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2024-09-13 13:08:49

Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
GEELA: There, you see it's dead. [Brushes away the desiccated remains of the organism]
BLAKE: [Examining his healed hand] That is astonishing. B7B4
2024-11-13 23:22:12

LOL đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚
Thanks, I needed this laugh.
Trump’s choice of Matt Gaetz as attorney general sparks criticism and shock – US politics live
2024-09-13 11:27:13

Alkeemia nĂ€itus sai ĂŒles ning teavituse korras panen siia kuraatorituure tutvustava sildi. Raamatukogu tegi sellest mingi FB sĂŒndmuse, aga vĂ”rdsuse ja vĂ”ibolla ka ligipÀÀsetavuse huvides on hea, kui see ka Mastodonis ĂŒleval on.

Alkeemia, kĂ”igi asjade ristumispunkt kuraatorituure tutvustav pilt. Pildil on alkeemiline androgĂŒĂŒn ja mitmed maod, kellest ĂŒhele kohe ĂŒldse ei meeldi, et teda niiviisi pigistatakse. Lisaks sellele ka tekst: 26. septembril, 17. oktoobril ja 4. novembril kell 16 toimuvad Meelis Friedenthali ja Kurmo Konsa kuraatorituurid Tartu ĂŒlikooli raamatukogu nĂ€itusesaalis.
2024-11-12 13:24:23

One week to go with last places up for grabs! Join us at DINAcon 2024 next week in Bern to hear about:
💠 AI in Parliament: A Roadmap for the Parliamentary Library { Jacqueline Kucera }
🌾 How can large language models be used for sustainable procurement? { Marcel Gygli, Luca Rolshoven }
🌿 Source code sovereignty: local alternatives for an independent digital future { Tobias Brunner }
đŸ§‘â€âš–ïž My workshop on open source contracts with Simon Schlauri

DINAcon logo and conference banner - future models for a digital, sovereign and sustainable Switzerland
2024-11-13 09:39:42

When our governments insist with all their propaganda tools that speaking out against #Israel is #antisemitic - conflating #antizionism with
2024-09-13 20:08:47

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
VILA: He's failed to make contact with Kasabi.
AVON: Exactly. But Kasabi's signal came from the rendezvous point. Blake has arrived there and failed to make contact. B7B7
2024-11-11 20:51:29

Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Another calculated risk?
DAYNA: Try and get the sums right this time. B7B5

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts two individuals sitting in what appears to be a futuristic or sci-fi setting. They are dressed in costumes that suggest a science fiction genre, likely from a television show or film. The man on the left has curly hair and is wearing a grey outfit with notable fastenings and details, while the woman on the right has long blonde hair and is wearing a light-colored outfit with dark accents and a headband. They seem to be seated at a control pane
2024-09-13 17:48:46

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
AVON: By all means, let us stand around and discuss it.
BLAKE: Avon's right. We're not safe here any longer. Let's move out. [They climb the stairs. Vila reaches the door first and tries to open it.] B7B6
2024-10-11 13:22:05

From ⁚⁚⁚⁚⁚#AnnafromUkraine⁩⁩⁩⁩⁩
Ukrainian journalist #ViktoriaRoshchyna, who had gone missing in Russian-occupied territories, has been confirmed dead while in Russian captivity, Ukrainian authorities reported on October 10. Prior to

Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roshchyna.
2024-09-13 11:55:46

A question to the #clarinet players on #Musodon : Is it technically possible to play a D#4 note and jump down to a A1 note a 1/8 note after, at 124 BPM?
I compose a woodwind piece in a sequencer, I am not able to play the clarinet. đŸ€­
I did some research on tonal range and playing techn
2024-09-13 15:28:47

Series D, Episode 08 - Games
VILA: I'd still rather not meet the owner of this too soon.
[Scorpio] B7B5
2024-11-10 13:47:32

Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown
JENNA: It all happened so quickly. One minute he was crying with pain, then he went beserk.
VILA: I'm glad he's a friend. Could get very painful if he really didn't like you. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image appears to be from a scene in a science fiction television show, possibly "Blake's 7," considering the actors mentioned. The setting looks futuristic, with what seems to be a spaceship interior, featuring control panels and a metallic design. Several characters are engaged in a conversation or interaction.

As for Gareth Thomas, Sally Kynvette, and Jan Chappell, without being able to identify individuals, I can't specify who is who in the image. Overa
2024-11-02 11:13:22

PressReader, Leute. 👍
(Die Nutzung funktioniert ĂŒber einige Bibliotheken und ist dann kostenfrei.)
2024-11-11 01:50:15

Welcome to darkness Mister Bezos!
2024-09-13 06:08:45

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Now that is an unattractive idea. I really could be quite annoyed if I thought we'd been the bait in a trap you'd laid for them, Avon.
VILA: Where's Tarrant? B7B1
2024-09-13 10:48:48

Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past
NAGU: The Arbiter General has defected.
BLAKE: What? B7B3
2024-09-13 08:28:35

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
DERAL: Ionic beams only?
SERVALAN: Just to disable, cause minimum damage. [into comm] Clinic, bring the disease pathogens now. [to Deral] I want that pilot alive. Alive and vulnerable. B7B2
2024-09-08 06:48:13

Wow, sind das die AfD-Mitglieder des jungen und dynamischen ATeams đŸ€Ą?
Aus dem aktuellen #AfD Flyer:
Zitat Anfang [.....] Mit frischem Wind, klarem Verstand und einer jungen, dynamischen Mannschaft wollen wir die Politik
in unserer Stadt wieder auf Kurs bringen. [.....] Zitat Ende

Sharepic AfD OsnabrĂŒck. 
Bild zeigt drei Àltere MÀnner, die Flyer vor sich halten.
Der rechte Mann trĂ€gt ein Karo Hemd und Sonnenbrille. Der mittlere Mann trĂ€gt einen "ZZ-Top" Vollbart und SchirmmĂŒtze.
7.300 Flyer im Schinkel verteilt
Aber normal.
Flyer AfD Kreisverband OsnabrĂŒck Stadt.
Flyer Text:
Wir möchten einen angemessenen Gegenpol zu
den etablierten Parteien bieten. Mit frischem
Wind, klarem Verstand und einer jungen,
dynamischen Mannschaft wollen wir die Politik
in unserer Stadt wieder auf Kurs bringen. La-
fĂŒr arbeiten wir bereits jetzt an der Ausbildung
geeigneter Kandidaten
Ihre UnterstĂŒtzung
ist gefragt!
Nur gemeinsam können wir unsere Ziele er-
reichen. Ihre Hilfe ist unverzichtbar! Lassen
Sie uns bei der Bundestagswahl ein 

Flyer AfD Kreisverband OsnabrĂŒck Stadt.

Flyer Text:
Liebe MitbĂŒrgerinnen und MitbĂŒrger,
auch wenn im kommenden Jahr die Bundestagswahlen anstehen, bereiten wir uns schon
jetzt auf die Kommunalwahl 2026 vor! Unser
Ziel ist klar: Wir möchten mit einer starken
Fraktion in den Stadtrat einziehen und setzen
uns selbst die ambitionierte Harke von 12%.
Warum ist die Kommunalwahl so wichtig?
Die Kommunalpolitik ist die Basis unseres Zusammenlebens Hier werden Entscheidungen
getroffen, die direkt unser
2024-09-12 13:06:49

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
ARLE: Oh, come on, Berg. You're not old enough to have lost your nerve yet. [They start to cross the field. Smoke begins to rise around their feet] Help me. Help me. I can't move.
BERG: I can't. [Small flames lick near their feet] I can't! [His scream is cut off when they are blown up.] B7B4
2024-11-13 21:58:56

If you are in the Western suburbs of Chicago, come see us!
#music #beethoven #boccherini #delibes
2024-11-07 13:48:03

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
JENNA: Avon. Good luck.
AVON: Put us down, Cally. B7B3
2024-11-09 13:08:33
Content warning: US Politics

I'm perplexed by how many liberals believe Trump has an obligation to fulfill all his campaign promises.
2024-10-20 07:08:11

Die #CDU will die #Mittelschicht entlasten, indem sie den #Spitzensteuersatz anhebt? 🧐
2024-09-04 20:03:05

Homme (neljapĂ€eval) kl 16 on Tartu ĂŒlikooli raamatukogu nĂ€itusesaalis alkeemia nĂ€ituse avamine. Oleme seda ĂŒsna pikalt teinud, tundub, et enamvĂ€hem jĂ”uame kĂ”igega ka valmis.
2024-10-27 13:20:19


Aufkleber an Regenrinne. Weißer Hintergrund mit schwarzer Schrift in Caps:“Killing Jews is not fighting for Freedom. SolidaritĂ€t mit den Menschen in Israel und den JĂŒd*innen weltweit.“ Darunter ein Kreis mit dem großen A.
2024-11-08 23:23:47

Ironic vehicles, besides "a fire truck on fire"

Oregon ambulance struck cyclist, then charged him $1800 for ride to the hospital.
2024-09-30 19:25:40

I just discovered the blog of @…
A very impressive piece of art with nice details!
2024-11-07 04:06:13

"But in the end, a majority of American voters chose Trump because they wanted what he was selling: a nonstop reality show of rage and resentment. "
Tom Nichols
Trump Voters Got What They Wanted
2024-10-01 13:54:15

Hea artikkel. Samas olen ma ka ĂŒsna veendunud, et tĂ€iesti tagajĂ€rjetu ja kasutu, sest need kes sellega nĂ”us on, arvasid juba enne nii ja need kes sellega nĂ”us ei ole, neid ei veena (veel) ĂŒks selleteemaline artikkel ka.
Ma arvan, et tuleks sĂ”nastada teisiti - meil ei lĂ€he praegu hĂ€sti, sest me ei usu. Endasse, oma kultuuri, oma majandusse (riigijuhtimisse kohe ammugi mitte). Tegelt ĂŒtles sedasama isegi Ligi, omal moel, nagu see tal kĂ€ib. Sedasama ĂŒtles Aimar Ventsel, kui ta arvustas R
2024-10-25 06:54:07
Content warning: CN Antisemitismus (von Links)

#OTD Am 25.10.2009 verhindern anti-imperialistische Linke in Hamburg die VorfĂŒhrung des Filmes »Warum Israel« von Claude Lanzmann im Kino B-Movie. Zuschauer*innen werden antisemitisch und homofeindlich beschimpft, einige körperlich attakiert. Eine ZĂ€sur.

Fronttranspi am Startpunkt der Demo des BĂŒndnis gegen Hamburger Unzumutbarkeiten am 13.12.2009:»Antisemitische SchlĂ€ger unmöglich machen. Auch Linke.«
2024-11-07 03:52:15

"My own hope and belief about what would transpire last night was sadly and profoundly wrong—like many, I have the emotional and intellectual flaw, if that’s what it is, of assuming that people are wiser and more decent than they actually turn out to be. I feel chastened—distraught—about my apparently naive view of human nature."
George Conway
America Did This to Itself
2024-09-01 11:29:15

Esimesel septembril on mitu asja, millest peaks rÀÀkima. Esiteks muidugi see, et algab kool, meil on PĂ€rtel PiirimĂ€e ja Erki Tammiksaarega koos tulemas kursus "Tartu ĂŒlikool ja Euroopa ĂŒlikoolimĂ”tte ajalugu". Materjali hulk selle kursuse jaoks on tohutu, peamine raskus seisneb selles, et vĂ€lja valida, mis on vĂ€ltimatult oluline. Eks nĂ€is.
Teiseks on mul tÔeliselt hea meel, et Theatrum ja Lembit Peterson vÔtavad lavastada nÀidendi David Kellnerist (mille ma nende palvel kirjut

Parim vÔimalik muusika: David Kellneri pÀrandus muusikaline ring
2024-10-30 07:01:39

Ilmus Vikerkaare humanisminumber. Ma ise tĂ”lkisin sinna Marsilio Ficino kirju, mis on ĂŒllatavalt tĂ€napĂ€evaselt kĂ”lavad, oli vĂ€ga lĂ”bus, vahelduseks. Ma tean, et teised asjad, mis seal on, on ka head. Pico della Mirandola kĂ”ne on igaljuhul miski, mida peaks lugema igaĂŒks, kes renessanssi perioodi mĂ”tlemisest tahab aimu saada.
2024-10-28 14:11:33

Annan teada, et nĂ€idend David Kellnerist tuleb lavale. Ma pole ise tegelikult rohkem nĂ€inud kui lugemisproov, seega pĂ€ris kindel ei ole mida seal nĂ€ha saab. Üks asi, mida sai nii ja naapidi kaalutud oli pealkiri, lĂ”puks jĂ€i selline, aga tĂ”si on see, et ma ise suhtun pealkirjadesse nagu Saussure, kes vĂ€itis, et sĂ”nad on vaid kokkuleppelised mĂ€rgid ja ei tĂ€henda ise midagi. Minul oli tööpealkirjaks lihtsalt Kellner, aga selge see, et sellisega ei ole vĂ”imalik reklaami teha. VĂ”ib olla, et Sauss
2024-09-19 13:46:34

LÀtlased (suuresti Gints Zilbalodis) on teinud laheda filmi, ma pole nÀinud tervikuna, aga need jupid, mida ma olen nÀinud, tunduvad paljutÔotavad. Tore on ka see, et nad on kasutanud filmi animeerimisel ja renderdamisel Blender'it, mis on vabatarkvaraline 3d programm.
2024-08-29 13:18:41

Dark #landscape study in #blackandwhite presents a brilliant hazy #Moon above a black ridge of #trees, reflected below in white shimmers on water. Mostly #black composition. Strong #MoonPhoto retooted from #photog Markus (@…). Striking #image, Markus.
🔗 #Monochrome #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #dark #moody #reflection #atmospheric #nature #photography
2024-08-20 13:50:20

Terrific #timelapse #GIF #animation of the #FullMoon #SuperBlueMoon peeking through racing #dark #clouds. #MoonPhoto from first-time retootee Liam Lynch (@…).
Stunning #astrophoto work, Liam. We'd love to retoot & boost more of your #lunar #imagery.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #SuperMoon #BlueMoon