2024-11-18 08:25:32
Aserbaidschan ist ein gutes Gasgeberland 🙃 #COP29
Aserbaidschan ist ein gutes Gasgeberland 🙃 #COP29
New NERDS paper on COVID genome sequencing over whole Denmark in 2021, co-authored by @…
Hi, I am an economist working at #ZBW, the world's largest library for economics and management. I am mostly on Bluesky, but I am also here now @…
Ahh this looks fun.. ~ £400 comes with a built in interface for guitar player setups too, ohh and the case is included in the price.
Clic Ensemble
Atelier gratuit avec des pros pour vous aider Š mieux comprendre le monde d'internet.
Cette semaine les ateliers seront
👉 Š Migros Romanel 19 septembre 2023
de 14 h 30 - 17 h 30
Merci de partager 🚀
#clicensemble #intergen #Vaud
"#Trump zelf heeft al aangekondigd op de eerste dag van zijn presidentschap een wet uit te vaardigen om ministeries, #universiteiten en digitale media te kunnen vervolgen wanneer ze betrokken waren bij ‘censuur’. De woorden ‘desinformatie’ en ‘misinformatie’ mogen niet worden gebruikt om polit…
Is "decentralizedwashing" a term yet? See recent #bluesky discussions like: https://social.wildeboer.net/@jwildeboer/113487613965056474
Feelin a little sporty fresh today so here's one 90s demoscene legend Zabutom (with dubmood) - Track Tracking.
NERDS leave X, join Bluesky and LinkedIn
*The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocen…
Our mastodon server #datascience
#RamseyNasr over wat er de afgelopen dagen in Nederland gebeurd is.
"Antisemitisme bestaat. Het leeft weer op. Maar waar antisemitisme wordt bestreden met racisme, moeten we extra op onze hoede zijn. Daar woedt de ziekte pas echt."
Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
BLAKE: They don't.
GUARD: You. [Signals to Selma] Come with me.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/204/475 B7B5
Yes please! Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002291
X account deactivated 🫡
"We have been in #Palestine for twelve years [i.e., since the #Balfour Declaration] without having even once made a serious attempt at seeking through negotiations the consent of the #indigenous peo…
California has the 5th largest economy in the world, bigger than India & just under Japan.
Now, Governor Newsom signed a law permitting Marijuana dispensaries to serve food & drink... so next year, come visit CA's Cannibus Cafes!
In other news, they just released 165pg of incriminating testimony & evidence.
"Trump's MELTDOWN Over New Election Fraud Evidence, Melania's Abortion Stance" - Jimmy Kimmel L…
Follow me on bluesky here: https://bsky.app/profile/mszll.datasci.social.ap.brid.gy
(My posts from Mastodon will be bridged to there)
Carlson Büth @… wins VCD Award for his Master thesis
When our governments insist with all their propaganda tools that speaking out against #Israel is #antisemitic - conflating #antizionism with
Wow, this was really painful: #urbanism
Series D, Episode 06 - Headhunter
TARRANT: Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/406/202 B7B4
⚠️Morgen Sa, 07.09.2024 steht die AfD vermutlich wieder ab 10 Uhr vor dem Denkmal "Haarmannsbrunnen" in #Osnabrück wie vor einem Spiegel, nur dass das Denkmal jünger aussieht.
⚠️Kommt zahlreich zum Gegenprotest‼️
Die antifaschistische Mitmach-Kampagne #DenRechtenDieRäumeNehmen
New NERDS paper on network analysis of Italian music
"The German newspaper #Bild also used a screenshot from the video with the caption: "The hunt for Jews has broken out again: Arab mob chases soccer fans in #Amsterdam."
#DW Fact check: False
Die #Bredowstraße in #Osnabrück wurde saniert. Eine kurze Rad Verbindung (ca 350m ges.) in der Osnabrücker Weststadt zwischen #ObereMartinistraße und
This is a shout-out to my colleague @…
Bart is a climate scientist with a lot of experience in fight against climate #denialism and post-truth nastiness.
Next to his work at
Hat sich #Osnabrück zur traurigen Hauptstadt der #Verdrängung entwickelt, wo Menschen unter dem Vorwand fadenscheiniger Gründe u.a. skrupellos aus der Johannis- und Frankenstraße vertrieben werden?
Die Verantwortlichen können sich ja in Sichtweite des Rathauses (im Bereich der Stadtbib…
Today I'll give a talk about our #datascience research on bicycle networks at #eurosdr ..with a lump in my throat due to the us news - Now more than ever, we need more research for the interests of *people*, not for states or corporations.
Slides [pdf]:
Welcome back Alessia - she joins us as Postdoc!
Claudia Acciai has joined NERDS
Classifying Bicycle Infrastructure Using On-Bike Street-Level Images
#AfD Info-Stand Sa, 09.09.2024
🎶 AfD #Osnabrück groovt mit. Info-Stand Mitglied am #Haarmannsbrunnen wippt und tappt zur Musik der Gegendemo!
Liedtext Auszug: "Nazis raus!" 😂
NERDS at the #D3A Conference
Wow, sind das die AfD-Mitglieder des jungen und dynamischen ATeams 🤡?
Aus dem aktuellen #AfD Flyer:
Zitat Anfang [.....] Mit frischem Wind, klarem Verstand und einer jungen, dynamischen Mannschaft wollen wir die Politik
in unserer Stadt wieder auf Kurs bringen. [.....] Zitat Ende
So, #chopin dropped this new waltz, and it's pretty dramatic. Nice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRfse_wSUmw&t=67s
📢 CFP Special Issue on Polarization on Social Networks
Where would I report a product (in the EU, as a private person) with an inherent design issue that is life-threatening? It's in the same vein as a car with a gas pedal that can get stuck by design, so it likely would need a mass recall/fix. It doesn't make sense to report it to the producing company because this company is known to having denied similar issues.
🚨 AfD-Mitglieder stürmen auf friedliche Gegendemo zu – Polizei muss gleich ZWEIMAL Eskalation verhindern! 💥
#Osnabrück zeigt Haltung, lautstarke und kraftvolle Gegendemo am Haarmannsbrunnen. ✊
NERDS clarify AI’s Physics #Nobel
⚠️ SubstAnz in #Osnabrück ist besetzt ‼️
At #d3a we just started our session "Networks, data, society and AI" 🥳: https://d3aconference.dk/networks-data-society-and-ai/
Find us in Sal D!
Anbei noch ein paar Eindrücke zur Demo der antifaschistischen Mitmach-Kampagne "Den Rechten die Räume nehmen" am Mo. 02.09.2024
Siehe auch:
Unter dem Motto: "Keine Zusammenarbeit mit Faschist*innen – Fe…
Now here's a nice groove - Hermanos Gutiérrez (featuring Dan Auerbach) - "Tres Hermanos"
#Sun & #Moon retooted from our #astrophotography #friend, webcubus (@…). Stunning visuals, webcubus!
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #telephoto #closeup #sunspots #WaningGibbous
Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud
Es war eine großartige Demo am Mo, 02.09.24 der antifaschistischen Mitmach-Kampagne "Den Rechten die Räume nehmen".
Unter dem Motto: "Keine Zusammenarbeit mit Faschist*innen – Feuer löschen statt Brandmauern" beteiligten sich mehrere hundert Menschen in #Osnabrück.
🙏🏻DANKE🙏🏻 an alle, die das möglich gemacht haben ‼️
Letzte Woche Donnerstag waren 18 und Sonntag 8 Störche an der "Schoppenbreede" in #Osnabrück. Ein neuer Störche "Hotspot"?
Warum gibt es solche Blumenkübel nicht in der #Johannisstraße in #Osnabrück?
Dramatic evening #clouds reaching across the #sky, above a distant town's lights on the #horizon at the bottom of the frame, mixed in with silhouettes of shadowy #trees. At upper right is the bright #Moon shining through a few clouds. Immersive #MoonPhoto retooted from katrintheresa (@…). Rich, moody dark sky work.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #nightsky #landscape #city #lights #moonlight
02. September um 18:00 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof in
Taking flight. Lovely #minimalist composition of a #gibbousMoon on a clear #blue #sky with no #clouds. A large #bird, possibly a #heron, winging along nearby. #MoonPhoto retooted from Jim Rion・ライオンジミー (@…). Jim, we are sure we'd call this a "good" and "interesting" picture. Looking forward to boosting & retooting more of your #lunar #photographs.
🔗 #StrawberryMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #bird #flight
Auch im Stadtteil #Schinkel in #Osnabrück gibt's schöne Ecken.
Dark #landscape study in #blackandwhite presents a brilliant hazy #Moon above a black ridge of #trees, reflected below in white shimmers on water. Mostly #black composition. Strong #MoonPhoto retooted from #photog Markus (@…). Striking #image, Markus.
🔗 #Monochrome #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #dark #moody #reflection #atmospheric #nature #photography
Dark #gray #sky composition with a #fullMoon (in second image) just below center frame, between thin fenceposts (or are these masts of #sailboats?) and above a near-black ground that fills up most of the bottom of the picture. Somber and beautiful #MoonPhoto retooted from Kira (@…). Gorgeous #twilight #photos, Kira, and belated Happy Birthday!
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #horizon #quiet #thought #photography #lune #luna #月
02. September um 18:00 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof in #Osnabrück.
Hinsichtlich der #Landtagswahlen in #Thüringen