2024-10-04 17:04:35
De #lidl adverteert met hertenbiefstuk op #dierendag.
Gister express eens naar #Eva gekeken want op avond voor dierendag een item over honden. Geen woord over de holocaust van de dieren.
Soms is
De #lidl adverteert met hertenbiefstuk op #dierendag.
Gister express eens naar #Eva gekeken want op avond voor dierendag een item over honden. Geen woord over de holocaust van de dieren.
Soms is
Alan Ritchson reveals how he almost lost the role of Reacher
#alanritchson #reacher #humor
"Hey, gran'kids, did you know there was a time when the AI was just *a part of* the game engine - not the *other* way around? ..." 👴 #DecartEtched #Minecraft #gameinAI
An 25. Aug. 2024 wurde ein Sanderdegemisch von der #Bredowstraße auf den Kurt Schumacher Damm in #Osnabrück bzw. #Radschutzstreifen in gespült.
Siehe hier:
...and other hilariously contradictory & moronic moments between MAGA media & the great Rignoramous himself, Fat Nixon.
#humor #jimmykimmel #comedy
"Tesla's issued a recall on 27,000 Cybertrucks due to an issue with its rear view camera.
Apparently whenever it's on, you can see all the people laughing at you."
- Late Night with Seth Meyers
#humor #cybertruck
Das rote Auto parkte auf dem gemeinsamen "Geh- #Radweg" im Seitenraum in der Tempo 30 Zone in #Osnabrück. Vermutlich um nicht in der prallen Sonne zu stehen.
Es gab einen Hinweis in Form eines Klebezettels. Text: Parke nicht auf unseren Wegen. Es wurde versucht den Aufkleber zu entfer…
Unpopular opinion on software development
Yesterday, I came across CI cultists.
They were preaching one should merge in main multiple times a day.
Quite frankly, I associate this behaviour to lab rats compulsively clicking the button to get gratifications (please don't do that to rats).
I think developers should refrain from becoming merge junkies. Code review is essential for good code quality. Automated tests suck at detecting logical errors, security vulnerabilities, and even decent code coverage.
Also, I believe pair programming is absolutely not a strategy to allow continuous integration. Everybody involved in the development process is drunk on their own bullshit reasons they made up to justify their poor design. Either the code review should be done by someone else, or the developers should sober up for a fortnight before code reviewing their own code.
PS: I am a software developer. I get drunk on my own bullshit as well.
#software #development #ci #codereview
Hello, caneandable.social! I'm Lanie, a 32-year-old #Christian woman from Pipe Creek, TX. I'm #aroace, #TotallyBlind,
Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud
"Undecided business owners that say:
"I just don't know enough about her"
...what they really mean is:
"I just want deregulation & tax cuts.""
- Stephanie Ruhle, 11th Hour, MSNBC
#MSNBC #stephanieruhle
Spende so, dass der #BDS was dagegen hat. #ConneIsland #NoBDS ✌️
My kids use an #ipad & #MacBookAir for studies. Their relevant folders & apps are synched to their personal #icloud which I administer. I can manually synch their stuff onto their user accounts (logon…
Anybody using #OpenTOFU encrypted state? Any feedback?
What did you start storing in the state that you did not store previously?
„Out Changing Climate“ hat ein tolles Video über #organizing gemacht, das die Methode kurz einführt und in erster Linie mit vielen Beispielen wie von #UAW & #endegelaende zum Handeln inspiriert:
So, #chopin dropped this new waltz, and it's pretty dramatic. Nice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRfse_wSUmw&t=67s
Pondering insignificance.
(alt text for more info)
#SilentSunday #LandscapePhotography #Photography
🇬🇧 Is there already a clever way (or maybe there has always been, and I don't know about it) to add some more functionality to the #ActionButton of the new #iPhone? What I mean is, is it possible to assign some additional actions, e.g. for double or even triple presses instead of just the …
TIL that Amsterdam in 1974 already had a solution to the accumulating numbers of privately owned polluting cars: a system for shared small electrical vehicles, the 'witkar'. Watch the short video from BBC archive: https://youtu.be/G9vKzwIKFtg
NERDS at the #D3A Conference
Mela: *duscht und kommt nach dem Duschen mit einem Handtuch um den Kopf ins Schlafzimmer*
Bernd: *singt schlaftrunken* "Es geht ein Bi Ba Butzemann …"
Mela: "Minne hatte ich mir auch anders vorgestellt."
Urge the University of Bristol to Ban Forced Swimming Tests #AnimalRights #AnimalTests #AnimalTesting
#Fosstodon If I post a post with at least two #hashtags, how long does it take to be able to find the post by #searching for the two hashtags ? Is there a certain amount of time it takes?
Caroline Polachek - True Love Waits [Radiohead Cover]
#FediRadio #CarolinePolachek
Interesting report on an old #archival preservation technique and its challenge for #digitization.
A literal 'Spürnase' is helpful: "a faint scent of vanilla is present, a sign that the paper itself has begun to break down" 👃
Weniger Social Media, dafür viel gelesen. Drei von den gelesenen Büchern kann ich euch einfach uneingeschränkt empfehlen. So großartige Romane. #Bookstodon #Literatur
Birth place of giants.
(alt text for more info)
#Glacier #LandscapePhotography #Photography
Gibt es bei den DJI-Actioncams wirklich keinen Fotomodus, bei dem einfach alle X Sekunden ein Foto (mit Standortdaten) gespeichert wird (Zeitrafferfoto)? 🧐
Eigentlich möchte ich wegen der Softwareprobleme keine Gopro mehr, aber diesen Fotomodus brauche ich definitiv.
Die DJI Osmo Action 4 erfüllt sonst alle Kriterien und ist preislich auch sehr attraktiv...
Über #umverkehr
Breaking: Dä Rösti bschisst scho wieder! 😡💩
Die Kosten des Autoverkehrs und die Kosten für den Autobahnausbau für die Allgemeinheit werden viel höher ausfallen, als bisher angenommen. Offenbar hält Skandal-Rösti diesen brisanten Bericht zurück. 😱 Findest du das auch eine Frechheit?
👉🏽 Dann unterschreibe jetzt den Rösti-Appell «Schluss mit falschen Zahlen!» ✍🏼
#abstimmung #Schweiz
New Website Helps Researchers Overcome Peer Reviewers’ Preference for Animal Experiments #AnimalRights #AnimalTests #AnimalTesting
#yahoo app puts delete next to select... am I a grumpy old git with overly fat thumbs or what? Why have a select option and not let me select on one click. GUI design has really gone down the pan and why can't I decide how I want to have my menus appear? Where is AI when you need it. Are there ANY #android
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#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud
I am writing a #podcast feed generator with @…
It is interesting how no two podcast feed look the same. Some have one or two namespaces (usually itunes and podcasting 2.0) and some have over half a dozen (rawvoice, googleplay, purl, atom, etc.).
itunes tags greatly vary in quantity and syntax. Several of them are not even listed on the Apple official page for Podcast RSS pages. https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
Of course, that page is incomplete and you can find other tags that are still in use in their documentation...
Some people added tags from podcasting 2.0 that never got accepted, and are not even mentionned as proposed anymore (for instance, @… uses podcast:id).
Some publsh enclosures in formats nobody understands (for instance, Peertube publishes m3u8 files...)
This is an incredible mess. And I'll probably add to it by publishing one more incomplete generator 😅
An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation
Wann plant ihr eigentlich zu beweisen, dass es nichts mit Rassismus zu tun hat, wenn schwarze Frauen viel häufiger eine Schwangerschaft nicht überleben, als Weiße aus einer vergleichbaren sozioökonomischen Schicht?
Oder, dass die Ergebnisse des Mailänder Kongresses richtig waren und Gehörlose falsch liegen, dass lautsprachliche Beschulung diskriminierend ist? Nur, damit ich mir das schon mal in den Kalender eintragen kann.
Today I'll give a talk about our #datascience research on bicycle networks at #eurosdr ..with a lump in my throat due to the us news - Now more than ever, we need more research for the interests of *people*, not for states or corporations.
Slides [pdf]:
Classic (2003) #Hackathon
- Fix the stack overflows 🍳
- Add more www to your OS 🔨
- Patch in some groundwork 🚧
- Watch Matrix: Reloaded 😎
- Have BBQ 🔥 Call it a day 🌙
#OpenBSD :openbsd:
Clic Ensemble
Atelier gratuit avec des pros pour vous aider Š mieux comprendre le monde d'internet.
Cette semaine les ateliers seront
👉 Š Migros Romanel 19 septembre 2023
de 14 h 30 - 17 h 30
Merci de partager 🚀
#clicensemble #intergen #Vaud
NERDS clarify AI’s Physics #Nobel
Is it possible to make #apple #macos #timemachine #backup backup automatically twice, once to each
#OTD Am 25.10.2009 verhindern anti-imperialistische Linke in Hamburg die Vorführung des Filmes »Warum Israel« von Claude Lanzmann im Kino B-Movie. Zuschauer*innen werden antisemitisch und homofeindlich beschimpft, einige körperlich attakiert. Eine Zäsur.
At #d3a we just started our session "Networks, data, society and AI" 🥳: https://d3aconference.dk/networks-data-society-and-ai/
Find us in Sal D!
Should one use #hugo to generate a #staticwebsite website on #linux for uploading to a #webserver? Or are th…