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2024-06-16 13:41:32

"Die schlechten Seiten der USA":!6015072
"Sie nennen sich Moms for Liberty und wollen am liebsten alle Bücher verbieten, die nicht in ihr traditionelles Weltbild passen. Vor allem in republikanisch regierten Bundesstaaten sind sie mit ihren Forderungen erfolgreich. Wo sol…
2024-06-16 13:41:32

"Die schlechten Seiten der USA":!6015072
"Sie nennen sich Moms for Liberty und wollen am liebsten alle Bücher verbieten, die nicht in ihr traditionelles Weltbild passen. Vor allem in republikanisch regierten Bundesstaaten sind sie mit ihren Forderungen erfolgreich. Wo sol…
2024-06-16 16:19:08

I am super proud and excited to present my new website and blog! Check out "bits and beebs", where I'll publish articles about my developer and tinkerer endeavours. The first article is about diff-testing with #foundry and #RustLang
2024-06-16 13:54:08

If you see me talking to myself a bit on here, I am trying to get @… to answer questions on its own.
2024-09-16 02:31:12

new blog is deployed and loads articles in 700ms on plane wifi!
`wrk` suggests that it can do ~3500 requests per second on a single digitalocean vCPU.
is that good? i have no idea!
am i satisfied? yes!
2024-06-16 07:08:47

WDR-#ZeitZeichen zum 15.6.2024: "Menschen verbinden, Milliarden bewegen: Gründung der UEFA"…
2024-06-16 09:39:59

Hi Fiona, Lilly from Wick here.
I am concerned about Jamie Stone electioneering on a new nuke plant at Dounreay (even though this apparently isn't official LibDem policy). As you can see Orkney from Thurso - any nuclear mishaps would adversely affect the lives of Orcadians.
How do people feel about this? Can we make this a…
2024-06-16 17:12:42

>Is a 1995 point-and-click adventure horror game developed by Cyberdreams and The Dreamers Guild
>Was published by Cyberdreams on October 31, 1995 for PCs with MS-DOS and Mac OS.
>It takes place in a dystopian world where a mastermind artificial intelligence named "AM" has destroyed all of humanity except for five people.
>The player interacts with the game by making decisions through ethical dilemmas that deal with issues such as insanity, rape, paran…

Front cover of I have no mouth, and I must scream.
2024-06-16 07:08:47

WDR-#ZeitZeichen zum 15.6.2024: "Menschen verbinden, Milliarden bewegen: Gründung der UEFA"…
2024-07-11 18:34:29

A day trip into the Elbsandsteingebirge. I have come here so often, but there are still new routes to explore. This time over the Bärensteine with amazing views onto many scenic spots, including the Bastei, the Lilienstein and the Königsstein.
A thunderstorm 🌩️ gave a brief respite from the heat and painted a beautiful rainbow over the forest.
At the end, we had a drink in a beergarden above the Elbe. I am happy that I went, even though I felt a cold creeping up on me!
#Hiking #Sachsen
2024-06-16 00:05:59

Doctor Who - Legend of Ruby Rose
The time-window I can get, but having it enhanced by the presence of a 20 year old video cassette, uh. Time is memory they reckon. Okay.
So we learn the doctor hasn't yet met his own child even though he has met his grandchild. Strange life Timelords live.
But it was all a red herring anyway, nothing to do with Susan, it's just the god of death.
Am I supposed to remember Sutekh.. [google image search] Oh. I vaguely remember that guy? Guess that little god/dog has been leaching on the Tardis for some time then?
He's changed quite a bit as graphics have improved eh. From long-mask to wolf/horse faced glow devil.
Quite a bit of peril there in the cliffhanger though. Pretty doggy goddy is angry.
And still don't know who Ruby's mum is.
It was beautiful and scary and confusing. Love it.
#doctorWho #legendOfRubySunday #watching #tv
2024-07-04 12:16:16

This is quite a deviation from Monbiot's usual concerns. I agree with what he says. If Trump wins the presidential election, I expect Europe to be at war within five years.
I am a pacifist by inclination. But I also want to protect my children's freedom of belief, politics and sexuality. These would all be under threat under a Russian-installed British dictator.
I have absolutely no doubt that Farage would happily be that dictator.
2024-06-17 15:43:26

I was thinking of adding more photos to my blog posts so I looked up information on how to make photo carousels, but most posts recommended I _don't_ use them because of accessibility. I am not a good web designer, and none of these posts offered alternatives, so I don't know what to do 😰
2024-07-02 15:01:49

My entire Facebook account (with all my connected pages and groups) was suspended without warning yesterday & my appeal was denied. I shared a post about this on Medium:
AI Facebook Suspension
2024-06-18 18:15:41

I have never crossed a union's picket line. I plan to continue not crossing picket lines.
I, and probably many of us, have sometimes been inconvenienced by a strike. I - and you - can live with that inconvenience.
By-the-way, I am a member of a kind of union, more of a trade guild - the California State Bar.
2024-06-18 07:43:28

I am very excited by this article on Local Govt funding models because I have been working on the wonkiest Gist ever about this topic for weeks and now I know the public is just thirsting to know more.
2024-06-18 08:09:35

I am not really a big Coldplay fan and yet after this picture was taken, I looked at it and then one of their songs was stuck in my head for the rest of my journey into the office. I'm not sure why? 🤔
#Veltepetter #PennyFarthing

Man in a bright yellow rain cape, standing next to a large yellow "penny farthing" bicycle next to a white stone wall. The picture is taken at the top of the Oslo opera house, overlooking the Oslo fjord.
2024-06-17 14:31:27

I don't know why I always feel so bad when someone tries to book me for dog sitting on a time I am not available. It's completely irrational. Someone asking me about a weekend where we've made plans and already booked a hotel, and I'm apologising for not being willing/able to cancel our plans.
People would not normally describe me as being too eager to please.
2024-06-18 06:30:44

#Fotovorschlag "Am Fluss" / "by the river" -- I hope a frozen river/stream counts as well!
Early this year we had some really cold days and I was really eager how much this #waterfall was frozen. So I went up the stream /

A stunning photograph of a frozen waterfall captured on a rocky cliff is showcased in this image. The frozen waterfall appears majestic against the rocky backdrop, creating a beautiful contrast between the icy white cascades and the dark, rugged rocks. The scene exudes a sense of tranquility and serenity, with the frozen water suspended in time. The image captures the essence of winter, with snow-covered trees in the background adding to the wintry atmosphere. The overall color scheme is domina…
2024-06-16 20:18:21

PBN #83 - Shooting the full moon, playing with statues, and Afghani women
I’m an instructor of beginner photographers. On Sunday, I send an email with tips, tricks, articles, pictures, etc. Info I think students can use. It’s for “regular” camera users and those who shoot with smartphones.
There’s mention of things to do where I am but it’s mostly for beginning #photography stude…

Black and white image of Abraham Lincoln with a humorous quote: "There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes." The source is
2024-08-01 06:16:35

Aus dem nichts hängt ein Banner am Institut für Soziologie in Gießen. I like it.

Ein Banner an einem Plattenbau wird von Sonnenstrahlen angestrahlt. Auf ihm steht "Die Zukunft ist offen. Sie hängt von uns ab - von uns allen." - Karl Popper (1902 bis 1994) Wissenschafts und Sozialphilosoph
2024-06-18 08:57:20

I am just asking for trouble here, but one of the many things I love about Mastodon/the Fediverse is I've yet to encounter a single grammar Nazi around these parts of the hive mind. You guys are so nice!
2024-06-18 12:47:11

I love my job. Today it is taking me to the Bavarian Forest National Park where I am joining a forest ecosystem research workshop (data pool initiative)

Heidi with a hilly forest in the background
2024-06-18 08:51:21

Most of what I found about the circular economy appears to be end consumer facing romanticism that is not well informed by how production and re-use on scale actually happens. And I am missing a big amount of industrial and infrastructure perspectives. I.e. how to reuse big specialised maschines or re-use already existing canals. Another part is polluted industrial sides. I have the impression that the circular economy thinkers do not tackle this problem at all...
2024-06-17 18:10:50

When was the ”Imagine a Beowulf cluster of these” meme last spotted? #Linux #Slashdot
(Asking as I am listening to a podcast episode
2024-06-18 06:31:23

#WordWeavers 6/18. If your book came with a small toy, what would it be?
Depends. Probably a wooden toy of some kind, if it's the book about an ancient oak tree, which I am editing.
Or, if it's the fantasy series, perhaps a marble gargoyle or stone dragon of some kind. Or one of the monsters I invented. One for each book in the series. I'll scare the children witless. 😄 …
2024-06-17 14:33:53

Entirely too hot, entirely too early. Humidex of 93°F (34°C) before 10:00 AM. Broke it off after wilting at 5 km. Walked a bit further because I was in a previously unexplored section of the greenway and was curious to see what was around the next bend. Then decided to run another 5 km, even if I suffered.
Not geese today, but vultures. A worse omen, for sure. “Just how bad is my fitness?”, I wondered. 🪦 #Running

A vulture perched on a bare tree branch against a clear blue sky. Strava statistics overlay shows a morning run of 5.0 km, a pace of 7:21/km, and a total time of 37m 8s
A serene river scene with lush greenery, featuring a heron standing on a log in the water. Running statistics overlay shows 5.0 km distance, 6:58/km pace, and 35m 28s duration.
A group of black vultures gathered on the ground near a chain-link fence, with one vulture perched on the fence and one in a tree. The background features dense green foliage.
2024-06-18 15:51:27

Copyright law question:
Say I'm an artist that can draw(can't draw stick figure actually🤣), when id draw something, is that automatically covered by copyright? Or does everyone that wants "protection" have to go through a copyright office or such?🤔
Obviously I am completely unknowledgeable on these things. Thanks.
#Law #Lawyer #Copyright
2024-06-18 18:15:41

I have never crossed a union's picket line. I plan to continue not crossing picket lines.
I, and probably many of us, have sometimes been inconvenienced by a strike. I - and you - can live with that inconvenience.
By-the-way, I am a member of a kind of union, more of a trade guild - the California State Bar.
2024-06-17 00:05:42

Dear #Google / #Android;
I got a new phone and am installing apps to get this new device setup with all the network management utilities I need on a day to day basis.
Stop giving me "Sponsored" suggestions.
I'm NEVER going to install a sponsored…
2024-06-17 10:05:58

Btw, I only post these for 2 reasons:
1) The Twitter/Lodestone posts do not contain #AltText
2) I am hyped for the expansions.
2024-06-17 22:58:28

Mastodon tool request: show me accounts I frequently like / boost / reply to but am not already following.
2024-06-16 19:16:06

Internalized infantilization:
"I'm 30 but my mommy has always cooked for me. Therefore I am incapable of cooking. Therefore I am a small child."
2024-06-18 14:09:24

I am so bad at following that I pretty much only look at Live feeds / All, then mute the folks I'm not interested in or that actively annoy me. (Which is almost nobody, it turns out).
Possibly I'm doing it wrong.
2024-06-17 12:24:17

I was spoiled on Father's day. A selection of rubs for a BBQ. The steak rub was wonderful. A RFID cover for the car key (can't be too paranoid) and they also bought me a mini-USB keyboard for the work laptop. Sometimes I am working where there is no external USB mouse or keyboard and to be charitable the built-in keyboard & mouse sucks. Fully stocked backpack with everything I need for a mobile office now.
2024-06-17 15:54:18

My youngest nephew once mistook his paternal grandfather (right) for me, and his paternal great-grandfather (left) for his paternal grandfather.
I am the family face.
~Thomas Hardy
#Belated FathersDay

Old B/W photo of my beloved Grandpa Alex as a stalwart middle-aged man looking good in a suit and tie (and high collar dress shirt! and spiffy tie!) and my father, John, looking every inch the serious young adult.The black Cocker Spaniel lived long enough to greet his return from occupation duty in Austria. I miss 'em both.
2024-06-17 17:06:52

I am still under the weather and super tired and taking it very slow. Send good thoughts. 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
2024-06-18 11:10:51

I am looking for historicist accounts of past ideas that situates those ideas in the lifeworld of the people of those past times: a reading of Ancient Greek philosophy that takes account of their not having a sense of dinosaurs; a reading of Goethe given no understanding of genetics at the time; why Kant would think what Kant thinks given the version of the world's geography at that time. It is hard to frame this question appropriately, but do let me know if anything comes to mind please…
2024-06-18 00:22:06

Linda Teppler's website has been successfully migrated from s0reress0DOTcom to #authorlife
2024-06-17 12:13:45

Google Assistant *used* to understand "remind me to do X 6 hours after 8 am today." It did it for me every day.
Now it doesn't.
Why? I have no idea, but it's probably due to trying to use more AI on the backend, and the AI is worse than whatever they were using before.
Computers were a mistake.
2024-06-18 02:35:39

I am legit scared of my email.
2024-06-17 23:15:45

From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of Thomas Arslan’s films! It explores the film aesthetics that have influenced Arslan and is accompanied by introductions and discussions.

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein on Instagram: "From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of Thomas Arslan’s films! It explores the film aesthetics that have influenced Arslan and is accompanied by introductions and discussions. These are the dates for June (the program continues in July & August, find the full schedule on our website!) Unless otherwise stated, all films are by Thomas Arslan, in German, and subtitled in English: Sat, June 15, 8 pm Am Rand (1991); Am Rand Revisited (2024); Im Sommer (Die sichtbare Welt) (1992) Followed by a discussion with Thomas Arslan, moderated by Birgit Kohler Sun, June 16, 8 pm Preview: Verbrannte Erde (2024) Followed by a discussion with Thomas Arslan, moderated by Birgit Kohler Tue, June 18, 8 pm Mach die Musik leiser (1994) Introduction: Diedrich Diederichsen Thu, June 20, 8 pm Geschwister – Kardeşler (1996) Introduction: Till Kadritzke Sat, June 22, 7 pm The Cool World (by Shirley Clarke, 1963, original English version without subtitles) Introduction: Thomas Arslan Wed, June 26, 8 pm Dealer (1998) Introduction: Michael Baute Fri, June 28, 8 pm Der schöne Tag (2001) Followed by a conversation with Serpil Turhan, moderated by Birgit Kohler The film series is curated by Birgit Kohler (Head of Programming Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art in Berlin). Venue: Kino Arsenal at Filmhaus am Potsdamer Platz, Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin Part of the exhibition Thomas Arslan June 8 – August 4, 2024 Tue–Sun 12–6 pm / Thu 12–8 pm @neuerberlinerkunstverein A project in cooperation with the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art. Funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. Images: Film stills Verbrannte Erde (2024); Geschwister – Kardeşler (1997); Dealer (1999); Der schöne Tag (2001) © Thomas Arslan #neuerberlinerkunstverein #nbkberlin #thomasarslan #berlinfilm #berlincinema @neuerberlinerkunstverein @arsenalberlin @medienboard @piffl_medien @dffb_berlin #machdiemusikleiser #geschwister @tameryigitberlin @koolsavas #kardesler #dealer @idiluener #derschoenetag @florianstetter_official #verbrannteerde @marie_leuenberger_official @alexanderfehling #berlinerschule #berlin"
59 likes, 0 comments - neuerberlinerkunstverein on June 13, 2024: "From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of...".
2024-06-24 16:45:54

I *am* the cat bed

White cat laying on Vikriti
2024-06-16 20:18:21

PBN #83 - Shooting the full moon, playing with statues, and Afghani women
I’m an instructor of beginner photographers. On Sunday, I send an email with tips, tricks, articles, pictures, etc. Info I think students can use. It’s for “regular” camera users and those who shoot with smartphones.
There’s mention of things to do where I am but it’s mostly for beginning #photography stude…

Black and white image of Abraham Lincoln with a humorous quote: "There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes." The source is
2024-06-18 14:45:18

Random HB headcanon : Goetia don't have breasts, it's just chest feathers that are tucked inside the clothes in such a way that it LOOKS like breasts. But it's all feathers, nothing more.
Now imagine Stolas tucking his chest feathers into a bra-- [I am taken out back and shot]
2024-06-18 07:42:19

Jazzaria – Pond-rous
2024-06-18 18:18:05

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
I Am Kloot:
🎵 From Your Favourite Sky
#NowPlaying #IAmKloot
2024-06-17 18:05:39

TIL that Leica lenses have a "look", and that the L-mount system that is on the camera I am eyeing was created by a partnership that includes Leica
2024-06-17 12:20:56

If you have a file called common.h in your source and not everything includes it, I am going to be disappointed in you.
2024-06-18 06:57:38

Heute vor 66 Jahren: Am 18.06.1958 kam es bei Enewetak zum Atomtest Operation Hardtack I, "Linden". Dieser Test war Teil einer Serie von 35 #Atomtests, die die USA im Sommer 1958 auf den #Marshallinseln im Pazifik durchführten.

Kartierung aller Koordinaten von "Operation Hardtack I" (Atomtest) im Testgebiet Pacific Proving Grounds (Marshallinseln)
Quelle: OpenStreetMap
Lizenz: Open Data Commons Open Database-Lizenz (ODbL)
2024-06-17 22:54:22

I am never blue. Sometimes a pale turquoise, though.
2024-06-17 17:35:01

GDPR and the Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF) and other Rights
A bit of a longer read.
I recently had the opportunity to engage a bit here on Mastodon on the question of data privacy and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I’ve had a chance to think about this a bit more and am providing the following thoughts. This is not a complete analysis of data privacy under GDPR, but I hope it will be helpful for organizations or agencies who fall under this regulation. I appreciate those who commented previously (references below).
First, some disclaimers:
-       I am not a lawyer. I recommend you talk to one if you are developing software that handles private information or are simply storing or sharing private information.
-       I have read the entire GDPR and recitals, but I am not current on recent legal refinements.
-       I have also read other data compliance regulations such as CCPA and at one point I read all of the data privacy regulations of all 50 US states.
-       Why did I do this? My company was subject to GDPR and a number of other privacy regulations and we were selling a data security solution. Our customers had a reasonable expectation that we would help them meet compliance regulations.
-       We developed internal policies and procedures to comply with GDPR.
-       We honored all GDPR requests related to RTBF.
-       We consciously designed systems that supported and enabled GDPR compliance.
-       We invested in and partnered with a blockchain start up and designed and developed for IPFS.
Some definitions might be helpful. GDPR refers to individuals (individual people like you and me) as Data Subjects. The rights granted are granted to individual users and consumers. Organizations that collect private information about Data Subjects are Data Controllers. When we stored information in our CRM we were a Data Controller as defined by GDPR. It takes a bit of reading to get used to these definitions, but they are fairly straightforward.
Context is important when understanding a regulation like GDPR.
I benefited from my time living in and starting a business in Europe (West Germany, in the 1980s). This part of the world had experienced unspeakable horrors during WWII and were living very close to the repression that existed just across the border in eastern Europe. Repressive regimes abuse confidential information and weaponize secrecy in order to exert control over others. My colleagues from Germany, Italy, France, the UK and Poland understood this in a fundamental, human way. I see GDPR as a natural expression of their desire to protect their nations, their communities, their families and themselves. This is why I deeply respect the EU’s right to promulgate these privacy regulations.
Under GDPR the individual becomes the ultimate owner of their private information. There is no implied ability of a Data Controller to override that right (with some exceptions, see below), or to assume that any rights granted to a Data Controller by an individual are permanent and immutable. An individual can give a Data Controller permission to store their private information, and, importantly, an individual can revoke that permission. This is a fundamental difference with how we in the US tend to think of privacy. It is very important to fully grasp this concept if you are planning to do business in the EU.
The Right To Be Forgotten (sometimes called the Right To Deletion) gives the individual the right to ask for their data to be removed from a Data Controller’s system and for that to occur in a timely fashion. But it is only one right defined under GDPR. There are others:
-       Right to opt in or out of data sharing.
-       Right to change data sharing permissions.
-       Right to know with whom data has been shared.
-       Right to correct data.
-       Right to assume data is pseudonymized, usually with encryption.
-       Right to be informed in a timely way of any data beach.
This is not a complete list of the rights and responsibilities conferred under GDPR, but these are probably the most well-known, and probably where many organizations fail to implement proper controls.
Of course, there are exceptions to data privacy rights under GDPR. Some of them are:
-       Legal requirements to retain data (tax history, etc.).
-       Some freedom of information requirements.
-       Some public knowledge aspects.
-       General public health and safety.
Please note that GDPR does not provide an exception to the rules because your technology prevents you from meeting RTBF deletion requests (looking at you, blockchain and IPFS). There is no programming around these requirements and clever developers do not get a magical pass to ignore them.
It is also important to understand that RTBF is still being refined. This is a bubbling pot of legal activity. In my opinion the direction seems to be in favor of protecting Data Subject’s privacy rights and enforcing RTBF.
GDPR applies to the EU countries and to anyone doing business in the EU. There are lots of other privacy regulations that are similar to GDPR. In the US, there is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (CPRA). The UK, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries also have privacy regulations that are similar in intent. Once you start absorbing the requirements of these regulations you start to think of private information in a new way.
Ok, now for some recommendations:
If you are a software developer creating that killer app and the next big Unicorn, build in GDPR support right from the beginning. We know how difficult it is to “bolt on” security after the fact. It is equally hard to re-engineer applications to meet GDPR. So, get it right from the beginning and avoid some angst as you approach an IPO or a global rollout.
If you are a business and have dreams of scaling your business beyond your local community, think about how you collect, store and share information about individual consumers. It is almost certain you are going to run into some flavor of GDPR at some point and you will want to be prepared. If you are not covered by GDPR, CCPA or other privacy regulations now, you may soon be.
If you are using social media platforms as a part of your marketing strategy (who isn’t ???) be sure you understand how your social media provider meets GDPR. Sharing sensitive data with social media and big data brokers can be a GDPR nightmare. Make sure your social media partner has processes in place to meet GDPR data deletion requests.
It was previously mentioned here that developer tools like git and Gitlab would likely not come under GDPR controls. I think the point was that tools like git and Gitlab are not typically used to collect information on individuals, and I think that is correct. It is not that GDPR exempts developer tools from its compliance scheme (it doesn’t), it is just that it is rare to use developer tools to store a lot of personal information. One caution: be careful about test data that you might store as a part of automated testing routines. Don’t store test data with information about real people! Anonymize or tokenize the data before adding it to git.
What about Web3 technologies?
Web3 technologies like blockchain and IPFS can make it extremely difficult (nearly impossible) to meet GDPR requirements for RTBF. If your application ingests data to blockchains and/or IPFS, or provides a public gateway to allow this type of data ingestion, I would recommend implementing application logic to prevent sensitive personal data from being added. I’ve built blockchain and IPFS applications and there is no effective delete function. If you have to store sensitive data, I would recommend against using these technologies.
Lastly, remember that you will probably need proper legal advice (that is not me!) related to GDPR and other compliance regulations. Governance and compliance are proper components of a business plan and software design process.
Here are some resources that may be helpful:
EU General Data Protection Regulation (lots of resources here):
#GDPR #CCPA #CPRA #Compliance #Security #BlockChain #IPFS #Software #SoftwareDevelopment #Programming
2024-06-18 22:11:18

It is no secret that am not jumping up and down at the prospect of Biden as next President.
But I will be voting for him.
Any alternative, including not voting, is a road to disaster.
Unfortunately Biden is on a course to lose to the worst opponent in US history.
Why? In part because his message and campaign are about as exciting as a melting ice cube.
I would suggest some energy in his campaign - let's begin by adopting a campaign song (either of which woul…
2024-06-17 17:46:48

I am thinking lentil soup.
2024-06-18 22:11:18

It is no secret that am not jumping up and down at the prospect of Biden as next President.
But I will be voting for him.
Any alternative, including not voting, is a road to disaster.
Unfortunately Biden is on a course to lose to the worst opponent in US history.
Why? In part because his message and campaign are about as exciting as a melting ice cube.
I would suggest some energy in his campaign - let's begin by adopting a campaign song (either of which woul…
2024-06-17 05:28:20

I am willing to forgive the fact that Chris Christie is offensive
2024-06-17 17:46:48

I am thinking lentil soup.
2024-06-17 23:23:56

Is 36 year old David Hasselhoff sexual?
or am I sexualizing him by noticing that he's very attractive?
2024-06-18 02:38:02

Am I hallucinating? Did a large bank (initials "WFB") create a monster security vulnerability?
At WFB customers of their on-line banking get a login that covers their accounts (and credit cards). Fine and good.
Then if that customer takes a job at a company and the company wants that customer to have view or management access of the company accounts WFB does *not* create a new login. Rather WFB creates a new "view" under that login that is simply a drop down…
2024-06-18 09:05:28

When people say "How dare you sexualize him/her?!?!"
What they really mean is "Your thoughts are immoral and I am going to shame you for thinking bad things!!!"
#StopTheHysteria #Sexualization
2024-06-18 17:46:46

John Taylor & Co., Bellfounders, Loughborough, March 2024
#photography #ukphotographer #focusonthefoundry #bellfoundry
2024-06-18 16:42:52

I am in this meme and I don't like it...😳
#ADHD #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #memes #meme
2024-06-18 17:46:46

John Taylor & Co., Bellfounders, Loughborough, March 2024
#photography #ukphotographer #focusonthefoundry #bellfoundry