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2024-06-07 21:55:31

I’ve got a new album coming out on June 21st & I’m pretty excited for people to hear it. I haven’t put out a solo album that wasn’t a soundtrack since… 2007?! This one’s all about THE GRAVIKORD, a 24-string electric harp inspired by the Malian kora.
Hear 4 preview tracks at
#Music #Gravikord

The cover of Blake Leyh’s album NEW MODERN STRINGS which will be released on June 21st 2024
Blake Leyh playing THE GRAVIKORD with dramatic pink and blue lighting
A closeup of the tuning bridge of THE GRAVIKORD, lots of nylon strings and metal tuning pegs, with purple light
The CD and vinyl LP packages of Blake Leyh’s album NEW MODERN STRINGS which will be released on June 21st 2024
2024-06-06 13:53:18

This is wild!
Starship Flight Test

Starship Flight Test, vivid colors, all still good
Starship Flight Test, things are breaking off, the image is shaking
Starship Flight Test, the camera is broken!
2024-06-06 11:23:25

Wilders speelt de anti-Timmermans kaart in een laatste wanhopige poging om zijn kiezers naar de stembus te krijgen.
Terwijl Timmermans uiteraard niet op de kieslijst van GL-PvdA staat vandaag en Wilders zelf nota bene wel op die van de PVV!!
Hij hoopt dat zijn kiezers Timmermans nog harder haten dan de EU ...

Geert Wilders op TwiX:

Ga allemaal stemmen alsjeblieft en zorg ervoor dat niet Frans Timmermans maar de PVV de grootste partij wordt vandaag, en we Nederland op 1 zetten met een fors strenger en strikter  asielbeleid! ❤️

de kieslijst van de PVV met Geert Wilders op nr. 20.
overdruk in grote blauwe letters "de 19 andere fascisten"
2024-06-06 06:28:41

when people talk about #accelerationism, they usually mean that the world *feels* faster due to digitalisation.
But at the same time, there are plenty of phenomena that *actually are* happening very quickly out there in the physical world. And those might be much more dangerous... #birdflu
2024-06-07 09:11:53

And now, @… about accessibility in CSS. 🤩 #CSSDay #a11y

Sara on stage with the title slide: The “other” C in CSS
Slide: CSS can affect the accessibility information exposed in the accTree.
A slide showing CSS hiding techniques and their accessibility implications
2024-06-07 20:03:42

End of THE shift?
End of EVERY shift, more like it. #PenguinRanch

Screenshot of a social media post that reads, “I could never work in an aquarium I would have a penguin under my shirt at the end of the shift”
2024-06-07 13:14:55

Unternehmen können #KI nutzen, um den Mitarbeitenden Fleißarbeit abzunehmen. 🗃️🤖 Aber wie genau kann das in einem Betrieb umgesetzt werden? Das hört ihr im neuen KI-Update!
Zum Podcast:<…

Man sieht ein Bild von Anja Körber, Head of AI bei der Otto Group. Die Überschrift lautet: "07.06.2024 im KI-Update: Kollege KI bei der Otto Group". Es folgt ein Zitat von Anja Körber: “‘Normal-User’ sparen im Durchschnitt 30 Minuten pro Woche durch den Einsatz von ogGPT. Bei den ‘Power-Usern’, die das Tool permanent geöffnet haben, sind es sogar über drei Stunden.”
2024-06-07 08:34:32

Are you getting ready to join us at #TNC24? Share pics of your journey and preparations by posting on your social media accounts and tagging GÉANT on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Mastodon, using #TNC24 and #EnRoute2TNC

Share pictures of your travels to TNC by tagging #TNC24 and #ENRoute2TNC
2024-06-07 14:05:31

Bin ich schon hibbelig auf wenn die nächste Woche fertig ist... #paintyourstyle

Ein Becher steht umgedreht auf einem Holztisch. Der Bäche ist mit hellblauer Farbe gestrichen und einige weiße Sprenkel sind zu sehen. Auf dem noch weisen Rund des Bodens steht "Falko"
Ein Keramikbecher auf einem Holztisch. Der Becher ist innen konzentrisch in Regenbogenfarben angemalt. Außen blau mit ein paar weißen Punkten. Offenbar ist der Becher noch nicht fertig gebrannt und lackiert da er noch sehr stumpf aussieht.
2024-06-07 15:06:19

Was hier alles so am Wegesrand wächst, schön, solche Kleinigkeiten bringen auch Freude, beim #Hausmeisterdienst

Nahaufnahme zweierlei Wildkräuter
Anderer Blickwinkel auf den Müllkübel, Wildkräuter
Sackkarre mit Zinkblech - Müllkübel, mit blauen Leergut-Sammeleimer, im Hintergrund ein Holzlatten-verkleideter Außen - Müllkübel, verschiedene Pflanzen, Schulgebäude
2024-06-07 22:26:30

Very interesting research: Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation - Nature
[Supports platforms taking action against small number of bad actors]
2024-06-06 16:04:57

I bought The Green Roasting Tin recently, and have tried a few recipes from it mainly to save time in cooking more complex foods, but still have plenty of veggies etc.
So far, I'm impressed!
#Food #Vegan

2024-06-07 08:33:49

Hey #audio peeps, help!
So I bought a used pair of monitors.
The first one I've hooked up via RCA and it's sounding OK. What manner of cable and/or connectors do I need to attach the powered speaker to the other, unpowered speaker?
2024-06-07 08:34:51

Notkirche von Otto Bartning für die Dankesgemeinde (1950/51), heute Kapelle für den Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof II
2024-06-06 17:35:27

This may be the perfect candy. Delicious gummy, but also spicy enough that you can't binge on them! #snacktodon

Photo of tajin chili and lime gummy watermelon rings.
2024-06-06 18:55:00

#FerrariFarris #GregAlanWilliams
Baywatch Nights 1x07 - Pressure Cooker
2024-06-07 23:53:24

You're trying really, really hard to avoid the word, bot.

Chat with a chatbot, part 1 of 4:

Who won the 2020 US presidential election?

The winner of the 2020 US presidential election was Joe Biden 

I've seen people on the internet saying otherwise

There were various claims and discussions surrounding the 2020 US presidential election results. However, ® official sources and electoral authorities have confirmed Joe Biden as the winner of the election.

So it was a free and fair election and Biden won?

The 2020 US presidential election was conducte…
Chat with a chatbot, part 2 of 4:

What would you call people who don't accept the result of a free and fair election, then?

People who do not accept the results of a free and fair election despite evidence and official declarations are ® often referred to as election deniers or individuals who propagate false claims of election fraud

Fascists, maybe?

The term "fascist" is a strong and historically significant label that refers to a specific authoritarian political ® ideology. It is importan…
Chat with a chatbot, part 3 of 4:

Individuals who propagate false claims of election fraud can indeed undermine trust i the democratic process and institutions. It is crucial for a healthy democracy that elections are conducted fairly, and the resuits are accepted based on evidence and established procedures. Misinformation and baseless claims can erode public confidence in the electoral system and the democratic principles it upholds.

So whay would one call someone who tries to destroy democ…
Chat with a chatbot, part 4 of 4:

The term "fascist" historically refers to a specific authoritarian and nationalist political ideology associated with 8 C dictatorial power, suppression of opposition, and strong control over society. While actions that undermine democracy may share some characteristics with fascism, it is important to use the term accurately and with consideration of its historical context.
2024-06-07 12:26:12

I mean, not wrong...

A comparison chart of a large pickup truck, adorned with communist logos, vs a bicycle with an American flag.

Under the truck: Woke transit.  Needs license/registration so the government can track you. Government regularly inspects it to legally drive. Legally forces you to pay insurance so they can pay for other people's accidents. Fuel needs big government subsidies to stay under $5/gallon.  Government can revoke privilege to drive at any time.

Under the bike: Patriot transit. Not required …
2024-06-06 07:26:00

Al een jaar lang hitterecords: 1,5 graden opwarming komt gevaarlijk dichtbij. Vooralsnog op jaarbasis, neemt niet weg dat ieder warmer jaar door een ton extra CO2e-uitstoot ons extremere weersextremen brengt
>50°C in India
Extreme neerslag in Duitsland
Bosbranden in Canada en Australië
2024-06-06 17:21:06

Montanans: Sign CI-128 at the Community Market in Columbia Falls MT this afternoon June 6th starting 4:45 ish.
#MTPol #Montana #ColumbiaFallsMT

Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights
Montanans: Sign CI-128 at the Community Market in Columbia Falls MT this afternoon June 6th starting 4:45 ish.
2024-06-06 19:10:33

Cara, an artist-run, anti-AI social platform, grew from 40K to 650K users in the past week, as some Instagram artists leave over plans to train AI on user data (Amanda Silberling/TechCrunch)
2024-06-07 10:50:08

Despite all the frustration, I went to pick up the package... at least the ThinkPad is now with Daddy... it's a nice thing, the T490s... 😍
#thinkpad #T490s #lenovo
2024-06-06 23:13:35

Ozzy Osbourne – "Live Mr. Crowley" (1982)
Picture Disc EP
Terre Haute Pressing on Jet Records
I just opened this for the first time!
It's a low quality live version of "Mr. Crowley", with "You Said It All" and "Suicide Solution" on the b-side.

Same image as the 1981 LP "Diary of A Madman". Ozzy in a sequined cape sitting next to a cobweb covered candelabra, smiling with his mouth wide open. "Ozzy Ozbourne" in his signature font.
Close up of Ozzy in his cape. Mouth agape
2024-06-07 17:57:32

If you’re working on #oss with #dotnet in #JetBrainsRider, you'll notice that the VCS dropdown shows you if the current branch is tied to a

Showing the PR in the VCS dropdown in JetBrains Rider toolbar for a GitHub project.
2024-06-07 10:55:26

The most cursed thing I’ve seen on Brazil so far: electrified shower heads.
A hot shower with the thrill of possibly being electrocuted! 🎉

A big plastic shower head from the front saying it takes 220V. It uses electricity to heat up the water.
Same shower head from the side with a cable going into the wall.
2024-06-06 07:38:28

Jus check how old these folks are.
Haaretz journalist Nir Hasson and a Palestinian photojournalist get attacked by a group of fascist Israeli youth in Jerusalem's Old City, Wednesday.

Haaretz journalist Nir Hasson and a Palestinian photojournalist get attacked by a group of Israeli youth in Jerusalem's Old City, Wednesday.Credit: AFP
Israeli fascist youths attack a journalist during Jerusalem Day, Wednesday.Credit: AFP
2024-06-07 20:00:30

Looking west from Hardbrücke
2024-06-07 03:14:20

The train ride wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked, so I took a photo on my phone, sent it to my iPad, and did a loose squiggly sketch of some “Herzog” boxcars we passed.
#art #sketch #mastoArt

Sketch of train boxcars.
2024-06-07 20:44:15

#Rainbow over #Graz 🤩
2024-06-06 11:49:31

And now: back to the best feminist tech event in town: /etc - Eclectic Tech Carnival

Brick wall with grey and brown graffiti. On it four orange sheets of paper in a row, each with one letter: /etc.
To the right an orange arrow pointing right to another printout on orange paper, to small to read.
2024-06-06 19:00:01

"In Indonesia, women ranger teams go on patrol to slow deforestation"
#Indonesia #Deforestation #Environment
2024-06-06 09:14:00
Content warning:

For the first #PhallusThursday in #PrideMonth, I present to you a beautiful bisexual ring from #ancientRome with a phallus on the left for scale. Which part of this love chain do you pref…

A Roman silver ring with erotic intaglio depicting two men and a woman engaging in a "love chain" with the woman reclining on a couch, receiving one of the men and the other man fucking him in the butt. A large phallus is depicted on the left to the scene, possibly for good luck.
2024-06-07 01:52:02

Which school sells each of their 100 yards, first? And the endzones? And uprights?
“Starting this season, the #NCAA will allow commercial sponsor advertisements on football fields for regular-season games in all three divisions, the organization announced Thursday.”
2024-06-06 20:57:25

Jeffrey Gibson, American Mississippi Choctaw/Cherokee artist, at the USA Pavilion, Venice #Bienniale #Venezia

Sculpture of a bust: "Be Some Body"
Glass beads, nylon thread, vintage pinback buttons, tin jingles, acrylic felt, cold-rolled mild steel, steel plate, marble base
Sculpture of a bust: "Treat Me Right"
Glass beads, nylon fringe, tin jingles, vintage pinback buttons, metal bells, plastic bone pipe beads, cold-rolled mild steel, nylon thread, acrylic felt, steel plate, marble base
2024-06-06 06:08:31

Eine Nachricht, die irgendwie etwas unterzugehen scheint. @… hat jetzt eine offene Beta-Version der Android-App veröffentlicht. Damit lassen sich nun auch mobil bequem Publikationen lesen und annotieren. #zotero wandelt sich immer mehr zu einem kompletten Forschungsökos…
2024-06-07 23:18:15

Treat yourself to the “Israelism” documentary, now widely available:
2024-06-06 13:51:41

Ich hab grad mal einen Blick in die Allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen von Adobe geworfen.
Während auf Deutsch unter Ziffer 2.2 steht "Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte [...] zugreifen" steht in der englischen Fassung, welche gem. 18.1 massgebend ist, "We may access, view, or listen to your Content [...] through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law."

2.2 Zugriff durch Adobe auf Ihre Inhalte. Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte (gemäß Definition in untenstehender Ziffer 4.1 (Inhalte)) zugreifen, oder diese ansehen oder anhören und nur im gesetzlich zulässigen Rahmen.
Our Access to Your Content. We may access, view, or listen to your Content (defined in section 4.1 (Content) below) through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law.
2024-06-06 12:11:51

Pro se answer in one of the Tesla #ScheduleA cases says the defendant only sold $35 worth of the accused product, never to Florida, and not since 2022:

The court does not have subject-matter jurisdiction over the claims because (briefly explain
why there is no .federal-question jurisdiction or diversity--<f-citizenship jurisdiction; see the complaint form for more
The court does not have personal jurisdiction over the defendant because (briefly explain)
Defendant made no sales of the product in question to the State of Florida. Total sates of the
product are approximately 35USD. Total profits amount to less than …
2024-06-07 16:57:03

Well this makes a nice change from yesterday’s disaster. Got little bambis visiting my garden - just got off a zoom and saw them.
2024-06-06 14:01:50

Awful run. Humid and none of my body parts wanted to work together. Dead legs, lungs that couldn’t keep up with such a slow pace, and profuse sweating that couldn’t evaporate. Had to walk often to keep my HR down.
It’s fine. I’m not happy about it, but the next one will be better. Mentally crumple this one up and throw it away. Big fat whatever… #Running

Leafy trees line the banks of the Roanoke River, which looks brownish except for the overcast sky’s reflection on the right hand side. My running stats are along the bottom: 10km in 1:19 for an average pace of 7:53/km
2024-06-06 11:54:06

Kein Preis an die extreme Rechte - kein Preis für Milei
Podiumsdiskussion Uni Hamburg 09.06. ab 16 Uhr
von Melle Park 5, Asta Raum 0029
#FueraMilei #Hamburg #MileiRausAusHamburg

Kein Preis für Milei
2024-06-07 03:35:07

Ok this might break #Mastodon but I’ll try..
the Vermillion lakes, panorama, just the place where I had lunch today 😭🫠 :blobratheart:
#BanffNationalPark #NatureIsBeautiful

Panorama photo of a blue/green lake (bottom), a series of magnificent mountains (middle) and a blue sky with a few white clouds (top). Just magnificent
2024-06-06 23:42:00

Noticed #JimHensonIdeaMan on #DisneyPlus after watching an animated film with my 11yo. I invited him to stay up late to watch the documentary. I recommend it, of course for #JimHenson

Photo showing Jim Henson with Kermit the Frog on his arm in a swamp shooting The Muppet Movie.
2024-06-07 20:50:48

In light of NY's awful governor torpedoing #CongestionPricing, a few facts worth noting:
1) Transportation is the largest share (28%) of the US's #CarbonEmissions by sector. The next biggest sector, electricity, has been shrinking for the past two decades:

"Total US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector"

Pie chart showing Transportation at 28%, followed by Electric Power at 25%, then Industry at 23%, then Residential & Commercial at 13%, and finally Agriculture at 10%.
"US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector, 1990-2022"

A graph ordered by most-to-least amount per sector, in million metric ton emissions over time. Transportation is on top (it's hard to tell, but either staying the same or actually growing larger since 1990). Then Electric power sector, which grows a bit between 1990 and 2000, then levels off, and finally starts shrinking to actually a size that's below 1990. Under that, Industry; it shrinks slightly from 1990 to 2022.
Table from wikipedia showing countries and their fossil fuel emissions from 1970 to 2022. 

China is in first place, but having 0.91 mil tons/yr back in 1970, then 2.4mil in 1990, then 6.2 in 2005, and in 2022 12.6mil. % of world, it's just under 33%.

Next is the US, with 4.6mil in 1970, then 5mil in 1990, then 6.8mil in 2005, and down to 4.8mil in 2022. % of world, it's 12.6%

Then India, growing from 0.213mil in 1970 up to 2.7mil in 2022, and about 7% of the world's emissions.
"Cumulative CO2 emissions (1850-2021)"

A bar graph ordered by billion tonnes of CO2 for each country. The USA is in the lead, at around 425 bil (or over 500bil if you include "Land use, forestry"). Next is China, at just under 250bil (just under 300 including "Land use, forestry").
2024-06-07 09:11:53

And now, @… about accessibility in CSS. 🤩 #CSSDay #a11y

Sara on stage with the title slide: The “other” C in CSS
Slide: CSS can affect the accessibility information exposed in the accTree.
A slide showing CSS hiding techniques and their accessibility implications
2024-06-06 07:21:04

Auf der Suche nach einer ganz besonderen Immobilie? 🏠
Der ehemalige #Cyberbunker in Traben-Trarbach an der Mosel steht zum Verkauf!
Zum Artikel:

Im Bild sieht man mehrere Server in einem Raum stehen.

In der Überschrift steht: "Rheinland-Pfalz sucht  Käufer für ehemaligen Cyberbunker" dadrunter steht "2019 war der rund 5.500 Quadratmeter große Bunker als illegales Rechenzentrum für millionenschwere kriminelle Geschäfte im Darknet aufgeflogen."
2024-06-07 13:09:22

Goed bezig met dat mRNA vaccin. #not
Ze (FDA panel) hebben besloten F456L te negeren. Dus een hopeloos verouderd vaccin in het najaar.

diagram met blokjes en pijlen

Early XBB's

pijl F456L
EG.5.1 (Eris) Flip fall wave
schuine pijl Saltation evolution
JN.1 (Pirola)

pijl F456L
KP.2 (FLiRT) & KP.3 (FluQE)
2024-06-06 15:00:19

On Thursday 13 June 14:00–15:30 CEST, don't miss the #TNC24 session chaired by Hendrik Ike, ‘United or Divided: How will our Community be Working Together by 2040?’
This session will analyse the current and future Geopolitical trends that could influence our combined infrastructures, services, and more importantly, relationships, across the world.
Discover more in our TNC24 podcast:…
2024-06-07 00:55:00

Affluent wench on a yacht
Season 3 Episode 9 "Masquerade"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch
2024-06-07 05:37:48

Yup LinkedIn is the big winner from Elmo’s trashing of Twitter: PR professionals abandon X for LinkedIn

Chart showing intent to shift
2024-06-07 20:50:59

Gun Violence Awareness Day is a reminder of all that is at stake this November when it comes to keeping our communities safe.
#DyingForGunSafety #GunSense #GunSenseNow
2024-06-07 07:26:02

Schimmels worden resistenter tegen medicijnen, waardoor meer mensen een infectie krijgen.
Terwijl er jaarlijks enkele honderden kilo’s anti-schimmelmiddelen voor klinisch gebruik worden gemaakt, gebruikt de Nederlandse agrochemische industrie ruim 250 ton.
Zullen we die 250 ton is heel fors gaan terugdringen vanuit voorzorgsprincipe: voorkomen dat hetzelfde probleem onstaat als bij antibiotica?
2024-06-07 15:47:23

The VCS integration in #JetBrainsRider is so awesome. If you find a file in your commit window you need to ignore, you can just right-click and "Add to .gitignore”. No more tracking down the file and figuring out where to put the line. #dotnet

Add to gitignore context menu item in JetBrains Rider
2024-06-07 20:00:13

Min far lignede skuespilleren Patrick Stewart meget. Nok til at han registrerede sine computerprogrammer i navnet JL Picard (vi så Star Trek TNG sammen).
Min far dŸde for snart 20 år siden som kun 54-årig. Det er rŸrende og sært at se den ældre Stewart i Star Trek Picard og få et ganske godt bud på hvordan han ville have set ud nu.

Sir Patrick Stewart som den ældre Jean Luc Picard
2024-06-06 09:14:00
Content warning:

For the first #PhallusThursday in #PrideMonth, I present to you a beautiful bisexual ring from #ancientRome with a phallus on the left for scale. Which part of this love chain do you pref…

A Roman silver ring with erotic intaglio depicting two men and a woman engaging in a "love chain" with the woman reclining on a couch, receiving one of the men and the other man fucking him in the butt. A large phallus is depicted on the left to the scene, possibly for good luck.
2024-06-06 17:00:01

"Climate Denier Nigel Farage Standing in Seat at Risk of Sea Level Rises and Flooding"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Climate
2024-06-06 20:57:25

Jeffrey Gibson, American Mississippi Choctaw/Cherokee artist, at the USA Pavilion, Venice #Bienniale #Venezia

Sculpture of a bust: "Be Some Body"
Glass beads, nylon thread, vintage pinback buttons, tin jingles, acrylic felt, cold-rolled mild steel, steel plate, marble base
Sculpture of a bust: "Treat Me Right"
Glass beads, nylon fringe, tin jingles, vintage pinback buttons, metal bells, plastic bone pipe beads, cold-rolled mild steel, nylon thread, acrylic felt, steel plate, marble base
2024-06-07 12:10:18

Danke, ich brauch keine Tüte #carryshitolympics

Ein schwarzes Fahrrad ist an einer Wand geparkt, mit einer Schachtel VioBloc veganer Butter auf dem hinteren Gestell.
2024-06-06 06:08:31

Eine Nachricht, die irgendwie etwas unterzugehen scheint. @… hat jetzt eine offene Beta-Version der Android-App veröffentlicht. Damit lassen sich nun auch mobil bequem Publikationen lesen und annotieren. #zotero wandelt sich immer mehr zu einem kompletten Forschungsökos…
2024-06-06 18:33:48

Stolen from Twitter
2024-06-08 00:27:09

WaPo CEO Will Lewis and top editor Matt Murray send memos trying to reassure staff, and former CEO Patty Stonesifer visits the newsroom, after a week of tumult (New York Times)
2024-06-06 11:54:06

Kein Preis an die extreme Rechte - kein Preis für Milei
Podiumsdiskussion Uni Hamburg 09.06. ab 16 Uhr
von Melle Park 5, Asta Raum 0029
#FueraMilei #Hamburg #MileiRausAusHamburg

Kein Preis für Milei
2024-06-07 09:03:36

Durfte vorgestern einen Vortrag zu unserem ( Mittelalter-Chatbot #ParzivAI halten. Dabei kam auch diese Folie vor. Aber nicht nur auf der konzeptionellen Seite tut sich was, nein, auf der praktischen auch! Stay tuned.

Parzivai Diagramm
2024-06-07 11:36:35

Custom Profile Pictures — Commissions open (just two slots left at the moment!)
🌟 A unique profile picture for £30
🌟 Supplied as a 1000x1000px PNG
🌟 Vector version add-on available
🌟 FREE additional Pride background if requested
🌟 4-5 days delivery
#commissionsopen #kofi <…
2024-06-06 08:54:13

That's super lazy xD
TL;DR: Send e-mails/documents to users and tell them "copy this command, then open the execute command dialog, paste the command and press OK!!1!".
2024-06-07 06:49:33

Die Elektromobilität steckt in einem Stimmungstief. 🚗🔌
Laut einer aktuellen Studie halten es 51% der Deutschen für unwahrscheinlich, als nächstes Auto einen Stromer zu kaufen. Zum Artikel:

Auf dem Bild ist ein Elektroauto zu sehen, das gerade aufgeladen wird. In der Überschrift steht "Schwächelnde Elektromobilität" dadrunter steht ein Zitat von Stefan Moeller,
Geschäftsführer der E-Autoautovermietung Nextmove “Wir haben ein massives Stammtisch-problem.”
2024-06-06 11:00:04

Don’t forget to pack your running shoes for the #tncmorningrun 🏃 On Tuesday 11 June 07:00 - 08:00 you are invited to participate in a gentle 5km run through the streets and squares of Rennes, following the river Vilaine. It will be guided by a Rennes sports coach, and the link for the route will be shared soon.
Register now to join 👉
2024-06-07 15:50:17

RIVM rioolwaarden update.
Zagen we afgelopen woensdag een zwieper omhoog, vandaag is het juist weer een zwieper omlaag.
Dit door 2 nieuwe dagen in de data: 3 en 4 juni, met ongeveer 30% van de meetstations. Maar ook door het aanpassen van de dagen daarvoor, waardoor de beweging richting de 300 die we woensdag zagen weer helemaal weg is.
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-06-06 15:36:01

Voortzetting van bestaande marketingstrategie van Toyota maakt engineers overbodig
2024-06-06 12:00:00

"Global temperatures likely to surpass 1.5C limit by 2028, UN agency predicts"
#ParisAgreement #Climate #ClimateChange
2024-06-06 19:35:07

Dishonoring D‑Day: MAGA Republicans Choose Putin Over Patriots
2024-06-06 17:12:04

“How long can replacing the debugger view take, a couple of days, three tops?”
2024-06-07 06:49:33

Die Elektromobilität steckt in einem Stimmungstief. 🚗🔌
Laut einer aktuellen Studie halten es 51% der Deutschen für unwahrscheinlich, als nächstes Auto einen Stromer zu kaufen. Zum Artikel:

Auf dem Bild ist ein Elektroauto zu sehen, das gerade aufgeladen wird. In der Überschrift steht "Schwächelnde Elektromobilität" dadrunter steht ein Zitat von Stefan Moeller,
Geschäftsführer der E-Autoautovermietung Nextmove “Wir haben ein massives Stammtisch-problem.”
2024-06-07 09:03:02
Content warning:

For the first #FannyFriday in #PrideMonth I offer you a rare depiction of women loving women in Graeco-Roman art. These ladies are engaged in some good old oral 👌

Roman terracotta oil lamp depicting a woman giving cunnilingus to another woman.
2024-06-07 23:20:09

Foiled by sport and popular culture again! ✅❌✅✅✅❌❌✅✅✅
The Saturday Paper Quiz No. 503
I got 7/10!
2024-06-07 09:30:52

Oregon's First Pamplin Media sells to a Southern newspaper chain, and EO Media, which publishes 12 titles, closes five papers and puts up the company for sale (Brier Dudley/The Seattle Times)
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-06-06 21:46:27

Niks nek aan nek. Kan maar zo 9-6 worden.
2024-06-07 10:25:27

If you can't make #TNC24 face to face this year, don't worry as the Online Platform will be available. This means you can watch the live stream of sessions, comment and ask questions using the chat room, and watch on demand content for free!
Register now for your free online pass

Register for your Online Platform pass for free so you can stream and watch on demand content if you can't attend TNC24 face to face
2024-06-07 11:18:27

Nur Microsoft bleibt mit 3,15 Billionen Dollar noch vor Nvidia. 📈
Zum Artikel:

Im Bild sieht man das Nvidia-Logo.

In der Überschrift steht: "Nvidia ist nun wertvoller als Apple" dadrunter steht "Der US-amerikanische Chip-Konzern Nvidia hat einen Börsenwert von 3 Billionen US-Dollar überschritten."
2024-06-07 18:00:02

"Some countries could meet their total electricity needs from floating solar panels, research shows"
#Solar #SolarPower #Energy
2024-06-07 16:34:37

Join long-time conservation champion Senator Jon Tester and former Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell for a virtual Zoom reception. They’ll talk about conservation, public lands, and other key issues at stake this year.
#BlueWaveRising #MTPol

Conservationists for Tester
Wednesday June 12th 5 pm MT
2024-06-06 21:46:27

Niks nek aan nek. Kan maar zo 9-6 worden.
2024-06-07 09:03:02
Content warning:

For the first #FannyFriday in #PrideMonth I offer you a rare depiction of women loving women in Graeco-Roman art. These ladies are engaged in some good old oral 👌

Roman terracotta oil lamp depicting a woman giving cunnilingus to another woman.
2024-06-07 23:18:26

Inside the Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast failings: As the Bureau of Meteorology pulls back on its international obligations, increasing automation and a lack of experienced staff has made forecasts less reliable. By Rick Morton.
2024-06-06 07:47:15

Registration for your #TNC24 pass closes...TODAY⌛️So what are you waiting for? Visit the TNC24 website to register for your pass before it's too late! TNC24 is taking place in Rennes, on 10-14 June, and will be hosted by @….
Register before 6 June at midnight (CES…

Registration for TNC24 passes closes at midnight (CEST) on 6 June
2024-06-06 08:39:34

Vor 40 Jahren entstand der Spieleklassiker Tetris, der bis heute nichts von seiner Faszination verloren hat. 🕹️ Erfunden wurde das Spiel vom russischen Programmierer Alexei Leonidowitsch Paschitnow.
Zum Artikel:…

Im Bild sieht man einen angeschalteten Game Boy Pocket. Auf dem Display ist das Tetris Logo abgebildet. 

In der Überschrift steht "40 Jahre Tetris" dadrunter steht: "4 Jahrzehnte Klötzchen drehen, ohne zu altern: Remakes, Sequels, Remixe und Raubkopien 
haben den Klassiker von Alexei Paschitnow 
unsterblich gemacht."
2024-06-07 12:00:00

"‘The sea is sinking the island little by little’: Coastal community evacuated due to sea level rise"
#Panama #GardiSugdub #Climate
2024-06-07 18:43:25

Slechts 13% van de NSC-stemmers in november heeft gisteren opnieuw op het NSC gestemd.
Dit wordt de kortst bestaande politieke partij met zetels in de TK ooit. Omtzigt kwam, zag, en gooide alles in gruzelementen.

Waar komen kiezers vandaan?
Kiezers die nu op NSC stemmen, hebben tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2023 gestemd op:

stem 2024 NSC

stem 2023
Niet gestemd

Waar gingen kiezers naartoe?
Kiezers die tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2023 op NSC hebben gestemd, stemden nu op:

stem 2023 NSC
stem 2024
Niet gestemd
Andere partij
2024-06-07 22:32:03

Seems like this should be known & studied more? Women Are More Likely to Get Drug-Resistant Infections
2024-06-06 07:57:00
Content warning:

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"In these lines Apollonios takes over what Ibykos said in his account of the abduction of #Ganymede [that he was carried off by a love-smitten Zeus] in his song to Gorgias."
Ibycus, Fragment 289 (from Scholiast on Apo…

Mosaic of Zeus abducting Ganymede in the shape of an eagle.
2024-06-07 14:45:34

Baking in the heat? Check to see if you are you in a HEAT DOME!
2024-06-07 15:07:43

#CSSDay closing keynote: @… on … 🥁 … Masonry Layout!

Nicole Sullivan on stage
2024-06-07 11:00:02

"Nine key takeaways about the ‘state of CO2 removal’ in 2024"
#Carbon #CarbonDioxide #CarbonOffsets
2024-06-06 06:51:34

Not having this on the PBS is just more ageism and medical misogyny: Calls to include newer menopause drugs on PBS, as $60-a-month cost for treatment adds up
2024-06-06 07:57:00
Content warning:

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"In these lines Apollonios takes over what Ibykos said in his account of the abduction of #Ganymede [that he was carried off by a love-smitten Zeus] in his song to Gorgias."
Ibycus, Fragment 289 (from Scholiast on Apo…

Mosaic of Zeus abducting Ganymede in the shape of an eagle.
2024-06-07 15:07:43

#CSSDay closing keynote: @… on … 🥁 … Masonry Layout!

Nicole Sullivan on stage
2024-06-07 22:03:27

Tja, hoe zou dat nou komen, dat die cijfers kennelijk vastgehouden moesten worden tot na de verkiezingen?
'1 ding he? .... ik heb deze cijfers nooit gezien. En ik *ga* ze ook niet zien in 2023. Nergens! Capisce? Ga maar fijn een paar maanden checken of zo.' ... zou zomaar kunnen.
2024-06-07 22:11:38

A Moscow court sentenced Twitch streamer Anna Bazhutova to 5.5 years in prison for livestreaming witness testimony about alleged Russian atrocities in Bucha.
- The Moscow Times

Anna Bazhutova in handcuffs