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2024-04-13 15:23:21

Trump derailed Oval Office China talks with Stormy Daniels rant, book says | Books | The Guardian
2024-05-15 19:53:17
Content warning: Rant, Hamas, "palästinasolidarische" Linke

"Jaok, Hamas scheiße, aber Israel..."
Wer zum Fick unternimmt denn außer Israel was gegen die Hamas? Entweder selber Hamas bekämpfen oder Maul halten!
Alles andere ist Hamas-Support.
2024-05-16 15:04:09

Tja, hätte er doch einen zweiten Xshitter-Account «RamboPhilippesPrivatMeinung» mit den üblichen 20 Followern von rechts bis religiös für seinen Rant benutzt, wäre es niemandem aufgefallen. 🤷‍♂️
2024-06-10 15:09:07

Oui, bon, c'est le bordel dans mon thread, mais vous cliquez sur un de mes posts et vous remontez...
Sinon, j'ai tout regroupé vite fait dans mon blog, Š lire ici :
2024-06-13 16:00:05

"It is helpful that the X icon is a literal reminder not to use it. A few months ago I took it off my phone, but then I was traveling for conferences and trying to talk to journalists so I had to add it back. Journalists still love X, because Twitter used to be where important people said things. Nobody is saying anything important there now. "
(Original title: How to Leave Twitter)
2024-06-12 23:10:52

Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It's Normal (Brian Klaas/The Atlantic)
2024-05-08 16:47:42

10th Doctor is my favourite one. :tardis:
2024-04-12 18:32:18

Another covid erasure rant
Also from conversations at the dentist: staff don't test themselves regularly any more, but they do if they have respiratory symptoms!
There's a giant list of possible covid symptoms besides those! Like headache for example! Are we in a timewarp back to spring 2020?
It's really up in my face right now how weird the world is nowadays. No longer medical professionals' jobs to know even the basic facts necessary for infection control.
#CovidErasure #covid
2024-06-08 00:13:31

I love that I have an 11-year-old post that’s still getting useful comments:
My post was mostly just a rant about lack of decimal ali…

Trump Says He’ll Become ‘Modern Day Nelson Mandela’ Over Right to Attack Judge’s Daughter
In a weekend Truth Social blitz, the former president threatened to violate his gag order in the upcoming hush money trial…
2024-06-12 23:10:52

Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It's Normal (Brian Klaas/The Atlantic)

When is a rant not a rant? When I decide to listen closely. I'LL decide when it's a rant, and then scroll on. Someone else will engage and reply. Then it wasn't JUST a rant.
#ScrollOnBuddy #HowCanIScroll #WhenTheMeaningsGo
2024-05-09 10:10:33

Baidu VP Qu Jing posted several videos on Douyin demeaning staff, intended to promote Baidu, that reignited criticism of Chinese tech companies' work culture (Financial Times)
2024-04-09 08:59:12

#DanskerTrut #rant #fckcapitalism
"Kære" toiletpapirproducenter
Tror I virkelig at vi er så hjernedŸd at vi ikke opdager at I både har reduceret bredden af rullen me…
2024-04-27 04:29:15

Colts GM defends rookie Mitchell in profane rant
2024-05-07 11:57:01

why do people use [at]here or [at]all in channels where everyone will read the messages anyways? or even worse: in channels where not everyone needs to read everything.
it's annoying af. i muted all notifications except direct mentions for a reason. this creates urgency unnecessarily. #rant
2024-04-05 09:51:31

#Rant. There are mansplainers and there are mansplainers who mansplain to me confidently, in writing, the *definitions* of the topics of my expertise. Their definitions are incorrect or shaky and they don't cite their sources or provide a basis. #Mansplaining Ultra Pro Max.
Why do men wa…
2024-05-31 21:27:06

'Polluted stream of consciousness': Trump 'needs a nap and neurologist' after post-conviction rant -
2024-04-01 14:31:13
Content warning: Rant on "🚀", design request

I'm allergic to the 🚀 (rocket) emoji used as symbol of progress, coolness.
A massive concentrated release of energy¹ is a luxury, a sacrifice. Burning our past and future for a brief joy fuels the #ClimateCrisis and authoritarianism (control over such resources isn't egalitarian).
THEREFORE, create a font where it's replaced by a humane force multiplier, like:
* shoul…

This rant brought to you by me being an ungrateful hypercritic while trying out the lovely phanpy, which happens to use a rocket icon as boost button.
"2014 Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships, 10th-12 July, Levallois-Perret, France. Finals : women's group. Australia.

Photo by Pierre-Yves Beaudouin (Pyb), 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0.

There are probably better examples of artistic gymnastic and even yoga poses representing the same ideas (trio pike hold? shoulder stand?), but I don't know the terminology well enough to find them.
Barn raising in Germany, 1958.

Photo Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-54263-0002 / CC-BY-SA.

Original historic description: 

Kleinkramm, LPG, Bau eines Stalls

Zentralbild Weiß-5.4.1958 Weiß-L-Weitere zwei Offenställe durch eingesparte Mittel-Bis zum V. Parteitag der SED werden im Kreis Ludwigslust sieben Offenställe vom Typ "Brandenburg" für je 60 Milchkühe und neun Offenställe vom Typ "Goldenstädt" für je 75 Jungrinder gebaut. Die dabei durch zusätzliche Leistungen der Bevölkerung und de…
Bicycle hub gear. Image by AndrewDressel, 2011, CC BY-SA 3.0.
2024-04-10 19:16:06

@… @… Great rant on both of those, and this discussion in general:
2024-05-07 19:10:37

1. From follow-up to responses to this[1] article that was published 13 years ago.
2. From Apple's website, today.

Today [2011], iPad good. It's flat and glassy and everyone loves it anyway. It's genuinely revolutionary. But if all we have in twenty years is an iPad with a few haptic gimmicks, that'll be bad.
Magic Keyboard.
Innovation is key.

Magic Keyboard delivers an amazing typing and trackpad experience in a sleek, portable new design with an aluminum palm rest. The keyboard includes a function row and a larger glass trackpad with haptic feedback for precise work and Multi‑Touch gestures.
2024-03-31 15:32:27

Some apps use "update". Some use "upgrade". Depending on context, the mean the same thing.
Both piss me off at the lack of standardization.
2024-05-07 17:02:13

A bit of a rant from Dan Meyer on Khanmigo (Khan Academy's #GPT based tutor):
I a…
2024-04-09 19:20:31

I’m always amazed by the capacity of the WordPress team to make the already shitty Gutenberg editor even worse at every new release. At this point, I consider that they have manifested the purpose of making it the worst possible editor of all time, and that they’re pouring their hearts into this task. Maybe they’re chasing an award, dunno. I don’t know whether this is a rant or a praise at this point. I want to cry and clap at the same time. What a moment to be alive.
2024-05-05 05:29:31

me: (five minute long rant about [redacted] that involved the words "↵₁ amount of effort")
@…: "..."
me: "am I describing something incredibly depressing?"
Wanda: "you are describing several incredibly depressing things!"
me: "but I think of this as a positive development!"
Wanda: "I know! t…
2024-04-02 21:04:08

#Rant #Biblebelt
Ugh, have
2024-04-05 18:35:02

I just love how some of the ABENDs are handled (not). Program died and put out it had a problem and only the internal message number and no reason text. Pull up the system doc (in PDF), find the program and then read to find that the expected serial number was not found. How about PUTTING THAT IN THE ABEND MESSAGE! Took almost 30 minutes to find, 1 minute to fix.
Looking very forward to that stiff shot of whiskey at end of day.
2024-05-09 09:31:39

"Jetzt neu mit KI" prangt bald auf jeder Software, auch wenn sie nur 0 und 1 zusammenzählt. Wir sollten jedoch nicht auf KI-Potenziale schielen, sondern endlich mit der Schreibmaschinen-Digitalisierung aufhören. Ein Rant.
online: b…

Ein Bild des verlinkten Zeitungsartikels "Kampf der Schreibmaschinen-Digitalisierung" auf dem aber ausser dem Titel nichts wirklich lesbar ist ;-)
2024-05-07 08:03:45

And no need to rant about software quality of teams, I know already
2024-05-07 23:43:31

apple, ipads
i have ordered a purple ipad air and the apple pencil pro to replace my 2016 (!) ipad pro 9.7", which is still good enough for drawing with procreate, but it has trouble keeping up with modern websites* and newer apps. 8 years is a pretty good run? i briefly considered the fancy ipad pro, but i really don't want to spend that much.
* saving a rant for another day about how "browsing the web" goes from "casual use" to one of the more resource-intensive things your computer has to do
2024-06-04 10:19:20

I really don't get why some people get _so_ upset that they have to DM me about some of us regularly using hashtags here. In the absence of search, it's the only viable means to organize my own content here, but HTs also help others to discover & filter (ir)relevant posts. They also allow me to share project specific links like these below to non-followers or non-fediverse people:
2024-04-14 01:50:45

Noncitizen voting isn't an issue in federal elections, regardless of conspiracy theories. Here's why (Nicholas Riccardi/Associated Press)
2024-06-06 19:08:50

Today I had cause to remember Danny O'Brien's epic 2013 rant to Noisebridge hackerspace about the misbehaviours there, and have a re-read.
I have no idea of the rights and wrongs of that situation but it is just such an amazing piece of writing.
Does contain robust swearing and allegations of various kinds of assault and edgelording.
2024-05-11 11:38:46
Content warning: little rant about social media

On the few times I check the comments of a #Youtube shorts video, it's ALWAYS the crankiest, most opinionated, and wrongest place that day. Not that regular video comments are not cranky, some comment chains have arguments, but with shorts, it's like the first five top comments all have them. I guess it's harder to curate your audience with that format.
2024-05-06 14:29:52

More #Renfe rant: This display showing who is next in line to be served at the counter uses most of the area to display ad videos. Instead of for instance using a larger font for the numbers so that they could actually be seen by people standing far away. Oh, and some of the queue numbers use both capital O and digit zero. And there are benches to sit on in the corner, from which the display is n…
2024-06-09 14:27:44
Content warning: Hykuu Dumpster Battle movie rant; spoilers

Just watched #Hykuu Dumpster Battle movie and it was a let down!
The local theatre was too quiet (unlike my Demon Slayer movie experience) but also the movie didn't give me the "Hykuu" fix I am used to from the anime.
Also, why is it that Karasuma was always leading Nekoma in all 3 sets? They did lose the first set but that felt more like plot armor for Nekoma to add t…
2024-05-14 20:21:36
Content warning: rant, swearing, llms

The new announcements by #OpenAI have reminded me about how much I hope for this entire bubble to finally burst.
Billions of dollars spent, tons of emissions generated and countless works of art stolen in order to .. build a bullshit machine that's slightly better at bullshitting than the earlier one?
Remember folks:
2024-04-02 00:23:00

I read the first book in the series and something felt idea it was the author.
"Arrest me!": J.K. #Rowling posts anti-#trans rant, responding to Scottish hate crime law |
2024-04-02 09:44:31

Gebloggt. »Vorbildlich« – ein kleiner Rant über Werbebotschaften, die eigentlich keine sein sollten:
2024-05-04 19:53:25

lokalpolitik, rant
blöde NIMBYs wollen lieber acht spuren teer als ne verdammte s-bahn durch ihren stadtteil. sollen die halt in ihrem auto auf der a661 schlafen wenn sie die bahn so stört
2024-05-02 17:50:11

Campus protests
I see Biden is throwing the election by lying about about the violence of peace protesters in his deranged rant against protest while he passes bad anti-protest laws.
A second Trump term eh?
I'd have bet against that in October but it looks more likely every time I see Biden on screen these days
#biden #protest #gaza
2024-05-27 17:24:43

May 27 — The social-media account of Donald Trump today posted, in place of a Memorial Day message, an angry stream-of-consciousness rant, apparently by the former president himself, directing invective against “Human Scum” and the judges handling his various federal and state trials. He referred to the United States as “our Once Great Country,” to the CNN journalist Anderson Cooper as “Alison Cooper,” and to the judges as “Wacko” and “Trump Hating.” (1/2)
2024-05-27 17:52:05

Final talk of the day for me: Inspirational rant by @… about empty innovation. #rp24 #stage2
2024-05-23 19:59:54

Exceptional industry rant:
2024-05-31 18:26:05

“*rant about copyright and how you *do* have rights even if people say you need express written permission* Be cool ok? Be cool.”
“[then how to follow the author] …there’s Twitter or whatever that dumbass is calling it by the time you get this…”
*slow clap*
2024-04-08 20:50:14

'Disinformation': Greene pushes pro-Putin propaganda in 'war on Christianity' rant -
2024-03-27 14:40:20

Oor Lesley's rant against Thatcher in the second half of this episode is MAGNIFICENT, and I applaud every word of it!
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast: The Act We Act
Episode webpage:
Media file:
2024-04-20 16:36:36

Watching the US House debate on C-SPAN. The Putinistas are treading lightly except for a deranged rant from MTG. Now they’re on the $-to-Israel bill; one voice so far is uncomfortable with Netanyahu's slaughter of the innocents. Apparently invisible or irrelevant to all the others. Anyhow, the bill has a useful humanitarian-aid-for-Gaza component (one GOP voice wanted to amend that bit out).
2024-06-03 17:25:30

Rant time: The arrogance of 2ndhand buyers in Flanders, Belgium. I'm selling a #Kobo Clara HD eReader, price is set at: Pay what you think it is worth. I agree on 75 Euro, I'm very easy on when to pick up: every weekday from noon till whatever. I get a reply they will try to pick it up sometime this week, if they can make it. Asshole, you got overbid by 5 Euro meanwhile so if you want th…
2024-05-26 14:20:38

Rant zum Dilemma der CDU, die sich zwischen Brandmauer und Modernisierung einerseits und Populismus andererseits entscheiden muss.
2024-05-07 08:03:45

And no need to rant about software quality of teams, I know already
2024-05-30 07:51:01

Wir muessen doch bei den Fakten bleiben und von unseren Volksvertreter:innen erwarten koennen, dass sie die Basics kennen! Was Kloeckner und Linnemann rausgehauen haben, das laesst mich daran zweifeln und fuehrt dazu, dass der oeffentlich Diskurs noch extremer, noch uneinsichtiger wird, schreibt der @…
Merz und Linnemann führen die
2024-04-28 04:53:59

curmudgeon they call us but it is because no one listened and get the hell off my lawn
oldschool rant but y'know it is a pain the backside when I can't describe a tech matter to an intern from within #emacs when all they know is Facebook messenger. I mean, way back when, this was not a problem, happy coexistance, to each their own. Peak Internet was fun, tho', wasn't it? Or was I just not paying attention.
2024-03-25 21:46:32
Content warning: Small rant about people speaking on something that they know nothing about.

Serious question for those that this is relevant to: if you don't understand how ActivityPub works, even a little bit, why do you feel the need to have opinions on how it should work?
Isn't this backwards as hell? Shouldn't you try to understand how something works, then ask why it is that way and if it's intentional?
Too many people here have this strange opinion that they have some sort of privacy, even if their profile/posts are set to "public".
2024-05-11 11:38:46
Content warning: little rant about social media

On the few times I check the comments of a #Youtube shorts video, it's ALWAYS the crankiest, most opinionated, and wrongest place that day. Not that regular video comments are not cranky, some comment chains have arguments, but with shorts, it's like the first five top comments all have them. I guess it's harder to curate your audience with that format.
2024-05-06 14:29:52

More #Renfe rant: This display showing who is next in line to be served at the counter uses most of the area to display ad videos. Instead of for instance using a larger font for the numbers so that they could actually be seen by people standing far away. Oh, and some of the queue numbers use both capital O and digit zero. And there are benches to sit on in the corner, from which the display is n…
2024-04-26 12:39:20
Content warning: Rant, Internetnostalgie

Es nervt... Lokaler Bäcker organisiert schöne Familienevents. Wo findet man Infos dazu? Website, RSS Feed, newsletter, Filiale? Nein, exklusiv nur auf Facebook. Und in der Filiale bekommt man gesagt: schauen Sie auf unserer Website, da informieren wir. Ich will die blogs, websites und RSS feeds zurück.
2024-05-05 11:50:35

good rant on public health
From Julia Doubleday back in January:
"... demanding clean air and clean water is not “living in fear” but simply expecting the bare minimum of a democratic society to which we pay taxes...
"Zero public health projects in the history of ever have had a stated goal of “ignore it because we have to live life.” It’s fundamentally antithetical to the very concept of public health."
#covid #health #AirQuality
2024-04-23 18:39:45

guys, is it bad to be daydreaming of being caught in the elevator at work with the CEO so you can rant for 45 seconds at him for how he's running your company into the fucking ground?
2024-06-06 01:04:07

Just discovered that the not-all-that-recent upgrade to systemd had silently broken fail2ban on a couple of my systems. Easy enough to fix thanks to some decent docs, but still. :jackie-chan-wtf-meme /mini-rant #linux
2024-04-23 06:51:22

Some of you may have seen me researching online signing services yesterday, testing about five different services through their trial accounts. One of those companies just called me up(!) and wanted to book me in for a demo of their product.

I said I went with Docuseal because it’s open source and I have control over my own data as I can self-host. “Oh is that important to you, why?”, he asked. So I actually went on a rant about digital ethics, indieweb and how we are tracked whatever …
2024-04-20 15:19:08
Content warning: Profanity, lots of it.

Oh god, RPM found something new to rant about. XDDDD
2024-03-23 14:58:01

This thread from Twitter prompted this rant (very long... sorry) on a potential solution for media in terms of how they are funded. The pay-per-article model, despite being tested over the past decade, has not taken off. I'll give my view on why that is later in this thread, but new models of journalism and new social media technologies can provide hope.
2024-03-27 15:31:50
Content warning: Silly rant about the use of the word "rendering" in art

It drives me insane when people call shading a piece of art "rendering" and now people call even sketches "renders" dude I can't do this anymore 💀 you are a person not a computer program you ain't rendering shit
2024-03-21 08:45:55
Content warning: Belgian bank rant

No KBC, I don't care about Kate points and I never will.
2024-03-22 22:20:16

2024-03-18 09:39:56

Subtooting myself: I should probably repost / boost that rant to the yank pol types when they're all actually awake.
Bloody timezones!
2024-03-25 22:35:58

Anyway, sorry for my rant. Normal tooting will resume in the morning. I'm off to listen to Miles Davis, read a book and chill before sleep.
Night all!
#MilesDavis #jazz #bookstodon
2024-04-20 02:57:26

"Just move to Matrix, Discord is insecure”
I mean, yes*. But also: the community will cease to exist if you try to move it. Communication technology is situated. Community is in its connections, and if you bifurcate it, it becomes two different communities.
If you wholesale shut down the old and start the new, you'll have a very different community when it arrives.
Maybe, if you get a bulk of people together and organized, you can pull it off. It means the slow careful work of mapping enough relationships so that you know you have a coherent cluster of people aligned to do the move.
* I have a whole rant about what "secure" means in the context of community but you'll have to wait or ask for that.
2024-05-17 12:31:59
Content warning: Rant

FUCK OFF WITH YOUR LAWNMOWING, YOU INSECURE BRAIN DEAD MORONS. I’m sorry you have nothing better to do with your lives, but do you have to inflict it on those who do 🤬🤬🤬
2024-04-18 07:58:54

Just watched a tech video, and in a section saying that many VPN providers are nonsense (which is true) the guy went on a little rant on how, when on public WiFi never to log in to youtube, and to also use incognito mode in the same situation.
I'm kinda impressed you can run a popular tech channel without knowing about TLS or what incognito mode actually does.
2024-03-27 02:15:58

Trump Goes on Bizarre Rant About 'CROOKED JOE BUDEN' Who 'DISINFORMATES AND 'MISINFORMATES' About Obamacare (Colby Hall/Mediaite)
2024-05-28 13:00:44

This month’s Notes on Editing newsletter just went out the door. If you’re not getting it in your mailbox, you can catch it at and maybe sign up for the next time. This issue bring…
2024-05-21 16:11:14

Rant finished, please use whatever you find best for you and if you have some energy try thinking critically when doing your choice.
2024-04-15 06:59:13

disability benefits rant
"Work is the best path to long-term financial security" says someone at the DWP.
Not if you can't work it isn't!
Glib, callous invisibilising of long-term conditions. How are these people in charge of anything.
#disability #benefits #UK #austerity #poverty
2024-05-28 17:28:12

San Francisco snags $3.4B from FTA to bring commuter rail to downtown transit center
#RealEstate #UrbanDevelopment #SmartCitiesDive
2024-05-24 20:07:43

Conservative blasts Trump for putting 'personal vendettas' over safety of WSJ reporter - Raw Story
2024-05-30 14:56:25

Lenore rant #3
2024-04-28 04:53:59

curmudgeon they call us but it is because no one listened and get the hell off my lawn
oldschool rant but y'know it is a pain the backside when I can't describe a tech matter to an intern from within #emacs when all they know is Facebook messenger. I mean, way back when, this was not a problem, happy coexistance, to each their own. Peak Internet was fun, tho', wasn't it? Or was I just not paying attention.
2024-03-23 17:26:07

Trump refers to AG Letitia James as having an "ugly mouth" and "low IQ" in Truth Social rant (Kelly McClure/Salon)
2024-03-26 15:44:17

Videos that auto-play but muted are wrong in every possible perspective. Even if I want to see it, then by the time I unmute I've missed the first several seconds. And if I don't want to, I'm wasting a ton of bandwidth for video I don't want.
There is no situation in which "autoplay muted" is the correct answer. Absolutely none.
If your website is doing it, you are wrong. Please stop. Now.
2024-04-02 09:23:41
Content warning: KDE rant

@… ich nutze KDE seit Version 1.1.
Inzwischen ist Konqueror zerstört und durch einen dummen filemanager ersetzt. Ich musste nach 20 Jahren KDE-PIM verlassen und durch Thunderbird ersetzen, weil der Datenverlust einfach zu hoch war. Die Protokolle (imap, caldav, cardav) sind dort so schlampig implementiert, dass es ständig explodiert. Die Datenbank (ob mysql o…
2024-05-29 17:33:20

Fox's Steve Doocy, Eric Shawn Destroy Trump Trial Rant
2024-06-03 09:29:28

online pattern grumble
Small rant addressed to people who claim their resource is "Free", when in fact, to actually get it, I'd have to give my email address.
You know full well that my address has value. That's why you're asking for it!
That isn't offering me something for free; it's inviting me to trade.
If you _really_ meant "Free", I would be able to download your resource right there and then. And I could decide later whether I wanted you to have my address & my future attention.
2024-03-21 19:05:06

Did you know: Reddit refused my advertising money. They would not accept my adverts for my tarot deck even just posted to the actual tarot subreddit on account of tarot being occult or some such prudish christian nonsense. Probably nonsense their payment provider insists upon.
They occasionally email asking if i want to advertise with them again and I usually ignore it but sometimes rant back that they won't just shut and take my money.
I doubt being a public company has changed their policy.
2024-04-02 09:23:41
Content warning: KDE rant

@… ich nutze KDE seit Version 1.1.
Inzwischen ist Konqueror zerstört und durch einen dummen filemanager ersetzt. Ich musste nach 20 Jahren KDE-PIM verlassen und durch Thunderbird ersetzen, weil der Datenverlust einfach zu hoch war. Die Protokolle (imap, caldav, cardav) sind dort so schlampig implementiert, dass es ständig explodiert. Die Datenbank (ob mysql o…
2024-03-24 00:53:33

Guess who got it thrown back in his face:
Trump appears to undercut his own defense in new rant: 'So you don't want full immunity?' - Raw Story
2024-05-10 07:40:55

Every single time I'm feeling inclined to rant about an API not working as intended it's actually me not having read the docs well enough.
2024-05-28 22:10:36

Trump stuns donors with behind-closed-doors rant about bombing Russia and China: report (Matthew Chapman/Raw Story)
2024-05-28 22:10:36

Trump stuns donors with behind-closed-doors rant about bombing Russia and China: report (Matthew Chapman/Raw Story)
2024-04-07 20:48:18

SLIGHT rant about how Nostr works and comparing it to BlueSky, Fedi, and other platforms in terms of moderation.
Well, I just learned a bit about Nostr.
It's basically "Bluesky, but FOSS". You have your account that has more control of moderation for the user.
The difference is that on Nostr nobody can "ban" per se because nobody has control over each other. It's block and mute. That's your moderation and you do it yourself. Nobody does it for you, unlike Fedi or BlueSky.
I gotta say, that's where a lot of you really need to go to have your eyes opened to what the Fediverse is really like for those of us on single user instances and the sheer amount of work unpaid moderators and admins do here to keep these instances as "nasty shit free" as they can.
Awhile back I kept seeing things like "Other platforms have moderation issues, there's CP and all kinds of other nasty stuff there".
There's all that here too, you're just privileged to have people with massive amounts of passion for this place and do the unpaid work to block and remove all that shit.
If you actually had any control in what you're allowed to see or not see, it can end up being the wild west for all things bad. Which is okay for those who don't mind blocking and muting endlessly (What Fediverse unpaid mods and admins do every day), but I'd bet a lot of you won't want to do that because it sounds HARD and potentially gross and traumatic.
So, whenever you think "that other platform is bad because their moderation sucks". Maybe, just maybe, think about if you would want to sit there all day looking at nasty shit like CP and other sexual crimes/hate speech/scams/etc. and have a little sympathy for the actual people who do. Because it sucks and it does exist here, you just don't see it.
#Fediverse #Nostr #Fedi #BlueSky #Threads #Moderation #Mastodon
2024-03-23 02:19:35

#Rant #Eufy #Camera #Homelab
So we started feeding birds …
2024-05-28 06:13:33

Trump Posts Memorial Day Message -- With No Mention of Troops
2024-03-21 20:39:22

#Rant #IT #ITSM #Corporate
Speaking of HEAT Software's …
2024-05-21 08:00:38

A bit of a rant (AdTech, Surveillance Tech, AI)
So… "#Microsoft announces #Copilot Plus PCs with built-in AI hardware". What joy/buzzword splurging this is…
#AdTech, #Alexa, #Nest, #Siri, "integration with OpenAI" do not help here either. Nor do things like the #BBC saying "just ask your smart speaker to play Radio 2" (:rolled_up_newspaper: News flash, your speaker isn't smart, it's just connected to something that can decipher some bits of language in specific orders… try using the command line, it's about as forgiving).
If people are going to trust it then it needs to be transparent in how it works. Having Microsoft Windows feed usage behaviour, email content, and goodness knows what else back into "the system" to "improve things" with no up-front way to opt-out is abhorrent. (When you start Microsoft Mail #Outlook Express, it says two things: 1. We'll store all your email on our servers, 2. We'll share "things" with over 800 third parties. If you don't like either of those things, don't use Outlook).
We thought #Google
was bad when it started scraping our email to place ads … when the OS starts doing that, you're in trouble.
And I'll just leave this here… "An attorney says she saw her library reading habits reflected in mobile ads. That's not supposed to happen"
2024-03-19 14:55:10

good rant about bad weight-loss rhetoric
From Kate Manne.
"... the measure so-called obesity is based on, the BMI, is hopelessly flawed and simplistic. The likely reason that the AMA ignored these worries and deemed obesity a disease anyway can be gleaned by following the money: the new weight loss drugs Belviq and Qsymia had been introduced to the market just prior, and were not selling as well as predicted."
#BMI #BadScience #drugs #BigPharma #Oprah