about.
To do that I'd need someone to
Kuvat näyttävät: Espan hinnakkaat palmut hylättiin joutomaalle Helsingissä https://www.hs.fi/helsinki/art-2000010843345.html
Kaupunki vei joutomaalle hylätyt Espan puut suojaan: ”Tuollaiset puut kestävät pientä pakkasta”
Finally, the soundtrack of the #Paris2024 Opening Ceremony is published. This was certainly the highlight of the ceremony for me, Victor Le Masne did an amazing work.
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
BLAKE: Well, I doubt whether we'd understand the manuals, so go ahead and try one. Go on.
JENNA: Well, don't blame me if it's self-destruct.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/103/50 B7B2
Welches (FOSS-)Tool nimmt man denn, wenn man ein 3D Modell für ein Holzmöbelprojekt anfertigen will?
Thierry Neuville, FINALLY 2024 #WRC champion!! A decade in the making.
Really sad that it came at the expense of Tanak who was driving masterfully, but really excited to see what these two can do next year!
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
TARRANT: Here, try her with this. Should snap her out of it.
VILA: That stuff would snap an asteroid out of orbit.
Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
TARRANT: What use will that be? The main drive chamber can't be pressurized. How do you carry out a delicate repair operation wearing a spacesuit and gauntlets?
VILA: I don't.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/404/48 B7B5
Series C, Episode 01 - Aftermath
MELLANBY: Come and sit down.
AVON: Thank you.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/301/185 B7B4
Übrigens: Benutzt #NewPipe, statt nativen Youtube-Clients.
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Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown
JENNA: It all happened so quickly. One minute he was crying with pain, then he went beserk.
VILA: I'm glad he's a friend. Could get very painful if he really didn't like you.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/110/10 B7B3
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: Wait. Wait. Wait, on the turn... Easy now...
[Space Command]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/305/308 B7B1
So I've finally had some time to watch #SkeletonCrew. Really enjoyed these first episodes and I hope the series continues that way. But more importantly, let's hope that #StarWars keeps doing these shows about exploring the galaxy and it's countless universes other than to keep everything …
Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
VILA: All I said was what do you think of the outfit.
ZEN: Repair monitors report explosive device attached to primary power channel.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/105/95 B7B5
(2022) Valtaosa munivista kanoista kärsii rintalastan murtumista, kertovat tutkimukset #eläinoikeudet #kana #kananmuna
Series C, Episode 02 - Powerplay
DAYNA: Whh, he's just one less to deal with, do we care why? [pause] But why leave him sitting there?
AVON: To delay discovery and give the murderer a chance to get away.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/302/286 B7B4
Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
MORI: [V.O.] If you come in that approach, you will find no detectors to pick you up, and no opposition.
SERVALAN: Excellent. We will regroup immediately and approach on that bearing.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/303/565 B7B3
Es fliegen Solarstrom-Statistiken durch die Timeline, aber man hat selber keine Möglichkeit eine eigene Anlage zu betreiben:
Series D, Episode 02 - Power
GUNN SAR: Go where?
NINA: Escape.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/402/358 B7B2
But in better news today I also finished #Frieren and holy cow that was amazing, can't wait for season 2.
My full review: https://boxd.it/80sUvz
#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
BLAKE: Just get started on the door. [Avon fires again and starts to run but trips and falls.]
BLAKE: Avon! [The wires grow toward each other.]
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 05 - Animals
DAYNA: He isn't interested in offers. He doesn't want Federation help or any help. He just wants to be left alone.
SERVALAN: He can't be left alone. Surely you can see that. You have his affection, yes? He trusts you. Then all you do is go and tell him to do a deal with us.
Ok. Bitwarden musste im letzten Release ganz dringend die UI des Firefox-Plugins verschlimmbessern.
Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
BLAKE: They don't.
GUARD: You. [Signals to Selma] Come with me.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/204/475 B7B5
Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage
AVON: Blake, there's a mass of ionized particles, vector three nine. If we can fly into it it could confuse their scanners for just long enough.
BLAKE: Avon might be right. Tangent one eight. Go for it.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/208/38 B…
Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord
ORAC: Why not ask them?
TARRANT: [Into comm] This is Xenon base, identify yourselves. [static] I repeat, identify yourselves. [more static] You have ten seconds or I'll open fire.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/412/23 B7B3
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
ZEN: Course and speed confirmed.
AVON: With our speed we'll probably outrun them. This time. But they'll keep coming. Pushing us, tracking us. They'll never give up.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/103/588 B7B2
Warum ich aktuell eher dazu tendiere die Grüüünen zu wählen.
1. Die CDU wird die stärkste Kraft werden, solange Merz nicht an der falschen Stelle lacht. Dann habe ich als Koalitionspartner lieber eine starke Grüne als eine starke SPD.
2. Noch lieber hätte ich eine starke Linke.
Aber die Kackfaschisten sind gerade bei 20%, Leute. Wir können nicht 10 x% linke Stimmen an der 5%-Hürde scheitern lassen.
Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
JENNA: Avon. Good luck.
AVON: Put us down, Cally.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/205/302 B7B3
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 10 - Ultraworld
CALLY: [V.O. still faint] Help me, please. I don't know where I am.
AVON: Cally, where are you? We need your location.
Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus
CALLY: [Enters] I've finished with the book screen, Dayna. You said you wanted it.
TARRANT: Ah, Cally. I've been going over that theory of yours about the teleport bracelets boosting each other. As you're aware, it doesn't make sense.
Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon
TRAVIS: And the slave pits?
SERVALAN: When you're of no further use to me, Travis.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/203/68 B7B2
Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
SERVALAN: [V.O.] Message received. Battle fleet, withhold action.
[Two troopers enter, one carrying Orac.]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/303/435 B7B5
#TheAmazingDigitalCircus Episode 4: No words to describe how amazing this is, amazing in directing, in development, in everything else. It's the series best at the moment. Do yourself a favour and watch it now!
C08 - Rumours of Death
[Avon and Tarrant break into Servalan's empty office, and leave. They then break into Surveillance. Avon shakes Grenlee in his chair.]
AVON: Hey! Wake up! [Grenlee groans throughout.] Where is Servalan? Where is Servalan!?
Series B, Episode 09 - Countdown
VETNOR: There's a main rotonoid link. If I cut through its primary impulse vein, it might break the circuit. Then again -
CAUDER: It might not. We'll chance it. [Vetnor reaches into the console and drops a tool, Grant and Cauder exchange looks. Vetnor pulls out some wires and cuts them. There is small explosion and the ticking that marks the countdown stops]
#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon
RASHEL: What do you think's out there?
COSER: How should I know? I don't care as long as it stays there.
Series A, Episode 11 - Bounty
JENNA: Goodbye.
TYCE: Goodbye, Blake. You'll always be welcome on Lindor.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/111/541 B7B3
Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
AVON: [Completes his dash with Gan catching him. Places his hand on Blake's arm.] Thank you.
BLAKE: [To Vila] How long?
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/205/449 B7B5
Series D, Episode 06 - Headhunter
TARRANT: Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/406/202 B7B4
Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
AVON: What did it say - decode.
ZEN: It is in Federation code nine. Message reads, "Top priority signal to any Federation pursuit unit, from Kommissar, planet Horizon. Request assistance. Ruler of Horizon unreliable, am disposing of him. Rebel spaceship at grid reference ten by thirteen double-u zed. Request you destroy this spaceship at once. Also inform Federation Central Control of this action. Await confirmation."
Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: The harvest week ended twelve hours ago. Whatever goes on down here is about to start.
DAYNA: If it hasn't started already.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/305/432 B7B2
#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch
CALLY: What sort of answer's that?
ORAC: A succinct one. - To elaborate, the Sardoans avoid any form of social contact which might lead to genetic change. Their decision to avoid the normal evolutionary process followed exhaustive computer projections into their future.
So I've finally finished #Arcane but not sure what to think. I couldn't do a rewatch of S1 as I wanted, but I didn't feel the same connection and impact as back then.
Series B, Episode 06 - Trial
BLAKE: Yes ... I don't suppose you know how to speed up the timer on a hom- [Sees that Zil is out of earshot] - homing beacon? Yeah. [He straightens up and starts after her. Zil has collapsed.] Zil, what's wrong?
ZIL: Zil is lost. [The ground opens near her. Blake scoops her up and walks off with her.] The Host will take...
#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 02 - Space Fall
BLAKE: Yes! We're all right. But we're still checking.
LEYLAN: Stay in contact, Blake.
Shitty circuit strikes back #QatarGP